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This study uses long-term water chemistry records for a circum-neutral peat stream to reconstruct a 7-year record of dissolved CO2 and DIC flux from the catchment. Combining catchment flux with a knowledge of in-stream metabolism and gas evasion from the stream surface enables an estimate of the dissolved CO2 content of water emerging from the peat profile to be made; furthermore, these can be used to estimate soil CO2 respiration. In this way multi-annual records of CO2 production can be reconstructed, and therefore inter-annual controls on production examined. The results suggest that:(i) Stream evasion of CO2 within the catchment varied between 80 and 220 g C/m of stream/yr, while in-stream metabolism produces between 1.0 and 2.9 g C/m of stream/yr;Export of dissolved CO2 emerging from the soil profile, above that expected at equilibrium with the atmosphere, varies between 9.6 and 25.6 tonnes,C/km2/yr; andThe export of dissolved CO2 implies a soil respiration rate of between 64.2 and 94.9 tonnes C/km2/yr.The inter-annual variation in both dissolved CO2 flux and soil CO2 respiration suggests that severe drought has no long-term effect on CO2 production and that temperature-based models of soil CO2 respiration will be adequate in all but the severest of summer droughts. The inter-annual variation in CO2 flux shows that CO2 production is decoupled from dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production. The decoupling of DOC and dissolved CO2 production shows that enzymatic-latch production of DOC is an anaerobic process and will not increase soil CO2 respiration.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of CO2 assimilation in detached leaves of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi at 15° C in normal air and continuous illumination is inhibited both by exposure to darkness, and to an atmosphere enriched with 5% CO2. During such exposures substantial fixation of CO2 takes place, and the malate concentration in the cell sap increases from about 20 mM to a constant value of 40–50 mM after 16 h. On transferring the darkened leaves to light, and those exposed to 5% CO2 to normal air, a circadian rhythm of CO2 assimilation begins again. The phase of this rhythm is determined by the time the transfer is made since the first peak occurs about 24 h afterwards. This finding indicates that the circadian oscillator is driven to, and held at, an identical, fixed phase point in its cycle after 16 h exposure to darkness or to 5% CO2, and it is from this phase point that oscillation begins after the inhibiting condition is removed. This fixed phase point is characterised by the leaves having acquired a high malate content. The rhythm therefore begins with a period of malate decarboxylation which lasts for about 8 h, during which time the malate content of the leaf cells must be reduced to a value that allows phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase to become active. Inhibition of the rhythm in darkness, and on exposure to 5% CO2 in continuous illumination, appears to be due to the presence of a high concentration of CO2 within the leaf inhibiting malic enzyme which leads to the accumulation of high concentrations of malate in the leaf cells. The malate then allosterically inhibits phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase upon which the rhythm depends. The results give support to the view that malate synthesis and breakdown form an integral part of the circadian oscillator in this tissue.Abbreviations B. Bryophyllum - PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris has been used for the production of the serine protease Thermitase [EC] by fermentation. Spore germination of this strain is influenced by the gas composition of the medium. Since the outgrowth of the germ tubes occurs only in the presence of a raised CO2 concentration, the cultivation in aerated stirred fermenters is not reproducible. However, if cultivation takes place in a closed fermentation system, initially unaerated, in which the CO2 formed by spore respiration accumulates, reproducible germination can be obtained. From an O2-balance, indirect conclusions can be drawn with regard to the effect of CO2, and the process of germination can be described. The cultivation method described permits almost complete germination of all inoculated spores and reproducible rates of biomass and enzyme production in the subsequent fermentation. Thus, stabilization of the procedure with increased enzyme yields is ensured.  相似文献   

