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DNA barcoding is an effective technique to identify species and analyze phylogenesis and evolution. However, research on and application of DNA barcoding in Canis have not been carried out. In this study, we analyzed two species of Canis, Canis lupus (n = 115) and Canis latrans (n = 4), using the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (1545 bp) and COI barcoding (648 bp DNA sequence of the COI gene). The results showed that the COI gene, as the moderate variant sequence, applied to the analysis of the phylogenesis of Canis members, and COI barcoding applied to species identification of Canis members. Phylogenetic trees and networks showed that domestic dogs had four maternal origins (A to D) and that the Tibetan Mastiff originated from Clade A; this result supports the theory of an East Asian origin of domestic dogs. Clustering analysis and networking revealed the presence of a closer relative between the Tibetan Mastiff and the Old English sheepdog, Newfoundland, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard, which confirms that many well-known large breed dogs in the world, such as the Old English sheepdog, may have the same blood lineage as that of the Tibetan Mastiff.  相似文献   

Oomycete species occupy many different environments and many ecological niches. The genera Phytophthora and Pythium for example, contain many plant pathogens which cause enormous damage to a wide range of plant species. Proper identification to the species level is a critical first step in any investigation of oomycetes, whether it is research driven or compelled by the need for rapid and accurate diagnostics during a pathogen outbreak. The use of DNA for oomycete species identification is well established, but DNA barcoding with cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) is a relatively new approach that has yet to be assessed over a significant sample of oomycete genera. In this study we have sequenced COI, from 1205 isolates representing 23 genera. A comparison to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from the same isolates showed that COI identification is a practical option; complementary because it uses the mitochondrial genome instead of nuclear DNA. In some cases COI was more discriminative than ITS at the species level. This is in contrast to the large ribosomal subunit, which showed poor species resolution when sequenced from a subset of the isolates used in this study. The results described in this paper indicate that COI sequencing and the dataset generated are a valuable addition to the currently available oomycete taxonomy resources, and that both COI, the default DNA barcode supported by GenBank, and ITS, the de facto barcode accepted by the oomycete and mycology community, are acceptable and complementary DNA barcodes to be used for identification of oomycetes.  相似文献   

In this study, DNA barcoding was used in the identification of potential biological control agents of sunn pest adult parasitoid species, including Eliozeta helluo (F.), Phasia subcoleoptrata (L.), Ectophasia crassipennis (F.) and Elomyia lateralis (Meig). DNA analyses were assessed by sequencing cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The obtained sequences were analyzed in terms of nucleotide composition, nucleotide pair frequency and haplotype diversity. Genetic divergence among haplotypes was estimated by constructing genetic distance matrix using DNA sequence variations, by Kimura 2-parameter model. Variable sites and average variations of the sequenced 603 base pair long DNA fragment were calculated. All COI barcodes were matched with reference sequences of expected species according to morphological identification. Neighbor-joining tree was drawn based on DNA barcodes and all the specimens clustered in agreement with their taxonomic classification at species level. The evolutionary history inferred using the UPGMA method indicated two distinct mitochondrial haplotype lineages. The genetic variation between sunn pest adult parasitoids will be useful in sunn pest management, regulatory and environmental applications.  相似文献   

Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae.  相似文献   

The phylogenic relationships existing among 14 parasitic Platyhelminthes in the Republic of Korea were investigated via the use of the partial 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) D1 region and the partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (mCOI) DNA sequences. The nucleotide sequences were analyzed by length, G + C %, nucleotide differences and gaps in order to determine the analyzed phylogenic relationships. The phylogenic patterns of the 28S rDNA D1 and mCOI regions were closely related within the same class and order as analyzed by the PAUP 4.0 program, with the exception of a few species. These findings indicate that the 28S rDNA gene sequence is more highly conserved than are the mCOI gene sequences. The 28S rDNA gene may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structures of parasitic Platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

