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A population of mountain pygmy‐possums Burramys parvus was studied at the Mount Blue Cow ski resort in Kosciuszko National Park between 1986 and 1989. Forty‐eight individuals were radiotracked during the snow‐free months and 21 individuals were tracked during winter over the 3 years of study. Trapping and radiotracking showed that the density, population structure, movements and home range sizes of B. parvus on Mount Blue Cow were strongly correlated with elevation and changed with the season. Female densities were greatest in habitats characterized by deep boulderfields, at high elevations with an abundance of Bogong moths. Males visited the areas where females were located to breed in November–December and then by February, the majority migrated to lower elevations or north and westerly aspects. Females that nested at lower elevations also visited high‐elevation habitats to access the high concentrations of Bogong moths, which were the main food source in summer. A high proportion of the juvenile males and some juvenile females dispersed to lower elevations in March and April. The resulting sexual segregation during autumn and winter may be a result of female aggression or scramble competition, but is also explainable by differences in energy requirements, seed availability and hibernation strategies between the sexes. The extraordinarily large nightly and seasonal movements between habitat patches of up to 2 km for females and 3 km for males, sexual segregation and the use of different hibernation sites have important implications for the management of this species. These include the need for movement and dispersal corridors and the conservation of boulder‐heath habitats outside the main boulderfields.  相似文献   

The endemic mountain pygmy‐possum, Burramys parvus, is an endangered Australian marsupial restricted to mainland alpine regions. Population structure, breeding system and gene flow are crucial for the development of effective conservation strategies, but have not been investigated in B. parvus. Here we have isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite markers from B. parvus to investigate these parameters. We found two to 12 alleles with observed heterozygosity values ranging from 0.321 to 0.878 for these loci in initial estimates from a single population.  相似文献   

The Australian alpine region harbours a wide range of species, many of which are endemic and of high conservation value. Among these species, the endangered mountain pygmy‐possum, Burramys parvus, is of particular interest because this specialized marsupial is highly sensitive to extreme temperatures. The selection of microhabitats by B. parvus is a critical but poorly understood element of its biological characteristics. To understand the microhabitat preferences of B. parvus, we performed detailed investigations of the thermal properties of alpine boulder fields. The selection of a preferred microclimate was demonstrated by comparing temperatures and environmental conditions in preferred and non‐preferred boulder fields. The variability of the daily temperature depended on the depth at which measurements were made within the boulder fields. Temperatures were more stable as depth increased. The results suggest that B. parvus prefers to occupy deep boulder fields at high elevations with good rock structure (small rock and cavity size with multiple layers) and long snow duration because these boulder fields can provide a favourable microclimate. At 1 m depth, the maximum temperatures in the hottest part of the year were 1.27°C cooler in preferred compared to non‐preferred boulder fields. In the coldest part of the year, immediately following the melting of persistent snow cover, the minimum temperatures at a depth of 1 m were 1.67°C warmer in preferred compared to non‐preferred boulder fields. On average, the snow duration was 27 days greater in the boulder fields preferred by B. parvus than in non‐preferred boulder fields. Our results emphasize the value of boulder field microhabitats as thermal refuges for small mammals in rocky habitats within alpine environments in the light of continuing habitat loss and climate change.  相似文献   

