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Jazayeri A  Jackson SP 《Genome biology》2002,3(4):reviews1009.1-reviews10095
Studies of DNA repair and the maintenance of genomic integrity are essential to understanding the etiology and pathology of cancer. The availability of the complete genome sequence of Saccharomyces cerevissiae has greatly facilitated the discovery of new genes important for DNA repair.  相似文献   

The potency of several metal compounds in causing lesions in DNA either directly or by exposure of intact cultured cells has been examined using the neutral conditions of nucleoid gradient sedimentation. HgCl2 was clearly the most potent inducer of single-strand breakage when added to isolated nucleoids or when nucleoids were prepared from cells treated with this compound. CaCrO4 , however, caused DNA-strand breaks in nucleoids isolated from cells treated with this agent but did not induce DNA strand breaks when added directly to nucleoids. Although less potent than HgCl2, NiCl2 also caused significant single strand breakage in isolated nucleoids or in nucleoids prepared from cells treated with this metal. Since strand breakage of DNA in intact cells may occur secondary to activation of DNA-dependent nucleases during repair replication, CsCl gradient density sedimentation was utilized to examine whether repair processes were induced by exposure of cells to NiCl2, HgCl2 and CaCrO4 . CaCrO4 and NiCl2 induced substantial DNA-repair activity at concentrations and exposure times where DNA lesions could not be detected whereas HgCl2 induced a 10-fold lower level of DNA-repair activity compared to CaCrO4 at optimal concentrations which again were below the concentrations of this metal that produced measurable DNA lesions. Both the induction of DNA-repair activity and DNA-strand breakage by these metals was concentration- and time-dependent. These results demonstrate some unique aspects of the interaction of HgCl2, NiCl2 and CaCrO4 with the DNA of intact cells and point to the possible important correlation of induction of DNA repair to carcinogenesis since nickel and chromate have clearly been implicated as carcinogens and induce considerable repair whereas HgCl2 is not considered a carcinogen and induces the least DNA repair despite its potency in producing DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is a major neglected tropical parasitic disease. The pathogenesis of this infection remains disputable. There is no suitable vaccine for the prevention. Attenuated live vaccines can provide strong protection against infection; however, there are the concerns about latent infection or reversion to virulence in such attenuated strains. A method to induce T. cruzi death would provide a critical tool for research into the pathophysiological mechanisms and provide a novel design of safe live attenuated vaccines. We established effective inducible systems for T. cruzi employing the degradation domain based on the Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (ecDHFR). The DHFR degradation domain (DDD) can be stabilized by trimethoprim-lactate and can be used to express detrimental or toxic proteins. T. cruzi lines with Alpha-toxin, Cecropin A and GFP under the control of DDD with a hemagglutinin tag (HA) were developed. Interestingly, amastigotes bearing GFP-DDDHA, Alpha-toxin-DDDHA, Cecropin A-DDDHA and DDDHA all resulted in inducible cell death with these fusions, indicating that DDDHA protein is also detrimental to amastigotes. Furthermore, these strains were attenuated in mouse experiments producing no pathological changes and inoculation with these DDDHA strains in mice provided strong protection against lethal wild type infection.  相似文献   

Advances in our capacity to design and use novel strategies for achieving inducible gene expression will improve our ability to define gene function. An extremely efficient system designed by nature -- that of the regulatable phytochrome system in plants -- has provided the basis for developing a novel inducible gene expression system.  相似文献   