We provide cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) barcode sequences of fishes of the Nayband National Park, Persian Gulf, Iran. Industrial activities, ecological considerations and goals of The Fish Barcode of Life campaign make it crucial that fish species residing in the park be identified. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of barcoding data on fishes of the Persian Gulf. We examined 187 individuals representing 76 species, 56 genera and 32 families. The data flagged potentially cryptic species of Gerres filamentosus and Plectorhinchus schotaf. 16S rDNA data on these species are provided. Exclusion of these two potential cryptic species resulted in a mean COI intraspecific distance of 0.18%, and a mean inter- to intraspecific divergence ratio of 66.7. There was no overlap between maximum Kimura 2-parameter distances among conspecifics (1.66%) and minimum distance among congeneric species (6.19%). Barcodes shared among species were not observed. Neighbour-joining analysis showed that most species formed cohesive sequence units with little variation. Finally, the comparison of 16 selected species from this study with meta-data of conspecifics from Australia, India, China and South Africa revealed high interregion divergences and potential existence of six cryptic species. Pairwise interregional comparisons were more informative than global divergence assessments with regard to detection of cryptic variation. Our analysis exemplifies optimal use of the expanding barcode data now becoming available.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a powerful tool for species detection, identification and discovery. Metazoan DNA barcoding is primarily based upon a specific region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene that is PCR amplified by primers HCO2198 and LCO1490 (‘Folmer primers’) designed by Folmer et al. (Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 3 , 1994, 294). Analysis of sequences published since 1994 has revealed mismatches in the Folmer primers to many metazoans. These sequences also show that an extremely high level of degeneracy would be necessary in updated Folmer primers to maintain broad taxonomic utility. In primers jgHCO2198 and jgLCO1490, we replaced most fully degenerated sites with inosine nucleotides that complement all four natural nucleotides and modified other sites to better match major marine invertebrate groups. The modified primers were used to amplify and sequence cytochrome c oxidase subunit I from 9105 specimens from Moorea, French Polynesia and San Francisco Bay, California, USA representing 23 phyla, 42 classes and 121 orders. The new primers, jgHCO2198 and jgLCO1490, are well suited for routine DNA barcoding, all‐taxon surveys and metazoan metagenomics.  相似文献   

对21种帘蛤科贝类线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome c oxidase subunit I,COI)基因核苷酸序列进行了分析,以探讨这一序列在种质鉴定、分子系统发生研究中的应用价值。测序结果表明,所有物种扩增片段长度均为707 bp(含引物),序列A+T含量(62.4%—67.8%)明显高于G+C含量。物种间共有变异位点379个,其中简约信息位点334个;此区段共编码235个氨基酸,种间共有氨基酸变异位点100个。以COI基因片段序列为标记,用中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis)作外群,构建了35种帘蛤科贝类(其中14种贝类COI序列从GenBank下载)的系统发生树,结合拓扑结构分析和序列比对分析,结果表明:支持将短文蛤(Meretrix petechinalis)和丽文蛤(M.lusoria)订为文蛤(M.meretrix)的同物异名的观点,建议将丽文蛤和短文蛤订为文蛤的地理亚种;支持将薄片镜蛤(Dosinia corrugata)和D.angulosa订为2个独立种的观点;认为将波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和织锦巴非蛤(P.textile)订为2个独立种是合适的。COI基因序列含有丰富的遗传信息,适合作为帘蛤科贝类种群遗传结构和系统发生研究的分子标记。  相似文献   

The snakehead fish of the genus Channa are an important food fish in China. However, the molecular identification and phylogeny of this genus is poorly understood. Here, we present the utility of partial sequences of the COI gene for use in DNA barcoding for the identification of Channa individuals, which includes four species: Channa argus, Channa maculata, Channa asiatica, and Channa striata. A total of 19 haplotypes were identified in this study. The interspecific K2P distances were higher than intraspecific distances. The lowest interspecific distance (0.091) was between C. argus and C. maculata while the highest interspecific distance (0.219) was between C. argus and C. striata. No intraspecific–interspecific distance overlaps were observed, and a distinct barcoding gap was found between intraspecific and interspecific distances in each species. Our results showed that the partial COI gene is an effective DNA barcoding marker for identifying Channa species.  相似文献   

Variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mt-COI) gene was examined in 15 species of North Pacific skates. Thirteen species had unique sequences, indicating that a DNA-based barcoding approach may be useful for species identification.  相似文献   

The subfamily Steganinae (Diptera, Drosophilidae) includes flies which display zoophilic feeding behaviour in the larval and/or adult stages, some of which act as vectors of Spirurida eyeworms, which infect both carnivores and humans. To date, the taxonomy and phylogeny of the subfamily Steganinae has been studied only superficially and many aspects of their systematics remain unresolved. Thus, the present study aimed to provide a molecular dataset to facilitate the identification and phylogenetic analysis of Steganinae species based on partial ( approximately 700 basepairs) mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) sequences. A total of 134 flies belonging to 13 species and eight genera of Steganinae were subjected to molecular and phylogenetic analyses. The mean nucleotide variation within the Steganinae subfamily was 8.1%, with a variation within genera for which more than one species was examined ranging from 1.6% (in Phortica spp.) to 21.8% (in Amiota spp.). Interspecific pairwise divergence ranged from 1.6% (Phortica variegata vs. Phortica semivirgo) to 24.8% (Cacoxenus indagator vs. Amiota alboguttata) and intraspecific variation ranged from 0% to 1%. Seventy of the 233 amino acids were variable, including 26 parsimony informative sites and 44 singleton sites, with some highly conserved residues identified within the genera Stegana and Amiota. Parsimony and maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for the genus Phortica, phylogenetically distinct from the genus Amiota. Gitona distigma was placed in an unresolved position adjacent to the outgroup taxa, Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila melanogaster. The molecular data reported here represent the first molecular dataset based on cox1 of Steganinae flies and provide a base for further investigations into the evolutionary relationships among this little-studied subfamily.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) gut analysis was conducted on specimens of the introduced spider Tenuiphantes tenuis collected from dairy pasture in Canterbury, New Zealand. PCR primers were specifically designed to amplify a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) from Listronotus bonariensis and revealed that this major pasture pest species is consumed in the field by T. tenuis. The field predation rate of L. bonariensis by T. tenuis was estimated from our PCR results together with published data on the degradation of DNA and the density of T. tenuis in Canterbury pastures. We found that T. tenuis is a potentially significant predator of L. bonariensis in New Zealand pastures.  相似文献   

