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Ephippiger ephippiger is a tcltigoniid cricket that is fairly widespread in Europe. In southern France, between the Alps and the Pyrenees, it is geographically highly variable lor a number of different traits including morphology, allozymcs, behaviour and genetic markers. This variation has resulted in considerable confusion over the taxonomic and evolutionary status of forms of the organism. Through the use of geographical information systems (GIS) it has been possible to integrate both trait and environmental data sets from a variety of sources. The GIS is used to interpolate trait and environmental surfaces that are then examined for coincidence. Four general spatial patterns are identified. These can be explained through a combination of secondary contact, environmental adaptation and drift. Covariance between trait and environmental surfaces point to patterns which are primary in origin, whereas other dines probably reflect secondary contact following divergence in rcfugiae. Multivariate statistics support the validity of a major subdivision identified by GIS. This study is an example of the considerable potential for GIS as an investigative tool in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Application of growing degree day-water budget analysis concepts to snail-borne diseases are reviewed to demonstrate use of the unique thermal-hydrological preferences and limits of tolerance of individual parasite-vector systems to define the environmental niche of disease agents in the landscape by modern geospatial analysis tools.  相似文献   

Most functional analyses of primate tooth form have been limited to linear or area measurements. Such studies have offered but a limited glimpse at differences in occlusal relief among taxa. Such differences in dental topography may relate to tooth function and, so, have considerable implications for the inference of diet from fossil teeth. In this article, we describe a technique to model and compare primate molars in three dimensions using Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) software. We examine unworn lower second molars of three extant hominoids with known differences in diet (Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Pongo pygmaeus), and two fossil forms, (Afropithecus turkanesis and Dryopithecus laietanus). First, we obtained approximately 400 landmarks on the occlusal surfaces of each tooth using an electromagnetic digitizer. Raster “terrain models” of occlusal surfaces were then created by interpolation of the coordinate data. We used GRASS terrain analysis automated techniques to quantify the volumes and slopes of individual cusps. We also used the GRASS watershed technique to identify the volume of liquid that would accumulate in each tooth's basin (a measure of basin area), and the directions and intensity of drainage over the occlusal surface. In sum, GRASS shows considerable potential for the characterization and comparison of tooth surfaces. Furthermore, techniques described here are not limited to the study of teeth, but may be broadly applicable to studies of skulls, joints, and other biological structures. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:137–142, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the significant advancement of geographic information systems (GIS), mapping and evaluating the spatial distribution of health events has become easier. We examine the role of GIS in birth defects surveillance and research. METHODS: We briefly describe the geocoding process and potential problems in accuracy of the obtained geocodes, and some of the capabilities and limitations of GIS. We illustrate how GIS has been applied using the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program geocoded dataset. We provide some comments on potential data quality and confidentiality issues with birth defects in relation to GIS. RESULTS: It is desirable to geocode addresses using a multistrategy approach to achieve a high-quality and accurate GIS dataset. Beyond the basic but important function of mapping, sophisticated statistical approaches and software are available to analyze the spatial or spatial-temporal occurrence of birth defects, alone or in association with environmental hazards, and to present this information without compromising the confidentiality of the subjects. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend a broad and systematic use of GIS in birth defects spatial surveillance and research.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Paria is a semi-enclosed shallow basin with increasing coastal development activities along Trinidad's west coast. Sediments present a host for trace metal pollutants from overlying waters, therefore determination of their content is critical in evaluating and detecting sources of marine pollution. This paper presents a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of geochemical assessment for trace metals in coastal sediments of the Gulf of Paria. This GIS approach facilitates interpretation of the spatial relationships among key environmental processes. The GIS development involves the integration of spatial and attribute data pertaining to bathymetry, current systems, topography, rivers, land use/land cover and coastal sediments. It employs spatial interpolation and retrieval operations to analyze the total trace metal concentrations of aluminum, copper and lead in the sediments and the clay-enriched sediments, to determine whether they are related to sediment type or are affected by the discharge from anthropogenic sources. Spatial distribution modeling of element concentrations are produced to indicate contamination plumes from possible anthropogenic sources such as rivers entering the Gulf of Paria, and to reveal potential hot spots and dispersion patterns. A direct spatial correlation between clay-enriched sediments and high concentrations of aluminum and lead is detected, however regions of high concentrations of copper and lead indicate a relationship to anthropogenic sources. The effectiveness of GIS for visualization, spatial query and overlay of geochemical analysis is demonstrated.  相似文献   



