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Gram-negative bacteria use type III machines to inject toxic proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Pathogenic Yersinia species export 14 Yop proteins by the type III pathway and some of these, named effector Yops, are targeted into macrophages, thereby preventing phagocytosis and allowing bacterial replication within lymphoid tissues. Hitherto, YopB/YopD were thought to insert into the plasma membrane of macrophages and to promote the import of effector Yops into the eukaryotic cytosol. We show here that the type III machines of yersiniae secrete three proteins into the extracellular milieu (YopB, YopD and YopR). Although intrabacterial YopD is required for the injection of toxins into eukaryotic cells, secreted YopB, YopD and YopR are dispensable for this process. Nevertheless, YopB, YopD and YopR are essential for the establishment of Yersinia infections in a mouse model system, suggesting that type III secretion machines function to deliver virulence factors into the extracellular milieu also.  相似文献   

A 3.6-kb DNA fragment from Bacillus subtilis was found to complement the K+ uptake-deficient Escherichia coli strain TK2420. Transformation with a pKLO61 plasmid harboring this fragment conferred the capacity to grow on a minimal medium containing only 10 mM K+. Insertional mutagenesis and subcloning identified a single gene responsible for the complementation. This gene coded for an apparent homolog of E. coli TrkA. Sequence analysis of the cloned region also revealed three additional open reading frames. These included: a gene encoding a homolog to the czcD gene product of Alcaligenes eutrophus, a lysR-type regulatory gene which was found to enhance Na+ resistance in E. coli NM81 (ΔnhaA) in a separate complementation test, and an orfD with no significant similarity to sequences deposited in Genbank.  相似文献   

Summary By a non-destructive urease screen of M2 soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams) seeds, four truebreeding mutants (n4, n6, n7 and n8) were recovered which lack most (n6, n8) or all (n4, n7) embryo-specific urease activity. This trait was due to a single, recessive lesion at the Sun (seed urease-null) locus identified earlier in an exotic germplasm (PI 229324, Itachi). All sun mutants produced normal ubiquitous urease, the low abundance isozyme found in all soybean tissues examined. Tight mutants n4 and n7 accumulated no detectable embryo-specific urease protein or mRNA; n6 and n8 accumulated normal or near normal levels of urease mRNA but had seed urease protein levels approximately 5% and 0.5%, respectively, of the progenitor. Mutant n8 appeared to produce a low level of fully active urease (approximately 0.7% activity level, approximately 0.5% protein level) while n6 produced a higher level of an altered, nearly inactive urease (0.09% activity level, approximately 5% protein level). Urease alterations in n6 were manifested by its increased temperature sensitivity and variation in aggregation state and pH preference. Thus, mutations in the Sun locus affected both the level and the nature of the embryo-specific urease gene products indicating that Sun encodes the embryo-specific urease. We reported earliet that the Eul locus, which controls the aggregation state of the embryo-specific urease, is one map unit from Sun and that the Eul allele cis to sun is not expressed (Kloth et al. 1987). That the level of urease gene product, its aggregation state and other enzyme properties can be affected by induced sun mutations, suggests that the Eul and sun alleles are at the same locus.Abbreviations ME -mercaptoethanol - NMU N-nitroso-N-methyl urea - TM Tris-maleate  相似文献   

The SOD-1 gene on chromosome 21 and approximately 100 kb of chromosomal DNA from the 21q22 region have been isolated and characterized. The gene which is present as a single copy per haploid genome spans 11 kb of chromosomal DNA. Heteroduplex analysis and DNA sequencing reveals five rather small exons and four introns that interrupt the coding region. The donor sequence at the first intron contains an unusual variant dinucleotide 5'-G-C, rather than the highly conserved 5'-GT. The unusual splice junction is functional in vivo since it was detected in both alleles of the SOD-1 gene, which were defined by differences in the length of restriction endonuclease fragments (RFLPs) that hybridize to the cDNA probe. Genomic blots of human DNA isolated from cells trisomic for chromosome 21 (Down's syndrome patients) show the normal pattern of bands. At the 5' end of gene there are the 'TATA' and 'CAT' promoter sequences as well as four copies of the -GGCGGG- hexanucleotide. Two of these -GC- elements are contained within a 13 nucleotide inverted repeat that could form a stem-loop structure with stability of -33 kcal. The 3'-non coding region of the gene contains five short open reading-frames starting with ATG and terminating with stop codons.  相似文献   

