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C L Jahn  M F Krikau  S Shyman 《Cell》1989,59(6):1009-1018
The E. crassus Tec1 element is present in greater than 10(4) copies in the micronuclear genome but is absent from the macronuclear genome. During formation of a macronucleus from a micronucleus, a majority of the Tec1 elements appear as extrachromosomal circles. The circular and integrated forms of Tec1 have been characterized by restriction mapping to produce consensus maps and by sequence analysis of the element's termini. The circular forms are resistant to BAL31 and have the restriction map expected if the element excises at the end of its inverted repeats. DNA sequence analysis of a circular form confirms that the inverted repeats are in a head-to-head configuration. Excision of Tec1 occurs very early during macronuclear development as the DNA begins to replicate to form polytene chromosomes.  相似文献   

The Tec1 and Tec2 transposons of the ciliate Euplotes crassus carry a gene for a tyrosine-type site-specific recombinase. The expression of the Tec2 gene apparently uses a programmed +1 frameshift. To test this hypothesis, we first examined whether this gene has evolved under purifying selection in Tec1 and Tec2. Each element carries three genes, and each has evolved under purifying selection for the function of its encoded protein, as evidenced by a dearth of nonsynonymous changes. This distortion of divergence is apparent in codons both 5' and 3' of the frameshift site. Thus, Tec2 transposons have diverged from each other while using a programmed +1 frameshift to produce recombinase, the function of which is under purifying selection. What might this function be? Tyrosine-type site-specific recombinases are extremely rare in eukaryotes, and Tec elements are the first known eukaryotic type II transposons to encode a site-specific recombinase. Tec elements also encode a widespread transposase. The Tec recombinase might function in transposition, resolve products of transposition (bacterial replicative transposons use recombinase or resolvase to separate joined replicons), or provide a function that benefits the ciliate host. Transposons in ciliated protozoa are removed from the macronucleus, and it has been proposed that the transposons provide this "excisase" activity.  相似文献   

hsp27 is involved in development of tolerance to stress, possibly by its involvement in molecular chaperoning, maintenance of glutathione status, and/or modulation of microfilament structure and function. We hypothesize that hsp27 function depends on specific association with other proteins. To discover proteins that associate with hsp27, we made a differentiated rat Sertoli cell cDNA expression library and screened it using the yeast two-hybrid system. We obtained a cDNA coding for a novel protein of 428 amino acids that we have named PASS1 (protein associated with small stress proteins 1). BLAST searches did not reveal major similarity of PASS1 to any known protein, but the cDNA sequence matched several mouse EST clones and shares 34% homology with a Caenorhabditis elegans genomic sequence. In vitro, bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase-PASS1 fusion protein bound to hsp27, and hsp27 was co-immunoprecipitated with c-Myc-tagged PASS1 overexpressed in several cell lines. The region of PASS1 responsible for association with hsp27 was identified as existing predominantly between amino acids 108 and 208 of PASS1. Northern hybridization and Western blot analysis demonstrated that PASS1 is expressed in several tissues, with the highest expression occurring in testis, primarily in Sertoli cells. The presence of a 1.4-kilobase PASS1 mRNA in kidney as well as the 1. 8-kilobase mRNA seen in other tissues suggests that alternate splicing may occur in this organ. Ectopic expression of PASS1 in two cultured cell lines was observed to inhibit the ability of hsp27 to protect cells against heat shock, indicating that PASS1 does interact with hsp27 in the live cell.  相似文献   

Binding of proteins to chloroplast-encoded mRNAs has been shown to be an essential part of chloroplast gene expression. Four nuclear-encoded proteins (38, 47, 55, and 60 kDa) have been identified that bind to the 5'-untranslated region of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii psbA mRNA with high affinity and specificity. We have cloned a cDNA that represents the 38 kDa protein (RB38) and show that it encodes a novel RNA binding protein that is primarily localized within the chloroplast stroma. RB38 contains four 70 amino acid repeats with a high percentage of basic amino acids, as well as an amino-terminal extension predicted to act as a chloroplast import sequence. We demonstrate that the 38 kDa precursor protein is imported into isolated chloroplasts and interacts with high specificity to uridine-rich regions within the 5'-untranslated region of the psbA mRNA. While database searches have identified hypothetical proteins from several other eukaryotic species with high sequence similarity to the deduced amino acid sequence of RB38, no proteins with homology to RB38 have been biochemically characterized. Bioinformatic analysis of the RB38 sequence, together with structure analysis using circular dichroism and protein modeling, suggests that the 70 amino acid repeats within RB38 are similar in fold to previously identified RNA binding motifs, despite limited sequence homology.  相似文献   

