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To initiate and sustain an infection in mammals, bacterial pathogens must acquire host iron. However, the host''s compartmentalization of large amounts of iron in heme, which is bound primarily by hemoglobin in red blood cells, acts as a barrier to bacterial iron assimilation. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of the disease anthrax, secretes two NEAT (near iron transporter) proteins, IsdX1 and IsdX2, which scavenge heme from host hemoglobin and promote growth under low iron conditions. The mechanism of heme transfer from these hemophores to the bacterial cell is not known. We present evidence that the heme-bound form of IsdX1 rapidly and directionally transfers heme to IsdC, a NEAT protein covalently attached to the cell wall, as well as to IsdX2. In both cases, the transfer of heme is mediated by a physical association between the donor and recipient. Unlike Staphylococcus aureus, whose NEAT proteins acquire heme from hemoglobin directly at the bacterial surface, B. anthracis secretes IsdX1 to capture heme in the extracellular milieu and relies on NEAT-NEAT interactions to deliver the bound heme to the envelope via IsdC. Understanding the mechanism of NEAT-mediated iron transport into pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria may provide an avenue for the development of therapeutics to combat infection.  相似文献   

The sequestration of iron by mammalian hosts represents a significant obstacle to the establishment of a bacterial infection. In response, pathogenic bacteria have evolved mechanisms to acquire iron from host heme. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, utilizes secreted hemophores to scavenge heme from host hemoglobin, thereby facilitating iron acquisition from extracellular heme pools and delivery to iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins covalently attached to the cell wall. However, several Gram-positive pathogens, including B. anthracis, contain genes that encode near iron transporter (NEAT) proteins that are genomically distant from the genetically linked Isd locus. NEAT domains are protein modules that partake in several functions related to heme transport, including binding heme and hemoglobin. This finding raises interesting questions concerning the relative role of these NEAT proteins, relative to hemophores and the Isd system, in iron uptake. Here, we present evidence that a B. anthracis S-layer homology (SLH) protein harboring a NEAT domain binds and directionally transfers heme to the Isd system via the cell wall protein IsdC. This finding suggests that the Isd system can receive heme from multiple inputs and may reflect an adaptation of B. anthracis to changing iron reservoirs during an infection. Understanding the mechanism of heme uptake in pathogenic bacteria is important for the development of novel therapeutics to prevent and treat bacterial infections.Pathogenic bacteria need to acquire iron to survive in mammalian hosts (12). However, the host sequesters most iron in the porphyrin heme, and heme itself is often bound to proteins such as hemoglobin (14, 28, 85). Circulating hemoglobin can serve as a source of heme-iron for replicating bacteria in infected hosts, but the precise mechanisms of heme extraction, transport, and assimilation remain unclear (25, 46, 79, 86). An understanding of how bacterial pathogens import heme will lead to the development of new anti-infectives that inhibit heme uptake, thereby preventing or treating infections caused by these bacteria (47, 68).The mechanisms of transport of biological molecules into a bacterial cell are influenced by the compositional, structural, and topological makeup of the cell envelope. Gram-negative bacteria utilize specific proteins to transport heme through the outer membrane, periplasm, and inner membrane (83, 84). Instead of an outer membrane and periplasm, Gram-positive bacteria contain a thick cell wall (59, 60). Proteins covalently anchored to the cell wall provide a functional link between extracellular heme reservoirs and intracellular iron utilization pathways (46). In addition, several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial genera also contain an outermost structure termed the S (surface)-layer (75). The S-layer is a crystalline array of protein that surrounds the bacterial cell and may serve a multitude of functions, including maintenance of cell architecture and protection from host immune components (6, 7, 18, 19, 56). In bacterial pathogens that manifest an S-layer, the “force field” function of this structure raises questions concerning how small molecules such as heme can be successfully passed from the extracellular milieu to cell wall proteins for delivery into the cell cytoplasm.Bacillus anthracis is a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium that is the etiological agent of anthrax disease (30, 33). The life cycle of B. anthracis begins after a phagocytosed spore germinates into a vegetative cell inside a mammalian host (2, 40, 69, 78). Virulence determinants produced by the vegetative cells facilitate bacterial growth, dissemination to major organ systems, and eventually host death (76-78). The release of aerosolized spores into areas with large concentrations of people is a serious public health concern (30).Heme acquisition in B. anthracis is mediated by the action of IsdX1 and IsdX2, two extracellular hemophores that extract heme from host hemoglobin and deliver the iron-porphyrin to cell wall-localized IsdC (21, 45). Both IsdX1 and IsdX2 harbor near iron transporter domains (NEATs), a conserved protein module found in Gram-positive bacteria that mediates heme uptake from hemoglobin and contributes to bacterial pathogenesis upon infection (3, 8, 21, 31, 44, 46, 49, 50, 67, 81, 86). Hypothesizing that B. anthracis may contain additional mechanisms for heme transport, we provide evidence that B. anthracis S-layer protein K (BslK), an S-layer homology (SLH) and NEAT protein (32, 43), is surface localized and binds and transfers heme to IsdC in a rapid, contact-dependent manner. These results suggest that the Isd system is not a self-contained conduit for heme trafficking and imply that there is functional cross talk between differentially localized NEAT proteins to promote heme uptake during infection.  相似文献   

