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Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for growth in consumers. P‐limitation and parasite infection comprise one of the most common stressor pairs consumers confront in nature. We conducted a life‐table study using a Daphnia–microsporidian parasite model, feeding uninfected or infected Daphnia with either P‐sufficient or P‐limited algae, and assessed the impact of the two stressors on life‐history traits of the host. Both infection and P‐limitation negatively affected some life‐history traits tested. However, under P‐limitation, infected animals had higher juvenile growth rate as compared with uninfected animals. All P‐limited individuals died before maturation, regardless of infection. The numbers of spore clusters of the microsporidian parasite did not differ in P‐limited or P‐sufficient hosts. P‐limitation, but not infection, decreased body phosphorus content and ingestion rates of Daphnia tested in separate experiments. As parasite spore production did not suffer even under extreme P‐limitation, our results suggest that parasite was less limited by P than the host. We discuss possible interpretations concerning the stoichiometrical demands of parasite and suggest that our results are explained by parasite‐driven changes in carbon (C) allocation of the hosts. We conclude that the impact of nutrient starvation and parasite infection on consumers depends not only on the stoichiometric demands of host but also those of the parasite.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus laevis, a fish acanthocephalan parasite, manipulates the behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host to increase its trophic transmission to the definitive host. However, the intensity of behavioural manipulation is variable between individual gammarids and between parasite populations. To elucidate causes of this variability, we compared the level of phototaxis alteration induced by different parasite sibships from one population, using experimental infections of Gammarus pulex by P. laevis. We used a naive gammarid population, and we carried out our experiments in two steps, during spring and winter. Moreover, we also investigated co‐variation between phototaxis (at different stages of infection, ‘young’ and ‘old cystacanth stage’) and two other fitness‐related traits, infectivity and development time. Three main parameters could explain the parasite intra‐population variation in behavioural manipulation. The genetic variation, suggested by the differences between parasite families, was lower than the variation owing to an (unidentified) environmental factor. Moreover, a correlation was found between development rate and the intensity of behavioural change, the fastest growing parasites being unable to induce rapid phototaxis reversal. This suggests that parasites cannot optimize at the same time these two important parameters of their fitness, and this could explain a part of the variation observed in the wild.  相似文献   

1. In natural communities, multiple host and parasitoid species are linked to form complex networks of trophic and non‐trophic interactions. Understanding how these networks will respond to global warming is of wide relevance for agriculture and conservation. 2. This study synthesises the emerging evidence surrounding host–parasitoid networks in the context of global warming. The suite of direct and indirect interaction types within host–parasitoid networks is summarised, as well as their sensitivity to temperature changes. The study also compiles and reviews studies investigating the responses of whole host–parasitoid networks to increasing temperatures or proxy variables. The findings reveal there is limited evidence overall for the prediction that parasitism will be reduced under global warming: approximately equal numbers of studies show elevated and reduced parasitism. 3. Increasingly, endosymbiotic bacteria are recognised as influential mediators of host–parasitoid interactions. These endosymbionts can change how individual species respond to global warming, and their effects can cascade to affect whole host–parasitoid networks. The evidence that symbiotic bacteria are likely to affect the response of host–parasitoid networks to global warming is reviewed. Symbionts can protect hosts from their parasitoids or influence thermal tolerance of their host species. Furthermore, the symbionts themselves can be impacted by global warming. 4. Finally, the study considers the most promising avenues for future research into the mechanisms structuring host–parasitoid networks in the context of global warming. Alongside the increasing availability of modern molecular methods to document the structure of real, species‐rich host–parasitoid networks, the study highlights the utility of manipulative experiments and mathematical models.  相似文献   

