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Summary To study regulation of the (Ds) transposition process in heterologous plant species, the transposase gene of Ac was fused to several promoters that are active late during plant development. These promoters are the flower-specific chalcone synthase A promoter (CHS A), the anther-specific chalcone isomerase B promoter CHI B and the pollen-specific chalcone isomerase A2 promoter CHI A2. The modified transposase genes were introduced into a tobacco tester plant. This plant contains Ds stably inserted within the leader sequence of the hygromycin resistance (HPT II) gene. As confirmed with positive control elements, excision of Ds leads to the restoration of a functional HPT II gene and to a hygromycin resistant phenotype. No hygromycin resistance was observed in negative control experiments with Ac derivatives lacking 5 regulatory sequences. Although transactivation of Ds was observed after the introduction of transposase gene fusions in calli, excision in regenerated plants was observed only for the CHS A- or CHI B-transposase gene fusions. With these modified transposase genes, somatic excision frequencies were increased (68%) and decreased (22%), respectively, compared to the situation with the Ac element itself (38%). The shifts in transactivation frequencies were not associated with significant differences in the frequencies of germinally transmitted excision events (approximately 5%). The relative somatic stability of Ds insertions bearing the CHI B-transposase gene fusion suggests the usefulness of this activator element for transposon tagging experiments.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) plays a critical role in the Wnt signaling pathway by tightly regulating beta-catenin turnover and localization. The central region of APC is responsible for APC-beta-catenin interactions through its seven 20 amino acid (20aa) repeats and three 15 amino acid (15aa) repeats. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, we have determined the binding affinities of beta-catenin with an APC 15aa repeat fragment and each of the seven 20aa repeats in both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated states. Despite sequence homology, different beta-catenin binding repeats of APC have dramatically different binding affinities with beta-catenin and thus may play different biological roles. The third 20aa repeat is by far the tightest binding site for beta-catenin among all the repeats. The fact that most APC mutations associated with colon cancers have lost the third 20aa repeat underlines the importance of APC-beta-catenin interaction in Wnt signaling and human diseases. For every 20aa repeat, phosphorylation dramatically increases its binding affinity for beta-catenin, suggesting phosphorylation has a critical regulatory role in APC function. In addition, our CD and NMR studies demonstrate that the central region of APC is unstructured in the absence of beta-catenin and Axin, and suggest that beta-catenin may interact with each of the APC 15aa and 20aa repeats independently.  相似文献   

L-655,708 is a ligand for the benzodiazepine site of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor that exhibits a 100-fold higher affinity for alpha5-containing receptors compared with alpha1-containing receptors. Molecular biology approaches have been used to determine which residues in the alpha5 subunit are responsible for this selectivity. Two amino acids have been identified, alpha5Thr208 and alpha5Ile215, each of which individually confer approximately 10-fold binding selectivity for the ligand and which together account for the 100-fold higher affinity of this ligand at alpha5-containing receptors. L-655,708 is a partial inverse agonist at the GABA(A) receptor which exhibited no functional selectivity between alpha1- and alpha5-containing receptors and showed no change in efficacy at receptors containing alpha1 subunits where amino acids at both of the sites had been altered to their alpha5 counterparts (alpha1Ser205-Thr,Val212-Ile). In addition to determining the binding selectivity of L-655,708, these amino acid residues also influence the binding affinities of a number of other benzodiazepine (BZ) site ligands. They are thus important elements of the BZ site of the GABA(A) receptor, and further delineate a region just N-terminal to the first transmembrane domain of the receptor alpha subunit that contributes to this binding site.  相似文献   

Leptomycin B (LMB) is a specific inhibitor of Crm1-dependent nuclear export of proteins. The replication of herpes simplex virus (HSV) is normally highly sensitive to LMB; a resistant HSV variant, however, was isolated by serial passages of the virus. Analysis of marker transfer and viral DNA sequences revealed that a single amino acid substitution within the ICP27 gene is responsible for conferring this resistance.  相似文献   

A human cDNA library was screened for proteins interacting with the deafness locus putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor (DelGEF) using a yeast two-hybrid system. A protein with a predicted size of 9 kDa was identified as a binding partner, this protein was designated DelGEF interacting protein 1 (DelGIP1). The interaction between DelGEF and DelGIP1 was verified by co-immunoprecipitation of a DelGEF-DelGIP1 complex from cell lysates. Highly conserved homologues of DelGIP1 were identified in higher and lower eukaryotes by database searching. The human DelGIP1 gene is ubiquitously expressed as judged by human multiple tissue Northern blot analysis. DelGEF was recently shown to interact with Sec5, a protein involved in secretion, and to regulate secretion of proteoglycans. Downregulation of endogenous DelGIP1 in HeLa cells induced increased extracellular secretion of proteoglycans indicating a possible role for DelGIP1 in the secretion process.  相似文献   