Central to genetic work in any organism are the availability of a range of inducible and constitutive promoters. In this work we studied several promoters for use in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. The promoters were tested with the aid of an E. coliSulfolobus shuttle vector in reporter gene experiments. As the most suitable inducible promoter a maltose inducible promoter was identified. It comprises 266 bp of the sequence upstream of the gene coding for the maltose/maltotriose binding protein (mbp, Saci_1165). Induction is feasible with either maltose or dextrin at concentrations of 0.2–0.4%. The highest increase in expression (up to 17-fold) was observed in late exponential and stationary phase around 30–50 h after addition of dextrin. Whereas in the presence of glucose and xylose higher basal activity and reduced inducibility with maltose is observed, sucrose can be used in the growth medium additionally without affecting the basal activity or the inducibility. The minimal promoter region necessary could be narrowed down to 169 bp of the upstream sequence. The ABCE1 protein from S. solfataricus was successfully expressed under control of the inducible promoter with the shuttle vector pC and purified from the S. acidocaldarius culture with a yield of about 1 mg L−1 culture. In addition we also determined the promoter strength of several constitutive promoters.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long debated the role of predation in mediating the coexistence of prey species. Theory has mainly taken a bitrophic perspective that excludes the effects of inducible defenses at different trophic levels. However, inducible defenses could either limit or enhance the effects of predation on coexistence, by means of effects on bottom-up control and population stability. Our aim was to investigate how inducible defenses at different trophic levels affect the possibilities for predator-mediated coexistence, as opposed to competitive exclusion, in replicated experimental plankton communities. In particular, we analyzed how the presence or absence of inducible defenses in algal basal prey affected the outcome of competition between an inducible defended and an undefended herbivore, in the presence or absence of a carnivore. We found the undefended herbivore to be a superior competitor in the absence of predation. This outcome was reversed in the presence of a shared carnivore: populations of the undefended herbivore then strongly declined. The extent of this population decline differed between food webs based on undefended as opposed to inducible defended algal prey. In the former the undefended herbivore became undetectable for most of the duration of the experiment. In the latter the undefended herbivore also crashed to low densities, but it could still be detected during most of the experiment. In food webs based on inducible defended algae, the carnivore failed to reach high densities and exerted weaker top-down control on the two competing herbivores. We conclude that the inducible defense in one of our two competing herbivores allowed the outcome of competition to be reversed when a shared carnivore was added. Inducible defenses in algae did not change this outcome, but they significantly delayed extinction of the undefended herbivore. Predation itself did not promote coexistence in these experimental plankton communities.  相似文献   

Inducible error-prone repair in yeast. Suppression by heat shock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The production of reversion mutations in wild-type, diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the alkylating agents N-methyl-N'-nitro- N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and methylnitrosourea (MNU) was suppressed in cells previously treated with a heat shock, or the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. The same cells previously treated with a heat shock, or the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. The same treatment after mutagen exposure did not lower the induced mutation frequency. In split-dose experiments, a first MNNG exposure prevented subsequent heat (or cycloheximide) treatment from blocking mutation by a second, later mutagen exposure. These data suggest that, in yeast, MNNG or MNU induces an error-prone DNA-repair system, and that this induction is blocked by protein-synthesis inhibitors. The specificity of this system for different types of DNA damage was investigated using a variety of other mutagenic agents. A prior heat shock did not suppress mutation produced by exposure to ethyl methanesulfonate, ethylnitrosourea, 8-methoxypsoralen + UVA, or gamma-radiation. Partial suppression was observed in cells exposed to methyl methanesulfonate or to 254-nm ultraviolet light. These results indicate that, unlike the SOS system of E. coli, this inducible error-prone process of yeast is responsive to only certain mutagens. Heat shock suppression of mutation produced by MNNG exposure was also demonstrated in wild-type haploid cells, as well as haploid strains mutant in representative genes of the RAD52 epistasis group (rad52, rad53, rad54), the RAD3 epistasis group (rad1, rad2, rad3) and the RAD6 epistasis group (rad9, rad18). The rad6 mutant itself was immutable with MNNG and therefore untestable by these techniques. These data indicate that this error-prone repair system is not absolutely dependent on the integrity of the RAD52 (recombination) or the RAD3 (excision) systems, or on at least some parts of the RAD6 system.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis is industrially important microorganism used in many dairy fermentations. Numerous genes and gene expression signals from this organism have now been identified and characterized. Recently, several naturally occurring, inducible gene-expression systems have also been described inL. lactis. The main features of these systems can be exploited to design genetically engineered expression cassettes for controlled production of various proteins and enzymes. Novel gene-expression systems inLactococcus have great potential for development of industrial cultures with desirable metabolic traits for a variety of bioprocessing applications.  相似文献   

Plant biotechnology relies heavily on the genetic manipulation of crops. Almost invariantly, the gene of interest is expressed in a constitutive fashion, although this may not be strictly necessary for several applications. Currently, there are several regulatable expression systems for the temporal, spatial and quantitative control of transgene activity. These molecular switches are based on components derived from different organisms, which range from viruses to higher eukaryotes. Many inducible systems have been designed for fundamental and applied research and since their initial development, they have become increasingly popular in plant molecular biology.This review covers a broad number of inducible expression systems examining their properties and relevance for plant biotechnology in its various guises, from molecular breeding to pharmaceutical and industrial applications. For each system, we examine some advantages and limitations, also in relation to the strategy on which they rely. Besides being necessary to control useful genes that may negatively affect crop yield and quality, we discuss that inducible systems can be also used to increase public acceptance of GMOs, reducing some of the most common concerns. Finally, we suggest some directions and future developments for their further diffusion in agriculture and biotechnology.  相似文献   