Chuan Yan  Zhibin Zhang 《Oikos》2019,128(8):1147-1157
Despite the prevalence of context‐dependent interaction transitions in ecological systems, their impacts on persistence and interaction diversity have scarcely been explored in complex ecological networks. By using multispecies bi‐directional and unidirectional consumer–resource models, representing a continuum of interaction transitions (sign change of interaction outcomes), we investigated the effects of structural interaction transitions on persistence (the fraction of remaining species) and long‐term interaction outcomes in random ecological networks. We found that high interaction strength of exploiting resources generally decreased persistence, and high strength of providing resources increased persistence when the strength of exploiting resources was low in more complex networks; also, the networks with high persistence had a high proportion of mutualistic interactions relative to antagonistic interactions present initially and over the long term. The shifting of interaction strengths shaped the long‐term interaction compositions. Meanwhile, population dynamics, especially species extinction, affected the difference between initial and long‐term interactions. Based on classical consumer–resource theory, these results establish a transitional continuum of interaction outcomes in ecological networks and imply a theoretical association among interaction transition, community persistence and interaction diversity.  相似文献   

It was suggested that parasite infections become more severe with rising temperature, as expected during global warming. In ectothermic systems, the growth of a parasite and therefore its reproductive capacity is expected to increase with temperature. However, the outcome of the interaction depends on the temperature optima of both host and parasite. Here we used experimental infections of three‐spined stickleback fish Gasterosteus aculeatus with its specific tapeworm parasite Schistocephalus solidus to investigate in detail the temperature optima for both host and parasite. We analyzed the fitness consequences thereof, focusing on growth and immunity of the host, and growth and offspring production of the parasite as fitness correlates. We checked for potential differences among populations, using the offspring of hosts and parasites derived from four study sites in Iceland, Germany and Spain that differ in average annual temperature ranging between 4.8°C and 18.4°C. We found differences in temperature optima of host and parasites that were quite consistent across the populations: while sticklebacks grew faster and had higher immune activity at low temperatures, the parasites did not even grow fast enough to reach sexual maturity in these conditions. By contrast, with increasing temperatures, parasite growth, egg production and offspring hatching increased strongly while host immunity and growth were impaired. Our results show that divergent temperature optima of hosts and parasites can have drastic fitness consequences and support the expectation that some parasites will benefit from global warming.  相似文献   

Resistance and tolerance are considered to be different plant strategies against disease. While resistance traits prevent hosts becoming parasitized or reduce the extent of parasitism, tolerance traits reduce the fitness-impact of parasitism on infected hosts. Theoretical considerations predict that in some circumstances mutual redundancy will give hosts with either high resistance or high tolerance a fitness advantage over hosts that exhibit both of these traits together. However, empirical evidence has provided mixed results. In this paper, I describe the pattern of phenotypic selection imposed by the holoparasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus upon resistance (spine length) and tolerance (branching) traits in the cactus Echinopsis chilensis. Results indicate that branching was an efficient compensatory mechanism, reducing 75.5% of the fitness-impact attributable to parasitism. Even though both traits showed a negative correlation, as expected from the presence of allocation costs between strategies, no correlational selection coefficient was significant indicating that selection did not favor alternative combinations of traits. Consequently, I did not find evidence for selection promoting mutually exclusive defense strategies against the mistletoe, which suggests that tolerance and resistance traits may coexist stably in populations of E. chilensis.  相似文献   

Whitney Preisser 《Ecography》2019,42(7):1315-1330
The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG), or the trend of higher species richness at lower latitudes, has been well documented in multiple groups of free‐living organisms. Investigations of the LDG in parasitic organisms are comparatively scarce. Here, I investigated latitudinal patterns of parasite diversity by reviewing published studies and by conducting a novel investigation of the LDG of helminths (parasitic nematodes, trematodes and cestodes) of cricetid rodents (Rodentia: Cricetidae). Using host–parasite records from 175 parasite communities and 60 host species, I tested for the presence and direction of a latitudinal pattern of helminth richness. Additionally, I examined four abiotic factors (mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, annual temperature range and annual precipitation range) and two biotic variables (host body mass and host diet) as potential correlates of parasite richness. The analyses were performed with and without phylogenetic comparative methods, as necessary. In this system, helminths followed the traditional LDG, with increasing species richness with decreasing latitude. Nematode richness appeared to drive this pattern, as cestodes and trematodes exhibited a reverse LDG and no latitudinal pattern, respectively. Overall helminth richness and nematode richness were higher in areas with higher mean annual temperatures, annual precipitation and annual precipitation ranges and lower annual temperature ranges, characteristics that often typify lower latitudes. Cestode richness was higher in areas of lower mean annual temperatures, annual precipitation and annual precipitation ranges and higher annual temperature ranges, while trematode richness showed no relationship with climate variables when phylogenetic comparative methods were used. Host diet was significantly correlated with cestode and trematode species richness, while host body mass was significantly correlated with nematode species richness. Results of this study support a complex association between parasite richness and latitude, and indicate that researchers should carefully consider other factors when trying to understand diversity gradients in parasitic organisms.  相似文献   