Córsico B  Liou HL  Storch J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(12):3600-3607
Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP) and liver FABP (LFABP), homologous proteins expressed at high levels in intestinal absorptive cells, employ markedly different mechanisms for the transfer of fatty acids (FAs) to acceptor membranes. Transfer from IFABP occurs during protein-membrane collisional interactions, while for LFABP, transfer occurs by diffusion through the aqueous phase. Earlier, we had shown that the helical domain of IFABP is critical in determining its collisional FA transfer mechanism. In the study presented here, we have engineered a pair of chimeric proteins, one with the "body" (ligand binding domain) of IFABP and the alpha-helical region of LFABP (alphaLbetaIFABP) and the other with the ligand binding pocket of LFABP and the helical domain of IFABP (alphaIbetaLFABP). The objective of this work was to determine whether the change in the alpha-helical domain of each FABP would alter the rate and mechanism of transfer of FA from the chimeric proteins in comparison with those of the wild-type proteins. The fatty acid transfer properties of the FABP chimeras were examined using a fluorescence resonance transfer assay. The results showed a significant modification of the absolute rate of FA transfer from the chimeric proteins compared to that of the wild type, indicating that the slower rate of FA transfer observed for wild-type LFABP relative to that of wild-type IFABP is, in part, determined by the helical domain of the proteins. In addition to these quantitative changes, it was of great interest to observe that the apparent mechanism of FA transfer also changed when the alpha-helical domain was exchanged, with transfer from alphaLbetaIFABP occurring by aqueous diffusion and transfer from alphaIbetaLFABP occurring via protein-membrane collisional interactions. These results demonstrate that the alpha-helical region of LFABP is responsible for its diffusional mechanism of fatty acid transfer to membranes.  相似文献   

A truncated human c-Ha-ras gene product, ras(1-171) protein, was prepared and chemically modified with maleimide spin-label (MSL). By trypsin digestion of the MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein, MSL-labeled peptide fragments were isolated and sequenced. The cysteine residue in position 118 of the protein, but not the other cysteine residues, Cys-51 or Cys-80, was found to be specifically labeled by MSL. The ESR spectrum of the MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein indicates that the MSL group attached to Cys-118 is strongly immobilized. Proton NMR spectra at 400-MHz were measured for this MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein and also for a control sample of a labeled ras(1-171) protein whose MSL was reduced by sodium ascorbate. In the difference spectra for these two proteins, resonances of protons in the vicinity of the MSL group attached to Cys-118 of the ras(1-171) protein were observed. Thus, the MSL group was found to be in the vicinity of the protein-bound GDP. A phenylalanine residue and two histidine residues, which were characterized by 2D HOHAHA and DQF-COSY spectra, were also found to be in the vicinity of MSL. NOE and pH titration analyses indicate that this phenylalanine residue is close to the bound GDP and one of the two histidine residues. By carboxypeptidase digestion, the two histidine residues near MSL were identified as His-27 and His-94.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

ComFA is a membrane protein required for the uptake of transforming DNA following its binding to the Bacillus subtilis competent-cell surface. ComFA, which resembles members of the DEAD family of ATP-driven helicases, contains sequences similar to those found in many ATP-binding proteins and thought to represent the ATP-binding sites of these proteins. We have suggested that ComFA may function as a DNA translocase and/or helicase, using the energy of ATP hydrolysis to mediate the uptake of DNA. As a partial test of this hypothesis, we have introduced mutations into highly conserved glycyl and lysyl residues of the putative ATP-binding site, located, respectively, at positions 151 and 152, and determined the effects of these alterations on in vivo function. A substitution of the conserved lysyl by a glutamyl residue (K152E) and a double G151R-K152N mutation each resulted in a nearly 1,000-fold decrease in transformability, equivalent to that observed in a ComFA null mutant. A K152N mutation caused a partial loss-of-function phenotype. These effects were manifested at the level of DNA uptake; no marked effects on the final levels of DNA binding were noted. When either the K152E mutant allele or the G151R-K152N double mutant allele was combined in single copy with wild-type comFA, a dominant negative phenotype expressed on the level of DNA uptake was observed, suggesting that ComFA acts in a complex with other proteins, with additional molecules of ComFA, or with both.  相似文献   

