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Summary Using a one-step strategy to disrupt CUT1, a gene for cutinase, cut1 mutants were generated in two strains of Magnaporthe grisea. One strain, pathogenic on weeping lovegrass and barley and containing the arg3–12 mutation, was transformed with a disruption vector in which the Aspergillus nidulans ArgB + gene was inserted into CUT1. Prototrophic transformants were screened by Southern hybridization, and 3 of 53 tested contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1 : : ArgB +). A second strain, pathogenic on rice, was transformed with a disruption vector in which a gene for hyg B resistance was inserted into CUT1. Two of the 57 transformants screened by Southern hybridization contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1:. Hyg). CUT1 mRNA was not detectable in transformants that contained a disrupted gene. Transformants with a disrupted CUT1 gene failed to produce a cutin-inducible esterase that is normally detected by activity staining on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Enzyme activity, measured either with tritiated cutin or with p-nitrophenyl butyrate as a substrate, was reduced but not eliminated in strains with a disrupted CUT1 gene. The infection efficiency of the cut1 disruption transformants was equal to that of the parent strains on all three host plants. Lesions produced by these mutants had an appearance and a sporulation rate similar to those produced by the parent strains. We conclude that the M. grisea CUT1 gene is not required for pathogenicity.  相似文献   

[目的]克隆稻曲病菌PMK1类MAPK(Mitogen-activated protein kinase)同源基因.[方法]根据丝状真菌MAPK蛋白保守性设计简并引物扩增稻曲病菌MAPK基因部分片段,进而利用TAIL-PCR进行染色体步移和RT-PCR获得UVMK1基因全长和cDNA全长.构建互补载体,交叉互补稻瘟病菌APMK1突变体菌株nn78进行功能验证,包括附着胞分化和致病性测定.[结果]UVMK1基因全长1435 bp,包含3个内含子,编码355氨基酸的蛋白.UVMK1推导蛋白与丝状真菌Magnaporthe grisea PMK1,Fusarium oxysporum FMK1,Fusarium solani FSMAPK,Colletotrichumlagenarium CMK1,Botrytis cinerea BMK1,Claviceps purpurea CMPK1等编码蛋白高度同源.转化稻瘟病菌菌株nn78,获得5个转化子.其中选取的转化子恢复了稻瘟病菌正常的附着胞分化和对大麦叶片的致病能力.[结论]本研究成功分离了首个稻曲病菌MAPK基因,而且UVMK1基因是稻瘟病菌PMK1的同源基因.  相似文献   

Cloning and analysis of CUT1, a cutinase gene from Magnaporthe grisea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary A gene from Magnaporthe grisea was cloned using a cDNA clone of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides cutinase gene as a heterologous probe; the nucleotide sequence of a 2 kb DNA segment containing the gene has been determined. DNA hybridization analysis shows that the M. grisea genome contains only one copy of this gene. The predicted polypeptide contains 228 amino acids and is homologous to the three previously characterized cutinases, showing 74% amino acid similarity to the cutinase of C. gloeosporioides. Comparison with previously determined cutinase sequences suggests that the gene contains two introns, 115 and 147 bp in length. The gene is expressed when cutin is the sole carbon source but not when the carbon source is cutin and glucose together or glucose alone. Levels of intracellular and extracellular cutinase activity increase in response to growth in the presence of cutin. The activity level is higher in a transformant containing multiple copies of the cloned gene than in the parent strain. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels stained for esterase activity show a single major band among intracellular and extracellular proteins from cutin-grown cultures that is not present among intracellular and extracellular proteins prepared from glucose-grown or carbon-starved cultures. This band stains more intensely in extracts from the multicopy transformant than in extracts from the parent strain. We conclude that the cloned DNA contains a M. grisea gene for cutinase, which we have named CUT1.  相似文献   

Lo SC  Hamer L  Hamer JE 《Eukaryotic cell》2002,1(2):311-314
CBS1 from Magnaporthe grisea is a structural and functional homolog of the cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our studies indicated that M. grisea can utilize homocysteine and methionine through a CBS-independent pathway. The results also revealed responses of M. grisea to homocysteine that are reminiscent of human homocystinuria.  相似文献   