Antagonistic co‐evolution between hosts and parasites (reciprocal selection for resistance and infectivity) is hypothesized to play an important role in host range expansion by selecting for novel infectivity alleles, but tests are lacking. Here, we determine whether experimental co‐evolution between a bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25) and a phage (SBW25Φ2) affects interstrain host range: the ability to infect different strains of P. fluorescens other than SBW25. We identified and tested a genetically and phenotypically diverse suite of co‐evolved phage variants of SBW25Φ2 against both sympatric and allopatric co‐evolving hosts (P. fluorescens SBW25) and a large set of other P. fluorescens strains. Although all co‐evolved phage had a greater host range than the ancestral phage and could differentially infect co‐evolved variants of P. fluorescens SBW25, none could infect any of the alternative P. fluorescens strains. Thus, parasite generalism at one genetic scale does not appear to affect generalism at other scales, suggesting fundamental genetic constraints on parasite adaptation for this virus.  相似文献   

According to the Red Queen hypothesis, hosts and pathogens are engaged in an escalating coevolutionary arms race between resistance and virulence. However, the vast majority of symbionts colonize their hosts' mucosal compartments without triggering any immune response, resulting in durable commensal associations. Here, I propose a simple extension of previous mathematical models for antagonistic coevolution in which the host can mount a delayed immune response; in response, the symbiont can change its virulence following this activation. Even though the levels of virulence in both phases are assumed to be genetically determined, this simple form of plasticity can select for commensal associations. In particular, coevolution can result in hosts that do not activate their immune response, thus preventing phenotypically plastic pathogens from switching to a higher virulence level. I argue that, from the host's point of view, this state is analogous to the mafia behaviour previously described in avian brood parasites. More importantly, this study provides a new hypothesis for the maintenance of a commensal relationship through antagonistic coevolution.  相似文献   

Parasites are ubiquitous and can strongly affect their hosts through mechanisms such as behavioural changes, increased energetic costs and/or immunomodulation. When parasites are detrimental to their hosts, they should act as physiological stressors and elicit the release of glucocorticoids. Alternatively, previously elevated glucocorticoid levels could facilitate parasite infection due to neuroimmunomodulation. However, results are equivocal, with studies showing either positive, negative or no relationship between parasite infection and glucocorticoid levels. Since factors such as parasite type, infection severity or host age and sex can influence the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship, we review the main mechanisms driving this relationship. We then perform a phylogenetic meta‐analysis of 110 records from 65 studies in mammalian hosts from experimental and observational studies to quantify the general direction of this relationship and to identify ecological and methodological drivers of the observed variability. Our review produced equivocal results concerning the direction of the relationship, but there was stronger support for a positive relationship, although causality remained unclear. Mechanisms such as host manipulation for parasite survival, host response to infection, cumulative effects of multiple stressors, and neuro‐immunomodulatory effects of glucocorticoids could explain the positive relationship. Our meta‐analysis results revealed an overall positive relationship between glucocorticoids and parasitism among both experimental and observational studies. Because all experimental studies included were parasite manipulations, we conclude that parasites caused in general an increase in glucocorticoid levels. To obtain a better understanding of the directionality of this link, experimental manipulation of glucocorticoid levels is now required to assess the causal effects of high glucocorticoid levels on parasite infection. Neither parasite type, the method used to assess parasite infection nor phylogeny influenced the relationship, and there was no evidence for publication bias. Future studies should attempt to be as comprehensive as possible, including moderators potentially influencing the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship. We particularly emphasise the importance of testing hosts of a broad age range, concomitantly measuring sex hormone levels or at least reproductive status, and for observational studies, also considering food availability, host body condition and social stressors to obtain a better understanding of the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds, their foster species and their ectoparasites form a complex coevolving system composed of three hierarchical levels. However, effects of hosts’ brood parasitic life‐style on the evolution of their louse (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) lineages have never been tested. We present two phylogenetic analyses of ectoparasite richness of brood parasitic clades. Our hypothesis was that brood parasitic life‐style affects louse richness negatively across all avian clades due to the lack of vertical transmission routes. Then, narrowing our scope to brood parasitic cuckoos, we explored macroevolutionary factors responsible for the variability of their louse richness. Our results show that taxonomic richness of lice is lower on brood parasitic clades than on their nonparasitic sister clades. However, we found a positive covariation between the richness of cuckoos’ Ischnoceran lice and the number of their foster species, possibly due to the complex and dynamic subpopulation structure of cuckoo species that utilize several host species. We documented diversity interactions across a three‐level host parasite system and we found evidence that brood parasitism has opposing effects on louse richness at two slightly differing macroevolutionary scales, namely the species richness and the genera richness.  相似文献   

