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Major advances are currently being made in regenerative medicine for cornea. Stem cell-based therapies represent a novel strategy that may substitute conventional corneal transplantation, albeit there are many challenges ahead given the singularities of each cellular layer of the cornea. This review recapitulates the current data on corneal epithelial stem cells, corneal stromal stem cells and corneal endothelial cell progenitors. Corneal limbal autografts containing epithelial stem cells have been transplanted in humans for more than 20 years with great successful rates, and researchers now focus on ex vivo cultures and other cell lineages to transplant to the ocular surface. A small population of cells in the corneal endothelium was recently reported to have self-renewal capacity, although they do not proliferate in vivo. Two main obstacles have hindered endothelial cell transplantation to date: culture protocols and cell delivery methods to the posterior cornea in vivo. Human corneal stromal stem cells have been identified shortly after the recognition of precursors of endothelial cells. Stromal stem cells may have the potential to provide a direct cell-based therapeutic approach when injected to corneal scars. Furthermore, they exhibit the ability to deposit organized connective tissue in vitro and may be useful in corneal stroma engineering in the future. Recent advances and future perspectives in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases represent the world’s leading cause of death. In this heterogeneous group of diseases, ischemic cardiomyopathies are the most devastating and prevalent, estimated to cause 17.9 million deaths per year. Despite all biomedical efforts, there are no effective treatments that can replace the myocytes lost during an ischemic event or progression of the disease to heart failure. In this context, cell therapy is an emerging therapeutic alternative to treat cardiovascular diseases by cell administration, aimed at cardiac regeneration and repair. In this review, we will cover more than 30 years of cell therapy in cardiology, presenting the main milestones and drawbacks in the field and signaling future challenges and perspectives. The outcomes of cardiac cell therapies are discussed in three distinct aspects: The search for remuscularization by replacement of lost cells by exogenous adult cells, the endogenous stem cell era, which pursued the isolation of a progenitor with the ability to induce heart repair, and the utilization of pluripotent stem cells as a rich and reliable source of cardiomyocytes. Acellular therapies using cell derivatives, such as microvesicles and exosomes, are presented as a promising cell-free therapeutic alternative.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc regeneration field is rapidly growing since disc disorders represent a major health problem in industrialized countries with very few possible treatments.Indeed, current available therapies are symptomatic, and surgical procedures consist in disc removal and spinal fusion, which is not immune to regardable concerns about possible comorbidities, cost-effectiveness, secondary risks and long-lasting outcomes. This review paper aims to share recent advances in stem cell therapy for the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration. In literature the potential use of different adult stem cells for intervertebral disc regeneration has already been reported. Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells, adipose tissue derived stem cells, synovial stem cells, muscle-derived stem cells, olfactory neural stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, disc stem cells, and embryonic stem cells have been studied for this purpose either in vitro or in vivo. Moreover, several engineered carriers(e.g., hydrogels), characterized by full biocompatibility and prompt biodegradation, have been designed and combined with different stem cell types in order to optimize the local and controlled delivery of cellular substrates in situ. The paper overviews the literature discussing the current status of our knowledge of the different stem cells types used as a cell-based therapy for disc regeneration.  相似文献   

Stem cells embody the tremendous potential of the human body to develop, grow, and repair throughout life. Understanding the biologic mechanisms that underlie stem cell-mediated tissue regeneration is key to harnessing this potential. Recent advances in molecular biology, genetic engineering, and material science have broadened our understanding of stem cells and helped bring them closer to widespread clinical application. Specifically, innovative approaches to optimize how stem cells are identified, isolated, grown, and utilized will help translate these advances into effective clinical therapies. Although there is growing interest in stem cells worldwide, this enthusiasm must be tempered by the fact that these treatments remain for the most part clinically unproven. Future challenges include refining the therapeutic manipulation of stem cells, validating these technologies in randomized clinical trials, and regulating the global expansion of regenerative stem cell therapies.  相似文献   

Intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH) is a very complex pathology, with many different not fully elucidated etiologies and prognostics. It is the most severe subtype of stroke, with high mortality and morbidity rates. Unfortunately, despite the numerous promising preclinical assays including neuroprotective, anti-hypertensive,and anti-inflammatory drugs, to this moment only symptomatic treatments are available, motivating the search for new alternatives. In this context, stem cell therapy emerged as a promising tool. However, more than a decade has passed, and there is still much to be learned not only about stem cells, but also about ICH itself, and how these two pieces come together. To date, rats have been the most widely used animal model in this research field, and there is much more to be learned from and about them. In this review, we first summarize ICH epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology. We then present different methods utilized to induce ICH in rats, and examine how accurately they represent the human disease. Next, we discuss the different types of stem cells used in previous ICH studies, also taking into account the tested transplantation sites. Finally, we summarize what has been achieved in assays with stem cells in rat models of ICH, and point out some relevant issues where attention must be given in future efforts.  相似文献   

Heart disorders are a major health concern worldwide responsible for millions of deaths every year. Among the many disorders of the heart, myocardial infarction, which can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or even death, has the most severe social and economic ramifications. Lack of sufficient available donor hearts for heart transplantation, the only currently viable treatment for heart failure other than medical management options (ACE inhibition, beta blockade, use of AICDs, etc.) that improve the survival of patients with heart failure emphasises the need for alternative therapies. One promising alternative replaces cardiac muscle damaged by myocardial infarction with new contractile cardiomyocytes and vessels obtained through stem cell-based regeneration.We report on the state of the art of recovery of cardiac functions by using stem cell engineering. Current research focuses on (a) inducing stem cells into becoming cardiac cells before or after injection into a host, (b) growing replacement heart tissue in vitro, and (c) stimulating the proliferation of the post-mitotic cardiomyocytes in situ. The most promising treatment option for patients is the engineering of new heart tissue that can be implanted into damaged areas. Engineering of cardiac tissue currently employs the use of co-culture of stem cells with scaffold microenvironments engineered to improve tissue survival and enhance differentiation. Growth of heart tissue in vitro using scaffolds, soluble collagen, and cell sheets has unique advantages. To compensate for the loss of ventricular mass and contractility of the injured cardiomyocytes, different stem cell populations have been extensively studied as potential sources of new cells to ameliorate the injured myocardium and eventually restore cardiac function. Unresolved issues including insufficient cell generation survival, growth, and differentiation have led to mixed results in preclinical and clinical studies. Addressing these limitations should ensure the successful production of replacement heart tissue to benefit cardiac patients.  相似文献   

Many cell types are currently being studied as potential sources of cardiomyocytes for cell transplantation therapy to repair and regenerate damaged myocardium. The question remains as to which progenitor cell represents the best candidate. Bone marrow-derived cells and endothelial progenitor cells have been tested in clinical studies. These cells are safe, but their cardiogenic potential is controversial. The functional benefits observed are probably due to enhanced angiogenesis, reduced ventricular remodeling, or to cytokine-mediated effects that promote the survival of endogenous cells. Human embryonic stem cells represent an unlimited source of cardiomyocytes due to their great differentiation potential, but each step of differentiation must be tightly controlled due to the high risk of teratoma formation. These cells, however, confront ethical barriers and there is a risk of graft rejection. These last two problems can be avoided by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which can be autologously derived, but the high risk of teratoma formation remains. Cardiac progenitor cells have the advantage of being cardiac committed, but important questions remain unanswered, such as what is the best marker to identify and isolate these cells? To date the different markers used to identify adult cardiac progenitor cells also recognize progenitor cells that are outside the heart. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the cardiac progenitor cells identified in the adult heart represent resident cells present since fetal life or extracardiac cells that colonized the heart after cardiac injury. Developmental studies have identified markers of multipotent progenitors, but it is unknown whether these markers are specific for adult progenitors when expressed in the adult myocardium. Cardiac regeneration is dependent on the stability of the cells transplanted into the host myocardium and on the electromechanical coupling with the endogenous cells. Finally, the promotion of endogenous regenerative processes by mobilizing endogenous progenitors represents a complementary approach to cell transplantation therapy.  相似文献   

