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The mating behavior of Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant) was studied under laboratory conditions. Virgin adults were individually maintained in transparent cages for observation of the mating sequence. Mating behavior of 23 couples was monitored during the photophase portion of the day. Copulation was observed in 17 of the 23 pairs. The mating sequence includes male approaching the female, mounting of the female, and copulation. Of the 17 mating pairs, 70.6 % mated on the second day after emergence. Most of the copulations began between 8 and 9 h after the onset of photophase. The average duration of copulation was 268?±?24.9 min, and most pairs mated once or twice during their lifetimes. The mating behavior of M. spectabilis is important to understand because it determines the age and ideal time for further behavioral testing, which is essential for determining the cues involved in the communication system of the species.  相似文献   

Single, double and triple releases of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, reduced the population of the beetle Maladera matrida Argaman, infesting peanuts (’Shulamit’ cv.) by 70, 75 and 93% respectively in microplot tests. Simultaneous and late (2 weeks after infestation) applications reduced beetle numbers by 63 and 79% respectively, in the microplots, while early application (2 weeks prior to infestation) did not reduce the beetle population. In a field trial, reductions in insect population and damage to the crop were achieved by early treatment with the nematode as well as by Heptachlor, leading to reductions in the insect population of 60 and 90% respectively, when recorded 4 weeks after nematode application. However, the nematode treatment did not maintain its effectiveness for a longer period and pest damage increased to the same level as the untreated control after 7 weeks. When the nematodes were applied at different concentrations (0.25–1.0 x 106 infective juveniles (IJs) m‐2) their effectiveness was not related to the concentration level. The only significant (P < 0.05) reduction in insect levels was recorded in the treatment with 0.5 X 106 IJs m‐2. In a second field trial, both H. bacteriophora and Steinernema glaseri reduced insect populations significantly (P < 0.05) by approximately 50% in comparison to the control. In the third trial, treatment with H. bacteriophora resulted in a decrease in insect population of 90% while treatment with S. carpocapsae reduced the grub numbers by 40% in comparison to the control. A differential susceptibility of various grub developmental stages was recorded in the field. The small grubs (I‐4 mm long, lst‐2nd larval stage) were not affected by the nematode treatments while the numbers of medium and large size grubs were reduced by 2‐ and 3‐fold respectively in the various tests. Nematodes were recovered by ‘nematode traps’ containing Galleria mellonella larvae from treated field plots 78 days after application. The implications of the results from the present studies on the use of entomopathogenic nematodes are discussed in relation to the development of an integrated pest management programme.  相似文献   

In laboratory studies, we demonstrated that five native entomopathogenic nematode species/isolates caused 100% mortality of Spodoptera cilium larvae, a soil surface-feeding pest of turfgrass. At 25 infective juveniles/cm2 applied to sod, two selected Turkish species, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Sarigerme isolate), averaged 77% and 29% larval mortality, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The use of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) is potentially one ecological approach to control the invasive alien western corn rootworm ( Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, Col., Chrysomelidae) in Europe. This study investigated the establishment and the short- and long-term persistence of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae), Heterorhabditis megidis Poinar, Jackson and Klein (Rh., Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae Filipjev (Rh., Steinernematidae) in three maize fields in southern Hungary, using the insect-baiting technique. All three EPN species equally established and persisted in maize fields. The timing of application (April or June) did not influence the establishment of EPN species. EPNs persisted for 2–5 months, i.e. they survived up to and throughout D. v. virgifera larval occurrence in the soil. Results demonstrate that D. v. virgifera larvae can potentially be controlled by EPNs during the same year of EPN application but no long-term control effect is expected under intensive maize cultivation practices.  相似文献   

Trials conducted under glasshouse conditions showed that control of Otiorhynchus sulcatus larvae in strawberry plants can be effective using Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis megidis, given that temperature and moisture extremes are avoided. In field experiments, the double line T-Tape® drip irrigation system performed better than the single line T-Tape® system, effectively distributing the nematodes along and across strawberry raised beds, and placing them close to the root zone where O. sulcatus larvae feed. As soil temperatures are satisfactory for nematode infectivity from late spring to early autumn, nematode applications were aimed at late instar larvae during spring, and early instar larvae during summer. Late summer field treatment with S. carpocapsae induced 49.5% reduction of the early instar larvae, and field application of the same nematode species in late spring resulted in 65% control of late instar larvae. In the same trial, spring application of H. megidis caused 26% mortality of late instar larvae of O. sulcatus.  相似文献   