The nucleoprotein structure of telomeres from Euplotes crassus was studied by using nuclease and chemical footprinting. The macronuclear telomeres were found to exist as DNA-protein complexes that are resistant to micrococcal nuclease digestion. Each complex encompassed 85 to 130 base pairs of macronuclear DNA and appeared to consist of two structural domains that are characterized by dissimilar DNA-protein interactions. Dimethyl sulfate footprinting demonstrated that very sequence-specific and salt-stable interactions occur in the most terminal region of each complex. DNase I footprinting indicated that DNA in the region 30 to 120 base-pairs from the 5' end lies on a protein surface; the interactions in this region of the complex are unlikely to be sequence specific. A 50-kilodalton telomere-binding protein was isolated. Binding of this protein protected telomeric DNA from BAL 31 digestion and gave rise to many of the sequence-specific DNA-protein interactions that were observed in vivo. The telomeric complexes from E. crassus were very similar in overall structure to the complexes found at Oxytricha telomeres. However, telomeric complexes from the two ciliates showed significant differences in internal organization. The telomeric DNA, the telomere-binding proteins, and the resultant DNA-protein interactions were all somewhat different. The telomere-binding proteins from the two ciliates were found to be less closely conserved than might have been expected. It appears that the proteins are tailored to match their cognate telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

A 604-base pair macronuclear DNA molecule from the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes crassus was cloned and its DNA sequence determined. The DNA sequence contains an open reading frame capable of encoding a protein 141 amino acids in length. The putative protein contains significant sequence similarity to other eukaryotic proteins, including the rat form-I phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase-C.  相似文献   

Macronuclear development in Euplotes crassus begins with polytenization of micronuclear chromosomes and is accompanied by highly precise excision of DNA sequences known as internal eliminated sequences and transposon-like elements (Tecs). Quantitation of radiolabeled-precursor incorporation into DNA indicates that DNA synthesis during formation of polytene chromosomes is not continuous and occurs during two distinct periods. We demonstrate that the timing of Tec excision coincides with these replication periods and that excision can occur during both periods even at a single locus. We also show that Tec and internal eliminated sequence excisions are coincident in the second replication period, thus providing further evidence for similarity in their excision mechanism. Inhibition of DNA synthesis with hydroxyurea diminishes Tec element excision, indicating that replication is an important aspect of the excision process.  相似文献   

Transient gene expression in mammalian cells is an efficient process to produce recombinant proteins for various research applications and large molecule therapeutics development. For the first time, we report a screen to identify human microRNAs (miRNAs) that increase titers after polyethylenimine (PEI) mediated transient transfection of a HEK293 cell line. From a library of 875 miRNAs, we identified 2 miRNAs, miR‐26a‐5p and miR‐337‐5p, that increased human IgG1 (huIgG1) yields by 50 and 25%, respectively. The titer increase was achievable by expressing miR‐26a‐5p from oligonucleotides or a plasmid. Furthermore, combining miR‐26a‐5p with valproic acid (VPA) treatment doubled huIgG1 titers. Assessment of miR‐26a‐5p and VPA treatment across a panel of 32 human and murine antibodies demonstrates that the level of yield enhancement was molecule‐dependent, with most exhibiting a range of 50–100% titer increase. These findings exemplify that combining genetic and chemical manipulation can be an effective strategy to enhance transient transfection productivity. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1139–1145, 2017  相似文献   

In a previous study [Nachaliel et al., 1993], we identified an RNA-binding protein (RBP) in FTO-2B rat hepatoma cells whose activity was stimulated upon the dissociation of a protein factor. We report in this article that the RBP is a complex protein of about 400 kDa, composed of RNA-binding subunit(s) (RBS), and regulatory subunit(s) (RS). We purified the RS to near-homogeneity (Mr approximately 25,000) and determined the amino acid sequence of a peptide derived from RS. On the basis of this sequence information, the cDNA for RS was obtained. Recombinant RS protein expressed in Escherichia coli had the capacity to bind RBS and inhibit its RNA-binding activity. The cDNA contains the complete coding sequence because the recombinant protein has the same electrophoretic mobility as that of the native RS in SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Sequence comparison showed that RS is almost identical to DJ-1, a recently discovered protein with an oncogenic potential, and CAP1, a rat sperm protein. However, the protein does not contain any known motifs that can provide a clue as to its exact function. Indirect immunofluorescence analyses showed that in addition to the cytoplasm, where RS is associated with microtubular filaments, the polypeptide is localized to the cell nucleus. The possible role of RS is discussed.  相似文献   

