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The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species that presently only spawns in the Yangtze River. Using laboratory experiments, we examined the behavioral preference of young Chinese sturgeon to physical habitat (water depth, illumination intensity, substrate color, and cover) and monitored their downstream migration. Hatchling free embryos were photopositive, preferred open habitat, and immediately upon hatching, swam far above the bottom using swim-up and drift. Downstream migration peaked on days 0–1, decreased about 50% or more during days 2–7, and ceased by day 8. Days 0–1 migrants were active both day and night, but days 2–7 migrants were most active during the day. After ceasing migration, days 8–11 embryos were photonegative, preferred dark substrate and sought cover. Free embryos developed into larvae and began feeding on day 12, when another shift in behavior occurred–larvae returned to photopositive behavior and preferred white substrate. The selective factor favoring migration of free embryos upon hatching and swimming far above the bottom may be avoidance of benthic predatory fishes. Free embryos, which must rely on yolk energy for activity and growth, only used 19 cumulative temperature degree-days for peak migration compared to 234 degree-days for growth to first feeding larvae, a 1:12 ratio of cumulative temperature units. This ratio suggests that sturgeon species with large migratory embryos, like Chinese sturgeon, which require a high level of energy to swim during migration, may migrate only a short time to conserve most yolk energy for growth.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with Volga River Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed fish from day-0 (embryos, first life interval after hatching) to day-29 feeding larvae for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and downstream movement, and diel activity. Hatchling embryos initiated a downstream migration, which suggests that predation risk of embryos at spawning sites is high. Migration peaked on days 0–5 and ceased on day 7 (8-day migration). Migrants preferred bright, open habitat and early migrants swam-up far above the bottom (maximum daily median, 140cm) in a vertical swim tube. Post-migrant embryos did not prefer bright illumination but continued to prefer white substrate, increased use of cover habitat, and swam on the bottom. Larvae initiated feeding on day 10 after 170.6 cumulative temperature degree-days. Larvae did not migrate, weakly preferred bright illumination, preferred white substrate and open habitat, and swam near the bottom (daily median 5–78cm). The lack of a strong preference by larvae for bright illumination suggests foraging relies more on olfaction than vision for locating prey. A short migration by embryos would disperse wild sturgeon from a spawning area, but larvae did not migrate, so a second later migration by juveniles disperses young sturgeon to the sea (2-step migration). Embryo and larva body color was light tan and tail color was black. The migration, behavior, and light body color of Russian sturgeon embryos was similar to species of Acipenser and Scaphirhynchus in North America and to Acipenser in Asia that migrate after hatching as embryos. The similarity in migration style and body color among species with diverse phylogenies likely reflects convergence for common adaptations across biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, from the upper Yangtze River to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed fish from day-0 (embryo, first life interval after hatching) to day-30 feeding larva for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and down-stream movement, and diel activity. Hatchling to day-12 embryos and days 13–24 larvae were similar for ontogenetic behavior, i.e., neither initiated a dispersal migration, both swam within 15cm of the bottom, both preferred bright habitat, and neither strongly preferred cover or open habitat. Embryos and larvae were weakly active day and night. Days 72–76 juveniles had a weak nocturnal downstream migration, indicating wild juveniles disperse from a spawning site. In other sturgeon species yet studied representing three genera on three continents, Dabry's sturgeon is the first that does not disperse as an embryo or larva. Development of Dabry's sturgeon is slow, requiring more cumulative temperature degree days per millimeter of larvae TL than is required for other sturgeons to develop into larvae. Thus, a dispersal migration that diverts energy from development may not be adaptive. The available information suggests the initial dispersal of early life intervals is likely done by females, which spawn in a dispersed spawning style, not the usual aggregated spawning style. Juvenile migrants had a black body and tail with a light line along the lateral scutes. The color of juvenile migrants shows that a dark body and tail is characteristic of Acipenser that migrate downstream as larvae or juveniles.