One proposal for alleviating global warming is to sequester large amounts of industrial carbon dioxide on the deep-sea floor, but the environmental consequences of sequestration for the animals living in the sediment are poorly known. In an earlier publication, we reported that, during an experimental sequestration off central California (36.378°N, 122.676°W, 3262 m depth), most individuals of our target taxon (the harpacticoid copepods) were killed, but ∼ 20% survived. Because knowledge of which species survived and how they did so could clarify the effects of sequestration on the fauna, we have now identified the individuals from that experiment to species. Although most were adversely affected, species differed significantly in the degree of their susceptibility. Unexpectedly, six species showed no effect and may be resistant. The hypothesis that harpacticoids could escape the effects of carbon dioxide-rich seawater by moving deeper into the seabed was not supported. Exposure to carbon dioxide-rich seawater created partially defaunated areas, but we found no evidence that disturbance-exploiting harpacticoid species invaded during the recovery of the affected area. Because the environmental effects of the carbon dioxide (e.g. unusually acidic pore water) were still present, however, the opportunity for invasion might not yet have occurred. Differences among species in susceptibility increase the complexity of the effects of carbon dioxide sequestration on the deep-sea fauna.  相似文献   

The regulation of C1-metabolism in Xanthobacter strain 25a was studied during growth of the organism on acetate, formate and methanol in chemostat cultures. No activity of methanol dehydrogenase (MDH), formate dehydrogenase (FDS) or ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisC/O) could be detected in cells grown on acetate alone over a range of dilution rates tested. Addition of methanol or formate to the feed resulted in the immediate induction of MDH and FDH and complete utilization (D=0.10 h-1) of acetate and the C 1-substrates. The activities of these enzymes rapidly dropped at the higher growth rates, which suggests that their synthesis is further controlled via repression by heterotrophic substrates such as acetate. Synthesis of RuBisC/O already occurred at low methanol concentrations in the feed, resulting in additive growth yields on acetate/methanol mixtures. The energy generated in the oxidation of formate initially allowed an increased assimilation of acetate (and a decreased dissimilation), resulting in enhanced growth yields on the mixture. RuBisC/O activity could only be detected at the higher formate/acetate ratios in the feed. The data suggest that synthesis of RuBisC/O and CO2 fixation via the Calvin cycle in Xanthobacter strain 25 a is controlled via a (de)repression mechanism, as is the case in other facultatively autotrophic bacteria. Autotrophic CO2 fixation only occurs under conditions with a diminished supply of heterotrophic carbon sources and a sufficiently high availability of suitable energy sources. The latter point is further supported by the clearly more pronounced derepressing effect exerted by methanol compared to formate.Abbreviations FDH formate dehydrogenase - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - ICDH isocitrate dehydrogenase - MDH methanol dehydrogenase - PQQ pyrrolo quinoline quinone - PRK phosphoribulokinase - RuBisC/O ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuMP ribulose monophosphate - TCA tricarboxylic acid cycle  相似文献   

Increased carbon emissions from fossil fuels are increasing the pCO2 of the ocean surface waters in a process called ocean acidification. Elevated water pCO2 can induce physiological and behavioural effects in teleost fishes, although there appear to be large differences in sensitivity between species. There is currently no information available on the possible responses to future ocean acidification in elasmobranch fishes. We exposed small-spotted catsharks (Scyliorhinus canicula) to either control conditions or a year 2100 scenario of 990 μatm pCO2 for four weeks. We did not detect treatment effects on growth, resting metabolic rate, aerobic scope, skin denticle ultrastructure or skin denticle morphology. However, we found that the elevated pCO2 group buffered internal acidosis via accumulation with an associated increase in Na+, indicating that the blood chemistry remained altered despite the long acclimation period. The elevated pCO2 group also exhibited a shift in their nocturnal swimming pattern from a pattern of many starts and stops to more continuous swimming. Although CO2-exposed teleost fishes can display reduced behavioural asymmetry (lateralization), the CO2-exposed sharks showed increased lateralization. These behavioural effects may suggest that elasmobranch neurophysiology is affected by CO2, as in some teleosts, or that the sharks detect CO2 as a constant stressor, which leads to altered behaviour. The potential direct effects of ocean acidification should henceforth be considered when assessing future anthropogenic effects on sharks.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of physiological state of adult ticks (Amblyomma hebraeum Koch; Acari: Ixodidae) on their responses to a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Ticks were exposed to CO2 or air in an experimental chamber; we measured the effects on questing, movement and latency (the time after exposure to CO2 or air when ticks began questing or moving). This study confirmed the hypothesis that responsiveness to CO2 is enhanced during host-seeking periods of the life cycle and reduced at other times. Thus, whereas newly moulted ticks quested infrequently when exposed to CO2, questing increased over the 6 week period following moulting. Likewise, in 6 week old ticks, movement in CO2 was significantly greater than in air. When a partially fed female below approximately ten times its unfed weight is removed from a host, it reattaches if subsequently presented to another host. Such females quested vigorously in CO2 but not in air. When a partially fed female above approximately ten times its unfed weight is removed from a host, it usually does not subsequently reattach. Such females quested infrequently, there being no significant difference between air and CO2. Males removed from a host at any stage of feeding reattach readily when given the opportunity. They quested frequently, moved readily and the latency was very low in air or CO2. Exp Appl Acarol 22: 667–681 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

