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Summary When a functional murine adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (aprt) gene linked to bovine papilloma virus (BPV) DNA is transfected into Aprt L cells, the cells are rendered Aprt and the aprt gene persists as an episome.Cotransfection with two BPV vectors, one containing the 5 half of the aprt gene and the other the 3 half of the gene, that share about 300 by of common sequence in intron 2, produces Aprt+ cells with functional aprt as an episome. Southern blot analysis of low molecular weight DNA derived from Hirt extracts revealed the regeneration of a diagnostic Smal fragment, consistent with establishment of an episome with functional aprt that was reconstituted as a consequence of recombination. To establish cells with an episomal target for recombination, BPV vectors containing a G418 resistance marker and either the 5 half or 3 half of aprt were transfected into Aprt L cells. Stably transfected cells, selected by their growth in G418, were in turn transfected with DNA containing the other half of the aprt gene. Following selection of Aprt+ cells, Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of low molecular weight DNA confirmed the presence of a complete episomal aprt gene. The region of DNA shared by the episomal aprt fragment and the transfected aprt half was sequenced after PCR amplification of the reconstituted, episomal gene and was found to be wild type. The region of overlap that serves as the substrate for recombination lies entirely within an intron and can, therefore, tolerate nucleotide substitutions and deletions. The absence of such errors in the sequences examined is consistent with recombination events that are not error prone.  相似文献   

Summary A diploid strain of Aspergillus nidulans with two heteroallelic mutations in the pabaA cistron (right arm of the first chromosome) has been studied. Part of the paba-independent colonies which have been examined was heterogeneous, i.e. they showed conidia of different colour and genotype. The genetic analysis of the various type of these heterogeneous colonies leads to the conclusion that, in Aspergillus nidulans, mitotic intragenic recombination is, in most cases, consequence of a single-strand break and exchange followed by the formation of a very long hybrid-DNA region (in our case a maximum of 22 meiotic units); the selected characteristics arise mainly by gene-conversion.Furthermore, data show a high negative interference between the selected crossing-over and a second crossing-over on the left arm and probably also on different chromosomes. The latter exchange occurs, as the former, between subchromatidic units.  相似文献   

Conditional expression systems are of pivotal importance for the dissection of complex biological phenomena. Here, we describe a novel EBV-derived episomally replicating plasmid (pRTS-1) that carries all the elements for conditional expression of a gene of interest via Tet regulation. The vector is characterized by (i) low background activity, (ii) high inducibility in the presence of doxycycline (Dox) and (iii) graded response to increasing concentrations of the inducer. The chicken beta actin promoter and an element of the murine immunoglobin heavy chain intron enhancer drive constitutive expression of a bicistronic expression cassette that encodes the highly Dox-sensitive reverse tetracycline controlled transactivator rtTA2S-M2 and a Tet repressor-KRAB fusion protein (tTSKRAB) (silencer) placed downstream of an internal ribosomal entry site. The gene of interest is expressed from the bidirectional promoter Ptetbi-1 that allows simultaneous expression of two genes, of which one may be used as surrogate marker for the expression of the gene of interest. Tight down regulation is achieved through binding of the silencer tTSKRAB to Ptetbi-1 in the absence of Dox. Addition of Dox releases repression and via binding of rtTA2S-M2 activates Ptetbi-1.  相似文献   

Efficient and sustained transgene expression are desirable features for many envisioned gene therapy applications, yet synthetic vectors tested to date are rarely successful in achieving these properties. Substantial research efforts have focused on protection of plasmid DNA from nuclease attack as well as increasing nuclear transport of plasmids, resulting in significant but still limited gains. We show here that a further barrier to efficient and sustained expression exists for synthetic vectors: plasmid DNA methylation. We have investigated this barrier for transient expression of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene delivered via Lipofectamine, by testing the effects of culturing C3A human hepatoblastoma cells with 5-Azacytidine (AzaC), an irreversible inhibitor of DNA methyltransferase. To control for loss of plasmids by dilution during mitosis, transfected cells were growth-arrested for 1 week and their subsequent GFP expression quantified by FACS. In the presence of AzaC, a significantly greater fraction of transfected cells remained GFP-positive and possessed higher levels of GFP production relative to AzaC-untreated cells. Additionally, we have applied a Methyl-Assisted PCR (MAP) assay to quantify a subset of methylated CpG sites in the GFP gene. When MAP was performed on plasmids isolated from transfected cells, the extent of methylation was found to be inversely related to the level of GFP expression.  相似文献   

