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Thegenotoxic activity of four mycotoxins has been studied. A high level of somatic mutagenesis in imaginal disks of Drosophila melanogaster larvae and DNA repair synthesis in human embryo and adult rat liver cell cultures was induced only by the strong carcinogen aflatoxin B1. Patulin somewhat elevated the level of somatic mutations in D. melanogaster, but did not elicit DNA repair synthesis. Citrinin and stachybotryotoxin were inactive in both systems.Abbreviations AFB1 aflatoxin B1 - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - 3HTdR tritiated thymidine - SCE sisterchromatid exchange - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   

An intercalating fluorochrome, PicoGreen, was assessed for its ability to determine the concentration of DNA in clarified mammalian cell culture broths containing monoclonal antibodies. Fluorescent signal suppression was ameliorated by sample dilution or by performing the assay above the pI of secreted IgG. The source of fluorescence in clarified culture broth was validated by incubation with RNase A and DNase I. At least 91.8% of fluorescence was attributable to nucleic acid and pre-digestion with RNase A was shown to be a requirement for successful quantification of DNA in such samples.  相似文献   

The induction and repair of DNA damage were studied by a DNA unwinding method in mouse L5178Y cells exposed to fast neutrons. DNA lesions induced by fast neutrons were classified into three types from their repair profiles: fast-reparable breaks (T1/2 = 3-5 min), slow-reparable breaks (T1/2 = 70 min), and nonreparable breaks. The repair rates of both fast-reparable and slow-reparable breaks were almost the same as those of corresponding damage induced by low-LET radiation. Neutrons induced a smaller amount of fast-reparable damage, an almost equal amount of slow-reparable damage, and a larger amount of nonreparable damage than those induced by equal doses of gamma rays or X rays. RBEs for fast- and slow-reparable damage were 0.3 and 0.9, respectively. The RBE for nonreparable damage was dose dependent and was 1.4 at the level of 100 breaks/10(12) Da DNA. Among the three types of lesions, only the nonreparable damage levels correlated with the linear-quadratic shape of the survival curves and with the enhanced killing effectiveness of neutrons (RBE = 1.7 at D0).  相似文献   

Summary Cell cultures prepared from embryos of a control stock of Drosophila melanogaster respond to ultraviolet light with a decline and subsequent recovery both of thymidine incorporation and in the ability to synthesize nascent DNA in long segments. Recovery of one or both capacities is absent or diminished in irradiated cells from ten nonallelic mutants that are defective in DNA repair and from four of five nonallelic mutagen-sensitive mutants that exhibit normal repair capabilities. Recovery of thymidine incorporation is not observed in nine of ten DNA repair-defective mutants. On the other hand, partial or complete recovery of incorporation is observed in all but one repair-proficient mutagen-sensitive mutant.Irradiated cells from two mutants that display no excision capacity exhibit a gradual arrest of thymidine incorporation within 20 h after the initial decline. This arrest of incorporation is not observed in mutants exhibiting only partial defects in excision repair.Recovery of the ability to synthesize nascent DNA in long segments is normal in cells from the two mutants that display no excision capacity, indicating that recovery does not depend upon the excision of pyrimidine dimers from cellular DNA. Recovery of that ability is not observed, however, in cells from one partially excision-defective mutant, two of three postreplication repair-defective mutants, two of four mutants defective in both excision and postreplication repair, and one of five repair-proficient mutagen-sensitive mutants. These results indicate that recovery of normal DNA replication in irradiated Drosophila cells depends upon the activity of several functions.Abbreviation used UV ultraviolet light — principal wavelength 254 nm  相似文献   