In endangered mammals, levels of genetic variation are often low and this is accompanied by genetic divergence among populations. The mountain pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) is an endangered marsupial restricted to the alpine region of Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. By scoring variation at eight microsatellite loci, we found that B. parvus populations exhibit high levels of genetic divergence and fall into three distinct groups from the northern, central and southern areas of the distribution of this species, consistent with previous assessments of mitochondrial DNA variation. F(ST) values between populations from these regions ranged from 0.19 to 0.54. Within the central area, there was further genetic fragmentation, and a linear association between genetic and geographical distance. This pattern is likely to reflect limited dispersal across barriers despite the fact that individual B. parvus can move several kilometres. Levels of genetic variation within populations were high with the exception of a southern population where there was evidence of inbreeding. From a conservation perspective, all three areas where B. parvus are found should be considered as separate gene pools; management of populations within these areas needs to take into account the low gene flow between populations, as well as threats posed by roads, resorts and other developments in the alpine region. The low genetic variability and inbreeding in the southern population is of particular concern given the high levels of variability in other B. parvus populations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbance has resulted in a global reduction in the abundance of mature, hollow‐bearing trees. Nest boxes have long been used to provide supplementary shelter sites in revegetated and regenerating landscapes, but limitations in their effectiveness when offsetting the loss of mature trees has led to increased interest in novel designs of artificial hollows. For example, mechanically excavating cavities into the trunk or branches of trees. However, the effectiveness of artificial hollows in attracting wildlife to visit small‐ or medium‐sized, growing trees in human‐disturbed landscapes has received little attention. In this study, we installed chainsaw hollows that were designed for small, hollow‐dependent mammals and birds into the trunks of live medium‐sized trees. We conducted a before‐after control‐impact experiment using passive camera traps to monitor changes in visitations by wildlife to (1) mature hollow‐bearing trees, (2) developing trees without hollows (i.e. control trees), and (3) developing trees with newly installed chainsaw hollows. We found that, compared to large hollow‐bearing trees and control trees, the developing trees that were selected for chainsaw hollow construction showed the greatest visitation rates by hollow‐dependent wildlife (i.e. number of visits) during the “post‐impact” surveys. Our results suggest that chainsaw hollows designed to replicate the external physical characteristics of natural tree hollows could be effective in attracting target hollow‐dependent fauna to developing trees in regenerating and revegetated landscapes. Further studies are required to compare the effectiveness of natural hollows, chainsaw hollows, and nest boxes when deployed in a range of human‐disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

祁连山国家公园青海片区山水林田湖草的时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁连山国家公园被确定为我国国家公园体制试点之后,对其生态环境保护、管制、修复提出了更高、更精准的要求.基于1980-2018年遥感影像数据,构建山水林田湖草空间信息格局图谱,分析祁连山国家公园青海片区一般控制区和核心保护区山水林田湖草的时空分异特征.结果 表明:研究期间,草地是公园主体景观,面积为8174.93 km2...  相似文献   

Climatic change may alter vegetation composition and structure, but the response to climatic change can be expected to be spatially heterogeneous. Tree populations in the alpine forest–tundra ecotone, for example, may find only certain locations to be favourable for regeneration and growth. If monitoring and detection of vegetation responses to climatic change is to be most successful, the monitoring system must be tuned to the locations where a response is most likely. We used the grass geographical information system ( gis ) to map population parameters indicating potential change throughout the forest–tundra ecotone (FTE) of Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). Seedling density in patch forest and krummholz openings, as well as annual krummholz height growth, were measured in the field. These parameters were then modelled over the heterogeneity of the FTE environment, using principle components regression analysis. The grass gis was used to extrapolate the resulting predictive equations to the entire RMNP FTE. Potential FTE responses to climate change were evaluated in the context of species-specific differences in how tree seedling density and krummholz height growth are associated with the present environment. For example, climate change leading towards moister conditions, causing currently xeric environments to become more mesic, might increase the spatial extent of existing tree invasion into patch forest openings. This would increase the potential for widespread conversion of patch forest to closed forest. Present population parameters extrapolated spatially may provide a useful guide to where future change is likely.  相似文献   

