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Light-adapted sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces respond to sudden darkening by a temporary decrease in the rate of elongation, after a latent period of several minutes. The reaction time of this "dark growth" response is compound like that of the "light growth" response. It is, moreover, shorter the more intense the previous illumination. The rate of dark adaptation following adaptation to a very large range of light intensities is found to be proportional to the logarithm of the preceding light intensity. It is shown that a constant amount of dark adaptation takes place before the response occurs. On the assumption that changes in the rate of growth reflect changes in the concentration of a substance which at constant light intensity is in equilibrium with a light-sensitive material, possible equations for such a photostationary state are examined. The most reasonable formulation requires that the partial velocity of the "light" reaction be taken proportional to log I instead of to I directly.  相似文献   

1. Data are presented for the dark adaptation of four species of animals. They show that during dark adaptation the reaction time of an animal to light of constant intensity decreases at first rapidly, then slowly, until it reaches a constant minimum. 2. On the assumption that at all stages of adaptation a given response to light involves a constant photochemical effect, it is possible to describe the progress of dark adaptation by the equation of a bimolecular reaction. This supposes, therefore, that dark adaptation represents the accumulation within the sense cells of a photosensitive material formed by the chemical combination of two other substances. 3. The chemical nature of the process is further borne out by the fact that the speed of dark adaptation is affected by the temperature. The velocity constant of the bimolecular process describing dark adaptation bears in Mya a relation to the temperature such that the Arrhenius equation expresses it with considerable exactness when µ = 17,400. 4. A chemical mechanism is suggested which can account not only for the data of dark adaptation here presented, but for many other properties of the photosensory process which have already been investigated in these animals. This assumes the existence of a coupled photochemical reaction of which the secondary, "dark" reaction is catalyzed by the products of the primary photochemical reaction proper. This primary photochemical reaction itself is reversible in that its main products combine to form again the photosensitive material, whose concentration controls the behavior of the system during dark adaptation.  相似文献   

During the dark adaptation of the human eye, its visual threshold decreases to a small fraction of its original value in the light. An analysis of the quantitative data describing this adaptation shows that it follows the course of a bimolecular chemical reaction. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that visual reception in dim light is conditioned by a reversible photochemical reaction involving a photosensitive substance and its two products of decomposition. Accordingly, dark adaptation depends on the course of the "dark" reaction during which the two products of decomposition reunite to synthesize the original photosensitive substance.  相似文献   


1. After a discussion of the sources of error involved in the study of dark adaptation, an apparatus and a procedure are described which avoid these errors. The method includes a control of the initial light adaptation, a record of the exact beginning of dark adaptation, and an accurate means of measuring the threshold of the fovea after different intervals in the dark. 2. The results show that dark adaptation of the eye as measured by foveal vision proceeds at a very precipitous rate during the first few seconds, that most of the adaptation takes place during the first 30 seconds, and that the process practically ceases after 10 minutes. These findings explain much of the irregularity of the older data. 3. The changes which correspond to those in the fovea alone are secured by correcting the above results in terms of the movements of the pupil during dark adaptation. 4. On the assumption that the photochemical effect of the light is a linear function of the intensity, it is shown that the dark adaptation of the fovea itself follows the course of a bimolecular reaction. This is interpreted to mean that there are two photolytic products in the fovea; that they are disappearing because they are recombining to form anew the photosensitive substance of the fovea; and that the concentration of these products of photolysis in the sense cell must be increased by a definite fraction in order to produce a visual effect. 5. It is then suggested that the basis of the initial event in foveal light perception is some mechanism that involves a reversible photochemical reaction of which the "dark" reaction is bimolecular. Dark adaptation follows the "dark" reaction; sensory equilibrium is represented by the stationary state; and light adaptation by the shifting of the stationary state to a fresh point of equilibrium toward the "dark" side of the reaction.  相似文献   

Bees which are held in a fixed position so that only head movements can be made, respond to a moving stripe system in their visual field by a characteristic motion of the antennae. This reflex can be used to measure the bee''s state of photic adaptation. A curve describing the course of dark adaptation is obtained, which shows that the sensitivity of the light adapted bee''s eye increases rapidly during the first few minutes in darkness, then more slowly until it reaches a maximum level after 25 to 30 minutes. The total increase in sensitivity is about 1000 fold. The adaptive range of the human eye is about 10 times greater than for the bee''s eye. The range covered by the bee''s eye corresponds closely to the adapting range which is covered by the rods of the human eye.  相似文献   