DNA excision repair in mammalian cell extracts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The many genetic complementation groups of DNA excision-repair defective mammalian cells indicate the considerable complexity of the excision repair process. The cloning of several repair genes is taking the field a step closer to mechanistic studies of the actions and interactions of repair proteins. Early biochemical studies of mammalian DNA repair in vitro are now at hand. Repair synthesis in damaged DNA can be monitored by following the incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides. Synthesis is carried out by mammalian cell extracts and is defective in extracts from cell lines derived from individuals with the excision-repair disorder xeroderma pigmentosum. Biochemical complementation of the defective extracts can be used to purify repair proteins. Repair of damage caused by agents including ultraviolet irradiation, psoralens, and platinating compounds has been observed. Neutralising antibodies against the human single-stranded DNA binding protein (HSSB) have demonstrated a requirement for this protein in DNA excision repair as well as in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) is well known as an antibiotic as well as for its antineoplastic activity. A clinical preparation of BLM was tested for its recombinogenicity in a higher eukaryotic organism, Drosophila melanogaster. Feeding of the F1 larvae on a medium with BLM increased somatic crossing-over spots on female tergites and induced recombination in male germ cells. However, nonlinear dose-response curves were obtained. Malformed tergites were also observed in females treated with BLM.  相似文献   

Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean) andGlycine soja Sieb. and Zucc. cell suspension cultures were grown and used as inoculum sources for growing callus on agar-solidified nutrient media. Concentrations and chemical forms of the growth regulators in liquid and solidified media were altered in an attempt to achieve in vitro plant regeneration. Numerous embryoids, particularly ofG. soja, were produced on basal nutrient media supplemented with 100 ppm casein hydrolysate, 0.1 μM abscisic acid, 2.25 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 15 μM adenine or 0.46 μM kinetin. Often the roots of the embryoids elongated. This was enhanced in the presence of an inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis (1 to 20 μM Amo 1618). Callus recovered from aG. soja suspension culture produced one shoot structure when grown on a solid medium containing 0.2 μM Amo 1618 and 80 μM glutathione. The shoot structure consisted of two distinct buds, one producing two leaves. The shoot did not develop into a plant. Although regeneration of soybean plants was not achieved, these observations suggest that it may be achievable. The investigations reported in this paper (no. 81-3-100) were performed in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agriculture Experimental Station and the paper is published with the approval of the Director.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of loosing exogenic DNA from the mammalian somatic cell genome is under investigation. It is found that foreign DNA incorporated into cell genome as a result of transfection by electrophoretion may be lost with the frequency from 1/100 up to 1/100 000 per cell division during cultivation. This effect is not dependent of the nature of cell line and vector DNA. It is actual for different cell lines: A23, human fibroblasts AG 11395, murine embryonic line F9, and for different plasmid vectors: p16, p.39, pATR4 and pcDNA3.1-Higr (WRN). Integration of pDNA into genome and the following loosing of this DNA is registered by selection markers G418 and hygromycin B resistance and gancyclovir sensibility. The presence of foreign DNA in the genome was controlled by PCR. It is found that true foreign DNA deletion from the genome takes place rather than gene expression changes. For closely linked plasmid genes deletion of both genes at once as well as loosing any one gene separately is shown. Thus, the phenomenon of selective deletion of exogenic DNA from genome has been demonstrated for different mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Summary Ultraviolet (UV)-light and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR), two known DNA damaging agents, were found to enhance the frequency of stable plasmid transformations in several different animal cell lines. Combined treatment with the two agents was more effective than treatment with either agent alone. A correlation between the transformability of a cell line in the absence of treatment and its response to damaging treatment was also observed. Southern blot analysis of transformed clones indicated that the stimulation in transformation frequency was not due to an increased number of copies of the integrated plasmid in the transformed cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells have developed complex mechanisms to identify DNA damage and activate the required response to maintain genome integrity. Those mechanisms include DNA damage detection, DNA repair, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis which operate together to protect the conceptus from DNA damage originating either in parental gametes or in the embryo's somatic cells. DNA repair in the newly fertilized preimplantation embryo is believed to rely entirely on the oocyte's machinery (mRNAs and proteins deposited and stored prior to ovulation). DNA repair genes have been shown to be expressed in the early stages of mammalian development. The survival of the embryo necessitates that the oocyte be sufficiently equipped with maternal stored products and that embryonic gene expression commences at the correct time. A Medline based literature search was performed using the keywords 'DNA repair' and 'embryo development' or 'gametogenesis' (publication dates between 1995 and 2006). Mammalian studies which investigated gene expression were selected. Further articles were acquired from the citations in the articles obtained from the preliminary Medline search. This paper reviews mammalian DNA repair from gametogenesis to preimplantation embryos to late gestational stages.  相似文献   