Larvae of the scarabaeid, Cyclocephala hirta, are major pests of turfgrass in California. A field test was conducted against third instars that included the following treatments: untreated control; chemical insecticide (bendiocarb); milky disease bacterium (Bacillus popilliae); and entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora). There were no significant differences in population reduction among the treatments, but the larval population in all plots showed a dramatic decline. The C. hirta population had a natural occurrence of milky disease and blue disease caused by Rickettsiella popilliae. The prevalence of blue disease during the course of the study averaged < 10% but that of milky disease averaged about 20%. More significantly, the soil from all treatment plots when bioassayed for B. popilliae showed that 67–90% of the larvae became infected with this bacterium. None of the larvae became infected with the blue disease organism. We conclude that B. popilliae was occurring in epizootic proportions in our field tests and was a significant mortality factor in causing the decline of the C. hirta population.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of host density on entomopathogenic nematode efficacy in 1-L pots with grass and soil. In four experiments, combinations ranged from somewhat resistant hosts (oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis, or northern masked chafer, Cyclocephala borealis, with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) over more susceptible hosts (Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, with Steinernema glaseri) to a highly susceptible host (P. japonica and S. scarabaei). In each experiment, four larval densities were exposed to two nematode rates over a 14-day period. A significant effect of host density on nematode efficacy occurred only in the A. orientalis–H. bacteriophora combination, but there was no clear trend in the data. This suggests that an exhaustion of available nematode populations to less lethal levels by high host numbers was counteracted by other factors such as increased chances for nematode-host contact and increased host susceptibility due to stress via reduced food resources and increased aggression between larvae.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the dusky wireworm, Agriotes obscurus (L.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae), to different species and strains of entomopathogenic nematodes was tested in a virulence assay in the laboratory. Larvae were exposed to different nematode doses of 50 and 100 IJs/cm2. At a dose of 50 IJs/cm2, only a commercial strain Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar and the native strain Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) B14 caused increased mortality compared with the control (11.1% and 13.3% mortality, respectively). At the higher dose tested, all strains (except Steinernema sp. D122) were virulent to A. obscurus larvae. Steinernema carpocapsae B14 caused higher mortality of wireworm (75.6%) and was used for the assay conducted in cages, with a dose of 100 IJs/cm2, in field conditions. The results showed that S. carpocapsae B14 controlled 48.3% of A. obscurus larvae, demonstrating that some entomopathogenic nematodes have the potential to control larvae of A. obscurus. However, further work is needed to improve their efficacy.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory and greenhouse experiments evaluated the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema scarabaei Stock & Koppenhöfer, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, and H. zealandica Poinar for control of second- and third-instar cranberry white grub, Phyllophaga georgiana Horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in cranberries. Steinernema scarabaei was the most effective species with 76–100% control at a rate of 2.5×109 IJ/ha in the greenhouse experiments. H. zealandica and especially H. bacteriophora were generally less effective and required rates of 5×109 IJ/ha for acceptable control. Larval stage had no effect on H. zealandica and H. bacteriophora performance, whereas S. scarabaei was more effective against third instars than second instars in the laboratory but not in the greenhouse experiments. Steinernema scarabaei, should it become commercially available, could be an effective alternative to chemical insecticides for P. georgiana management.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis) kill insects with the aid of mutualistic bacteria. The nematode–bacteria complex is mass produced for use as biopesticides using in vivo or in vitro methods, i.e., solid or liquid fermentation. In vivo production (culture in live insect hosts) is low technology, has low startup costs, and resulting nematode quality is high, yet cost efficiency is low. In vitro solid culture, i.e., growing the nematodes and bacteria on crumbled polyurethane foam, offers an intermediate level of technology and costs. In vivo production and solid culture may be improved through innovations in mechanization and streamlining. In vitro liquid culture is the most cost-efficient production method but requires the largest startup capital and nematode quality may be reduced. Liquid culture may be improved through progress in media development, nematode recovery, and bioreactor design. A variety of formulations is available to facilitate nematode storage and application. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 137–146 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000230 Received 16 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 10 November 2001  相似文献   