The oncoprotein Ras is anchored in lipid membranes due to its C-terminal lipid modification. The ubiquitously expressed Ras nucleotide exchange-factor hSOS1 promotes nucleotide exchange and thus Ras activation. This reaction is enhanced by a positive feedback loop whereby activated Ras binds to an allosteric site of SOS to enhance GEF activity. Here we present biochemical data showing that prenylation of both active site bound and allosterically bound N-Ras is required for efficient hSOS1-promoted nucleotide exchange. Our results indicate that prenyl sensitivity of the allosteric feedback-activation is mediated by the PH domain of hSOS1. Farnesylation of Ras thereby allows hSOS1 to bind even GDP-loaded allosteric regulator to maintain basal hSOS1-activity.  相似文献   

In the liver, glutamine utilization may be limited by the rate of transport across the plasma membrane by the System N carrier. System N-mediated transport activity has been solubilized from rat liver plasma membrane, partially purified, and then reconstituted into proteoliposomes. To identify the System N carrier protein, monoclonal antibodies were generated against the protein fraction enriched for System N activity. Two antibodies , 3E1-2 and 1E7-3, inhibited System N activity in hepatocytes. These antibodies also immunoprecipitated System N activity from a mixture of solubilized proteins and were specific for antigen recognition in that neither immunoprecipitated System A activity. The antibody recognized a single protein of molecular size 100 kDa by immunoblot analysis. Recognition of this protein by the antibody increased in parallel with the enrichment of System N activity in solubilized membrane fractions. These data suggest that a 100-kDa plasma membrane protein mediates System N transport activity in rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

In the receptor for ecotropic murine leukemia viruses, tyrosine 235 contributes a critical hydrophobic side chain to the virus-receptor interaction (14). Here we report that tryptophan 142 in ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope protein is essential to virus binding and infection. Replacement of tryptophan 142 by alanine or serine resulted in misfolding. However, replacement by methionine (W142M) allowed correct folding of the majority of glycoprotein molecules. W142M virus showed a marked reduction in virus binding and was almost noninfectious, suggesting that tryptophan 142 is involved in receptor binding. In contrast, W142Y virus containing a replacement of tryptophan 142 with an aromatic residue (tyrosine) was as efficient as wild-type virus in infection and binding of cells expressing the wild-type receptor. However, W142Y virus was 100-fold less efficient than wild-type virus in infection of cells expressing a mutant receptor containing tryptophan instead of the critical tyrosine. These results strongly support tryptophan 142 being an essential residue on the virus envelope protein that interacts directly with the critical hydrophobic residue at position 235 of the ecotropic receptor. Tryptophan 142 forms one side of a shallow hydrophobic pocket on the surface of the envelope protein, suggesting that it might comprise the complete putative binding site for tyrosine 235. We discuss the implications of our findings with respect to two models of the envelope protein trimer. Interestingly, both models place tryptophan 142 at the interface between adjacent subunits of the trimer.  相似文献   

For the type I cGMP-dependent protein kinases (cGKIalpha and cGKIbeta), a high affinity interaction exists between the C2 amino group of cGMP and the hydroxyl side chain of a threonine conserved in most cGMP binding sites. To examine the effect of this interaction on ligand binding and kinase activation in the type II isozyme of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGKII), alanine was substituted for the conserved threonine or serine. cGKII was found to require the C2 amino group of cGMP and its cognate serine or threonine hydroxyl for efficient cGMP activation. Of the two binding sites, disruption of cGMP-specific binding in the NH(2)-terminal binding site had the greatest effect on cGMP-dependent kinase activation, like cGKI. However, ligand dissociation studies showed that the location of the rapid and slow dissociation sites of cGKII was reversed relative to cGKI. Another set of mutations that prevented cyclic nucleotide binding demonstrated the necessity of the NH(2)-terminal, rapid dissociation binding site for cyclic nucleotide-dependent activation of cGKII. These findings suggest distinct mechanisms of activation for cGKII and cGKI isoforms. Because cGKII mediates the effects of heat-stable enterotoxins via the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator Cl(-) channel, these findings define a structural target for drug design.  相似文献   