As sessile organisms, plants are subject to a multitude of environmental variations including several which directly affect their interaction with the atmosphere. Given the indiscriminant nature of Rub...  相似文献   

水稻土是甲烷产生的重要源地.厌氧条件下甲烷的形成与有机质厌氧降解产生的乙酸、H2和CO2有关.氧化铁作为电子受体可有效地竞争有机质向甲烷的转化,其抑制作用机理可能与乙酸、H2和CO2的有效消耗有关.通过向水稻土泥浆中添加无定形氧化铁和纤铁矿,分别测定了25℃厌氧恒温培养105d过程中的H2、CO2和CH4的浓度变化.结果表明,添加无定形氧化铁及纤铁矿可导致H2浓度显著降低;无定形氧化铁对H2消耗的影响明显大于纤铁矿;添加不同氧化铁对CO2浓度的影响与H2浓度的变化有相同的趋势;添加氧化铁能显著抑制水稻土中甲烷形成,并导致有机碳的转移发生变化,使得CH4-C显著降低,气相中CO2-C量减少,而由土壤泥浆固定的CO32--C量显著增加.  相似文献   

Woodward FI  Kelly CK 《Ecology letters》2008,11(11):1229-1237
We model plant species diversity globally by country to show that future plant diversity capacity has a strong dependence on changing climate and carbon dioxide concentration. CO2 increase, through its impact on net primary production and warming is predicted to increase regional diversity capacity, while warming with constant CO2 leads to decreases in diversity capacity. Increased CO2 concentrations are unlikely to counter projected extinctions of endemic species, shown in earlier studies to be more strongly dependent on changing land use patterns than climate per se. Model predictions were tested against (1) contemporary observations of tree species diversity in different biomes, (2) an independent global map of contemporary species diversity and (3) time sequences of plant naturalisation for different locations. Good agreements between model, observations and naturalisation patterns support the suggestion that future diversity capacity increases are likely to be filled from a 'cosmopolitan weed pool' for which migration appears to be an insignificant barrier.  相似文献   

Effects of various partial pressures of oxygen (5, 20 and 45 kPa) and carbon dioxide (0.03 and 6 kPa) on initiation, proliferation and maturation of somatic embryos in Picea abies were studied. The pO2 had a significant effect on the initiation of embryogenic tissue from mature zygotic embryos. However, the effect of pO2 was dependent on the strength of the basal medium. Low pO2 stimulated the formation of embryogenic tissue when the zygotic embryos were incubated on full strength medium, but was inhibitory when half-strength medium was used. Proliferation of embryogenic tissue was stimulated by higher partial pressures of both CO2 and O2. The effect of the gas phase on maturation of somatic embryos varied between different cell lines. However, there was a general tendency for 5 kPa O2 and 6 kPa CO2 to stimulate maturation.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - ET embryogenic tissue  相似文献   