The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) Library is the largest collection of its kind in the Southeastern United States, consisting of over 5,200 books, videos/DVDs, brochures, and audiotapes covering a variety of disability-related topics, from autism to transition resources. The purpose of the library is to support the information needs of families, faculty, students, staff, and other professionals in South Carolina working with individuals with disabilities. The CDR Library is funded on a yearly basis; therefore, maintaining high usage is crucial. A variety of promotional efforts have been used to attract new patrons to the library. Anyone in South Carolina can check out materials from the library, and most of the patrons use the library remotely by requesting materials, which are then mailed to them. The goal of this project was to identify areas of low geographic usage as a means of identifying locations for future library marketing efforts.


Nearly four years worth of library statistics were compiled in a spreadsheet that provided information per county on the number of checkouts, the number of renewals, and the population. Five maps were created using ArcView GIS software to create visual representations of patron checkout and renewal behavior per county.


Out of the 46 counties in South Carolina, eight counties never checked out materials from the library. As expected urban areas and counties near the library's physical location have high usage totals.


The visual representation of the data made identification of low usage regions easier than using a standalone database with no visual-spatial component. The low usage counties will be the focus of future Center for Disability Resources Library marketing efforts. Due to the impressive visual-spatial representations created with Geographic Information Systems, which more efficiently communicate information than stand-alone database information can, librarians may benefit from the software's use as a supplemental tool for tracking library usage and planning promotional efforts.



This research presents a methodology to characterize life cycle impact data (LCIA) of alternative construction materials outside of the European context.


This methodology was based on the characterization of data and life cycle assessment (LCA) using geographic information systems (GIS), which has been proposed as an effective alternative for this purpose. The data were characterized at three levels: global, represented by different production efficiency of materials; regional, represented by the type of electricity mix used in the production and the national transport at the country level; and local, represented by external factors, such as seismic and wind risk zones at the city level. A comparative LCA was used as case study to test the methodology. The functional unit for the LCA was defined as an 18 m2 core shelter unit consisting of structural elements only. The bill of materials for five designs were calculated, each using a distinctive construction material: bamboo, brick, concrete hollow block, ferro-cement panels, and soil-stabilised bricks. The contributions’ variability and uncertainty analysis were used to validate the consistency of the results. The effect of the external constraints (earthquakes and wind) were analysed, and the environmental impact over the whole life cycle was assessed. Five house designs were calculated in twenty locations based on three levels of production efficiency and three transport distance ranges for each country.

Results and discussion

The results of the bamboo, concrete hollow block and ferro-cement houses overlapped and changed depending on the construction materials’ transport distance. Therefore, the level of impact of an average bamboo house can also be achieved by a high-performance block or ferro-cement house. The results showed that in most cases, the buildings with high technical performance can be achieved with low environmental impacts.


The use of GIS enables the development of characterized LCIA data for construction materials and buildings with a high degree of consistency. Moreover, the proposed approach was able to accurately represent the range of production practices used outside Europe. Finally, the use of the proposed methodology allows for the assessment of building in the early stages of design when uncertainty is at its highest, thereby identifying the improvement potential of each design and recognising the structural needs in specific locations.