Human Brox is a newly identified 46 kDa protein that has a Bro1 domain-like sequence and a C-terminal thioester-linkage site of isoprenoid lipid (CAAX motif) (C standing for cysteine, A for generally aliphatic amino acid, and X for any amino acid). Mammalian Alix and its yeast ortholog, Bro1, are known to associate with charged multivesicular body protein 4 (CHMP4), a component of endosomal sorting complex required for transport III, via their Bro1 domains and to play roles in sorting of ubiquitinated cargoes. We investigated whether Brox has an authentic Bro1 domain on the basis of its capacity for interacting with CHMP4s. Both Strep Tactin binding sequence (Strep)-tagged wild-type Brox (Strep-Brox(WT)) and Strep-tagged farnesylation-defective mutant (Cys-->Ser mutation; Strep-Brox(C408S)) pulled down FLAG-tagged CHMP4b that was coexpressed in HEK293 cells. Treatment of cells with a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, FTI-277, caused an electrophoretic mobility shift of Strep-Brox(WT), and the mobility coincided with that of Strep-Brox(C408S). The inhibitor also caused a mobility shift of endogenous Brox detected by western blotting using polyclonal antibodies to Brox, suggesting farnesylation of Brox in vivo. Fluorescence microscopic analyses revealed that Strep-Brox(WT) exhibited accumulation in the perinuclear area and caused a punctate pattern of FLAG-CHMP4b that was constitutively expressed in HEK293 cells. On the other hand, Strep-Brox(C408S) showed a diffuse pattern throughout the cell, including the nucleus, and did not cause accumulation of FLAG-CHMP4b. Fluorescent signals of monomeric green fluorescent protein (mGFP)-fused Brox(WT) merged partly with those of Golgi markers and with those of abnormal endosomes induced by overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of AAA type ATPase SKD1/Vps4B in HeLa cells, but such colocalization was less efficient for mGFP-Brox(C408S). These results suggest a physiological significance of farnesylation of Brox in its subcellular distribution and efficient interaction with CHMP4s in vivo.  相似文献   

Using antipeptide antibodies to conserved regions of the kinesin motor domain, we cloned a kinesin-related protein that associates with the centromere region of mitotic chromosomes. We call the protein MCAK, for mitotic centromere-associated kinesin. MCAK appears concentrated on centromeres at prophase and persists until telophase, after which time the localization disperses. It is found throughout the centromere region and between the kinetochore plates of isolated mitotic CHO chromosomes, in contrast to two other kinetochore-associated microtubule motors: cytoplasmic dynein and CENP-E (Yen et al., 1992), which are closer to the outer surface of the kinetochore plates. Sequence analysis shows MCAK to be a kinesin-related protein with the motor domain located in the center of the protein. It is 60-70% similar to kif2, a kinesin-related protein originally cloned from mouse brain with a centrally located motor domain (Aizawa et al., 1992). MCAK protein is present in interphase and mitotic CHO cells and is transcribed as a single 3.4-kb message.  相似文献   

Rab3A is a small, Ras-like GTPase expressed in neuroendocrine cells, in which it is associated with secretory vesicle membranes and regulates exocytosis. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have identified a rat brain cDNA encoding a novel 50-kDa protein, which we have named Rabin3, that interacts with Rab3A and Rab3D but not with other small GTPases (Rab3C, Rab2, Ran, or Ras). Several independent point mutations in the effector domain of Rab3A (F51L, V55E, and G56D) which do not alter nucleotide binding by the GTPase abolish the interaction with Rabin3, while another mutation (V52A) appears to increase the interaction. These results demonstrate that the interaction is highly specific. However, a glutathione S-transferase-Rabin3 fusion protein associates only weakly in vitro with recombinant Rab3A and possesses no detectable GTPase-activating protein or nucleotide exchange activity, and Rabin3 overexpressed in adrenal chromaffin cells has no observable effect on secretion. The protein possess a sequence characteristic of coiled-coil domains and a second small region with sequence similarity to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, Sec2p, Sec2p is essential for constitutive secretion in yeast cells and interacts with Sec4p, a close relative of the Rab3A GTPase. Rabin3 mRNA and protein are widely expressed but are particularly abundant in testes.  相似文献   

