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Summary Translocating birds to a new area of habitat to restore or supplement depleted populations may pose a significant threat to the translocated individuals. While for many species, translocated individuals appear to move larger distances than resident animals, species with poor dispersal capacity may be restricted in movements and translocation methods may need to accommodate differences in movements to ensure success. In this study, designed to provide insights to inform our broader programme of translocations in New South Wales, Australia, we investigated post‐release movements in the endangered, semi‐flightless Eastern Bristlebird (Dasyornis brachypterus). We predicted that movements would be minimal, with few differences between males and females, similar to published information for a resident un‐manipulated population. Following the release of 45 birds at a host location at Jervis Bay, NSW, over a 3‐year programme, we followed individuals for up to 2 weeks using radio‐tracking. The translocated birds had larger maximum movements and moved through much larger home ranges than non‐translocated individuals from the resident population. Translocated birds moved 300 m further after release when conspecifics were present. Males moved further than females and tended to have larger home ranges, although average daily displacement did not differ. We concluded that the semi‐flightlessness of the species does not result in minimal movements. Release at a small number of locations in the new habitat was considered appropriate for the species, as animals seem to move enough to find new unoccupied areas in a relatively short period. This work provided us with increasing confidence to continue with further translocations.  相似文献   

Dispersal is increasingly recognized as a process of fundamental importance in population dynamics and other aspects of biology. Concurrently, interest in age‐dependent effects on survival, including actuarial senescence, has increased, especially in studies of long‐lived seabirds. Nevertheless, datasets necessary for studying dispersal and age‐dependent effects are few, as these require simultaneous data collection at two or more sites over many years. We conducted a 22‐year capture‐mark‐recapture study of Common Terns Sterna hirundo at three breeding colonies 10–26 km apart in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA. All birds in the study were of known age (range 2–28 years, median 7 years, = 3290) and 77% were of known sex. Estimates of adult recapture, survival and breeding dispersal rates were obtained for all age‐classes from 2 to 20 years. The model that acquired 100% of the QAICc (Akaike's Information Criterion adjusted for small sample size and overdispersion) weight in our analysis included age‐specificity in all parameters but no relationship with sex. Our study may be the first to demonstrate age‐specificity in recapture, survival and breeding dispersal rates simultaneously, using a single model. Annual rates of breeding dispersal ranged from <0.01 to 0.27, with a population‐weighted mean of 0.065; they decreased with increasing distance between colony sites and, unexpectedly, increased with age. Breeding dispersal did not increase consistently after years with predation on adults or after an attempt to displace birds from an oiled site. Survival rates did not vary among sites or years. Annual adult survival increased from 0.80 in 2‐year‐old birds to a maximum of approximately 0.88 around age 8 years and then declined to 0.76 at age 20 years, yielding strong evidence for actuarial senescence. The peak annual survival rate of 0.88 is at the low end of other estimates for Common Tern and in the lower part of the range recorded for other terns, but total numbers in the three colonies increased seven‐fold during the study. This was part of a slower increase in the regional population, with net immigration into the study colonies. Our results demonstrate the biological significance of breeding dispersal in local population dynamics and age‐related effects on survival and dispersal from a metapopulation of a long‐lived seabird.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dispersal events can affect the distribution, abundance, population structure, and gene flow of animal populations, but little is known about long‐distance movements due to the difficulty of tracking individuals across space. We documented the natal and breeding dispersal of shrubland birds among 13 study sites in a 1000 km2 area in southeastern Ohio. In addition, we radio‐marked and tracked 37 adult males of one shrubland specialist, the Yellow‐breasted Chat (Icteria virens). We banded 1925 juveniles and 2112 adults of nine shrubland species from 2002 to 2005. Of these, 33 (1.7%) juveniles were encountered in subsequent years (2003–2006) as adults (natal dispersal) and 442 (20.9%) birds initially banded as breeding adults were re‐encountered in subsequent years (breeding dispersal). Apparent survival of juvenile shrubland birds on their natal patches was 0.024 (95% CI 0.016–0.036). After accounting for the probability of detection, we found that 21% of birds banded as juveniles and recaptured as adults returned to their natal patches, whereas 78% of adult birds showed fidelity to the patch where they were originally captured. Moreover, natal dispersers tended to move farther than breeding dispersers (corrected natal median = 1.7 km ± 0.37; corrected breeding median = 0.23 km ± 0.10). We used our estimates of natal dispersal and annual apparent survival to estimate true survival at 0.11 (95% CI 0.07–0.18) for juveniles in their first year. However, this estimate was only applicable for birds dispersing within 7 km of their natal patches. Interpatch movements of radio‐marked Yellow‐breasted Chats were not uncommon, with 13 of 37 males located in more than one habitat patch. Overall, we observed low natal philopatry, but high adult site fidelity for shrubland birds in our study area. Considering the frequency of short‐distance movements observed (median = 531 m, range = 88–1045 m), clustering of patches within 1 km might facilitate use of shrubland habitat.  相似文献   