The European mole cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa Linnaeus (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) is a key pest of several crops in different regions of the world. The mole crickets usually damage seedlings, feeding aboveground on foliage or stem tissue and belowground on roots and tubers. In biological control, entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are used against many insect pests inhabiting the soil as safe alternatives to chemical pesticides. The present study aimed to evaluate the virulence of the EPNs Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strain (HP88) and Steinernema carpocapsae strain (All) against the adults of European mole cricket Ggryllotalpa under laboratory and field conditions. Three concentrations of each of the EPNs Hbacteriophora and Scarpocapsae were tested against Ggryllotalpa. Infected adults of the pest with nematodes, at the concentration of 2000/cup, attained a mortality rate of (96%), when treated with Scarpocapsae and (72%) when treated with Hbacteriophora 8 days post-treatments. Mortality percentage of Ggryllotalpa adults increased as the concentration of the nematodes increased. Adults' mortality of Ggryllotalpa reached 100% when treated with the combination of the 2 nematode's strains at all concentrations 4 days post-treatments. At the 3 tested concentrations, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 IJs/adults, Hbacteriophora showed a higher reproductive rate in vivo than Scarpocapsae. A single adult of Ggryllotalpa treated with Hbacteriophora produced the average of 29,972, 74,768 and 140,474 IJs/adult, at the 3 concentrations, respectively. Under field application, a combination of EPNs successfully reduced the loss of the cabbage seedlings and the population's number of the mole crickets after 3 applications in the 2 seasons of (2019 and 2020). Therefore, EPNs as biological control agents can be recommended against the mole cricket Ggryllotalpa in vegetable crops as s pest management practice in an integrated pest management programme.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in turf maintained under golf course fairway conditions in May, June, and August 2009 and in August and September 2010 to evaluate the ability of entomopathogenic nematodes to control larval populations of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon, on golf courses. Commercial products containing the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, and S. riobrave were applied at 1.0 or 2.5×109 infective juveniles per ha against fourth-instar black cutworms. Larval mortality and turf damage were evaluated at 4 and/or 7 days after treatment (DAT). Steinernema carpocapsae was the best performing species due to a combination of high control rates (average 83%), most consistent results (70–90% range), high speed of kill (average 68% at 4 DAT), and prevention of significant turf damage despite very high larval densities at 0 DAT. Efficacy of S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora was often similar to that of S. carpocapsae but overall less consistent. Short-term persistence of the nematodes was evaluated in four turfgrass sites maintained under golf course putting green, fairway, or rough conditions in June and August 2009 by baiting soil samples at 0, 4, 7, and 14 DAT. Relative to recovery immediately after application, at least 50% of S. feltiae and 25% of S. carpocapsae consistently persisted up to 4 days in one of the greens and up to 7 days in some trials. Our finding suggests that S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae may provide adequate black cutworm control in golf course turf under moderate summer temperatures.  相似文献   

病原线虫对桔小实蝇种群的控制作用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
通过室内和田间实验研究了昆虫病原线虫对桔小实蝇Bactrocera (Bactrocera) dorsalis (Hendel)的控制作用。室内实验结果表明,供试的3种线虫的4个品系(小卷蛾斯氏线虫Steinernema carpocapsae All品系与A24品系,夜蛾斯氏线虫Steinernema feltiae SN品系和嗜菌异小杆线虫Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06品系),以小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系对桔小实蝇的侵染力最强,其3天的LD50和LD95分别为35.0和257.1条/cm2土壤。按300条/cm2土壤的量施用,小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系对当代桔小实蝇的控制效果为86.3%。用以虫期作用因子组建的生命表方法评价了小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系对田间桔小实蝇下代种群的控制作用,结果表明,按300条/cm2土壤的量施用线虫,对照杨桃园的桔小实蝇种群趋势指数为105.9,而处理杨桃园的桔小实蝇种群趋势指数下降为15.5;小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系对桔小实蝇的干扰控制指数为0.146,即线虫处理果园的下代种群密度仅为对照果园的14.6%。  相似文献   

Three native Egyptian nematode isolates; Heterorhabditis taysearae and Heterorhabditis sp. S1 (Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema carpocapsae S2 (Steinernematidae) as well as H. bacteriophora Hp88 as an imported species, were used in the present work to evaluate their activities against larvae and adults of the melon ladybird, Epilachna chrysomelina. The target pest was found to be susceptible to all tested entomopathogenic nematodes under laboratory conditions of 30±5°C.