2016年6月-2017年5月,采用红外相机陷阱法研究了四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区兔狲Otocolobus manul的活动节律,以样线法和红外相机调查得到的兔狲分布点为数据源,采用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型预测了兔狲的适宜栖息地分布。结果显示:(1)兔狲分布在海拔3 780~4 956 m的灌丛、草甸和流石滩生境,其中87.2%的分布点位于海拔4 500 m以上;(2)日活动差异指数为0.071 2,昼行性指数为0.34,兔狲的活动高峰为05∶00-07∶00和20∶00-22∶00;(3)增强型植被指数2年最大值均值、海拔、平均日较差和气温年较差是影响兔狲栖息地选择的主要环境因子,兔狲偏好在海拔4 000 m以上、温差较大的高山流石滩生境活动,保护区兔狲的适宜栖息地面积为187 km^2,占保护区总面积的4.56%。本研究充实了兔狲的生物学、生态学资料,也为该物种的保护管理提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

Baboons are the most successful and ubiquitous African primates, renowned for their behavioral and reproductive flexibility, which enable them to inhabit a wide variety of habitat types. Owing to a number of long‐term field studies, comparative behavioral, developmental, demographic, and life‐history data are available from several populations, but study sites show a heavy bias toward South and East African savannahs, with little research in West or Central Africa. Life‐history data from such areas are important if we are fully to understand the nature of the environmental factors that limit baboon distribution. Here, we present demographic data for olive baboons at Gashaka‐Gumti National Park (GGNP), Nigeria, collected from December 2000–February 2006, and use these data to test comparative models of baboon life‐history. The GGNP habitat, which includes large areas of rainforest, is an environment in which baboons are little studied, and rainfall is much higher than at previous study sites. GGNP troop size data are presented from censuses, as well as life‐history data for two troops, one of which is within the park and wild‐feeding (Kwano troop), whereas the other dwells at the park edge, and supplements its diet by crop‐raiding (Gamgam troop). Troop sizes at GGNP are small compared with other field sites, but fit within previously suggested ranges for baboons under these climatic conditions. Inter‐birth intervals in Kwano troop were long compared with most studied populations, and values were not as predicted by comparative models. Consistent with known effects of food enhancement, Gamgam troop experienced shorter inter‐birth intervals and lower infant mortality than Kwano troop. We indicate some possible factors that exclude baboons from true rainforest, and suggest that the clearing of forests in Central and West Africa for agricultural land may allow baboons to extend their range into regions from which they are currently excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:293–304, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bat boxes frequently form part of hollow‐bearing tree offsets; however, their effectiveness is poorly documented. We investigated the effectiveness of a bat box program designed to partially offset tree hollow loss from clearing for a coal mine. During the first year of monitoring, we detected bats in 5% of 1,308 box checks. Only 3 of 13 local tree cavity‐roosting bat species/species groups used boxes and occupancy was not strongly associated with modeled box and site attributes. In the second year, we tested two hypotheses that may explain the relatively low box use: (1) solar exposure of boxes was inadequate for heterothermic bats and (2) available box designs were of low suitability. Relocating boxes to increase solar exposure did not increase use, or enhance the temperature profiles of relocated boxes. Introduction of a new box design led to 11 times higher use compared with existing designs for Nyctophilus spp. (long‐eared bat). Overall, our data suggest that the bat box program was ineffective due to few bat species using boxes, infrequent box use by three species, and rarity of maternity roosting. The knowledge gap of species‐specific box designs and roosting ecology limits the effectiveness of boxes to offset cleared hollow‐bearing trees. Lack of knowledge and the widespread use of bat boxes to offset lost tree hollows highlights the need to (1) rigorously protect hollow‐bearing trees and (2) advance our understanding of species‐specific roost ecology, box design preferences and mechanical hollow creation into trees, before artificial hollows can be considered a meaningful offset measure.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences need to be understood if species are to be adequately managed or conserved. Habitat preferences are presumed to reflect requirements for food, shelter and breeding, as well as interactions with predators and competitors. However, one or more of these requirements may dominate. Tree‐cavity‐dependent wildlife species are one example where shelter or breeding site requirements may dominate. We installed 120 nest boxes across 40 sites to target the vulnerable Brush‐tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and the non‐threatened Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). The provision of shelter sites where few of quality are available may enable better resolution of habitat preferences. Over three years, we observed the Brush‐tailed Phascogale at 17 sites, whereas the Sugar Glider was observed at 39 sites. We tested four broad hypotheses (H1–H4) relating to habitat that may influence occupancy by these species. There was no influence of hollow (cavity) abundance (H1) on either species suggesting our nest boxes had satisfied their shelter requirements. There was no influence of habitat structure (canopy and tree proximity) (H2) immediately around the nest box trees. We found no influence of distance to the forest edge (H3). Variables at and away from the nest box site that appear to reflect foraging substrates (H4) were influential on the Brush‐tailed Phascogale. Sugar Glider occupancy was only influenced by a single variable at the nest box site. The lack of influence of any other variables is consistent with the very high occupancy observed, suggesting most of the forest habitat is suitable when shelter sites are available. We found no evidence that the Sugar Glider reduced site use by the Brush‐tailed Phascogale.  相似文献   