The metal iron is a limiting nutrient for bacteria during infection. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax and a potential weapon of bioterrorism, grows rapidly in mammalian hosts, which suggests that it efficiently attains iron during infection. Recent studies have uncovered both heme (isd) and siderophore-mediated (asb) iron transport pathways in this pathogen. Whereas deletion of the asb genes results in reduced virulence, the loss of three surface components from isd had no effect, thereby leaving open the question of what additional factors in B. anthracis are responsible for iron uptake from the most abundant iron source for mammals, heme. Here, we describe the first functional characterization of bas0520, a gene recently implicated in anthrax disease progression. bas0520 encodes a single near-iron transporter (NEAT) domain and several leucine-rich repeats. The NEAT domain binds heme, despite lacking a stabilizing tyrosine common to the NEAT superfamily of hemoproteins. The NEAT domain also binds hemoglobin and can acquire heme from hemoglobin in solution. Finally, deletion of bas0520 resulted in bacilli unable to grow efficiently on heme or hemoglobin as an iron source and yielded the most significant phenotype relative to that for other putative heme uptake systems, a result that suggests that this protein plays a prominent role in the replication of B. anthracis in hematogenous environments. Thus, we have assigned the name of Hal (heme-acquisition leucine-rich repeat protein) to BAS0520. These studies advance our understanding of heme acquisition by this dangerous pathogen and justify efforts to determine the mechanistic function of this novel protein for vaccine or inhibitor development.  相似文献   



Two-component signal transduction systems are one means of bacteria to respond to external stimuli. The LiaFSR two-component system of Bacillus subtilis consists of a regular two-component system LiaRS comprising the core Histidine Kinase (HK) LiaS and the Response Regulator (RR) LiaR and additionally the accessory protein LiaF, which acts as a negative regulator of LiaRS-dependent signal transduction. The complete LiaFSR system was shown to respond to various peptide antibiotics interfering with cell wall biosynthesis, including bacitracin.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we study the response of the LiaFSR system to various concentrations of the peptide antibiotic bacitracin. Using quantitative fluorescence microscopy, we performed a whole population study analyzed on the single cell level. We investigated switching from the non-induced ‘OFF’ state into the bacitracin-induced ‘ON’ state by monitoring gene expression of a fluorescent reporter from the RR-regulated liaI promoter. We found that switching into the ‘ON’ state occurred within less than 20 min in a well-defined switching window, independent of the bacitracin concentration. The switching rate and the basal expression rate decreased at low bacitracin concentrations, establishing clear heterogeneity 60 min after bacitracin induction. Finally, we performed time-lapse microscopy of single cells confirming the quantitative response as obtained in the whole population analysis for high bacitracin concentrations.


The LiaFSR system exhibits an immediate, heterogeneous and graded response to the inducer bacitracin in the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

Rats, rabbits, swine, guinea pigs, and monkeys were infected with anthrax spores, and their temperature responses were recorded. These were characteristic for a species and appeared independent of resistance or susceptibility of the species toward establishment of the disease. The rabbit appeared unique in that it not only failed to demonstrate a dose-response relationship over an 8-log dose range, but acted independently producing erratic body temperatures depending on spore dose. This limits the usefulness of the rabbit in studying anthrax pathogenesis, and poses questions regarding published data with the rabbit as the test animal.  相似文献   



Misfolded proteins accumulating outside the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane can interfere with the secretory machinery, hence the existence of quality factors to eliminate these misfolded proteins is of capital importance in bacteria that are efficient producers of secretory proteins. These bacteria normally use a specific two-component system to respond to the stress produced by the accumulation of the misfolded proteins, by activating the expression of HtrA-like proteases to specifically eliminate the incorrectly folded proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Overproduction of alpha-amylase in S. lividans causing secretion stress permitted the identification of a two-component system (SCO4156-SCO4155) that regulates three HtrA-like proteases which appear to be involved in secretion stress response. Mutants in each of the genes forming part of the two-genes operon that encodes the sensor and regulator protein components accumulated misfolded proteins outside the cell, strongly suggesting the involvement of this two-component system in the S. lividans secretion stress response.