墨米中必需氨基酸含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对墨米(Oryza sativa)中的必需氨基酸含量和组成配比进行了研究。结果表明:紫色籼稻和黑色籼稻所含8种人体必需氨基酸均高于一般稻谷,分别占氨基酸总量的42.21%和41.89%。其氨基酸组成配比均与鸡蛋相似。  相似文献   

1. A single-celled, elongating sporangiophore of Phycomyces responds to a sufficient increase in intensity of illumination by a brief increase in growth rate. This is the "light-growth response" of Blaauw. 2. The reaction time is compound, consisting of an exposure period and a latent period (this comprising both the true latent period resulting from photochemical action and any "action time" necessary for the response). During the latter period the plant may be in darkness, responding nevertheless at the end of the latent period. 3. Both light adaptation and dark adaptation occur in the sporangiophore. The kinetics of dark adaptation can be accounted for on the basis of a bimolecular reaction, perhaps modified by autocatalysis. Attention is called to the bimolecular nature of the "dark" reaction in all other photosensory systems that have been studied, in spite of the diversity of the photosensitive substances themselves and of the different forms of the responses to light.  相似文献   

The course of dark adaptation of the human eye varies with the intensity used for the light adaptation which precedes it. Preadaptation to intensities below 200 photons is followed only by rod adaptation, while preadaptation to intensities above 4000 photons is followed first by cone adaptation and then by rod adaptation. With increasing intensities of preadaptation, cone dark adaptation remains essentially the same in form, but covers an increasing range of threshold intensities. At the highest preadaptation the range of the subsequent cone dark adaptation covers more than 3 log units. Rod dark adaptation appears in two types—a rapid and a delayed. The rapid rod dark adaptation is evident after preadaptations to low intensities corresponding to those usually associated with rod function. The delayed rod dark adaptation shows up only after preadaptation to intensities which are hundreds of times higher than those which produce the maximal function of the rods in flicker, intensity discrimination, and visual acuity. The delayed form remains essentially constant in shape following different intensities of preadaptation. However, its time of appearance increases with the preadaptation intensity; after the highest preadaptation, it appears only after 12 or 13 minutes in the dark. These two modes of rod dark adaptation are probably the expression of two methods of formation of visual purple in the rods after its bleaching by the preadaptation lights.  相似文献   

Determinations of minimum light thresholds as a function of time in the dark have been made for four color normal, three deuteranopic (or deuteranomalous), and four protanopic (or protanomalous) subjects. Measurements were made with red, reddish orange, yellow, green, violet, and white test lights. Dark adaptation curves for the deuteranopes and deuteranomalous are essentially identical with those of the color normal for all colors. The cone portions of the protanopic dark adaptation curves measured with the red, reddish orange, yellow, and white lights are higher than the corresponding data for the color normal, the discrepancy between the two sets of data decreasing from the long to short wave lengths. Dark adaptation curves for the protanopes and protanomalous measured with green and violet light are essentially normal in appearance. A theoretical explanation is advanced to account for these findings in terms of the known sensitivity characteristics of the normal and color-anomalous eye.  相似文献   

The decrease in threshold shown by the eye during dark adaptation proceeds in two steps. The first is rapid, short in duration, and small in extent. The second is slow, prolonged, and large. The first is probably due to cone function; the second to rod function. In centrally located fields the two parts of adaptation change differently with area. With small, foveal fields the first part dominates and only traces of the second part appear. As the area increases the first part changes a little, while the second part covers an increasing range of intensities and appears sooner in time. Measurements with an annulus field covering only the circumference of a 20° circle show most of the characteristics of a 20° whole field centrally located. Similarly a 2° field located at different distances from the center shows dark adaptation characteristics essentially like those of large centrally located fields whose edges correspond to the position of the central field. Evidently the behavior in dark adaptation of centrally located fields of different size is determined in the main not by area as area, but by the fact that the retina gradually changes in sensitivity from center to periphery, and therefore the larger the field the farther it reaches into peripheral regions of permanently greater sensibility.  相似文献   

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