In experiments with females of lines with an impaired DNA repair systems mei-9 (impaired excision repair) and mei-41 (impaired postreplicative repair), a method of successive irradiation by X-rays (1000 R) and hyperthermia (+37 degrees C) action was used for the purpose of defining a moment when DNA repair takes place in oogenesis. Repair in mature mei-41 oocytes judged of by synergism effect of the both factors acting was ascertained to take place right after X-raying (prior to DNA replication) and being absent at the fertilization period (at the time of or after DNA replication). DNA repair in mei-9 females was not registered in both cases. On the basis of these facts, it is suggested that coordination of various DNA repair systems is necessary for damaged chromosomes to be repaired. It is also concluded that the method used can be regarded as an effective technique in the study of mutation process.  相似文献   

Over the past 6 years, using in situ processing methods, we have identified 32 cases of mosaicism in amniotic fluid cell cultures prepared from 1,100 samples. Two of these (45,X/46,XX and 46,XX/47,XX, + 21) were called true mosaics because multiple colonies demonstrated the same abnormal chromosome complement, and on subsequent evaluation of the newborn blood or fetal tissues, mosaicism was confirmed. Of the remaining cases, 29 were designated as pseudomosaics because only single or partial colonies exhibited an aberrant chromosome complement, 12 having a trisomy 2 line. In the final case, a double trisomy was demonstrated in only one of eight colonies in the first culture, but in the culture from a repeat sample an additional two colonies showed the same double trisomy. Since no abnormal cells were observed in infant blood, it was postulated that the mosaicism may only have been present in the extraembryonic tissues. It is our conviction that the use of these cloning methods should diminish the danger of misdiagnosis in genetic amniocentesis.  相似文献   

Cells originating from the human fetal liver and grown as a primary monolayer culture for 4 to 11 days contain an enzyme system that metabolizes benzo(α) pyrene. The basal level of the enzyme varied about three-fold. The activity was increased from 1.4- to 5.1-fold by the exposure of cells for 24 hours to benz(α) anthracene, the magnitude of increase depending on the amount of inducer, on the individual cell batch studied and on the stage of cell growth. Also 3-methylcholanthrene, but not benzo(α)pyrene, induced the enzyme activity in fetal liver cell cultures at concentrations used. Fibroblast cultures derived from the human fetal lung or skin exhibited less benzo(α)pyrene metabolism and the inducibility of the enzyme activity was less marked than in hepatic cell cultures.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand cross-links are induced by many carcinogens and anticancer drugs. It was previously shown that mammalian DNA excision repair nuclease makes dual incisions 5' to the cross-linked base of a psoralen cross-link, generating a gap of 22 to 28 nucleotides adjacent to the cross-link. We wished to find the fates of the gap and the cross-link in this complex structure under conditions conducive to repair synthesis, using cell extracts from wild-type and cross-linker-sensitive mutant cell lines. We found that the extracts from both types of strains filled in the gap but were severely defective in ligating the resulting nick and incapable of removing the cross-link. The net result was a futile damage-induced DNA synthesis which converted a gap into a nick without removing the damage. In addition, in this study, we showed that the structure-specific endonuclease, the XPF-ERCC1 heterodimer, acted as a 3'-to-5' exonuclease on cross-linked DNA in the presence of RPA. Collectively, these observations shed some light on the cellular processing of DNA cross-links and reveal that cross-links induce a futile DNA synthesis cycle that may constitute a signal for specific cellular responses to cross-linked DNA.  相似文献   

The activity of uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) was studied for livers of 13 mammalian species belonging to four orders. DNA contents were also measured in isolated hepatocytes. The enzymatic activity was shown to increase with the increase in the mean ploidy of liver parenchymal cells. The activity of UDG was 20 times as high when the mean liver cell ploidy of different mammalian species doubled. A reverse dependence between the UDG activity and species life spans is also revealed.  相似文献   

The history of somatic cell genetics from the late 1950s to the present day is considered. Studies in this field provided for the elucidation of numerous fundamental and applied problems, including spontaneous mutagenesis, gene mapping with somatic cell hybrids, and genetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis (e.g., cell protooncogenes, oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes were revealed). The knocking-out technique allowed the effects of various genes to be analyzed.  相似文献   

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