In the greenhouse, a single spray of nematode suspension (1000 infective juveniles per ml) of each of H. taysearae, H. bacteriophora Hp88 and Steinernema carpocapsae S2 on squash seedlings was enough to give a reasonable mortality of 4th larval instar E. chrysomelina, reaching 65.2, 44.0 and 84.0%, respectively, one week after application. This gives evidence that the Egyptian nematode isolates could tolerate high temperature and could be recommended for application in the control programmes of E. chrysomelina larvae in cucurbit fields.  相似文献   

We determined the mortality of adult tick Dermacentor silvarum Olenev after it was exposed to five entomopathogenic nematode species: Steinernema carpocapsae BJ (Sc BJ), S. glaseri NC32 (Sg NC32), S. ceratophorum D43 (Sc D43), S. feltiae Otio (Sf Otio) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora E-6-7 (Hb E-6-7). All five species had lethal effects on adult ticks, and caused significant decreases in the amount of eggs laid by engorged female ticks (P < 0.05). Among them, Hb E-6-7 and Sc BJ were the most pathogenic to female adult ticks, with mortalities ranging from 70 to 90% (P < 0.05). Engorged females were more susceptible than unfed and partially fed females. The cumulative mortalities of engorged females exposed to Hb E-6-7 and Sc BJ for 14 days were 90%, with LT50 at 6.3 and 7.0 days, respectively. Dose-dependent effect was observed in the oviposition of the ticks after they were exposed to nematodes at concentrations of 1000–5000 IJs/dish. When the concentration was higher than 5000 IJs/dish, dose dependent effects disappeared (P > 0.05). All five nematode species were lethal to unfed male ticks, and there was significant difference in mortality when compared to the control group (P < 0.05); however, the pathogenicity varied among them.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti is an insect vector that transmits several viruses affecting humans worldwide. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) and their symbiotic bacteria are organisms with the potential to control many insects. In this study, we did a survey aimed to identify EPNs and their symbiotic bacteria and evaluate the larvicidal activity of bacteria against Ae. aegypti. We collected 540 soil samples from 108 sites in Phitsanulok Province, lower northern Thailand. Baiting techniques and White traps were used to isolate EPNs from soil samples. By sequencing of 28S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer regions, 51 EPN isolates were identified as Steinernema surkhetense (35 isolates), Heterorhabditis indica (14 isolates) and Heterorhabditis sp. SGmg3 (two isolates). Based on sequencing of a partial region of the recA gene, 35 isolates of Xenorhabdus were identified as Xenorhabdus stockiae, and 20 Photorhabdus isolates were identified as Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii (10 isolates), P. luminescens subsp. hainanensis (seven isolates) and P. asymbiotica subsp. australis (three isolates). Screening for larvicidal activity of bacteria against Ae. aegypti was performed in the laboratory. Xenorhabdus WB5.4 and Xenorhabdus WB12.5, which were closely related to X. stockiae, resulted in high mortality of Ae. aegypti (99.99% and 70%, respectively) at 96 hr after exposure. Comparing with control groups, mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae was low (1.11%–6.67%) after exposure for 24–96 hr. Our findings showed the potential of X. stockiae for controlling Ae. aegypti. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms through which these bacteria kill Ae. aegypti larvae.  相似文献   

The survival and infectivity of the infective juveniles of two species of entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae), were determined after exposure for 72 h to two concentrations of the herbicides glyphosate and MCPA, as well as to the combination of the two herbicides (glyphosate + MCPA). For all herbicide treatments, concentrations and exposure times, S. feltiae was more tolerant to the herbicides than H. bacteriophora. The exposure of entomopathogenic nematodes to glyphosate + MCPA caused significantly higher mortality (26.33–57.33%) than glyphosate (0.67–15%) or MCPA (2.33–19%) alone. These results confirm the synergistic effect of the glyphosate + MCPA combination on the mortality in these nematodes. Nematode infectivity of Galleria mellonella larvae in response to the herbicides presence was evaluated in Petri dish assays containing sterile sand. Nematode infectivity was not significantly reduced by exposure to herbicides in S. feltiae but H. bacteriophora was less tolerant. Synergistic effect was obtained in the nematode mortality test but no synergistic effect was observed in the nematode infectivity assay. Our results suggest that possible synergistic effects of agrochemicals on survival of nematodes should be tested before mixing with entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