The genitourinary tract can be affected by several pathologies which require repair or replacement to recover biological functions. Current therapeutic strategies are challenged by a growing shortage of adequate tissues. Therefore, new options must be considered for the treatment of patients, with the use of stem cells (SCs) being attractive. Two different strategies can be derived from stem cell use: Cell therapy and tissue therapy, mainly through tissue engineering. The recent advances using these approaches are described in this review, with a focus on stromal/mesenchymal cells found in adipose tissue. Indeed, the accessibility, high yield at harvest as well as anti-fibrotic, immunomodulatory and proangiogenic properties make adipose-derived stromal/SCs promising alternatives to the therapies currently offered to patients. Finally, an innovative technique allowing tissue reconstruction without exogenous material, the self-assembly approach, will be presented. Despite advances, more studies are needed to translate such approaches from the bench to clinics in urology. For the 21st century, cell and tissue therapies based on SCs are certainly the future of genitourinary regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been identified as one of the most frequent chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). The prevalence of ED is estimated to be about 67.4% in all DM cases worldwide. The pathophysiological process leading to ED involves endothelial, neurological, hormonal, and psychological factors. In DM, endothelial and neurological factors play a crucial role. Damages in the blood vessels and erectile tissue due to insulin resistance are the hallmark of ED in DM. The current treatments for ED include phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and penile prosthesis surgery. However, these treatments are limited in terms of just relieving the symptoms, but not resolving the cause of the problem. The use of stem cells for treating ED is currently being studied mostly in experimental animals. The stem cells used are derived from adipose tissue, bone, or human urine. Most of the studies observed an improvement in erectile quality in the experimental animals as well as an improvement in erectile tissue. However, research on stem cell therapy for ED in humans remains to be limited. Nevertheless, significant findings from studies using animal models indicate a potential use of stem cells in the treatment of ED.  相似文献   

The production of testosterone occurs within the Leydig cells of the testes. When production fails at this level from either congenital, acquired, or systemic disorders,the result is primary hypogonadism. While numerous testosterone formulations have been developed, none are yet fully capable of replicating the physiological patterns of testosterone secretion. Multiple stem cell therapies to restore androgenic function of the testes are under investigation. Leydig cells derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, and the testes have shown promise for future therapy for primary hypogonadism. In particular, the discovery and utilization of a group of progenitor stem cells within the testes, known as stem Leydig cells(SLCs), has led not only to a better understanding of testicular development, but of treatment as well. When combining this with an understanding of the mechanisms that lead to Leydig cell dysfunction, researchers and physicians will be able to develop stem cell therapies that target the specific step in the steroidogenic process that is deficient. The current preclinical studies highlight the complex nature of regenerating this steroidogenic process and the problems remain unresolved. In summary, there appears to be two current directions for stem cell therapy in male primary hypogonadism. The first method involves differentiating adult Leydig cells from stem cells of various origins from bone marrow, adipose, or embryonic sources. The second method involves isolating, identifying, and transplanting stem Leydig cells into testicular tissue. Theoretically, in-vivo re-activation of SLCs in men with primary hypogonadism due to age would be another alternative method to treat hypogonadism while eliminating the need for transplantation.  相似文献   