Antarctica is isolated, surrounded by the Southern Ocean and has experienced extreme environmental conditions for millions of years, including during recent Pleistocene glacial maxima. How Antarctic terrestrial species might have survived these glaciations has been a topic of intense interest, yet many questions remain unanswered, particularly for Antarctica's invertebrate fauna. We examine whether genetic data from a widespread group of terrestrial invertebrates, springtails (Collembola, Isotomidae) of the genus Cryptopygus, show evidence for long‐term survival in glacial refugia along the Antarctic Peninsula. We use genome‐wide SNP analyses (via genotyping‐by‐sequencing, GBS) and mitochondrial data to examine population diversity and differentiation across more than 20 sites spanning >950 km on the Peninsula, and from islands both close to the Peninsula and up to ~1,900 km away. Population structure analysis indicates the presence of strong local clusters of diversity, and we infer that patterns represent a complex interplay of isolation in local refugia coupled with occasional successful long‐distance dispersal events. We identified wind and degree days as significant environmental drivers of genetic diversity, with windier and warmer sites hosting higher diversity. Thus, we infer that refugial areas along the Antarctic Peninsula have allowed populations of indigenous springtails to survive in situ throughout glacial periods. Despite the difficulties of dispersal in cold, desiccating conditions, Cryptopygus springtails on the Peninsula appear to have achieved multiple long‐distance colonization events, most likely through wind‐related dispersal events.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(3):191-203
We review whether migratory Anatidae, i.e., swans, geese and ducks, could be acting as vectors for dispersal of Zostera, Ruppia and Potamogeton propagules by endozoochory (carrying seeds in their guts). We list six prerequisites that must all be fulfilled, if successful dispersal should occur. Several Anatidae species feed on these macrophytes, and undertake rapid long-distance movements, making dispersal possible. We identify four problems, which in combination leads us to conclude that long-distance dispersal events are likely to be rare. (i) Most long-distance movements are out of phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants, and if birds arrive at sites when plants still bear seeds, they are likely to depart well after seed stocks have been depleted. (ii) Seed transport by birds will usually be uni-directional, from north to south on autumn migrations. (iii) Most of the gut contents of migratory birds are likely to have been discarded within 300 km of departure. (iv) In many cases, birds will arrive in habitats seriously different from those they departed, i.e., any seeds carried along will have low chances of surviving in their new site. We suggest that northbound dispersal by endozoochory can only occur during spring if waterbirds feed on seeds that have not been depleted and remained frozen down or buried in sediments, or during moult- or post-moult migrations. Moult migration takes place in summer in phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants. Also epizoochorous dispersal (external attachment) is subject to restrictions i, ii and iv.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the rate, distance and direction of dispersal within and among breeding areas is required to understand and predict demographic and genetic connectivity and resulting population and evolutionary dynamics. However dispersal rates, and the full distributions of dispersal distances and directions, are rarely comprehensively estimated across all spatial scales relevant to wild populations. We used re‐sightings of European Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis colour‐ringed as chicks on the Isle of May (IoM), UK, to quantify rates, distances and directions of dispersal from natal to subsequent breeding sites both within IoM (within‐colony dispersal) and across 27 other breeding colonies covering 1045 km of coastline (among‐colony dispersal). Additionally, we used non‐breeding season surveys covering 895 km of coastline to estimate breeding season detection probability and hence potential bias in estimated dispersal parameters. Within IoM, 99.6% of individuals dispersed between their natal and observed breeding nest‐site. The distribution of within‐colony dispersal distances was right‐skewed; mean distance was shorter than expected given random settlement within IoM, yet some individuals dispersed long distances within the colony. The distribution of within‐colony dispersal directions was non‐uniform but did not differ from expectation given the spatial arrangement of nest‐sites. However, 10% of all 460 colour‐ringed adults that were located breeding had dispersed to a different colony. The maximum observed dispersal distance (170 km) was much smaller than the maximum distance surveyed (690 km). The distribution of among‐colony dispersal distances was again right‐skewed. Among‐colony dispersal was directional, and differed from random expectation and from the distribution of within‐colony dispersal directions. Non‐breeding season surveys suggested that the probability of detecting a colour‐ringed adult at its breeding location was high in the northeastern UK (98%). Estimated dispersal rates and distributions were therefore robust to incomplete detection. Overall, these data demonstrate skewed and directionally divergent dispersal distributions across small (within‐colony) and large (among‐colony) scales, indicating that dispersal could create genetic and demographic connectivity within the study area.  相似文献   

