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课后习题是教材必不可少的部分,介绍美国高中生物学教材《The Living Environment BIOLOGY))的课后习题的类型和特色.希望为我国高中生物学教材的课后习题建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新教材中编入了许多有关生物科学发展史的内容。现将高中生物3册教科书中明确介绍到的科学家及其成就做一总结,便于学生加强对各位科学家的记忆,了解他们伟大成就在生物学发展史中的意义及在生物学课本中的地位。最重要的是衬托相关的主干知识,使学生在明晰的知识背景中掌握重点知识。  相似文献   

梁愈 《生物学通报》2012,47(1):20-22
就高中生物学中有关的筛选知识进行了分类梳理,旨在使学生对种类繁多的筛选知识形成系统的认识。  相似文献   

20 0 2年秋 ,全国多数省市使用的《高中生物 (试验修订本·必修 )》教材是在两省一市《高中生物 (试验本·必修 )》教材的基础上修订的。教材一经使用 ,就得到了师生们的普遍认可。这种认可是对多位专家、学者们集体智慧的充分肯定。新教材一改老教材高度抽象和比较呆板的不足 ,而具有许多显著的靓点 ,但也难免有少量有待商榷之处 ,如与化学相关内容的衔接。下面我就这两个方面谈谈自己对新教材的认识和理解。1 新教材的几个突出优点1 .1 图表丰富 如第 2章 (细胞 )全部内容 (包括课后习题 )中 ,有绘图 2 5幅、显微摄影图 2幅、电镜摄影…  相似文献   

梁愈 《生物学通报》2013,48(2):18-20
对高中生物学教材中的中心知识进行了例释性的阐述,强调了中心知识在学生知识建构中的重要作用。  相似文献   

BSCS(Biology Science Curriculum Study)教材是由美国生物科学课程研究会编写的美国高中生物学系列教材,包括BSCS A molecular Approach教材、BSCS A Human Approach教材、BSCS An Ecological Approach教材等。简要介绍了美国高中生物学教材Biology A Human Approach的主要编写特色。  相似文献   

钟能政 《生物学杂志》2012,29(4):108-110
结合教学案例,提出下列策略来解决高中生物学教学中"内容多"与"课时少"矛盾:规划好模块的整体教学计划;制定详细、具体、可检测的教学目标,同时教学时要突出主要目标;设计好学生"学"的活动;处理好高中初中生物学教学和不同模块教学的衔接。  相似文献   

2002年9月起浙江省各高中全面使用现行教材,至2003年12月完成了第一轮现行教材必修和选修的教学,从以下4个方面调查和分析了现行教材实践内容的实际教学状况及新课程理念在学科教学中的体现:1)高中生物学现行教材实践内容教学的现状;2)师生对造成实践内容教学现状的看法;3)学生对现行教材实践内容的教学要求;4)学生对新课程背景下教师素质的评价。  相似文献   

"乙醇发酵实验"是浙科版高中生物学必修1《分子与细胞》中的演示实验。通过引导学生设计实验方案,引入对照实验,使该实验更符合教学要求。  相似文献   

“遗传的细胞基础”是必修模块2“遗传与进化”中的一部分,它从细胞水平阐述遗传的基本原理。这部分教学内容有助于学生理解遗传现象的本质。1教学内容与要求课标规定的内容包括:①阐明细胞的减数分裂并  相似文献   

我国五个版本高中生物学教材《稳态与环境》中的内容在大体一致的前提下,在名称、外文注释、数据、时间以及反射弧的组成等方面存在着不一致,这些不一致对中学教师、教材编写和编辑人员都具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

In a study of 104 biology lessons, evidence was found of the widespread use of texts as sources of information, often unsupported by other teaching. The readability of three popular texts for the 14–16 age range was estimated by three different measures. Comprehension tests of material from the books (cloze tests) were given to 100 school biology pupils (aged 15–16 years). The results confirmed that the texts presented serious problems of comprehension for some pupils.

Some implications for teachers and authors are discussed.  相似文献   

朱一峰 《生物学杂志》2011,28(1):110-112
推进课程改革的关键是实现课堂教学的高效,而高效课堂来自于课堂教学过程中师生双方主观能动性的充分发挥,通过教师课前设计学生学习活动方案(活动单),学生在课堂上开展"自主学习、活动探究"式学习,可以实现教师的主导性和突出学生的主体地位。通过实施"活动导学、自主互助"课堂教学模式,取得了一点认识,希望能为当前普通高中生物课堂教学改革提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

高中生物学新课程实验中涉及到相当多的物质检测与鉴定的显色方法。其原理多样,既有利用氧化还原反应原理,也有利用络合物的特性,还有利用有机染色剂染色的和酸碱指示剂变色特性的。作为学习者来说知其所以然有利于知识的构建。  相似文献   

对学生使用教材情况进行调查与研究,从知识内容、能力方法、学习效果及评价3个维度对新教材进行分析评价,指出教材编写和教学中存在的一些问题,对教师的教、学生的学以及教材的完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

Seven books in use as texts for CSE1 Human Biology were analysed to determine the technical vocabulary to which school pupils were exposed. The frequency of occurrence of every term was listed. Vocabulary sizes were very different because the books differed in length and detail, and some authors translated technical expressions into ordinary language. However, the scheme for classifying terms showed that the publications had similar relative sizes of the categories proposed, suggesting that the writers had the same view of human biology. Technical terms which appeared most often were thought to be among the most important ones for a pupil to know, and the commonest of all were also the shortest and easiest to use. A select vocabulary is provided.  相似文献   

Students go to school to learn. How much, however, do students understand about the biological basis of this everyday process? Blackwell et al. (1) demonstrated a correlation between education about learning and academic achievement. Yet there are few studies investigating high school students' conceptions of learning. In this mixed-methods research study, written assessments were administered to 339 high school students in an urban school district after they completed their required biology education, and videotaped interviews were conducted with 15 students. The results indicated that the majority of students know little about the biological basis of learning, even with prompting, and they recall having learned little about it in school. Students appear to believe that people control their own ability to learn, and some have developed personal hypotheses to describe the learning process. On written assessments, 75% of participants demonstrated a nonbiological framework for learning, and, during interviews, 67% of participants revealed misconceptions about the biological basis of learning. Sample quotes of these interviews are included in this report, and the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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