Abstract The genes encoding urease activity of Klebsiella pneumoniae were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli . Transformants containing recombinant plasmids were selected by the antibiotic resistance phenotype and the production of urease in a Urease-test agar. Deletion derivatives of the parental recombinant plasmid were construced, and the relative position of six genes, necessary for urease production, was determined. Using a colorimetric assay it was demonstrated that some of the transformants exhibited ureolytic activity up to six-times greater than that of the original K pneumoniae isolate. Dot-blot DNA hybridization analysis revealed that the urease gene cluster of K. pneumoniae possesses no significant homology with those of Proteus species and Morganella morganii .  相似文献   

Summary PhoS64 is a mutation in the Phosphate Specific Transport (PST) region on the E. coli chromosome which lacks the periplasmic phosphate binding protein. In contrast to other phoS mutations (which have the same phenotype) it complements the mutations in phoT and pstB. A detailed genetic map of the PST region constructed by three point transductional crosses has revealed that phoS64 is located distally from other phoS mutations. The genetic order obtained was phoS64-phoU35-pstB401-phoT-phoS-ilvC. The data indicate that phoS64 belongs to a different complementation unit in the PST region not known hitherto. We propose to name it phoV.Abbreviations AP alkaline phosphatase - EU enzyme units - Pi inorganic orthophosphate - pNPP paranitrophenyl phosphate - Km kanamycine - Tcr tetracycline-resistant  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,43(1):37-43
The lichen Evernia prunastri synthesizes urease (EC as a response to urea supplied in the medium. Nickel is required to produce the active protein. In addition, nickel behaves as an activator of the enzyme (Ka = 8.1 μM) at low concentrations whereas it is shown to be a competitive inhibitor of urease when it is supplied at concentrations higher than 40 μM (Ki = 50 μM).  相似文献   

In this study, we used Southern hybridization of genomic DNA with the integral hap1 gene as a probe to show that this gene is only present in pathogenic Leptospira strains. We then selected PCR primers based on the hap1 gene, and tested them on several Leptospira strains and biological samples. Specific amplification was obtained for all pathogenic strains tested. Negative PCR results were observed with all saprophytic leptospire strains used as well as with other spirochetes and bacteria commonly found in biological samples. The results of direct PCR performed on biological samples, such as blood, urine or kidneys correlated with the results obtained with the classical Leptospira tests (culture and MAT). A PCR assay based on this gene would be a very useful tool for the rapid, sensitive and specific identification of pathogenic leptospires in samples for diagnosis or epidemiological survey.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans UA159, the genome sequence reference strain, exhibits nonlantibiotic bacteriocin (mutacin) activity. In this study, we have combined bioinformatic and mutational analyses to identify the ABC transporter designated NlmTE, which is required for mutacin biogenesis in strain UA159 as well as in another mutacin producer, S. mutans N.  相似文献   

The urease accessory protein encoded by ureE from Klebsiella aerogenes is proposed to bind intracellular Ni(II) for transfer to urease apoprotein. While native UreE possesses a histidine-rich region at its carboxyl terminus that binds several equivalents of Ni, the Ni-binding sites associated with urease activation are internal to the protein as shown by studies involving truncated H144UreE [Brayman and Hausinger (1996) J. Bacteriol. 178, 5410-5416]. Nine potential Ni-binding residues (five His, two Cys, one Asp, and one Tyr) within H144UreE were independently substituted by mutagenesis to determine their roles in metal binding and urease activation. In vivo effects of these substitutions on urease activity were measured in Escherichia coli strains containing the K. aerogenes urease gene cluster with the mutated ureE genes. Several mutational changes led to reductions in specific activity, with substitution of His96 producing urease activity below the level obtained from a ureE deletion mutant. The metal-binding properties of purified variant UreE proteins were characterized by a combination of equilibrium dialysis and UV/visible, EPR, and hyperfine-shifted 1H NMR spectroscopic methods. Ni binding was unaffected for most H144UreE variants, but mutant proteins substituted at His110 or His112 exhibited greatly reduced affinity for Ni and bound one, rather than two, metal ions per dimer. Cys79 was identified as the Cu ligand responsible for the previously observed charge-transfer transition at 370 nm, and His112 also was shown to be associated with this chromophoric site. NMR spectroscopy provided clear evidence that His96 and His110 serve as ligands to Ni or Co. The results from these and other studies, in combination with prior spectroscopic findings for metal-substituted UreE [Colpas et al. (1998) J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 3, 150-160], allow us to propose that the homodimeric protein possesses two nonidentical metal-binding sites, each symmetrically located at the dimer interface. The first equivalent of added Ni or Co binds via His96 and His112 residues from each subunit of the dimer, and two other N or O donors. Asp111 either functions as a ligand or may affect this site by secondary interactions. The second equivalent of Ni or Co binds via the symmetric pair of His110 residues as well as four other N or O donors. In contrast, the first equivalent of Cu binds via the His110 pair and two other N/O donors, while the second equivalent of Cu binds via the His112 pair and at least one Cys79 residue. UreE sequence comparisons among urease-containing microorganisms reveal that residues His96 and Asp111, associated with the first site of Ni binding, are highly conserved, while the other targeted residues are missing in many cases. Our data are most compatible with one Ni-binding site per dimer being critical for UreE's function as a metallochaperone.  相似文献   

