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The linker histone H1 is involved in maintaining higher-order chromatin structures and displays dynamic nuclear mobility, which may be regulated by posttranslational modifications. To analyze the effect of H1 tail phosphorylation on the modulation of the histone's nuclear dynamics, we generated a mutant histone H1, referred to as M1-5, in which the five cyclin-dependent kinase phosphorylation consensus sites were mutated from serine or threonine residues into alanines. Cyclin E/CDK2 or cyclin A/CDK2 cannot phosphorylate the mutant in vitro. Using the technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, we observed that the mobility of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-M1-5 fusion protein is decreased compared to that of a GFP-wild-type H1 fusion protein. In addition, recovery of H1 correlated with CDK2 activity, as GFP-H1 mobility was decreased in cells with low CDK2 activity. Blocking the activity of CDK2 by p21 expression decreased the mobility of GFP-H1 but not that of GFP-M1-5. Finally, the level and rate of recovery of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-M1-5 were lower than those of CFP-H1 specifically in heterochromatic regions. These data suggest that CDK2 phosphorylates histone H1 in vivo, resulting in a more open chromatin structure by destabilizing H1-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   

Two novel rice (Oryza sativa L.) protein kinase (PK) genes have been isolated.OsMSRPK1 andOsMSURPK2, which most likely exist as single-copy genes in the rice genome, encode 693 and S03 amino acids polypeptide, respectively, and have the serine/threonine kinase domain of cyclin dependent protein kinase (OsMSRPK1), or the serine/threonine kinase domain and NAF domain (OsMSURPK2). Steady-state mRNA analyses of these PKs, with constitutive expression in the leaves of two-week-old seedlings, revealed thatOsMSRPK1 is up-regulated upon exposure to environmental stresses, whereasOsMSVRPK2 is down-regulated by these same stresses. Furthermore, the two PKs are developmentally regulated in both young and mature rice plants, including in the panicles. These results strongly suggest that the genes have roles in both plant development and in their defense/stress-signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are essential for the control of synaptic transmission. However, how the subsynaptic dynamics of these receptors is controlled and contributes to synaptic signaling remain poorly understood quantitatively. Particularly, since the affinity of individual mGluR subtypes for glutamate differs considerably, the activation of mGluR subtypes critically depends on their precise subsynaptic distribution. Here, using superresolution microscopy and single-molecule tracking, we unravel novel molecular mechanisms that control the nanoscale distribution and mobility of presynaptic mGluRs in hippocampal neurons. We demonstrate that the high-affinity group II receptor mGluR2 localizes diffusely along the axon, and is highly mobile, while the low-affinity group III receptor mGluR7 is stably anchored at the active zone. We demonstrate that intracellular interactions modulate surface diffusion of mGluR2, while immobilization of mGluR7 at the active zone relies on its extracellular domain. Receptor activation or increases in synaptic activity do not alter the surface mobility of presynaptic mGluRs. Finally, computational modeling of presynaptic mGluR activity revealed that this particular nanoscale arrangement directly impacts their ability to modulate neurotransmitter release. Altogether, this study demonstrates that distinct mechanisms control surface mobility of presynaptic mGluRs to contribute differentially to glutamatergic synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The allene oxide cyclase (AOC) catalyzes the formation of cis-(+)-12-oxophytodienoic acid, an intermediate in jasmonate biosynthesis and is encoded by a single copy gene in tomato. The full length AOC promoter isolated by genome walk contains 3600 bp. Transgenic tomato lines carrying a 1000 bp promoter fragment and the full length promoter, respectively, in front of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS)-encoding uidA gene and several tobacco lines carrying the full length tomato AOC promoter before GUS were used to record organ- and tissue-specific promoter activities during development and in response to various stimuli. High promoter activities corresponding to immunocytochemically detected occurrence of the AOC protein were found in seeds and young seedlings and were confined to the root tip, hypocotyl and cotyledons of 3-d-old seedlings. In 10-d-old seedlings promoter activity appeared preferentially in the elongation zone. Fully developed tomato leaves were free of AOC promoter activity, but showed high activity upon wounding locally and systemically or upon treatment with JA, systemin or glucose. Tomato flowers showed high AOC promoter activities in ovules, sepals, anthers and pollen. Most of the promoter activity patterns found in tomato with the 1000 bp promoter fragment were also detected with the full length tomato AOC promoter in tobacco during development or in response to various stimuli. The data support a spatial and temporal regulation of JA biosynthesis during development and in response to environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Rac1 has been implicated in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in several cell types, but the enzymatic origin of the ROS has not been proven. The present studies demonstrate that Nox1, a homolog of the phagocyte NADPH-oxidase component gp91(phox), is activated by Rac1. When Nox1 is co-expressed along with its regulatory subunits NOXO1 and NOXA1, significant ROS generation is seen. Herein, co-expression of constitutively active Rac1(G12V), but not wild-type Rac1, resulted in marked further stimulation of activity. Decreased Rac1 expression using small interfering RNA reduced Nox1-dependent ROS. CDC42(G12V) failed to increase activity, and small interfering RNA directed against CDC42 failed to decrease activity, pointing to specificity for Rac. TPR domain mutants of NOXA1 that interfere with Rac1 binding were ineffective in supporting Nox1-dependent ROS generation. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a complex containing Rac1(G12V), NOXO1, NOXA1, and Nox1. CDC42(G12V) could not substitute for Rac1(G12V) in such a complex. Nox1 formed a complex with Rac1(G12V) that was independent of NOXA1 and NOXO1, consistent with direct binding of Rac1(G12V) to Nox1. Rac1(G12V) interaction with NOXA1 was enhanced by Nox1 and NOXO1, suggesting cooperative binding. A model is presented comparing activation by regulatory subunits of Nox1 versus gp91(phox) (Nox2) in which Rac1 activation provides a major trigger that acutely activates Nox1-dependent ROS generation.  相似文献   

We have isolated the recently identified Drosophila caspase DRONC through its interaction with the effector caspase drICE. Ectopic expression of DRONC induces cell death in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, mammalian fibroblasts and the developing Drosophila eye. The caspase inhibitor p35 fails to rescue DRONC-induced cell death in vivo and is not cleaved by DRONC in vitro, making DRONC the first identified p35-resistant caspase. The DRONC pro-domain interacts with Drosphila inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (DIAP1), and co-expression of DIAP1 in the developing Drosophila eye completely reverts the eye ablation phenotype induced by pro-DRONC expression. In contrast, DIAP1 fails to rescue eye ablation induced by DRONC lacking the pro-domain, indicating that interaction of DIAP1 with the pro-domain of DRONC is required for suppression of DRONC-mediated cell death. Heterozygosity at the diap1 locus enhances the pro-DRONC eye phenotype, consistent with a role for endogenous DIAP1 in suppression of DRONC activation. Both heterozygosity at the dronc locus and expression of dominant-negative DRONC mutants suppress the eye phenotype caused by reaper (RPR) and head involution defective (HID), consistent with the idea that DRONC functions in the RPR and HID pathway.  相似文献   

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