Bacteria and yeast rely on either homoserine transsuccinylase (HTS, metA) or homoserine transacetylase (HTA; met2) for the biosynthesis of methionine. Although HTS and HTA catalyze similar chemical reactions, these proteins are typically unrelated in both sequence and three-dimensional structure. Here we present the 2.0 A resolution x-ray crystal structure of the Bacillus cereus metA protein in complex with homoserine, which provides the first view of a ligand bound to either HTA or HTS. Surprisingly, functional analysis of the B. cereus metA protein shows that it does not use succinyl-CoA as a substrate. Instead, the protein catalyzes the transacetylation of homoserine using acetyl-CoA. Therefore, the B. cereus metA protein functions as an HTA despite greater than 50% sequence identity with bona fide HTS proteins. This result emphasizes the need for functional confirmation of annotations of enzyme function based on either sequence or structural comparisons. Kinetic analysis of site-directed mutants reveals that the B. cereus metA protein and the E. coli HTS share a common catalytic mechanism. Structural and functional examination of the B. cereus metA protein reveals that a single amino acid in the active site determines acetyl-CoA (Glu-111) versus succinyl-CoA (Gly-111) specificity in the metA-like of acyltransferases. Switching of this residue provides a mechanism for evolving substrate specificity in bacterial methionine biosynthesis. Within this enzyme family, HTS and HTA activity likely arises from divergent evolution in a common structural scaffold with conserved catalytic machinery and homoserine binding sites.  相似文献   

Plant resistance proteins (R-proteins) are key components of the plant immune system activated in response to a plethora of different pathogens. R-proteins are P-loop NTPase superfamily members, and current models describe their main function as ATPases in defense signaling pathways. Here we show that a subset of R-proteins have evolved a new function to combat pathogen infection. This subset of R-proteins possesses a nucleotide phosphatase activity in the nucleotide-binding domain. Related R-proteins that fall in the same phylogenetic clade all show the same nucleotide phosphatase activity indicating a conserved function within at least a subset of R-proteins. R-protein nucleotide phosphatases catalyze the production of nucleoside from nucleotide with the nucleotide monophosphate as the preferred substrate. Mutation of conserved catalytic residues substantially reduced activity consistent with the biochemistry of P-loop NTPases. Kinetic analysis, analytical gel filtration, and chemical cross-linking demonstrated that the nucleotide-binding domain was active as a multimer. Nuclear magnetic resonance and nucleotide analogues identified the terminal phosphate bond as the target of a reaction that utilized a metal-mediated nucleophilic attack by water on the phosphoester. In conclusion, we have identified a group of R-proteins with a unique function. This biochemical activity appears to have co-evolved with plants in signaling pathways designed to resist pathogen attack.  相似文献   

Gale AJ  Griffin JH 《Proteins》2004,54(3):433-441
Activation of the anticoagulant human plasma serine protease zymogen, protein C, by a complex of thrombin and the membrane protein, thrombomodulin, generates activated protein C, a physiologic anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic agent. Alanine-scanning site-directed mutagenesis of residues in five surface loops of an extensive basic surface on protein C was used to identify residues that play essential roles in its activation by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. Twenty-three residues in the protein C protease domain were mutated to alanine, singly, in pairs or in triple mutation combinations, and mutants were characterized for their effectiveness as substrates of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. Three protein C residues, K192, R229, and R230, in two loops, were identified that provided major contributions to interactions with thrombin-thrombomodulin, while six residues, S190, K191, K217, K218, W231, and R312, in four loops, appeared to provide minor contributions. These protein C residues delineated a positively charged area on the molecule's surface that largely overlapped the previously characterized factor Va binding site on activated protein C. Thus, the extensive basic surface of protein C and activated protein C provides distinctly different, though significantly overlapping, binding sites for recognition by thrombin-thrombomodulin and factor Va.  相似文献   

The kelch repeat-containing proteins Krh1p and Krh2p are negative regulators of the Gpa2p signaling pathway that directly interact with the G protein alpha-subunit Gpa2p in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A screen was carried out to identify Gpa2p variants that are defective in their ability to bind Krh1p but retain the ability to bind another Gpa2p-interacting protein, Ime2p. This screen identified amino acids Gln-419 and Asn-425 as being important for the interaction between Gpa2p and Krh1p. Gpa2p variants with changes at these positions are defective for Krh1p binding in vivo. Cells containing these forms of Gpa2p display decreased heat shock resistance and increased expression of a gene required for pseudohyphal growth. These findings indicate that the substitutions at positions 419 and 425 confer a degree of constitutive activity to the Gpa2p alpha-subunit. Residues Gln-419 and Asn-425 are located in the beta6-alpha5 loop and alpha5 helix of Gpa2p, which is the region that couples receptor binding to guanine nucleotide exchange. The results suggest that binding of Gpa2p to Krh1p does not resemble the binding of Galpha subunits to either Gbeta subunits or effectors, but it instead represents a novel type of functional interaction.  相似文献   

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