Many species with broad distributions are exposed to different thermal regimes which often select for varied phenotypes. This intraspecific variation is often overlooked but may be critical in dictating the vulnerability of different populations to environmental change. We reared Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) eggs from two thermally discrete populations (i.e. Jervis Bay and Adelaide) under each location's present‐day mean temperatures, predicted end‐of‐century temperatures and under reciprocal‐cross conditions to establish intraspecific thermal sensitivity. Rearing temperatures strongly influenced ?O2Max and critical thermal limits, regardless of population, indicative of acclimation processes. However, there were significant population‐level effects, such that Jervis Bay sharks, regardless of rearing temperature, did not exhibit differences in ?O2Rest, but under elevated temperatures exhibited reduced maximum swimming activity with step‐wise increases in temperature. In contrast, Adelaide sharks reared under elevated temperatures doubled their ?O2Rest, relative to their present‐day temperature counterparts; however, maximum swimming activity was not influenced. With respect to reciprocal‐cross comparisons, few differences were detected between Jervis Bay and Adelaide sharks reared under ambient Jervis Bay temperatures. Similarly, juveniles (from both populations) reared under Adelaide conditions had similar thermal limits and swimming activity (maximum volitional velocity and distance) to each other, indicative of conserved acclimation capacity. However, under Adelaide temperatures, the ?O2Rest of Jervis Bay sharks was greater than that of Adelaide sharks. This indicates that the energetics of cooler water population (Adelaide) is likely more thermally sensitive than that of the warmer population (Jervis Bay). While unique to elasmobranchs, these data provide further support that by treating species as static, homogeneous populations, we ignore the impacts of thermal history and intraspecific variation on thermal sensitivity. With climate change, intraspecific variation will manifest as populations move, demographics change or extirpations occur, starting with the most sensitive populations.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal is pervasive and has diverse evolutionary implications, but the fundamental drivers of dispersal sex biases remain unresolved. This is due in part to limited diversity within taxonomic groups in the direction of dispersal sex biases, which leaves hypothesis testing critically dependent upon identifying rare reversals of taxonomic norms. Here, we use a combination of observational and genetic data to demonstrate a rare reversal of the avian sex bias in dispersal in the cooperatively breeding white‐browed sparrow weaver (Plocepasser mahali). Direct observations revealed that (i) natal philopatry was rare, with both sexes typically dispersing locally to breed, and (ii), unusually for birds, males bred at significantly greater distances from their natal group than females. Population genetic analyses confirmed these patterns, as (i) corrected Assignment index (AIc), FST tests and isolation‐by‐distance metrics were all indicative of longer dispersal distances among males than females, and (ii) spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated stronger within‐group genetic structure among females than males. Examining the spatial scale of extra‐group mating highlighted that the resulting ‘sperm dispersal’ could have acted in concert with individual dispersal to generate these genetic patterns, but gamete dispersal alone cannot account entirely for the sex differences in genetic structure observed. That leading hypotheses for the evolution of dispersal sex biases cannot readily account for these sex‐reversed patterns of dispersal in white‐browed sparrow weavers highlights the continued need for attention to alternative explanations for this enigmatic phenomenon. We highlight the potential importance of sex differences in the distances over which dispersal opportunities can be detected.  相似文献   

Athrey G  Lance RF  Leberg PL 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(17):4359-4370
Understanding the interplay of dispersal and how it translates into gene flow is key to understanding population processes, and especially so for endangered species occupying fragmented habitats. In migratory songbirds, there is evidence that long‐distance movement capabilities do not translate well into observed dispersal. Our objectives were to (i) define the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure in endangered black‐capped vireos to characterize dispersal patterns and (ii) to correlate dispersal dynamics to overall population genetic structure using a simulation approach. We sampled 160 individuals over 2 years to (i) describe the fine‐scale genetic structuring and (ii) used this information to model scenarios to compare with actual data on change in population structuring over a 100‐year interval. We found that black‐capped vireos exhibit male philopatry and restricted dispersal distances, relative to females. Our simulations also support a sex‐biased dispersal model. Additionally, we find that fragmentation related changes in rates of dispersal might be a likely cause for increasing levels of population structure over a 100‐year period. We show that restricted sex‐biased dispersal can explain population structuring in this species and that changes in dispersal rates due to fragmentation may be a continuing threat to genetic viability in this species.  相似文献   