Kim S  Ahn IP  Rho HS  Lee YH 《Molecular microbiology》2005,57(5):1224-1237
Fungal hydrophobins are implicated in cell morphogenesis and pathogenicity in several plant pathogenic fungi including the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. A cDNA clone encoding a hydrophobin (magnaporin, MHP1) was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from rice leaves infected by M. grisea. The MHP1 codes for a typical fungal hydrophobin of 102 amino acids containing eight cysteine residues spaced in a conserved pattern. Hydropathy analysis of amino acids revealed that MHP1 belongs to the class II group of hydrophobins. The amino acid sequence of MHP1 exhibited about 20% similarity to MPG1, an M. grisea class I hydrophobin. Expression of MHP1 was highly induced during plant colonization and conidiation, but could hardly be detected during mycelial growth. Transformants in which MHP1 was inactivated by targeted gene replacement showed a detergent wettable phenotype, but were not altered in wettability with water. mhp1 mutants also exhibited pleiotropic effects on fungal morphogenesis, including reduction in conidiation, conidial germination, appressorium development and infectious growth in host cells. Furthermore, conidia of mhp1 mutants were defective in their cellular organelles and rapidly lose viability. As a result, mhp1 mutants exhibited a reduced ability to infect and colonize a susceptible rice cultivar. These phenotypes were recovered by re-introduction of an intact copy of MHP1. Taken together, these results indicate that MHP1 has essential roles in surface hydrophobicity and infection-related fungal development, and is required for pathogenicity of M. grisea.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea, a destructive ascomycetous pathogen of rice, secretes cell wall-degrading enzymes into a culture medium containing purified rice cell walls as the sole carbon source. From M. grisea grown under the culture conditions described here, we have identified an expressed sequenced tag, XYL-6, a gene that is also expressed in M. grisea-infected rice leaves 24 h postinoculation with conidia. This gene encodes a protein about 65% similar to endo-beta-1,4-D-glycanases within glycoside hydrolase family GH10. A M. grisea knockout mutant for XYL-6 was created, and it was shown to be as virulent as the parent strain in infecting the rice host. The proteins secreted by the parent strain and by the xyl-6Delta mutant were each fractionated by liquid chromatography, and the collected fractions were assayed for endo-beta-1,4-D-glucanase or endo-beta-1,4-D-xylanase activities. Two protein-containing peaks with endo-beta-1,4-D-xylanase activity secreted by the parent strain are not detectable in the column eluant of the proteins secreted by the mutant. The two endoxylanases (XYL-6alpha and XYL-6beta) from the parent were each purified to homogeneity. N-terminal amino acid sequencing indicated that XYL-6alpha is a fragment of XYL-6beta and that XYL-6beta is identical to the deduced protein sequence encoded by the XYL-6 gene. Finally, XYL-6 was introduced into Pichia pastoris for heterologous expression, which resulted in the purification of a fusion protein, XYL-6H, from the Pichia pastoris culture filtrate. XYL-6H is active in cleaving arabinoxylan. These experiments unequivocally established that the XYL-6 gene encodes a secreted endo-beta-1,4-D-xylanase.  相似文献   