Currently, thyroid cancer is one of the most common endocrine cancer in the United States. A recent involvement of sub-population of stem cells, cancer stem cells, has been proposed in different histological types of thyroid cancer. Because of their ability of self-renewal and differentiation into various specialized cells in the body, these putative cells drive tumor genesis, metastatic activity and are responsible to provide chemo- and radioresistant nature to the cancer cells in the thyroid gland. Our Review was conducted from previously published literature to provide latest apprises to investigate the role of embryonic, somatic and cancer stem cells, and discusses the hypothesis of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Different methods for their identification and isolation through stemness markers using various in vivo and in vitro methods such as flow cytometry, thyrosphere formation assay, aldehyde dehydrogenase activity and ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2 efflux-pump mediated Hoechst 33342 dye exclusion have been discussed. The review also outlines various setbacks that still remain to target these tumor initiating cells. Future perspectives of therapeutic strategies and their potential to treat advanced stages of thyroid cancer are also disclosed in this review.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative disease is a brain disorder caused by the loss of structure and function of neurons that lowers the quality of human life. Apart from the limited potential for endogenous regeneration, stem cell-based therapies hold considerable promise for maintaining homeostatic tissue regeneration and enhancing plasticity. Despite many studies, there remains insufficient evidence for stem cell tracing and its correlation with endogenous neural cells in brain tissue with three-dimensional structures. Recent advancements in tissue optical clearing techniques have been developed to overcome the existing shortcomings of cross-sectional tissue analysis in thick and complex tissues. This review focuses on recent progress of stem cell treatments to improve neurodegenerative disease, and introduces tissue optical clearing techniques that can implement a three-dimensional image as a proof of concept. This review provides a more comprehensive understanding of stem cell tracing that will play an important role in evaluating therapeutic efficacy and cellular interrelationship for regeneration in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

l -Asparaginases hydrolyzing plasma l -asparagine and l -glutamine has attracted tremendous attention in recent years owing to remarkable anticancer properties. This enzyme is efficiently used for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and lymphosarcoma and emerged against ALL in children, neoplasia, and some other malignancies. Cancer cells reduce the expression of l -asparaginase leading to their elimination. The l -asparaginase anticancerous application approach has made incredible breakthrough in the field of modern oncology through depletion of plasma l -asparagine to inhibit the cancer cells growth; particularly among children. High level of l -asparaginase enzyme production by Escherichia coli, Erwinia species, Streptomyces, and Bacillus subtilis species is highly desirable as bacterial alternative enzyme sources for anticancer therapy. Thermal or harsh conditions stability of those from the two latter bacterial species is considerable. Some enzymes from marine bacteria have conferred stability in adverse conditions being more advantageous in cancer therapy. Several side effects exerted by l -asparaginases such as hypersensitivity should be hindered or decreased through alternative therapies or use of immune-suppressor drugs. The l -asparaginase from Erwinia species has displayed remarkable traits in children with this regard. Noticeably, Erwinia chrysanthemi l -asparaginase exhibited negligible glutaminase activity representing a promising efficiency mitigating related side effects. Application of software such as RSM would optimize conditions for higher levels of enzyme production. Additionally, genetic recombination of the encoding gene would indisputably help improving enzyme traits. Furthermore, the possibility of anticancer combination therapy using two or more l -asparaginases from various sources is plausible in future studies to achieve better therapeutic outcomes with lower side effects.  相似文献   

Stem cells represent a promising step for the future of regenerative medicine. As they are able to differentiate into any cell type, tissue or organ, these cells are great candidates for treatments against the worst diseasesthat defy doctors and researchers around the world. Stem cells can be divided into three main groups:(1) embryonic stem cells;(2) fetal stem cells; and(3) adult stem cells. In terms of their capacity for proliferation, stem cells are also classified as totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent. Adult stem cells, also known as somatic cells, are found in various regions of the adult organism, such as bone marrow, skin, eyes, viscera and brain. They can differentiate into unipotent cells of the residing tissue, generally for the purpose of repair. These cells represent an excellent choice in regenerative medicine, every patient can be a donor of adult stem cells to provide a more customized and efficient therapy against various diseases, in other words, they allow the opportunity of autologous transplantation. But in order to start clinical trials and achieve great results, we need to understand how these cells interact with the host tissue, how they can manipulate or be manipulated by the microenvironment where they will be transplanted and for how long they can maintain their multipotent state to provide a full regeneration.  相似文献   