Corynephorus canescens (L.) P.Beauv. is an outbreeding, short‐lived and wind‐dispersed grass species, highly specialised on scattered and disturbance‐dependent habitats of open sandy sites. Its distribution ranges from the Iberian Peninsula over Atlantic regions of Western and Central Europe, but excludes the two other classical European glacial refuge regions on the Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas. To investigate genetic patterns of this uncommon combination of ecological and biogeographic species characteristics, we analysed AFLP variation among 49 populations throughout the European distribution range, expecting (i) patterns of SW European glacial refugia and post‐glacial expansion to the NE; (ii) decreasing genetic diversity from central to marginal populations; and (iii) interacting effects of high gene flow and disturbance‐driven genetic drift. Decreasing genetic diversity from SW to NE and distinct gene pool clustering imply refugia on the Iberian Peninsula and in western France, from where range expansion originated towards the NE. High genetic diversity within and moderate genetic differentiation among populations, and a significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance indicate a gene flow drift equilibrium within C. canescens, probably due to its restriction to scattered and dynamic habitats and limited dispersal distances. These features, as well as the re‐colonisation history, were found to affect genetic diversity gradients from central to marginal populations. Our study emphasises the need for including the specific ecology into analyses of species (re–)colonisation histories and range centre–margin analyses. To account for discontinuous distributions, new indices of marginality were tested for their suitability in studies of centre–periphery gradients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Dispersal is a critical link between organismal and population biology, yet, because of their mobility, our understanding of the causes and consequences of long-distance dispersal by birds remains poorly known. Methods used to study dispersal include (1) marking and recapturing individuals in a limited study area to estimate survival and dispersal rates, and (2) relying on volunteers to mark and recapture individuals over larger areas. We compared these two methods for measuring dispersal distances of Tree Swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ) using recapture data from a limited-area study in New York State (the Swallow Dispersal Study, SDS) and the recapture dataset from the U.S. Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). Analysis of BBL records revealed a difference in the dispersal distance distributions (DDD) for data reported before and after 1967. In the earlier data, 84% of the 238 records were for birds within 13.6 km of their first banding location, whereas only 22% of the 799 records in the more recent data were reported in this closest distance belt. These differences are almost certainly due to changes in reporting protocols instituted by the BBL in the mid-1960s. We corrected for recapture effort in the SDS, and, using this corrected SDS data for the proportion of birds returning in the closest distance belt and the recent BBL for the proportions of more distant movements, we created what we think is the best composite DDD for Tree Swallows. Even though dispersal distances up to 2367 km have been reported, the composite DDD indicates that fewer than 3% of birds disperse more than 100 km and that 85% disperse less than 15 km between years. Thus, our results suggest that the dispersal behavior of most individuals can be examined effectively at more local spatial scales. Studies of dispersal and mortality would be facilitated if all recaptures of banded birds were reported with accurate spatial coordinates to the Bird Banding Laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract: The endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) is endemic to the Lower Florida Keys. In recent years, habitat fragmentation and restricted dispersal have resulted in small, isolated herds on some islands. Recovery biologists proposed translocations to increase the island herds that had declined or remained low; however, efficacy of Key deer translocations had yet to be evaluated. Our objective was to evaluate survival, ranges, reproduction, and dispersal of translocated deer. During 2003–2005, we translocated 39 adult or yearling deer to Sugarloaf (approx. 19 km from trap site; 10 M, 14 F) and Cudjoe (approx. 15 km from trap site; 6 M, 9 F) keys. We kept deer in large, high-fenced holding pens (Sugarloaf = 7.7 ha, Cudjoe = 10.7 ha) on the destination islands for 3–6 months (i.e., soft release). We observed low mortality (n = 6 mortalities) of translocated deer with average annual survival (S) of 0.796 for both sexes. We found translocated deer had larger seasonal ranges than did resident deer (i.e., those located on Big Pine and No Name keys). In evaluating effects of acclimation period on ranges and dispersal, we found no difference in 95% ranges or 50% core areas ≤4 month postrelease versus 4–8 months postrelease. We found, however, postrelease dispersal distances were dependent on time kept in pen. Only 2 of 39 (5%) translocated deer left the destination islands by the end of the study. With high survival and low dispersal indicating success, we credit soft release translocation in establishing deer herds on Sugarloaf and Cudjoe keys. Our data support translocations as an effective strategy for creating sustainable outer-island Key deer herds.  相似文献   