Several factors that influence the activity of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes against adult Japanese beetles were examined in the laboratory. The effect of nematode concentration on mortality of adult beetles was evaluated using a Petri plate bioassay. The adults were exposed to 1,000 to 10,000 infective stage juveniles (J3) ofSteinernema glaseri per 10 beetles with or without food for 24 hr after which they were held with food for an additional 6 days. The LC50s for males with and without food during exposure were 3,435 and 2,854 J3s/10 adults, respectively. The LC50s for mixtures of males and females with and without food were 5,228 and 1,762 J3s/10 adults respectively. Although mortality occurred during and shortly after exposure, significant additional mortality was observed 1–4 days following exposure. Exposure of males and females with food to 10,000 J3s/10 adults for 6, 12, 18 or 24 hr resulted in 47, 58, 72 and 77% mortality, respectively. Comparative activity ofS. glaseri, S. carpocapsae (All strain),S. feltiae (Biosys experimental cold adapted strain=bibionis),S. feltiae (Biosys experimental strain 27),Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, andHeterorhabditis sp. (Terceiran isolate) was evaluated against adult Japanese beetles using a 24 hr exposure to 8,000 J3s/10 adults. The most virulent species wereS. glaseri, S. feltiae (=bibionis), the Terceiran isolate ofHeterorhabditis andS. carpocapsae producing 55, 44, 36 and 34% mortality respectively. Our results indicate that adult Japanese beetles infected with entomopathogenic nematodes could serve as a mechanism for nematode dispersal.  相似文献   

The biocontrol potential of South African isolates of Heterorhabditis zealandica, Steinernema citrae, S. khoisanae, S. yirgalemense, and Steinernema sp., was evaluated against codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Codling moth was susceptible to all six nematode isolates at a concentration of 50 infective juveniles/insect (78–100% mortality). Low temperatures (10 h at 17°C; 14 h at 12°C) negatively affected larvicidal activity (≤3%) for all isolates. All tested isolates were most effective at higher levels of water activity (a w=1). The average a w50-values for all isolates tested was 0.94 (0.93–0.95), except S. khoisanae 0.97 (0.97–0.98). Regarding host-seeking ability, no positive attraction to host cues could be detected amongst isolates, except for H. zealandica. Three of the isolates, H. zealandica, S. khoisanae, and the undescribed Steinernema sp., were selected for field-testing and proven to be effective (mortality >50%). Insect containment methods used during field experimentation was shown to influence larvacidal activity, as different levels of mortality were obtained using various containment methods (wooden planks vs. pear tree logs vs. mesh cages). Pear tree logs were impractical. Predictive equations were subsequently developed, enabling future trials to be conducted using either planks or cages, enabling the prediction of the expected level of control on tree logs. All tested isolates therefore showed a certain degree of biological control potential, however, none of the experiments showed clear efficacy-differences amongst isolates. The study highlighted the importance of environmental factors to ensure the successful application of these nematodes for the control of diapausing codling moth larvae in temperate regions.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) to native and commercial strains of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) was studied under laboratory conditions. Native strains of EPNs were collected from northeastern Iran and characterised as Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (FUM 7) using classic methods as well as analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D2/D3 sequences of 28S genes. Plate assays were performed to evaluate the efficiency of five EPN strains belonging to four species including Steinernema carpocapsae (commercial strain), S. feltiae, Steinernem glaseri and H. bacteriophora (FUM 7 and commercial strains). This initial assessment with 0, 75, 150, 250, 375 and 500 IJs/ml concentrations showed that S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora caused the highest mortality in both larval and prepupal stages of P. operculella, PTM. Thereafter, these three strains (i.e. S. carpocapsae, H. bacteriophora FUM 7 and the commercial strains) were selected for complementary assays to determine the effects of soil type (loamy, loamy–sandy and sandy) on the virulence of EPNs against the second (L2) and fourth instar (L4) larvae as well as prepupa. A soil column assay was conducted using 500 and 2000 IJs in 2-ml distilled water. Mortality in the L2 larvae was not affected by the EPN strain or soil type, while there was a significant interactive effect of nematode strains and soil type on larval mortality. The results also showed that EPN strains have higher efficiency in lighter soils and caused higher mortality on early larvae than that in loamy soil. In L4 larvae, mortality of PTM was significantly influenced by nematode strain and applied concentrations of infective juveniles. The larval mortality induced by S. carpocapsae was higher than those caused either by a commercial or the FUM 7 strain of H. bacteriophora. Prepupa were the most susceptible stage.  相似文献   

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