祁连山国家公园作为西北地区重要的生态安全屏障和水源涵养地,研究其植被变化对西北地区的生态安全具有重要意义。基于2000—2019年祁连山国家公园的MOD17A3遥感数据,利用一元线性回归、偏相关分析、多元线性回归和残差分析等方法,分析了祁连山国家公园植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时空态势及其与降水、气温和人类活动的相关性,在此基础上量化气候变化和人类活动对植被NPP的影响。结果表明:(1)2000—2019年祁连山国家公园植被NPP整体呈波动上升趋势,且空间上呈东高西低的分布格局,其多年平均值为113.14 g C m-2 a-1,年均增长量达1.41 g C m-2 a-1;(2)植被NPP与降水、气温均呈正相关,其中降水对植被NPP影响更为显著;(3)人类活动区植被NPP总体呈增加趋势,与2016年相比,2019年人类活动区植被NPP增加的面积占87%,植被NPP降低的面积占13%;(4)在植被恢复区,气候变化和人类活动对植被恢复分别解释了92%和8%;在植被退化区,气候变化和人类活动对植被退化分...  相似文献   

祁连山地区是中国乃至全球雪豹(Panthera Unica)分布最集中、种群密度最高的地区之一,该地区的雪豹科学保护对于全球雪豹种群具有重要意义。了解祁连山国家公园牧民对雪豹保护的态度认知、探究影响牧民对雪豹保护态度的主要因素,对于保护国家公园生态系统的原真性、促进人与野生动物和谐共处具有重要意义。基于半结构式访谈对祁连山国家公园牧民进行了随机抽样调查,结果表明:(1)受访者认为狼(n=34, 91.89%)和雪豹(n=16, 43.24%)是最重要的两种致害野生动物;(2)所有受访者对雪豹保护均持积极态度;(3)受访者认为野生动物捕杀(n=14, 50.00%)和草场退化(n=9, 32.14%)是家畜面临的两大威胁因素;(4)“雪豹捕杀家畜”和“为家畜购买商业保险”是影响牧民对雪豹保护态度的关键因素(P<0.05)。为促进人与野生动物长期共存,需要各级政府以国家公园体制建设为契机,进一步加强科学研究,制定更加科学合理的野生动物保护与管理措施。  相似文献   

Fire‐related heat and endozoochory by elephants have independently been found to be important for savanna plant seed germination, yet there is little information on how heat affects germination of elephant‐dispersed seeds. We measured the germination behavior (time to germination and proportion of seeds germinating) of 11 species of seeds extracted from African savanna elephant dung and subjected them to various intensities of heat as a proxy for fire exposure. The effects of heat were inconsistent and varied significantly by species, with some species having increased time to germination in response to heat and others having reduced time to germination. More studies are needed to expand the number of seed species examined and tease apart the interaction between elephant‐mediated endozoochory and fire.  相似文献   

