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Zotin  A. A.  Ieshko  E. P. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(3):306-312
Biology Bulletin - Individual linear growth was studied in 23 specimens of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera by measuring successive annual growth rings on the shell surface....  相似文献   

Linnaeus listed and described (as Ostrea species) 20 recent pectinid species in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae and one pectinid species in his Mantissa. These are now placed in 17 genera of the family Pectinidae. Nine species are cited to Museum Ludovicae Ulricae. Ten primary types are present in the Linnéan Society of London, and the same number in die Zoological Museum of die Uppsala University. Two lectotypes were designated recendy by Smith and Waller; 18 lectotypes and one neotype are selected herein. Nine of the species are type species of currently accepted pectinid genera. Seven new type localities are also designated for species which had unknown or erroneous type localities, and six are more restricted. Potential type material of eight species is also traced in the Gualtieri collection of the Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio at Certosi di Calci (Italy).  相似文献   

Since historical times, the inherent human fascination with pearls turned the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) into a highly valuable cultural and economic resource. Although pearl harvesting in M. margaritifera is nowadays residual, other human threats have aggravated the species conservation status, especially in Europe. This mussel presents a myriad of rare biological features, e.g. high longevity coupled with low senescence and Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, for which the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly known. Here, the first draft genome assembly of M. margaritifera was produced using a combination of Illumina Paired-end and Mate-pair approaches. The genome assembly was 2.4 Gb long, possessing 105,185 scaffolds and a scaffold N50 length of 288,726 bp. The ab initio gene prediction allowed the identification of 35,119 protein-coding genes. This genome represents an essential resource for studying this species’ unique biological and evolutionary features and ultimately will help to develop new tools to promote its conservation.  相似文献   

Molecular and genetic studies have revealed that all five species of pearl mussels of the genus Dahurinaia (Bivalvia, Margaritiferidae) inhabiting the upper basin of the Amur River on the territory of Transbaikalia belong to Margaritifera dahurica Middendorff, 1850. Based on the statistical analysis, it has been shown that morphometric shell ratios form continuous variation series without differentiation on discrete groups. It has been found that changes in these ratios are caused by the shell growth of pearl mussels and their morphological variations reflects the high level of polymorphism. The so-called “comparator” species of the genus Dahurinaia are differently sized groups of one polymorphic biological species M. dahurica.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of time of day on RNA/DNA ratios among fed and starved Crassostrea angulata and Ruditapes decussatus juveniles. Sampling to investigate the day and night condition of juveniles was carried out for 48 h. A highly sensitive method for nucleic acid quantification was applied to bivalves. The results suggest that there is some variation in nucleic acid quantities with the time of the day. For the two species analysed, the RNA/DNA ratio was particularly high during the night and was higher in the fed animals. The results seem to indicate that there is some endogenous rhythm in the production of RNA. If there are diel changes in RNA/DNA ratios, it follows that average RNA/DNA ratios can be unrepresentative if there is any day or night bias in sampling.  相似文献   


A review is given of the species of Anodontinae in Anatolia and the adjacent areas, based mainly on the author’s collections. Five species (A. anatina, A. cygnae, A. palustris, A. pseudodopsis, A. vescoiana) and several subspecies are recognized. Their distribution and the patterns of subspeciation are discussed.  相似文献   

The arguments given by Bolotov et al. (Ivz. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Biol., 2013, no. 2, pp. 245–256) were shown to be invalid because the allometric growth of mollusks was not taken into account.  相似文献   

As a further contribution to the systematics of species belonging to the genus Crassostrea, electrophoretic studies of gene-enzyme system have been carried out on five populations of oysters regarded as either Crassostrea gigas or Crassostrea angulata species. Two populations of C. gigas from Japan (Karakawa and Hiroshima), one of C. gigas from France (Fouras), one of C. angulata from Portugal (Sado) and one of Crassostrea sp. from Italy (Chioggia) have been examined. The electrophoretic study of 20 enzyme loci and the genetic distance value showed no significant genetic divergence among the Crassostrea sp. populations. Thus the results of this study seem to confirm and extend to other populations what obtained by Buroker et al. (1979), that is a remarkable genetical identity between the two species Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata.  相似文献   

The presence of pollutants in the ocean may affect different physiological parameters of animals. Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were evaluated in D-shaped larvae of mussels (Perna perna) exposed to zinc sulphate (ZnSO(4)) and benzene (C(6)H(6)). When compared to the control group, both pollutants presented a significant reduction in oxygen consumption. A reduction in the ammonia excretion was also observed, both for ZnSO(4) and C(6)H(6) and also in the oxygen consumption. The results indicate that anaerobic metabolism may occur at the beginning of P. perna mussels development, as observed in veliger larvae. The O:N ratio under experimental conditions showed low values indicating that catabolism in veliger larvae was predominantly proteic.  相似文献   