添加氧化铁对水稻土中H2、CO2和CH4形成的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水稻土是甲烷产生的重要源地.厌氧条件下甲烷的形成与有机质厌氧降解产生的乙酸、H2和CO2有关.氧化铁作为电子受体可有效地竞争有机质向甲烷的转化,其抑制作用机理可能与乙酸、H2和CO2的有效消耗有关.通过向水稻土泥浆中添加无定形氧化铁和纤铁矿.分别测定了25℃厌氧恒温培养105d过程中的H2、CO2和CH4的浓度变化.结果表明,添加无定形氧化铁及纤铁矿可导致H2浓度显著降低;无定形氧化铁对H2消耗的影响明显大于纤铁矿;添加不同氧化铁对CO2浓度的影响与H2浓度的变化有相同的趋势;添加氧化铁能显著抑制水稻土中甲烷形成,并导致有机碳的转移发生变化,使得CH4—C显著降低,气相中CO2—C量减少,而由土壤泥浆固定的CO3^2-—C量显著增加.  相似文献   

Summary The events of the progamic phase of fertilization have been monitored by in vitro experiments in self compatible (SC), partial self-incompatible (PSI) and self incompatible (SI) lines. The duration of the progamic phase is about 30 h. Treatment with low concentrations of CO2 (3 to 5%) at high relative humidity (rH, 100%) had the following effects: pollen quality, which declines normally during flower ageing, was prematurely reduced; pollen adhesion and germination, both low in SI matings, were increased; the stigma callose response in SI matings was reduced to the low level of SC matings; and the number of pollen tubes in the style after SI matings significantly increased. CO2 concentrations of 4 to 6% applied for 8, 16 or 24 h at 100% rH proved to be the most effective treatment for blocking the SI response in cauliflower.  相似文献   

The growth and on-site bioremediation potential of an isolated thermal- and CO?-tolerant mutant strain, Chlorella sp. MTF-7, were investigated. The Chlorella sp. MTF-7 cultures were directly aerated with the flue gas generated from coke oven of a steel plant. The biomass concentration, growth rate and lipid content of Chlorella sp. MTF-7 cultured in an outdoor 50-L photobioreactor for 6 days was 2.87 g L?1 (with an initial culture biomass concentration of 0.75 g L?1), 0.52 g L?1 d?1 and 25.2%, respectively. By the operation with intermittent flue gas aeration in a double-set photobioreactor system, average efficiency of CO? removal from the flue gas could reach to 60%, and NO and SO? removal efficiency was maintained at approximately 70% and 50%, respectively. Our results demonstrate that flue gas from coke oven could be directly introduced into Chlorella sp. MTF-7 cultures to potentially produce algal biomass and efficiently capture CO?, NO and SO? from flue gas.  相似文献   

Summary In recordings of single unit action potentials, the responses of CO2-receptors in the labial palp organ of the moth Heliothis armigera to modulation of CO2-density around a background of 350 ppm were investigated. Modulation of CO2-density by square wave changes in concentration at constant barometric pressure evokes modulation of the spike rate. Modulation of CO2-density by square wave changes in barometric pressure at constant CO2-concentration evokes responses similar to those evoked by concentration modulation. For modulation depths of less than 1.5%, the output modulation depth is linearly related to the input; at higher modulation depths the gain decreases progressively.Using sinusoidal pressure modulation, the frequency dependence of both gain and output noise was determined over a range of 0.05 to 12.8 Hz. With increasing frequency the gain progressively increases at a rate of 2.4 dB/octave up to a maximum of 63 at 3 Hz; at higher frequencies, it decreases rapidly. The threshold sensitivity of the receptors, using input noise amplitude density as a criterion, is broadly tuned, with a minimum of 1 % contrast Hz-0.5 between 0.3 and 3 Hz. Using these figures, it is concluded that the sensory organ is capable of detecting fluctuations in CO2-density of 0.14% or 0.5 ppm. The results are related to the fluctuations in CO2-density which occur in a natural environment.  相似文献   