Consumer–resource interactions are fundamental components of ecological communities. Classic features of consumer–resource models are that temporal dynamics are often cyclic, with a ¼‐period lag between resource and consumer population peaks. However, there are few published empirical examples of this pattern. Here, we show that many published examples of consumer–resource cycling show instead patterns indicating eco‐evolutionary dynamics. When prey evolve along a trade‐off between defence and competitive ability, two‐species consumer–resource cycles become longer and antiphase (half‐period lag, so consumer maxima coincide with minima of the resource species). Using stringent criteria, we identified 21 two‐species consumer–resource time series, published between 1934 and 1997, suitable to investigate for eco‐evolutionary dynamics. We developed a statistical method to probe for a transition from classic to eco‐evolutionary cycles, and find evidence for eco‐evolutionary type cycles in about half of the studies. We show that rapid prey evolution is the most likely explanation for the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Hosts experiencing frequent variation in density are thought to benefit from allocating more resources to parasite defence when density is high (‘density‐dependent prophylaxis’). However, high density conditions can increase intra‐specific competition and induce physiological stress, hence increasing host susceptibility to infection (‘crowding‐stress hypothesis’). 2. We studied monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and quantified the effects of larval rearing density on susceptibility to the protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha. Larvae were inoculated with parasite spores and reared at three density treatments: low, moderate, and high. We examined the effects of larval density on parasite loads, host survival, development rates, body size, and wing melanism. 3. Results showed an increase in infection probability with greater larval density. Monarchs in the moderate and high density treatments also suffered the greatest negative effects of parasite infection on body size, development rate, and adult longevity. 4. We observed greater body sizes and shorter development times for monarchs reared at moderate densities, and this was true for both unparasitised and parasite‐treated monarchs. We hypothesise that this effect could result from greater larval feeding rates at moderate densities, combined with greater physiological stress at the highest densities. 5. Although monarch larvae are assumed to occur at very low densities in the wild, an analysis of continent‐wide monarch larval abundance data showed that larval densities can reach high levels in year‐round resident populations and during the late phase of the breeding season. Treatment levels used in our experiment captured ecologically‐relevant variation in larval density observed in the wild.  相似文献   

Many biological networks can maintain their function against single gene loss. However, the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for such robustness remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that antagonistic host–parasite interactions can act as a selective pressure driving the emergence of robustness against gene loss. Using a model of host signaling networks and simulating their coevolution with parasites that interfere with network function, we find that networks evolve both redundancy and specific architectures that allow them to maintain their response despite removal of proteins. We show that when the parasite pressure is removed, subsequent evolution can lead to loss of redundancy while architecture‐based robustness is retained. Contrary to intuition, increased parasite virulence hampers evolution of robustness by limiting the generation of population level diversity in the host. However, when robustness emerges under high virulence, it tends to be stronger. These findings predict an increased presence of robustness mechanisms in biological networks operating under parasite interference. Conversely, the presence of such mechanisms could indicate current or past parasite interference.  相似文献   