From the 16 species of Mitridae described by Linnaeus between the years 1758-71 11 species are considered valid and available for taxonomic use; four specific names have been suppressed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for taxonomic usage (1968). One specific name, i.e. Voluta mitra episcopalis Linnaeus, has appeared in various combinations in malacological literature over the years. From the style of listing in the 10th edition of the Systerna Naturae , it is evident that 'episcopalis' has to be treated as of infraspecific rank; there is no evidence that 'episcopalis' is even a valid subspecies of Voluta mitra.
Three holotypes and five lectotypes designated in this paper are extant in the Linnaean collection; illustrations representing three Linnaean species have been selected as lectotypes.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of smooth shelled blue mussels of the genus Mytilus has received considerable attention in the last 25 years. Despite this, the situation in the southern hemisphere remains uncertain and is in need of clarification. Recent work suggests that contemporary New Zealand mussels from two cool/cold temperate locations are M. galloprovincialis. However, the distribution of Mytilus in New Zealand ranges from 35 ° to 52 ° south (~ 1800 km), meaning that large areas of the subtropical/warm temperate north and the subantarctic south remain unsampled, an important consideration when species of this genus exhibit pronounced macrogeographical differences in their distributions which are associated with environmental variables such as water temperature, salinity, wave action and ice cover. This study employed multivariate morphometric analyses of one fossil, 83 valves from middens, and 92 contemporary valves from sites spanning the distributional range of blue mussels to determine a historical and contemporary perspective of the taxonomic status of Mytilus in New Zealand. The findings indicated that all fossil and midden mussels are best regarded as M. galloprovincialis and confirmed that contemporary mussels, with one possible regional exception, are also best regarded as M. galloprovincialis. Contemporary mussels from the Bay of Islands (warm temperate/subtropical) exhibited much greater affinity to M. edulis than they did to M. galloprovincialis, indicating that mussels from this area require detailed genetic examination to determine their taxonomic status. The analyses revealed a significant difference between the fossil/midden mussels and the contemporary mussels, consistent with levels of present day differentiation among intraspecific populations and not thought to reflect any substantive temporal change between mussels of the two groups. The continuous distribution of M. galloprovincialis in New Zealand from the warm north to the subantarctic south indicates that the physiology of this species is adapted to a wide range of water temperature conditions. Therefore, the distribution of this species on a worldwide scale is unlikely to be restricted by its adaptation to warm water alone, as has previously been widely assumed. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 329–344.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that individual linear growth of the Margaritifera margaritifera freshwater bivalve mollusk in Syuskyuyanioki River is accompanied by natural biorhythms. The periods of biorhythms, as well as growth retardation coefficients, vary widely and differ in different individuals. The periods of biorhythms in individual ontogenesis are approximately constant. Mean values of the growth retardation coefficients and periods do not depend on the biotope and are 0.114 ± 0.003 year–1 and 3.88 ± 0.06 years, respectively. The possibility of thermodynamic nature of biorhythms is discussed.  相似文献   

Habitats composed of living ‘ecosystem engineers’, such as mussels, are subject to direct and indirect interactions with organisms that live among them. These interactions may affect the presence and structure of habitat, and hence, the associated taxa. We examined the direct effects of epibiotic algae on the survival, biomass and recruitment of mussels (Mytilus L.) on the west coast of Ireland. A field experiment showed that the presence of epibiotic fucoid algae reduced the likelihood of survival of mussels during storms. We also found that the strength of attachment of mussels did not increase in the presence of epibionts. Another in situ experiment revealed that the presence of ephemeral epibiotic algal mats had no effect on the biomass of host mussels, suggesting no effect on mussel growth or production. The abundance of small mussels (< 5 mm) covaried with cover of epibiotic algae at one location, but experimental results suggest no direct effect of the algae on recruitment unless through the action of chemical cues which linger after the removal of algae. We have identified a negative direct interaction between epibiotic algae and mussels on exposed rocky shores, which may often be characterised by bottom-up regulation. It is thought that positive interactions may be more important on more sheltered or sedimentary shores where top-down processes are more likely to dominate.  相似文献   

Pinctada margaritifera and Pecten maximus are among the mollusks of commercial value. Both are known to show abnormal calcification processes that strongly increase the mortality rate. Several parameters of the soluble organic matrices extracted from the shells of P. margaritifera and P. maximus are analyzed: bulk composition, molecular weights, and acidity. The composition of the matrices of healthy and diseased shells were compared, showing that the protein and the sugar contents are variously modified. Differences between healthy and diseased shells are dissimilar in the two species. This is in accordance with the previously described macroscopic and microscopic alterations (red color, numerous brown membranes). This study does not allow identification the origin of the disease, but provides new insights on the role of sugars in biomineralization processes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the genetic variability of the Pacific mussel Mytilus trossulus and an introduced Atlantic species, M. galloprovincialis, in the northwestern Sea of Japan (Peter the Great Bay and Kievka Bay). The genotyping of individuals from eight populations was carried out using eight polymorphic enzyme loci and two nuclear DNA markers (Me-5 and ITS-1,2); the occurrence frequency of parent species and their hybrids was determined. The enzyme and nuclear markers demonstrated concordant genetic variation. The genotypes of the native species M. trossulus were predominant in the samples studied. The frequency of the introduced species M. galloprovincialis in the total material was relatively low; however, it reached 42 ± 2% in samples that were collected in Possjet Bay near the town of Zarubino in a zone of active international navigation. In this area the greatest number of hybrids was found as well. It is concluded that the invasion of M. galloprovincialis in the northwestern Sea of Japan is continuing; permanent populations of this mussel appeared in Possjet Bay that were not recorded here previously.  相似文献   

Based on examination of the type material, names of two Aphodius species are placed in synonyms: A. edgardi Solsky, 1876 = A. sartus Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1971, syn. n.; and A. putridus Geoffroy, 1785 = A. avetissiani Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964, syn. n.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we report on the occurrence of the cockroach Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Brachymyrmex cordemoyi Forel, 1895 nests, indicating a possible symbiosis between these two species. Also, the finding of intradomicile P. surinamensis nymphs may indicate this species is extending its habitat to human habitations, i.e. changing its ecological category from peridomestic to domestic.  相似文献   

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