Unexpected results from gene transfer experiments in higher plants have revealed that unlinked duplicated genes can interact in trans in somatic cells, resulting in inactivation of one or both of the interacting pair. This inactivation is the result of epigenetic changes and not genetic mutations because it is reversible and is often accompanied by methylation of the affected genes. The fact that some duplications escape inactivation suggests that the interaction depends on the relative chromosomal positions of the duplicated genes. The similarities between homology-dependent trans-inactivation in plants and other 'homology-sensing' methylation phenomena, such as repeat-induced point mutation in fungi and mammals, are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic nature and biological effects of recombination between porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERV) were studied. An infectious molecular clone was generated from a high-titer, human-tropic PERV isolate, PERV-A 14/220 (B. A. Oldmixon, et al. J. Virol. 76:3045-3048, 2002; T. A. Ericsson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:6759-6764, 2003). To analyze this sequence and 15 available full-length PERV nucleotide sequences, we developed a sequence comparison program, LOHA(TM) to calculate local sequence homology between two sequences. This analysis determined that PERV-A 14/220 arose by homologous recombination of a PERV-C genome replacing an 850-bp region around the pol-env junction with that of a PERV-A sequence. This 850-bp PERV-A sequence encompasses the env receptor binding domain, thereby conferring a wide host range including human cells. In addition, we determined that multiple regions derived from PERV-C are responsible for the increased infectious titer of PERV-A 14/220. Thus, a single recombination event may be a fast and effective way to generate high-titer, potentially harmful PERV. Further, local homology and phylogenetic analyses between 16 full-length sequences revealed evidence for other recombination events in the past that give rise to other PERV genomes that possess the PERV-A, but not the PERV-B, env gene. These results indicate that PERV-A env is more prone to recombination with heterogeneous backbone genomes than PERV-B env. Such recombination events that generate more active PERV-A appear to occur in pigs rather frequently, which increases the potential risk of zoonotic PERV transmission. In this context, pigs lacking non-human-tropic PERV-C would be more suitable as donor animals for clinical xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Summary Studies based upon the expression of the lacZ + gene indicate that the F13 factor exists in double-stranded form after conjugational transfer into a dnaB43 recipient at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

Cre-mediated conditional gene targeting has been shown to be successful in many cell and tissue types. However, gene recombination in the uterus with heterogeneous cell types by Cre activation is not yet well established. Using recombinant adenoviruses expressing a functional Cre (ADV-Cre) and ROSA26 reporter mice, we show here that ADV-Cre infused intraluminally in a small volume (10 microl) conditionally excises the loxP site, resulting in lacZ expression in uterine luminal epithelial cells without significantly affecting pregnancy. In contrast, a similar intraluminal infusion of ADV-Cre in a larger volume (50 microl) damages the normal architecture and integrity of the luminal epithelium, inducing gene recombination in the underneath stromal cells, with disruption of pregnancy. Further, decidualizing stromal cells at the implantation sites can be targeted by ADV-Cre after intravenous administration on days 5-6. This route of administration also elicits Cre activity in other tissues, including the liver, spleen, ovary, and, more remarkably, in the adrenal cortex. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of achieving conditional expression or deletion of specific genes in uterine cells at desired times and physiological states.  相似文献   

Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can bind to polypurine/polypyrimidine regions in DNA in a sequence-specific manner and provoke DNA repair. We have coupled a TFO to a short donor fragment of DNA that shares homology to a selected gene as a strategy to mediate gene targeting and correction. In this bifunctional oligonucleotide, the TFO domain is designed to bind the target gene and stimulate repair and recombination, with the donor domain positioned for recombination and information transfer. A series of these tethered donor-TFO (TD-TFO) molecules with donor domains of 40-44 nucleotides and TFO domains in both the purine and pyrimidine triplex motifs were tested for their ability to mediate either gene correction or mutation of a supF reporter gene contained in a SV40 shuttle vector in mammalian cells. In vitro binding assays revealed that the attachment of the donor domain via a flexible linker did not significantly alter the binding affinity of the TFO domain for the polypurine site in the supF target DNA, with equilibrium dissociation constants in the 10(-8) M range. Experiments in which the target vector and the linked TD-TFOs were pre-incubated in vitro and co-transfected into cells led to conversion frequencies approaching 1%, 4-fold greater than with the two domains unlinked. When cells that had been previously transfected with the SV40 vector were electroporated with the TD-TFOs, frequencies of base pair-specific gene correction were seen in the range of 0.04%, up to 50-fold over background and at least 3-fold over either domain alone or in unlinked combinations. Sequence conversion by the TD-TFOs was achieved using either single- or double-stranded donor domains and either triplex motif. Substitution of either domain in the TD-TFO with control sequences yielded reagents with diminished activity, as did mixtures of unlinked TFO and donor DNA segments. The boost in activity provided by the attached TFO domain was reduced in cells deficient in the nucleotide excision repair factor XPA but was restored in a subclone of these cells expressing XPA cDNA, suggesting a role for nucleotide excision repair in the pathway of triple helix-stimulated gene conversion. The ability to correct or mutate a specific target site in mammalian cells using the TD-TFO strategy may provide a useful tool for research and possibly for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The small packaging capacity of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors limits the utility of this promising vector system for transfer of large genes. We explored the possibility that larger genes could be reconstituted following homologous recombination between AAV vectors carrying overlapping gene fragments. An alkaline phosphatase (AP) gene was split between two such AAV vectors (rec vectors) and packaged using AAV2 or AAV6 capsid proteins. Rec vectors having either capsid protein recombined to express AP in cultured cells at about 1-2% of the rate observed for an intact vector. Surprisingly, the AAV6 rec vectors transduced lung cells in mice almost as efficiently as did an intact vector, with 10% of airway epithelial cells, the target for treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), being positive. Thus AAV rec vectors may be useful for diseases such as CF that require transfer of large genes.  相似文献   

The use of the Cre/loxP system has greatly empowered the field of gene targeting. Here we describe the successful establishment of a novel knock-in EGFP reporter mouse line to monitor Cre-induced recombination in the vast majority of cell types. The value of this reporter mouse line is demonstrated by the use of a novel Tie2Cre transgenic mouse line that facilitates gene targeting in endothelial and hematopoietic cells. High efficiency of recombination was found in all endothelial cells and in the majority of hematopoietic cells but was absent in other tissues. Furthermore, in the second generation, the Tie2Cre mouse can be used to get 100% recombination of one allele, whilst allowing tissue specific in the second, therefore offering excellent efficiency.  相似文献   

Previous studies of repetitive elements (REs) have implicated a mechanistic role in generating new chimerical genes. Such examples are consistent with the classic model for exon shuffling, which relies on non-homologous recombination. However, recent data for chromosomal aberrations in model organisms suggest that ectopic homology-dependent recombination may also be important. Lack of a dataset comprising experimentally verified young duplicates has hampered an effective examination of these models as well as an investigation of sequence features that mediate the rearrangements. Here we use approximately 7,000 cDNA probes (approximately 112,000 primary images) to screen eight species within the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup and identify 17 duplicates that were generated through ectopic recombination within the last 12 mys. Most of these are functional and have evolved divergent expression patterns and novel chimeric structures. Examination of their flanking sequences revealed an excess of repetitive sequences, with the majority belonging to the transposable element DNAREP1 family, associated with the new genes. Our dataset strongly suggests an important role for REs in the generation of chimeric genes within these species.  相似文献   

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