Skamnioti P  Gurr SJ 《The Plant cell》2007,19(8):2674-2689
The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea infects its host by forming a specialized infection structure, the appressorium, on the plant leaf. The enormous turgor pressure generated within the appressorium drives the emerging penetration peg forcefully through the plant cuticle. Hitherto, the involvement of cutinase(s) in this process has remained unproven. We identified a specific M. grisea cutinase, CUT2, whose expression is dramatically upregulated during appressorium maturation and penetration. The cut2 mutant has reduced extracellular cutin-degrading and Ser esterase activity, when grown on cutin as the sole carbon source, compared with the wild-type strain. The cut2 mutant strain is severely less pathogenic than the wild type or complemented cut2/CUT2 strain on rice (Oryza sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). It displays reduced conidiation and anomalous germling morphology, forming multiple elongated germ tubes and aberrant appressoria on inductive surfaces. We show that Cut2 mediates the formation of the penetration peg but does not play a role in spore or appressorium adhesion, or in appressorial turgor generation. Morphological and pathogenicity defects in the cut2 mutant are fully restored with exogenous application of synthetic cutin monomers, cAMP, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, and diacylglycerol (DAG). We propose that Cut2 is an upstream activator of cAMP/protein kinase A and DAG/protein kinase C signaling pathways that direct appressorium formation and infectious growth in M. grisea. Cut2 is therefore required for surface sensing leading to correct germling differentiation, penetration, and full virulence in this model fungus.  相似文献   

Q H Chen  Y C Wang  X B Zheng 《Génome》2006,49(8):873-881
We analyzed host-species specificity of Magnaporthe grisea on rice using 110 F1 progeny derived from a cross between the Oryza isolate CH87 (pathogenic to rice) and the Digitaria isolate 6023 (pathogenic to crabgrass). To elucidate the genetic mechanisms controlling species specificity in M. grisea, we performed a genetic analysis of species-specific avirulence on this rice population. Avirulent and virulent progeny segregated in a 1:1 ratio on the 2 rice cultivars 'Lijiangxintuanheigu' (LTH) and 'Shin2', suggesting that a single locus, designated PRE1, was involved in the specificity. In a combination between 'Kusabue' and 'Tsuyuake', the segregation of the 4 possible phenotypes of F1 progeny was significantly different from the expected 3:1:3:1 and instead fit a ratio of 2:0:1:1. This indicated that 2 loci, PRE1 and AVR2, were involved in specific parasitism on rice. These results suggest that the species specificity of M. grisea on rice is governed by species-dependent genetic mechanisms that are similar to the gene-for-gene interactions controlling cultivar specificity. Pathogenicity tests with various plant species revealed that the Digitaria isolate 6023 was exclusively parasitic on crabgrass. Genetic linkage analysis showed that PRE1 was mapped on chromosome 3 with respect to RAPD and SSR markers. RAPD marker S361 was linked to the avirulence gene at a distance of ~6.4 cM. Two SSR markers, m677-678 and m77-78, were linked to the PRE1 gene on M. grisea chromosome 3 at distances of 5.9 and 7.1 cM, respectively. Our results will facilitate positional cloning and functional studies of this gene.  相似文献   

Liu XH  Lu JP  Zhang L  Dong B  Min H  Lin FC 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(6):997-1005
We isolated an MgATG1 gene encoding a serine/threonine protein kinase from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. In the DeltaMgatg1 mutant, in which the MgATG1 gene had been deleted, autophagy was blocked; the mutant also showed fewer lipid droplets in its conidia, lower turgor pressure of the appressorium, and such defects in morphogenesis as delayed initiation and slower germination of conidia. As a result of lower turgor pressure of the appressorium, the DeltaMgatg1 mutant lost its ability to penetrate and infect the two host plants, namely, rice and barley. However, normal values of the parameters and infective abilities were restored on reintroducing an intact copy of the MgATG1 gene into the mutant. Autophagy is thus necessary for turnover of organic matter during the formation of conidia and appressoria and for normal development and pathogenicity in M. grisea.  相似文献   