Endothelin is a 21-amino acid vasoconstrictor synthesized and secreted by vascular endothelial cells. The human peptide is derived from a 212-amino acid precursor, preproendothelin. A nearly full length clone containing DNA complementary to human preproendothelin mRNA was isolated, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Using this cDNA as a probe, the genomic organization of the human endothelin gene was determined and the promoter region delineated. The gene contains five exons and four intervening sequences. Nucleotide sequences encoding endothelin are contained within the second exon, and the third exon specifies a portion of preproendothelin that is homologous to endothelin. The second and third exons may represent descendants of a common progenitor exon. The 3'-untranslated portion of the gene contains a 250-base pair region that is highly conserved between human and porcine genomes and may have an important role in endothelin mRNA stability. On the basis of DNA isolated from human-mouse somatic hybrid cell lines, the endothelin gene was assigned to human chromosome 6.  相似文献   

Genes encoding the core proteins of adenovirus type 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The nucleotide sequence of the HindIII-D fragment of adenovirus type 2 has been determined. The sequence, which is located between coordinates 41.8 and 51.0, covers most of the L2 cotermination family. It includes three major open translational reading frames encoding the carboxyl-terminal part of the penton base as well as the major core polypeptides V and VII. An additional minor open translational reading frame encoding a highly basic polypeptide was detected in the sequence. The L2 region has a very compact organization with very short distances between the different genes, although no overlapping coding sequences were found. The predicted amino acid sequences of core proteins V and VII reveal that they are highly basic proteins and polypeptide VII resembles the arginine-rich H4 histones in its amino acid composition, but no striking similarities are apparent at the amino acid sequence level. The candidate polypeptide encoded by the newly discovered translational reading frame contains 29% basic residues and includes a hypothetical recognition sequence for the adenovirus-encoded endopeptidase. In conjunction with previously published sequences and those reported in accompanying papers (Akusj?rvi, G., Alestr?m, P., Pettersson, M., Lager, M., J?rnvall, H., and Pettersson, U. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13976-13979; Roberts, R. J., O'Neill, K. E., and Yen, C. E. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13965-13975) a complete sequence can now be reconstructed for the 35,937-base pairs adenovirus type 2 genome.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Thiobacillus ferrooxidans chromosomal mercuric-reductase-encoding gene (merA) has been determined. The merA gene contains 1635 bp, and shares 78.2% and 76.6% sequence homology with the transposon, Tn501, and plasmid R100 merA genes, respectively. From the sequence, a 545-amino acid (aa) polypeptide was deduced, and comparison with those of Tn501 and R100 revealed 80.6% and 80.0% homology, respectively, at the aa sequence level. Divergence among the three merA aa sequences was clustered within a specific region (aa positions 41-87). By analysis of codon usage frequency, it is speculated that the T. ferrooxidans merA gene originated from Tn501, R100, or a common ancestral gene, but not from T. ferrooxidans itself.  相似文献   

Using a yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified a novel isoform of the lola locus, Lola zf5, that interacts with the chromosomal kinase JIL-1. We characterized the lola locus and provide evidence that it is a complex locus from which at least 17 different splice variants are likely to be generated. Fifteen of these each have a different zinc finger domain, whereas two are without. This potential for expression of multiple gene products suggests that they serve diverse functional roles in different developmental contexts. By Northern and Western blot analyses we demonstrate that the expression of Lola zf5 is developmentally regulated and that it is restricted to early embryogenesis. Immunocytochemical labeling with a Lola zf5-specific antibody of Drosophila embryos indicates that Lola zf5 is localized to nuclei. Furthermore, by creating double-mutant flies we show that a reduction of Lola protein levels resulting from mutations in the lola locus acts as a dominant modifier of a hypomorphic JIL-1 allele leading to an increase in embryonic viability. Thus, genetic interaction assays provide direct evidence that gene products from the lola locus function within the same pathway as the chromosomal kinase JIL-1.  相似文献   

A fragment of chromosomal DNA from proteus vulgaris encoding urease was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A 3 kbp region was sequenced and revealed three open reading frames with homology to jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) urease. The smallest protein (11 kDa) was homologous to the N-terminus of the plant enzyme and the largest polypeptide (61 kDa) corresponded to the C-terminus. The large protein contained conserved regions and a cysteine residue which is known to be catalytically important in the plant enzyme. A protein of 12 kDa showed homology to residues 132 to 237 of jack bean urease.  相似文献   

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