To our knowledge this is the first time that a specific secretion stress response two-component system is found to control the expression of three HtrA-like protease genes in S. lividans, a bacterium that has been repeatedly used as a host for the synthesis of homologous and heterologous secretory proteins of industrial application.  相似文献   

In the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks, the use of Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) in bioterrorism attacks has emerged as a realistic concern. Thus, a contingency plan is needed to inform decision-makers about which response actions are appropriate and justified under which circumstances. This study considers the decisions: (1) to undertake prophylactic antibiotic treatment; (2) to vaccinate individuals; or (3) to decontaminate the building. While these response actions are clearly justified for highly exposed individuals, a very large number of individuals exposed to very small risks in areas outside of the immediate vicinity of the release are also likely. Our results indicate that there are non-negligible risk thresholds below which response actions produce more costs than benefits. For the base case, the thresholds range from a risk of 1 in 33 for decontamination by fumigation to 1 in 6,547 for antibiotic prophylaxis and 1 in 7,108 for vaccination. A one-way sensitivity analysis on uncertain variables indicates less than an order of magnitude change in these thresholds. Benefit–cost analysis is a useful tool for assessing tradeoffs among alternative decisions, but cannot be the sole criterion in responding to incidents because of inherent limitations.  相似文献   

Assembly of pili in Gram-positive bacteria and their attachment to the cell wall envelope are mediated by sortases. In Bacillus cereus and its close relative Bacillus anthracis, the major pilin protein BcpA is cleaved between the threonine and the glycine of its C-terminal LPXTG motif sorting signal by the pilin-specific sortase D. The resulting acyl enzyme intermediate is relieved by the nucleophilic attack of the side-chain amino group of lysine within the YPKN motif of another BcpA subunit. Cell wall anchoring of assembled BcpA pili requires sortase A, which also cleaves the LPXTG sorting signal of BcpA between its threonine and glycine residues. We show here that sortases A and D require only the C-terminal sorting signal of BcpA for substrate cleavage. Unlike sortase D, which accepts the YPKN motif as a nucleophile, sortase A forms an amide bond between the BcpA C-terminal carboxyl group of threonine and the side-chain amino group of diaminopimelic acid within the cell wall peptidoglycan of bacilli. These results represent the first demonstration of a cell wall anchor structure for pili, which are deposited by sortase A into the envelope of many different microbes.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis is a member of the Bacillus cereus group species (also known as the “group 1 bacilli”), a collection of Gram-positive spore-forming soil bacteria that are non-fastidious facultative anaerobes with very similar growth characteristics and natural genetic exchange systems. Despite their close physiology and genetics, the B. cereus group species exhibit certain species-specific phenotypes, some of which are related to pathogenicity. B. anthracis is the etiologic agent of anthrax. Vegetative cells of B. anthracis produce anthrax toxin proteins and a poly-d-glutamic acid capsule during infection of mammalian hosts and when cultured in conditions considered to mimic the host environment. The genes associated with toxin and capsule synthesis are located on the B. anthracis plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2, respectively. Although plasmid content is considered a defining feature of the species, pXO1- and pXO2-like plasmids have been identified in strains that more closely resemble other members of the B. cereus group. The developmental nature of B. anthracis and its pathogenic (mammalian host) and environmental (soil) lifestyles of make it an interesting model for study of niche-specific bacterial gene expression and physiology.  相似文献   

G. Cottarel 《Genetics》1997,147(3):1043-1051
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc2-3w wee1-50 double mutant displays a temperature-sensitive lethal phenotype termed mitotic catastrophe. Six mitotic catastrophe suppressor (mcs1-6) genes were identified in a genetic screen designed to identify regulators of cdc2. Mutations in mcs1-6 suppress the cdc2-3w wee1-50 temperature-sensitive growth defect. Here, the cloning of mcs4 is described. The mcs4 gene product displays significant sequence homology to members of the two-component system response regulator protein family. Strains carrying the mcs4 and cdc25 mutations display a synthetic osmotic lethal phenotype along with an inability to grow on minimal synthetic medium. These phenotypes are suppressed by a mutation in wee1. In addition, the wis1 gene, encoding a stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, was identified as a dosage suppressor in this screen. These findings link the two-component signal transduction system to stress response and cell cycle control in S. pombe.  相似文献   

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