Lymphedema is mainly identified by progressive soft tissue swelling in impaired lymphatic system. Secondary lymphedema attributed to cancer therapy, parasite infection, and trauma remains a serious global disease. Patients with lymphedema suffer swelling, pain, and fatigue, with the dysfunction of the deformed extremities reducing the quality of life and increasing the risk of infection and lymphangiosarcoma. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) possess prominent regenerative potential to differentiate into multilineage cells, and produce various lymphangiogenic factors, making ADSC therapy a promising approach for lymphedema. The development of lymphedema consists of local inflammation, the fibrosis of lymphatic vessels, and the deposition of adipose fat. Existing animal models do not mimic the chronic inflammation environment, therefore suitable models are required in further studies. Some signal pathways and molecular mechanisms in physiological and pathological lymphagiogenesis remain unclear. In previous animal and human trials, ADSC therapy reduced edema in varying degrees. A larger number of trials with larger samples and longer follow-up periods are required to verify the efficiency and feasibility of ADSC therapy. ADSCs are of easy availability and immune exemption, making them a candidate for lymphedema treatment. Whether ADSCs enhance malignant characteristics or trigger the malignant change deserves further exploration and study before ADSC therapy can be made widely available.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) involves the loss of dopamine (DA) neurons, making it the most expected neurodegenerative disease to be treated by cell replacement therapy. Stem cells are a promising source for cell replacement therapy due to their ability to self-renew and their pluripotency/multipotency that allows them to generate various types of cells. However, it is challenging to derive midbrain DA neurons from stem cells. Thus, in this review, I will discuss the molecular factors that are known to play critical roles in the generation and survival of DA neurons. The developmental process of DA neurons and functions of extrinsic soluble factors and homeodomain proteins, forkhead box proteins, proneural genes, Nurr1 and genes involved in epigenetic control are discussed. In addition, different types of stem cells that have potential for future cell replacement therapy are reviewed.  相似文献   

Currently, many gastrointestinal diseases are a major reason for the increased mortality rate of children and adults every year. Additionally, these patients may cope with the high cost of the parenteral nutrition (PN), which aids in the long-term survival of the patients. Other treatment options include surgical lengthening, which is not sufficient in many cases, and intestinal transplantation. However, intestinal transplantation is still accompanied by many challenges, including immune rejection and donor availability, which may limit the transplant’s success. The development of more safe and promising alternative treatments for intestinal diseases is still ongoing. Stem cell-based therapy (SCT) and tissue engineering (TE) appear to be the next promising choices for the regeneration of the damaged intestine. However, suitable stem cell source is required for the SCT and TE process. Thus, in this review we discuss how intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are a promising cell source for small intestine diseases. We will also discuss the different markers were used to identify ISCs. Moreover, we discuss the dominant Wnt signaling pathway in the ISC niche and its involvement in some intestinal diseases. Additionally, we discuss ISC culture and expansion, which are critical to providing enough cells for SCT and TE. Finally, we conclude and recommend that ISC isolation, culture and expansion should be considered when SCT is a treatment option for intestinal disorders. Therefore, we believe that ISCs should be considered a cell source for SCT for many gastrointestinal diseases and should be highlighted in future clinical applications.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is an emerging field of science that focuses on creating suitable conditions for the regeneration of tissues. The basic components for tissue engineering involve an interactive triad of scaffolds, signaling molecules, and cells. In this context,stem cells(SCs) present the characteristics of selfrenewal and differentiation capacity, which make them promising candidates for tissue engineering. Although they present some common markers, such as cluster of differentiation(CD)105, CD146 and STRO-1, SCs derived from various tissues have different patterns in relation to proliferation, clonogenicity, and differentiation abilities in vitro and in vivo. Tooth-derived tissues have been proposed as an accessible source to obtain SCs with limited morbidity, and various tooth-derived SCs(TDSCs) have been isolated and characterized, such as dental pulp SCs, SCs from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament SCs, dental follicle progenitor cells, SCs from apical papilla, and periodontal ligament of deciduous teeth SCs. However, heterogeneity among these populations has been observed, and the best method to select the most appropriate TDSCs for regeneration approaches has not yet been established. The objective of this review is to outline the current knowledge concerning the various types of TDSCs, and discuss the perspectives for their use in regenerative approaches.  相似文献   

In this perspective, the potential application of stem cells for the treatment of COVID-19 related pneumonia and their potential mechanism of action have been overviewed.  相似文献   

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