Patterns of specialization and the structure of interactions between bats and ectoparasitic flies have been studied mostly on non-urban environments and at local scales. Thus, how anthropogenic disturbances influence species interactions and network structure in this system remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated patterns of interaction between Phyllostomidae bats and ectoparasitic Streblidae flies, and variations in network specialization and structure across Cerrado patches within urbanized landscapes in Brazil and between local and regional scales. We found high similarity in the richness and composition of bat and fly species across communities, associated with low turnover of interactions between networks. The high specialization of bat–streblid interactions resulted in little connected and modular networks, with the emergence of modules containing subsets of species that interact exclusively or primarily with each other. Such similarities in species and interaction composition and network structure across communities and scales suggest that bat–fly interactions within Cerrado patches are little affected by the degree of human modification in the surrounding matrix. This remarkable consistency is likely promoted by specific behaviors, the tolerance of Phyllostomidae bats to surrounding urbanized landscapes as well as by the specificity of the streblid–bat interactions shaped over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Parasitism is considered a major selective force in natural host populations. Infections can decrease host condition and vigour, and potentially influence, for example, host population dynamics and behavior such as mate choice. We studied parasite infections of two common marine fish species, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) and the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), in the brackish water Northern Baltic Sea. We were particularly interested in the occurrence of parasite taxa located in central sensory organs, such as eyes, potentially affecting fish behavior and mate choice. We found that both fish species harbored parasite communities dominated by taxa transmitted to fish through aquatic invertebrates. Infections also showed significant spatiotemporal variation. Trematodes in the eyes were very few in some locations, but infection levels were higher among females than males, suggesting differences in exposure or resistance between the sexes. To test between these hypotheses, we experimentally exposed male and female sand gobies to infection with the eye fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. These trials showed that the fish became readily infected and females had higher parasite numbers, supporting higher susceptibility of females. Eye fluke infections also caused high cataract intensities among the fish in the wild. Our results demonstrate the potential of these parasites to influence host condition and visual abilities, which may have significant implications for survival and mate choice in goby populations.  相似文献   

Parasites with heteroxen cycles are important sources of information on the trophic relations of hosts. This is particularly instructive for species whose age‐based or sex‐based differences are hardly detected by behavioural observations. Here, we describe the helminth community of the omnivorous southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) and evaluate whether it is affected by the host's sex, age and body size. The species is sexually monomorphic in body length, but males are slightly heavier than females. We analysed 112 individuals collected in Curitiba, Brazil, in March 2010. All hosts were parasitized. The helminth community was composed of 10 species (the digeneans Leucochloridium parcum and Athesmia sp., the cestode Infula macrophallus, the acantocephalans Plagiorhynchus sp., Centrorhynchus sp., Mediorhynchus sp., and an unidentified Gigantorhynchida, and the nematodes Heterakis psophiae, Dispharynx nasuta and an unidentified Capillariidae), seven of which were novel reports for this host species. Prevalence ranged from <1% to 99%. Whereas I. macrophallus was the most prevalent species, D. nasuta showed the highest mean intensity and abundance of infection. The former was found in most hosts as single male–female pairs, suggesting the occurrence of intrasexual competition. The infracommunities of juvenile birds showed a higher parasite species richness than those of adult males and females, suggesting the exploitation of a wider array of prey. However, the three classes harboured seven parasite species. Differences in parasite diversity (lower in juveniles, intermediate in adult males and higher in adult females) reflect the evenness in the distribution of parasite specimens among taxa in each age–sex class and are compatible with differences in their foraging strategy. Finally, we conclude based on the cycles of the heteroxen species that southern lapwings preyed upon molluscs, coleopterans, woodlice and earthworms.  相似文献   

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