China has frequently been questioned about the data transparency and accuracy of its energy and emission statistics. Satellite‐derived remote sensing data potentially provide a useful tool to study the variation in carbon dioxide (CO2) mass over areas of the earth's surface. In this study, Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) tropospheric CO2 concentration data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis tropopause data were integrated to obtain estimates of tropospheric CO2 mass variations over the surface of China. These variations were mapped to show seasonal and spatial patterns with reference to China's provincial areas. The estimates of provincial tropospheric CO2 were related to statistical estimates of CO2 emissions for the provinces and considered with reference to provincial populations and gross regional products (GRP). Tropospheric CO2 masses for the Chinese provinces ranged from 53 ± 1 to 14,470 ± 63 million tonnes were greater for western than for eastern provinces and were primarily a function of provincial land area. Adjusted for land area troposphere CO2 mass was higher for eastern and southern provinces than for western and northern provinces. Tropospheric CO2 mass over China varied with season being highest in July and August and lowest in January and February. The average annual emission from provincial energy statistics of CO2 by China was estimated as 10.3% of the average mass of CO2 in the troposphere over China. The relationship between statistical emissions relative to tropospheric CO2 mass was higher than 20% for developed coastal provinces of China, with Shanghai, Tianjin, and Beijing having exceptionally high percentages. The percentages were generally lower than 10% for western inland provinces. Provincial estimates of emissions of CO2 were significantly positively related to provincial populations and gross regional products (GRP) when the values for the provincial municipalities Shanghai, Tianjin, and Beijing were excluded from the linear regressions. An increase in provincial GRP per person was related to a curvilinear increase in CO2 emissions, this being particularly marked for Beijing, Tianjin, and especially Shanghai. The absence of detection of specific elevation of CO2 mass in the troposphere above these municipalities may relate to the rapid mixing and dispersal of CO2 emissions or the proportion of the depth of the troposphere sensed by GOSAT.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide gas is used as an insect anesthetic in many laboratories, despite recent studies which have shown that CO(2) can alter behavior and fitness. We examine the effects of CO(2) and anoxia (N(2)) on cold tolerance, measuring the rapid cold-hardening (RCH) response and chill coma recovery in Drosophila melanogaster. Short exposures to CO(2) or N(2) do not significantly affect RCH, but 60 min of exposure negates RCH. Exposure to CO(2) anesthesia increases chill coma recovery time, but this effect disappears if the flies are given 90 min recovery in air before chill coma induction. Flies treated with N(2) show a similar pattern, but require significantly longer chill coma recovery times even after 90 min of recovery from anoxia. Our results suggest that CO(2) anesthesia is an acceptable way to manipulate flies before cold tolerance experiments (when using RCH or chill coma recovery as a measure), provided exposure duration is minimized and recovery is permitted before chill coma induction. However, we recommend that exposure to N(2) not be used as a method of anesthesia for chill coma studies.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, trade openness, real income and energy consumption in the top ten CO2 emitters among the developing countries; namely China, India, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand and Malaysia over the period of 1971–2011. In addition, the possible presence of the EKC hypothesis is investigated for the analyzed countries. The Zivot–Andrews unit root test with structural break, the bounds testing for cointegration in the presence of structural break and the VECM Granger causality method are employed. The empirical results indicate that (i) the analyzed variables are co-integrated for Thailand, Turkey, India, Brazil, China, Indonesia and Korea, (ii) real income, energy consumption and trade openness are the main determinants of carbon emissions in the long run, (iii) there exists a number of causal relations between the analyzed variables, (iv) the EKC hypothesis is validated for Turkey, India, China and Korea. Robust policy implications can be derived from this study since the estimated models pass several diagnostic and stability tests.  相似文献   

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