European Wrynecks Jynx torquilla torquilla have generally been considered to be long‐distance Palaearctic–African migrants that spend the non‐breeding season in Sahelian Africa, where they have been reported regularly. Results from tracking individual birds showed that Wrynecks from two Central European populations migrated only relatively short distances to the Iberian Peninsula and northwestern Africa (c. 1500 km and 3000 km, respectively), compared with a minimum distance of about 4500 km to Sahelian Africa. Additionally, differences in wing lengths of populations from Central and Northern Europe support the idea of leap‐frog migration, populations from Northern Europe being long‐distance migrants with a non‐breeding distribution in Sahelian Africa.  相似文献   

Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) dispersed out of Africa roughly 120,000 years ago and again after 75,000 years ago. The early dispersal was geographically restricted to the Arabian Peninsula, Levant, and possibly parts of southern Asia. The later dispersal was ultimately global in scope, including areas not previously occupied by Homo. One explanation for the contrast between the two out‐of‐Africa dispersals is that the modern humans who expanded into Eurasia 120,000 years ago lacked the functionally and structurally complex technology of recent hunter‐gatherers. This technology, which includes, for example, mechanical projectiles, snares and traps, and sewn clothing, provides not only expanded dietary breadth and increased rates of foraging efficiency and success in places where plant and animal productivity is low, but protection from cold weather in places where winter temperatures are low. The absence of complex technology before 75,000 years ago also may explain why modern humans in the Levant did not develop sedentary settlements and agriculture 120,000 years ago (i.e., during the Last Interglacial).  相似文献   

Individual dispersal among colonies of Little Egrets Egretta garzetta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonial waterbirds are unusual in that competition for nest-sites or mates may occur at a scale of a few metres, whereas thousands of birds may overlap in their foraging range at a larger scale. Dispersal has been evaluated for only a few such species, and its adaptive significance remains unclear. We studied Little Egret dispersal among all the colonies within the Camargue, southern France. The overall probability of dispersal between successive years was 0.45. The probability of dispersal was unaffected by a bird's age, or by any density-dependent effect of colony size. Juveniles dispersed at distances that would be expected if colony selection were random, while adults tended to remain within 10 km of their previous colony. We found no obvious environmental 'trigger' for an individual to disperse. Although our evidence is inconclusive, the short dispersal distances of adults are not consistent with foraging conditions as the primary trigger for dispersal. Little Egrets generally forage within 8 km of their colony, so birds dispersing less than 10 km would gain little advantage in response to unfavourable foraging conditions. Our data, with 75% of dispersing birds coming from decreasing colonies and 72% joining increasing colonies, suggest that individual dispersal depended on colony dynamics as a whole, i.e. (1) a social component of dispersal at the individual level, or (2) a simultaneous colony response to unfavourable environmental conditions or (3) both. Further investigation at a higher social level may be necessary to understand dispersal of this colonial nesting species.  相似文献   

Climate change leads to rapid, differential changes in phenology across trophic levels, often resulting in temporal mismatches between predators and their prey. If a species cannot easily adjust its timing, it can adapt by choosing a new breeding location with a later phenology of its prey. In this study, we experimentally investigated whether long-distance dispersal to northern breeding grounds with a later phenology could be a feasible process to restore the match between timing of breeding and peak food abundance and thus improve reproductive success. Here, we report the successful translocation of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) to natural breeding sites 560 km to the Northeast. We expected translocated birds to have a fitness advantage with respect to environmental phenology, but to potentially pay costs through the lack of other locally adapted traits. Translocated individuals started egg laying 11 days earlier than northern control birds, which were translocated only within the northern site. The number of fledglings produced was somewhat lower in translocated birds, compared to northern controls, and fledglings were in lower body condition. Translocated individuals were performing not significantly different to control birds that remained at the original southern site. The lack of advantage of the translocated individuals most likely resulted from the exceptionally cold spring in which the experiment was carried out. Our results, however, suggest that pied flycatchers can successfully introduce their early breeding phenotype after dispersing to more northern areas, and thus that adaptation through dispersal is a viable option for populations that get locally maladapted through climate change.  相似文献   