Avirulence of Magnaporthe grisea isolate CHL346 on rice cultivar GA25 was studied with 242 ascospore progenies derived from the cross CHL346 × CHL42. Segregation analysis of the avirulence in the progeny population was in agreement with the existence of a single avirulence (Avr) gene, designated as AvrPi15. For mapping the Avr gene, we developed a total of 121 microsatellite DNA markers [simple sequence repeat (SSR)], which evenly distributed in the whole-genome of M. grisea through bioinformatics analysis (BIA) using the publicly available sequence. Linkage analysis of the AvrPi15 gene with these SSR markers showed that six markers on chromosome 6, MS6-1, MS6-2, MS6-3, MS6-7, MS6-8 and MS6-10, were linked to the AvrPi15 locus. To further define the chromosomal location of the AvrPi15 locus, two additional markers, MS6-17 and STS6-6, which were developed based on the sequences of telomeric region 11 (TEL11), were subjected to linkage analysis. The results showed that MS6-17 and STS6-6 were associated with the locus by 3.3 and 0.8 cM, respectively. To finely map the Avr gene, two additional candidate avirulence gene (CAG) markers, CAG6-1 and CAG6-2, were developed based on the gene annotation of the sequence of TEL 11. Linkage analysis of the Avr gene with these two markers revealed that both of them completely cosegregated with the AvrPi15 locus. Finally, this locus was physically mapped into ∼ 7.2-kb interval of the TEL11 by BIA using these sequence-ready markers. This is the key step toward positional cloning of the AvrPi15 gene.  相似文献   

角质酶可降解脂肪族或芳香族聚酯,对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯也具有较好的降解作用,但目前市面上角质酶产品非常稀缺,因此寻求一种高效表达的角质酶用于工程酶的开发非常有必要.本研究从核盘菌中克隆得到8个角质酶基因,利用PCR结合RT-PCR技术筛选出主效基因SsCut-52,利用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21...  相似文献   

稻瘟菌Ⅰ型烯醇化酶基因全长cDNA的电子克隆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用电子克隆技术从稻瘟菌中克隆到一个新的Ⅰ型烯醇化酶全长cDNA,暂命为MgEno-1。MgEno-1全长1571核薯酸,其预测的ORF为1317核苷酸,共编码438个氨基酸。起始密码子ATG位于第53位,终止密码子TAA位于第1369位。序列分析表明该烯醇化酶与丝状真菌中已报道的其它烯醇化酶高度同源,且长度一致,这暗示烯醇化酶基因进化上高度保守,甚至有可能像18SrRNA一样可作为进化尺度。这将是第一个用电子克隆技术从稻瘟菌中克隆到的基因。  相似文献   

The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, forms a dome-shaped and darkly pigmented infection structure, an appressorium, to penetrate its host. Differentiation and maturation of appressoria are critical steps for successful infection. A spontaneous developmental mutant (MG01) defective in appressorium formation was found in this fungus. The mutant did not form appressoria either on inductive hydrophobic surfaces or on rice leaves. The addition of cyclic AMP or 1,16-hexadecanediol was not effective in inducing appressorium formation in this mutant. This mutant did not cause lesions on rice when inoculated with conidial suspension by spraying or injecting into the leaf sheath. Genetic analysis of the mutant indicated that the phenotype is under single gene control, designated APP5. Crosses with previously described appressorium defective mutants (app1 and app3) of Magnaporthe grisea suggested that the mutations are at different loci. Bulked segregant analysis was employed to obtain DNA markers linked to the APP5 locus.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis is an effective way to study the infection mechanism of fungal pathogens. In an attempt to identify the genes involved in appressorium formation from Magnaporthe grisea, we carried out Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) of the fungus. Analysis of the region flanking the T-DNA integration site in one of the appressorium mutants showed insertion in a gene coding a 78 amino acid protein (MGA1), showing no significant homology to any of the known proteins. The mutant mga1 caused neither foliar nor root infection. Complementation of the mutated gene with the full length wild type gene restored appressorium formation as well as rice infection demonstrating the involvement of this gene in pathogenicity of M. grisea. In an indirect immunolocalisation assay, the MGA1 expression was seen predominantly in germ tube and appressoria. The mutant was impaired in glycogen and lipid mobilization required for appressorium formation. The glycerol content in the mycelia of the mutant under hyperosmotic stress conditions was less as compared to wild type and was thus unable to tolerate the hyperosmotic stress induced by sorbitol. We hypothesize that MGA1 plays a crucial role in signal transduction leading to the metabolism of glycogen and lipids, which is a part of appressorium differentiation process.  相似文献   

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