Six species of abalones (Haliotidae) are found on the Korean coasts. Identification and characterization of these abalones are usually based on morphologic characters. In this research we compared the partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes to identify species using molecular data and to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the 6 species fell into 2 distinct groups which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited little internal phylogenetic resolution. One group included Haliotis discus hannai, H. discus discus, H. madaka, and H. gigantea, while the other group contained H. diversicolor supertexta and H. diversicolor diversicolor. The 16S rRNA sequences were relatively more conserved than to the COI sequences, but both gene sequences provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish among the 6 species of Pacific abalone, and thus could be valuable molecular characters for species identification.  相似文献   

本研究通过测序Cytb基因和COⅠ基因的部分序列来推定15种麻蝇之间的系统发育关系。在世界麻蝇名录中,本研究的15种麻蝇能够代表麻蝇属Sarcophaga的6个亚属。连接序列(972 bp)被用于系统发育分析;分析方法包括了了最大简约法、最大似然法以及贝叶斯法。我们的结果提示了亚麻蝇亚属Parasarcophaga、别麻蝇亚属Boettcherisca以及红麻蝇亚属Liopygia的单系性,同时也表明蛇麻蝇亚属Liosarcophaga和德麻蝇亚属Pandelleisca并不是单源的。不过,目前的研究并不能分辨野德麻蝇S. (Pandelleisca) similis和峨眉叉麻蝇S. (Robineauella) coei的系统发育位置。此外,最大简约分析和似然功能分析在scopariiformis-iwuensis进化枝和polystylata-hui进化枝的关系上产生了不一致的系统发育推断。因此,后续研究不仅需要其他的分子标记,也需要更多的分类取样。  相似文献   

Samples of Dermanyssus gallinae (DeGeer) (Acari: Dermanyssidae) from more than 49 Norwegian and Swedish laying poultry farms, and additional samples collected from Scottish, Finnish, Danish and Dutch layer farms, were compared genetically. Analysis of partial mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences of mites from Norway and Sweden revealed 32 haplotypes. Only single haplotypes were found on most farms, which suggests that infections are recycled within farms and that transmission routes are few. Both Norwegian and Swedish isolates were found in the two major haplogroups, but no haplotypes were shared between Norway and Sweden, indicating little or no recent exchange of mites between these countries. There appears to be no link between haplotypes and geographical location as identical haplotypes were found in both the northern and southern Swedish locations, and haplotypes were scattered in locations between these extremes. The current data suggest that wild birds in Sweden are not a reservoir for D. gallinae infection of layer farms as their mites were genetically distinct from D. gallinae of farm layer birds. Transmission of the poultry red mite in Scandinavia is thus likely to depend on synantropic factors such as the exchange of contaminated material or infested birds between farms or facilities.  相似文献   

Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that the 5′ end of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) is useful for rapid and reliable identification of red algal species and have demonstrated that our understanding of red algal biodiversity and biogeography is fragmentary. In this context, we are completing a thorough sampling along the Canadian coast and using the DNA barcode for the assignment of collections to genetic species to explore algal diversity in the Canadian flora. In the present study, we provide results regarding diversity of members of the red algal family Phyllophoraceae. We have analyzed 354 individuals from the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific coasts of Canada, as well as 26 specimens from the USA, Europe, and Australia, resolving 29 species based on the analyses of the DNA barcode. Twenty‐three of these genetic species were present in Canada where only 18 species are currently recognized, including Ceratocolax hartzii Rosenv., which was in the same genetic species group as its host Coccotylus truncatus (Pall.) M. J. Wynne et N. J. Heine and is thus transferred to Coccotylus, C. hartzii (Rosenv.) comb. nov., but retained as a distinct species owing to its unique habit and phenology. Our results revealed the presence of cryptic diversity within the genera Coccotylus, Mastocarpus, Ozophora, and Stenogramme, for which we resurrect Coccotylus brodiei (Turner) Kütz. and describe Mastocarpus pachenicus sp. nov., Ozophora lanceolata sp. nov., and Stenogramme bamfieldiensis sp. nov., leaving a multitude of unnamed Mastocarpus spp. in need of further taxonomic study. In addition, we report range extensions into British Columbia of Besa papillaeformis Setch., previously known only from its type and nearby localities in California; Gymnogongrus crenulatus (Turner) J. Agardh, recorded only from the Atlantic; and Stenogramme cf. rhodymenioides Joly et Alveal, previously only known from South America. Finally, the phylogenetic affinities of the Canadian species of Phyllophoraceae characterized in this study were investigated using LSU rDNA, RUBISCO LSU (rbcL), and combined analyses.  相似文献   

The Xiphinema americanum‐group constitutes a complex of about 55 species of polyphagous plant‐ectoparasitic nematodes with a worldwide distribution. This group of plant‐parasitic nematodes is one of the most difficult dagger nematode species complexes for diagnosis because the morphology is very conservative and morphometric characters often overlap. We conducted nematode surveys in cultivated and wild olives in southern Spain from 2012 to 2014, from which we identified 16 nematode populations of the X. americanum‐group, five of which were tentatively identified as belonging to three new species and are described herein as X iphinema plesiopachtaicum sp. nov., X iphinema vallense sp. nov. , and X iphinema astaregiense sp. nov. , and 11 populations belonging to nine known species: Xiphinema brevisicum, Xiphinema duriense, Xiphinema incertum, Xiphinema luci, Xiphinema madeirense, Xiphinema opisthohysterum, Xiphinema pachtaicum, Xiphinema parapachydermum, and Xiphinema rivesi. A phenetic study based on multivariate factor analyses was developed to compare some of these related species by using morphometric features. In the factor analysis the first four factors accounted for 73.1% of the total variance of the selected characters, identifying body length, body length/maximum body width (a), body length/pharyngeal length (b), body length/tail length (c), and tail length/body width at anus (c′) ratios, distance from anterior end to vulva as percentage of body length (V), stylet length, oral aperture‐guiding ring distance, and lip region width as key morphometric characters to differentiate a restricted set of species within the X. pachtaicum‐subgroup that includes X. plesiopachtaicum sp. nov. and X. vallense sp. nov. Multivariate analysis of variance using these specific characters allowed to differentiate species in the X. pachtaicum complex or groups of them using morphometric characters (body length, a, b, c, c′, V, stylet length, lip region width, oral aperture‐guiding ring distance, female tail length, and hyaline region length). Phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ribosomal DNA genes [D2‐D3 expansion segments of large ribosomal subunit 28S, and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1)] and the protein‐coding mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coxI) were congruent, showing two main clades separating most of the species of X. americanum‐subgroup ‘sensu stricto’ from the X. pachtaicum‐subgroup. Agreement between phylogenetic trees and some morphological characters (viz. total stylet length, vulva position, and a ratio) were tested by reconstruction of their histories on rRNA‐based trees using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. Thus, integrative taxonomy, based on a combination of multivariate morphological and molecular analyses constitutes a new insight into the identification of X. americanum‐group species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The white-backed planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera (Horváth), is one of the most destructive pests of rice crops in many Asian countries. Using long-PCR and shotgun library methods, we sequenced the entire mitochondrial genomes (mt-genomes) of two WBPH individuals. Total lengths of the mt-genome of the two WBPH individuals were 16,612 bp and 16,654 bp with an identical AT content of 76.19%. Among the 13 protein coding genes (PCGs), only nad5 used an atypical initiation codon GTG. Most of the tRNA genes had the typical cloverleaf secondary structure except that the dihydrouridine (DHU) arms in two trnS genes and the TΨC arm of trnG gene did not form a stable stem-loop structure. Similar to the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), and the small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén), some extraordinary features were observed in the WBPH mt-genome. These include similar gene rearrangement pattern, unusually short length of the atp8 gene and variable numbers of tandem repeat (VNTR) structure in control region. Interestingly, the same tandem repeat unit with stable secondary structure appeared in two different planthoppers, WBPH and SBPH, which belong to two different genera of the Delphacidae. This peculiar feature provides a direct evidence for the close relationship between the two planthoppers and updates our understanding of the evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial control region. Comparison with two other predominant rice planthoppers (BPH and SBPH) revealed that different PCGs of mitochondria exhibit different evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

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