Predation on native vertebrates and livestock by the European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) remains a significant problem in many parts of Australia. Coordinated approaches to fox control are most effective in protecting these assets and involve placement of baits across the landscape by private and public land managers. However, participation in such programmes varies seasonally and the spatial coverage of baiting is often difficult to determine. Here, we describe a geographic information systems‐based system that assists land managers to collect and use spatial information, minimizing gaps in bait coverage and maximizing bait encounters by foxes to increase the effectiveness of pest control. The coordination of data collection and reporting between land managers should facilitate more effective adaptive management by allowing better strategic planning and increasing landholder involvement, which should, in turn, improve the programme's efficacy, provided other critical conditions and resources are met.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Remote sensing technology provides detailed spectral and thermal images of the earth's surface from which surrogate ecological indicators of complex processes can be measured. METHODS: Remote sensing data were overlaid onto georeferenced entomological and human ecological data randomly sampled during April and May 2001 in the cities of Kisumu (population asymptotically equal to 320,000) and Malindi (population asymptotically equal to 81,000), Kenya. Grid cells of 270 meters x 270 meters were used to generate spatial sampling units for each city for the collection of entomological and human ecological field-based data. Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) satellite data in the visible spectrum at five meter resolution were acquired for Kisumu and Malindi during February and March 2001, respectively. The MTI data were fit and aggregated to the 270 meter x 270 meter grid cells used in field-based sampling using a geographic information system. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated and scaled from MTI data for selected grid cells. Regression analysis was used to assess associations between NDVI values and entomological and human ecological variables at the grid cell level. RESULTS: Multivariate linear regression showed that as household density increased, mean grid cell NDVI decreased (global F-test = 9.81, df 3,72, P-value = <0.01; adjusted R2 = 0.26). Given household density, the number of potential anopheline larval habitats per grid cell also increased with increasing values of mean grid cell NDVI (global F-test = 14.29, df 3,36, P-value = <0.01; adjusted R2 = 0.51). CONCLUSIONS: NDVI values obtained from MTI data were successfully overlaid onto georeferenced entomological and human ecological data spatially sampled at a scale of 270 meters x 270 meters. Results demonstrate that NDVI at such a scale was sufficient to describe variations in entomological and human ecological parameters across both cities.  相似文献   

In this paper we use detailed data about the biology of the head louse (pediculus humanus capitis) to build a model of the evolution of head lice colonies. Using theory and computer simulations, we show that the model can be used to assess the impact of the various strategies usually applied to eradicate head lice, both conscious (treatments) and unconscious (grooming). In the case of treatments, we study the difference in performance that arises when they are applied in systematic and non-systematic ways. Using some reasonable simplifying assumptions (as random mixing of human groups and the same mobility for all life stages of head lice other than eggs) we model the contagion of pediculosis using only one additional parameter. It is shown that this parameter can be tuned to obtain collective infestations whose characteristics are compatible with what is given in the literature on real infestations. We analyze two scenarios: One where group members begin treatment when a similar number of lice are present in each head, and another where there is one individual who starts treatment with a much larger threshold ("superspreader"). For both cases we assess the impact of several collective strategies of treatment.  相似文献   

The existence of a species‐specific mate recognition system (MRS) enables a fluid interchange of genes within species, while promoting the evolution of barriers to hybridization across sibling species. This is because MRS's can diverge in allopatry as a consequence of random events such as drift, or because different ecological conditions impose different optima on sexually‐selected characters such as may be part of the MRS's. As freshwater habitats are frequently fragmented and re‐merged following long‐term climatic changes and river piracy across catchments, there is ample scope for fish populations' MRS's to diverge in allopatry to the point of generating pre‐mating barriers. Based on former records of population differences in sexually‐dimorphic traits in the Amarillo fish ( Girardinichthys multiradiatus ), we investigated 1) whether courtship by males is quantifiably different between populations, and 2) whether these differences are due to difference in the way females respond to specific elements of the courtship sequence (thus prompting males to court in a population‐specific style). Using five populations representing the whole of the Amarillo's geographic range, we found that, when confronted to homogametic females, males exhibited substantial and significant differences in the tendency to perform particular courtship patterns, in spite of males form all populations having equal repertoires. We also found that heterogametic courtship neither resembled that of the populations of origin of the male, nor of the female. We infer that the interpretation of the courtship signals is diverging across Amarillo populations, in a manner akin to the evolution of languages in bird songs.  相似文献   

