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The mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade is a conserved signal transduction pathway found in organisms of complexity spanning from yeast to humans. In many mammalian tissue types, this pathway can correctly transduce signals from different extracellular messengers, leading to specific and often mutually exclusive cellular responses. The transduced signal is tuned by a complicated set of positive and negative feedback control mechanisms and fed into a downstream gene expression network. This network, based on the immediate early gene system, has two possible, mutually exclusive outcomes. Using a mathematical model, we study how different stimuli lead to different temporal signal structure. Further, we investigate how each of the feedback controls contributes to the overall specificity of the gene expression output, and hypothesize that the complicated nature of the mammalian mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway results in a system able to robustly identify and transduce the proper signal without investing in two completely separate signal cascades. Finally, we quantify the role of the RKIP protein in shaping the signal, and propose a novel mechanism of its involvement in cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

p53作为肿瘤致病的关键因子人们已经进行了广泛的研究,microRNA参与肿瘤的发生也已经成为了不争的事实,但目前关于p53与miRNA的调控关系还不是很清楚。就p53与miRNA存在的可能调控模式及p53对miRNA功能与合成方面的影响进行了综述,并结合已有的研究绘制了可能的p53与miRNA调控模式图。  相似文献   

Proteoid Roots. Physiology and Development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The cerebral cortex is divided into many functionally distinct areas. The emergence of these areas during neural development is dependent on the expression patterns of several genes. Along the anterior-posterior axis, gradients of Fgf8, Emx2, Pax6, Coup-tfi, and Sp8 play a particularly strong role in specifying areal identity. However, our understanding of the regulatory interactions between these genes that lead to their confinement to particular spatial patterns is currently qualitative and incomplete. We therefore used a computational model of the interactions between these five genes to determine which interactions, and combinations of interactions, occur in networks that reproduce the anterior-posterior expression patterns observed experimentally. The model treats expression levels as Boolean, reflecting the qualitative nature of the expression data currently available. We simulated gene expression patterns created by all possible networks containing the five genes of interest. We found that only of these networks were able to reproduce the experimentally observed expression patterns. These networks all lacked certain interactions and combinations of interactions including auto-regulation and inductive loops. Many higher order combinations of interactions also never appeared in networks that satisfied our criteria for good performance. While there was remarkable diversity in the structure of the networks that perform well, an analysis of the probability of each interaction gave an indication of which interactions are most likely to be present in the gene network regulating cortical area development. We found that in general, repressive interactions are much more likely than inductive ones, but that mutually repressive loops are not critical for correct network functioning. Overall, our model illuminates the design principles of the gene network regulating cortical area development, and makes novel predictions that can be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

乳腺癌发病率位列女性恶性肿瘤之首.先前研究表明增强子可通过调控miRNA影响肿瘤的发生发展.然而,增强子与miRNA在乳腺癌中形成何种调控网络目前尚不清楚.为了探究乳腺癌中增强子与miRNA形成的调控网络,通过分析 112个乳腺浸润癌样本和104个正常组织样本,共识别了 220对增强子-miRNA调控关系,其中包括22...  相似文献   

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