Four members of collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are thought to be involved in the semaphorin-induced growth cone collapse during neural development. Here we report the identification of a novel CRMP3-associated protein, designated CRAM for CRMP3-associated molecule, that belongs to the unc-33 gene family. The deduced amino acid sequence reveals that the CRAM gene encodes a protein of 563 amino acids, shows 57% identity with dihydropyrimidinase, and shows 50-51% identity with CRMPs. CRAM appears to form a large complex composed of CRMP3 and other unidentified proteins in vivo. Indeed, CRAM physically associates with CRMP3 when co-expressed in COS-7 cells. The expression of CRAM is brain-specific, is high in fetal and neonatal rat brain, and decreases to very low levels in adult brain. Moreover, CRAM expression is up-regulated during neuronal differentiation of embryonal carcinoma P19 and PC12 cells. Finally, immunoprecipitation analysis of rat brain extracts shows that CRAM is co-immunoprecipitated with proteins that contain protein-tyrosine kinase activity. Taken together, our results suggest that CRAM, which interacts with CRMP3 and protein-tyrosine kinase(s), is a new member of an emerging family of molecules that potentially mediate signals involved in the guidance and outgrowth of axons.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is emerging as a target in neoplastic diseases. Inhibition of CK2 by small compounds could lead to new therapies by counteracting the elevated CK2 activities found in a variety of tumors. Currently, CK2 inhibitors are primarily evaluated by a radiometric in vitro assay tracing the amount of transferred γ-(32)P from ATP to a substrate peptide. Here, we present two alternative assays abandoning radioisotopes. The first assay is based on F?rster resonance energy transfer between the fluorescence donor EDANS and the acceptor molecule DABCYL within the CK2 substrate peptide [DABCYL]-RRRDDDSDDD-[EDANS]. This peptide comprises a cleavage site for pancreatic elastase, which is located next to the phosphate acceptor serine. Only the non-phosphorylated peptide can be cleaved by elastase, disrupting the FRET effect. Thus fluorescence intensity is inversely correlated with CK2 activity. The second non-radiometric assay deploys the changing of charge that occurs within the peptide substrate RRRDDDSDDD upon phosphorylation by CK2. Substrate and product of a CK2 reaction consequently show a difference in electrophoretic mobility and thus can be separated by capillary electrophoresis. Absorption detection enabled quantification of both peptide species and allowed the determination of IC(50) values. This method facilitated the testing of a small compound library by which benzofuran derivatives were identified as potent CK2 inhibitors with IC(50) values in the submicromolar range.  相似文献   

Duan W  Sun B  Li TW  Tan BJ  Lee MK  Teo TS 《Gene》2000,256(1-2):113-121
We describe the cloning and expression of cDNAs encoding a novel human protein of 208 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 22.6kDa and its mouse homologue. We name this protein as AWP1 (associated with PRK1). AWP1 is a ubiquitously expressed protein, and the Awp1 gene is switched on during early human and mouse development. When expressed in COS-1 cells, the Myc-tagged AWP1 has an apparent molecular mass higher than that deduced from its amino acid sequence. AWP1 possesses a conserved zf-A20 zinc finger domain at its N-terminal and a zf-AN1 zinc finger domain at its C-terminal. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that mouse AWP1 specifically interacts with a rat serine/threonine protein kinase PRK1 in vivo. Hence, AWP1 may play a regulatory role in mammalian signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

p16(INK4a) is a multiple tumor suppressor, playing an important role in proliferation and tumorigenesis. To screen the p16(INK4a)-associated proteins, we performed a yeast two-hybrid assay and identified a novel protein isochorismatase domain containing 2 (ISOC2). ISOC2 conserves in different species, and encodes 205 and 210 amino acids in human and mouse, respectively. The expression of ISOC2 in mouse is universal but predominantly in uterus, stomach, and urinary tract system. Interaction between ISOC2 and p16(INK4a) was verified using in vitro pull-down assays and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation. Confocal microscopy studies using green and cyan fluorescent fusion proteins determined that ISOC2 co-localizes with p16(INK4a). Over-expressed ISOC2 is able to inhibit p16(INK4a) in dose-dependent manner. Our data indicated that ISOC2 is a novel functional protein, which is able to bind and co-localize with a tumor suppressor gene p16(INK4a). Over-expressed ISOC2 inhibits the expression of p16(INK4a), suggesting that this novel gene may play a role during the tumor development by interacting with p16(INK4a).  相似文献   

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