In 2005, South Korea initiated the 15‐year National Eco‐Industrial Park Development Program in three stages to gradually transform aged industrial complexes into eco‐industrial parks (EIPs) by promoting industrial symbiosis (IS). Building upon the pilot experiences from the first 5 years, the second phase of the program focused on the scaling‐up of IS at a broader regional level. Key scaling‐up strategies included the expansion of target areas by connecting multiple industrial complexes, the standardization of processes and dissemination of learning, and the development of large‐scale projects that could contribute to the regional development. In this study, we examined the evolution of IS over the last 10 years between 2005 and 2014, primarily to understand the characteristics and impact of these scaling‐up strategies. Our findings showed that the scale of IS in the second phase had increased in various aspects in comparison to that in the first phase. The number of operating projects had increased from 52 to 159, the number of participating firms increased from 90 to 596, and the average distance of IS increased from 40 to 48 kilometers. The size of economic and environmental benefits also increased along with an increase in the private investment and government research funding. We further analyzed the role of the regional EIP centers as facilitators, how their activities influenced the scaling‐up of IS, and discussed the characteristics of the Korea's approach to IS.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a leading cause of native biodiversity loss. In Australia, the toxic, invasive cane toad Rhinella marina has caused massive and widespread declines of northern quolls Dasyurus hallucatus. Quolls are fatally poisoned if they mistakenly prey on adult toads. To prevent the extinction of this native dasyurid from the Top End, an insurance population was set up in 2003 on two toad‐free islands in Arnhem Land. In 2015, quolls were collected from one of these islands (Astell) for reintroduction. We used conditioned taste aversion to render 22 of these toad‐naïve quolls toad averse. Seven quolls received no taste aversion training. The source island was also predator‐free, so all quolls received very basic predator‐aversion training. In an attempt to re‐establish the mainland population, we reintroduced these 29 northern quolls into Kakadu National Park in northern Australia where cane toads have been established for 13 years. The difference in survival between toad‐averse and toad‐naive quolls was immediately apparent. Toad‐naive quolls were almost all killed by toads within 3 days. Toad‐averse quolls, on the other hand, not only survived longer but also were recorded mating. Our predator training, however, was far less effective. Dingo predation accounted for a significant proportion of toad‐smart quoll mortality. In Kakadu, dingoes have been responsible for high levels of quoll predation in the past and reintroduced animals are often vulnerable to predation‐mediated population extinction. Dingoes may also be more effective predators in fire degraded landscapes. Together, these factors could explain the extreme predation mortality that we witnessed. In addition, predator aversion may have been lost from the predator‐free island populations. These possibilities are not mutually exclusive but need to be investigated because they have clear bearing on the long‐term recovery of the endangered northern quoll.  相似文献   

Trees in the Garden Route National Park (GRNP) indigenous forests in South Africa are selectively harvested for timber based on criteria that include signs and symptoms induced by wood‐rotting fungi. However, virtually nothing is known regarding the identity and host associations of these macro‐fungi in this natural ecosystem. Surveys were conducted in three harvesting compartments in the GRNP to investigate the taxonomic affiliation and species richness of these fungi on standing and recently harvested trees. Samples were collected from basidiomes on infected trees and tree stumps, and from diseased tissues on symptomatic trees. Phylogenetic analyses using ITS sequences characterized the isolates obtained into 26 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belonging to 17 genera after clustering the sequences at a 97% identity threshold. Ganoderma (Ganodermataceae) and Inonotus (Hymenochaetaceae) were the most species‐rich genera and the Bloukrans compartment, with 22 OTUs, showed the highest species richness. A fungus (OTU1) affiliated with Ganoderma pfeifferi was the most abundant in the surveyed areas. Its predominance was also evidenced on host trees since it occurred on 15 of the 20 tree species sampled, with Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa (Oleaceae) being the most colonized host. Given the wide variety of wood‐rotting basidiomycetes revealed by this study and particularly the preponderance of species with pathogenic potential, more attention should be given to better understand their ecological role in this natural ecosystem as well as the effects of logging that may enhance their dissemination or negatively affect their diversity and the health of trees in the region.  相似文献   

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