Question: In the Northern Hemisphere, species with dispersal limitations are typically absent from secondary forests. In Australia, little is known about dispersal mechanisms and other traits that drive species composition within post‐agricultural, secondary forest. We asked whether mode of seed dispersal, nutrient uptake strategy, fire response, and life form in extant vegetation differ according to land‐use history. We also asked whether functional traits of Australian species that confer tolerance to grazing and re‐colonisation potential differ from those in the Northern Hemisphere. Location: Delatite Peninsula, NE Victoria, Australia. Methods: The vegetation of primary and secondary forests was surveyed using a paired‐plot design. Eight traits were measured for all species recorded. ANOSIM tests and Non‐metric Multi‐dimensional Scaling were used to test differences in the abundance of plant attributes between land‐use types. Results: Land‐use history had a significant effect on vegetation composition. Specific leaf area (SLA) proved to be the best predictor of response to land‐use change. Primary forest species were typically myrmecochorous phanerophytes with low SLA. In the secondary forest, species were typically therophytes with epizoochorous dispersal and high SLA. Conclusions: The attributes of species in secondary forests provide tolerance to grazing suggesting that disturbance caused by past grazing activity determined the composition of these forests. Myrmecochores were rare in secondary forests, suggesting that species had failed to re‐colonise due to dispersal limitations. Functional traits that resulted in species loss through disturbance and prevented re‐colonisation were different to those in the Northern Hemisphere and were attributable to the sclerophyllous nature of the primary forest.  相似文献   

The bulk ore carrier Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, South Africa, on 20 June 1994 during a period of winter storms. Approximately 10 000 African (Jackass) Penguins Spheniscus demersus were oiled, collected and transported to the SANCCOB rescue centre; 5213 were released after cleaning, 4076 with flipper bands. We believe that most of the penguins oiled during this incident reached an island or the mainland alive, and that there was no mass mortality in the wild at the time of the oil spill. Birds from all parts of the breeding range were oiled, but most were from Robben and Dassen Islands. The overwhelming majority of released birds made the transition from the rescue centre to the wild successfully; 2652 had been resighted at breeding colonies within two years of their release; the cumulative number of birds was increasing steadily and an asymptote had not been reached by August 1996. There was a wide dispersal of released penguins, with recoveries and resightings over 1800 km of coastline between Algoa Bay and Walvis Bay.  相似文献   

Field trip: The US‐East‐Coast The US‐East‐Coast is a flyway for millions of birds. The Chesapeake Bay with the Delmarva‐Peninsula and her National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) are most attractive destinations to study nature and her history in her habitats for understanding evolution and ecology.  相似文献   

With anthropogenic impacts rapidly advancing into deeper waters, there is growing interest in establishing deep‐sea marine protected areas (MPAs) or reserves. Reserve design depends on estimates of connectivity and scales of dispersal for the taxa of interest. Deep‐sea taxa are hypothesized to disperse greater distances than shallow‐water taxa, which implies that reserves would need to be larger in size and networks could be more widely spaced; however, this paradigm has not been tested. We compiled population genetic studies of deep‐sea fauna and estimated dispersal distances for 51 studies using a method based on isolation‐by‐distance slopes. Estimates of dispersal distance ranged from 0.24 km to 2028 km with a geometric mean of 33.2 km and differed in relation to taxonomic and life‐history factors as well as several study parameters. Dispersal distances were generally greater for fishes than invertebrates with the Mollusca being the least dispersive sampled phylum. Species that are pelagic as adults were more dispersive than those with sessile or sedentary lifestyles. Benthic species from soft‐substrate habitats were generally less dispersive than species from hard substrate, demersal or pelagic habitats. As expected, species with pelagic and/or feeding (planktotrophic) larvae were more dispersive than other larval types. Many of these comparisons were confounded by taxonomic or other life‐history differences (e.g. fishes being more dispersive than invertebrates) making any simple interpretation difficult. Our results provide the first rough estimate of the range of dispersal distances in the deep sea and allow comparisons to shallow‐water assemblages. Overall, dispersal distances were greater for deeper taxa, although the differences were not large (0.3–0.6 orders of magnitude between means), and imbalanced sampling of shallow and deep taxa complicates any simple interpretation. Our analyses suggest the scales of dispersal and connectivity for reserve design in the deep sea might be comparable to or slightly larger than those in shallow water. Deep‐sea reserve design will need to consider the enormous variety of taxa, life histories, hydrodynamics, spatial configuration of habitats and patterns of species distributions. The many caveats of our analyses provide a strong impetus for substantial future efforts to assess connectivity of deep‐sea species from a variety of habitats, taxonomic groups and depth zones.  相似文献   

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