The absence of 'super competitors' in nature is usually attributed to organisms facing trade-offs in resource allocation. Here we identify another mechanism, dependent on indirect interactions among species and non-random spatial organization, in which selection favours restraint in competitive ability. In simple spatial models of a three-species intransitive network, indirect interactions favour slower growth and selection limits the difference in growth rate among species. The mechanism involves a trade-off between selection at the individual level, which selects for increased growth rate, and at the community level, which acts to limit growth rate to less than the maximum possible. If the difference in growth rates among species becomes too large, then the community becomes unstable and collapses to a monoculture of the slowest growing species. The mechanism requires both the intransitive network structure and self-organized spatial structure in the system. Similar behaviours arise in more complex systems of more than three species, and where there are reversals in interaction outcomes between species pairs. The work suggests that spatial self-structuring, indirect interactions and selection acting on community properties can be important in evolution. It provides a partial explanation of the high level of species coexistence and apparent restraint in interspecific interactions evident in some assemblages of sessile marine colonial organisms.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between the similarity of resource capture abilities and the amount of competition between two consumer species that exploit common resources. Most of the analysis is based on a consumer-resource model introduced by Robert MacArthur. Contrary to many statements in the literature and in textbooks, measures of competition may decrease as similarity increases and may be greatest when similarity of the two species' sets of resource capture rates is very low. High competition with low similarity may occur whether competition is measured by a competition coefficient near equilibrium or is measured by the proportional increase in a species' population density when its competitor is removed. However, these two measures may differ considerably and may change in opposite directions with a given change in similarity. The general conditions required for such counterintuitive relationships between similarity and competition are that the consumer species have relatively low resource requirements for successful reproduction and that the resources be self-reproducing. These same conditions also frequently lead to exclusion of one or more resources via apparent competition, and this is always true of MacArthur's model. A variety of other models of competition are analyzed, and circumstances most likely to produce large competitive effects with little overlap are identified.  相似文献   

在重组DNA技术中,可诱导的基因表达调控系统可被用来调节目的基因的表达以达到基因功能研究、转基因动物研究、以及基因治疗研究等目的。该系统主要由诱导剂、可诱导的受体或转录因子、顺式作用元件以及载体系统四部分组成。本文以诱导剂为分类依据,叙述目前主要的6类可诱导的基因表达调控系统:类固醇激素受体诱导的基因表达调控系统、四环素诱导的基因表达调控系统、缺氧诱导的基因表达调控系统、高热诱导的基因表达调控系统、电离辐射诱导的基因表达调控系统和lac基因表达调控系统。  相似文献   

Inducible cell lysis systems in microbial production of bio-based chemicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The release of products from microbial cells is an essential process for industrial scale production of bio-based chemicals. However, traditional methods of cell lysis, e.g., mechanical disruption, chemical solvent extraction, and immobilized enzyme degradation, account for a large share of the total production cost. Thus, an efficient cell lysis system is required to lower the cost. This review has focused on our current knowledge of two cell lysis systems, bacteriophage holin–endolysin system, and lipid enzyme hydrolysis system. These systems are controlled by conditionally inducible regulatory apparatus and applied in microbial production of fatty acids and polyhydroxyalkanoates. Moreover, toxin–antitoxin system is also suggested as alternative for its potential applications in cell lysis. Compared with traditional methods of cell disruption, the inducible cell lysis systems are more economically feasible and easier to control and show a promising perspective in industrial production of bio-based chemicals.  相似文献   

We study the emergence of collective spatio-temporal objects in biological systems by representing individually the elementary interactions between their microscopic components. We use the immune system as a prototype for such interactions. The results of this detailed explicit analysis are compared with the traditional procedure of representing the collective dynamics in terms of densities that obey partial differential equations. The simulations show even for very simple elementary reactions the spontaneous emergence of localized complex structures, from microscopic noise. In turn the effective dynamics of these structures affects the average behaviour of the system in a very decisive way: systems which would according to the differential equations approximation die, display in reality a very lively behaviour. As the optimal modelling method we propose a mixture of microscopic simulation systems describing each reaction separately, and continuous methods describing the average behaviour of the agents.  相似文献   

Ecological foodwebs display complex networks of species interactions. Here we discuss how two species, whether directly interacting or not, can crucially affect each other 'indirectly' through their mutual associations with intermediary species. A technique is presented for quantifying these "indirect effects", so that a simple measure emerges for the degree of overall harm or advantage that a particular species encounters from another in the context of a given foodweb. If the system is one of pure competition, the "direct" interaction between any two species is of course harmful to both. But when the method is applied to such systems it predicts that, if all interactions are allowed for including the indirect, in a large proportion of pair interactions at least one species will be deriving benefit from the other. Computer-generated samples confirm that this proportion is accurately predicted. The many pathways for indirect interaction can thus often reverse the direct connection, so that competing species achieve an interaction here called 'Advantageous in A Community Context' (ACC).  相似文献   

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