The value of a geographical perspective to infectious disease epidemiology and control has long been recognized. However, the labour required to produce maps, and keep them up to date, has inhibited the development of this area, and very little is currently known about the spatial distribution of parasitic infections other than malaria, trypanosomiasis and onchocerciasis. A recent initiative by an international group of collaborators is attempting to redress the absence of detailed spatial information on the major helminth infections of humans. In this article, Simon Brooker and colleagues describe progress made by this initiative in mapping helminth infections in sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting the value as well as the limitations of this empirical mapping approach.  相似文献   

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and regression modeling techniques were used to evaluate relationships between land use and fecal pollution in Murrells Inlet, a small, urbanized, high-salinity estuary located between Myrtle Beach and Georgetown, SC. GIS techniques were used to identify and calculate land use and spatial variables to be used in a regression model. The regression analysis was performed to identify specific land-use characteristics that may influence fecal coliform densities in the estuary. The regression modeling used land-use parameters to explain the variability of fecal coliform densities measured monthly at 21 locations in the estuary over the 10-year period from 1989 to 1998. Individual regression models were generated for each season, and for a combined data set. The results of the regression analyses indicate that proximity to areas with septic tanks, and rainfall runoff from urbanized areas are important predictors of fecal coliform densities in the estuary. Sampling sites closer to areas with high densities of active septic tanks or more urbanized land uses tended to have higher fecal coliform densities. Although these results may suggest that septic tanks are a substantial human source of fecal pollution, previous research has indicated that the fecal pollution in those areas is probably not from human sources. The areas of Murrells Inlet with higher septic tank densities also are located in areas of high housing density, are in close proximity to the land-water interface, and are in the extreme upper reaches of the estuary, where flushing and dilution effects may be reduced. The higher fecal coliform densities observed at these locations may be a coincidental result of these factors and fecal deposition from pets, and not the direct result of fecal pollution input from the septic tanks.The results also show seasonal differences in the dynamics of fecal coliform bacterial pollution in the estuary. The winter model included a rainfall interaction term, which indicates that ground saturation effects may be an important part of fecal deposition in winter months. The water quality management implications of this research include identification of strategies to reduce or intercept urban stormwater runoff, reduction of waste dumping from boats, and reduction of pet waste.  相似文献   

Similar to species immigration or exotic species invasion,infectious disease transmis-sion is strengthened due to the globalization of human activities. Using schistosomiasis as an exam-ple,we propose a conceptual model simulating the spatio-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases. We base the model on the knowledge of the interrelationship among the source,media,and the hosts of the disease. With the endemics data of schistosomiasis in Xichang,China,we demonstrate that the conceptual model is feasible; we introduce how remote sensing and geographic information systems techniques can be used in support of spatio-temporal modeling; we compare the different effects caused to the entire population when selecting different groups of people for schistosomiasis control. Our work illustrates the importance of such a modeling tool in supporting spatial decisions. Our mod-eling method can be directly applied to such infectious diseases as the plague,lyme disease,and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. The application of remote sensing and geographic informa-tion systems can shed light on the modeling of other infectious disease and invasive species studies.  相似文献   

The use of botanical insecticides based on the neem seed (Azadirachta indica var.siamensis Valeton) shows strong potential in the fight against important agricultural pests. Unfortunately, its use in rural Thailand is extremely limited. This study examines the efficacy of neem extracts processed under rural conditions; identifies factors that influence local farmers’ adoption of neem products; and proposes recommendations to promote the use of neem insecticides. The principal findings are: in field trials conducted under typical rural conditions, neem did not adequately control major pests of yard-long beans (Vigna sesquipedalis); and intensity of vegetable production, knowledge of neem insecticides and availability and accessibility of neem products strongly influence farmers’ adoption of neem products for pest control.  相似文献   

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