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory studies on the ontogenetic behavior of free embryos (first life interval after hatching) and larvae (first feeding interval) of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Migration styles of both species were similar for timing of migration (initiation by embryos on day 0 after hatching and cessation by larvae on days 12–13 at 236–243 cumulative temperature degree units), migration distance (about 13km), life interval when most distance was moved (embryo), and diel behavior of embryos (diurnal). However, the species differed for two behaviors: movement characteristics of embryos (peak movement rate of pallid sturgeon was only one-half the peak rate of shovelnose sturgeon, but pallid sturgeon continued the lower rate for twice as long) and diel behavior of larvae (pallid sturgeon were diurnal and shovelnose sturgeon were nocturnal). Thus, the species used different methods to move the same distance. Migrating as poorly developed embryos suggests a migration style to avoid predation at the spawning site, but moving from spawning habitat to rearing habitat before first feeding could also be important. Migrants of both species preferred bright habitat (high illumination intensity and white substrate), a behavioral preference that may characterize the migrants of many species of sturgeon. Both species were remarkably similar for swimming height above the bottom by age, and day 7 and older migrants may swim far above the bottom and move far downstream. A migration of 12 or 13 days will probably not distribute larvae throughout the population's range, so an older life interval likely initiates a second longer downstream migration (2-step migration). By day 2, individuals of both species were a black-tail phenotype (light grey body with a black-tail that moved conspicuously during swimming). Aggregation behavior suggests that black-tail is a visual signal used for group cohesion.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence and gonadal maturity of wild sturgeons, which are rarely caught off Hokkaido island in Japan. Based on their morphological features, combined with the data on their cell DNA content, 48 sturgeons were classified into three species and one hybrid. These were the kaluga, Huso dauricus; the Japanese (Sakhalin) sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi (historically, this species has been considered conspecific with the American green sturgeon, A. medirostris); the Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii; and the kaluga–Amur sturgeon hybrid; with a ratio of 36:10:1:1. All of them were caught in saline waters, rather than in the fresh-water of the river, although some of them were in saline waters in the mouth of the river. Most of them were smaller than adult size; however, early juvenile fish were not detected. Histological analysis of gonadal development revealed early stages of gametogenesis in the majority of the fish of both genders. These results indicate that several sturgeon species are still occurring in the coastal waters of northern Japan, at different stages of gonadal maturity. In contrast, the lack of reports of both mature and early juvenile sturgeon capture in the Hokkaido rivers may suggest that native spawning populations of Japanese sturgeon have become extinct in Japan.  相似文献   

Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckiii Brandt 1869 and kaluga Huso dauricus (Georgi 1775) are critically endangered species with populations showing significant decline from historical levels due to overexploitation, yet little is known about their population structure. Adults are not often captured in the Fuyuan reach of the Amur River, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, and the government prioritizes juvenile sturgeon management. This study was conducted to determine the age and length/weight relationships of juvenile Amur sturgeon and kaluga in the Fuyuan reach of the Amur River. We estimated age using pectoral fin spine sections obtained from 65 juvenile Amur sturgeon and 50 juvenile kaluga. We compared the age estimates from two readers, and found 100% between‐reader agreement in 67.7% of the Amur sturgeon and 64.0% of the kaluga. The majority of differences in estimated age were within 1 year. Length/weight relationships (LWR) were calculated, and the LWR of the Amur sturgeon and kaluga were W = 0.0025L3.106 (r2 = 0.966)and W = 0.0022L3.175 (r2 = 0.989), respectively. Our study provides the age structure and LWR in juveniles of two sturgeon species.  相似文献   

Three Acipenseridae species live in the rivers and marine waters of the Khabarovsk Territory, Russia: Sakhalin sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi, Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii, and kaluga, Huso dauricus. We review the general biology and life history of each species, including their historic and current distributions, and examine current paleogeographic theories to outline the possible origin and evolution of these three species in the Amur River, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan biogeographic province. Apparently, these species have evolved during distinct geologic time periods, which has reinforced the reproductive isolation of these species although hybridization does occur. They have convergently adapted to the unique environmental conditions of the Amur River and Russian Maritime regions, and yet developed behavioral adaptations to reduce competition between species. Sakhalin sturgeon is the least studied species among anadromous sturgeon in the world. This species is highly migratory and spends the majority of its life in the ocean only returning to natal rivers to spawn. Amur sturgeon and kaluga are distributed throughout the Amur River basin and the estuary and share many life history traits. They are both represented by distinct morphs. Additionally, we present size and weight relationships to estimate the growth of Amur sturgeon and kaluga. All three species have suffered declines in abundance due to over fishing and their contemporary distributions have contracted compared to their historic ranges. We identify gaps in knowledge and suggest further research useful for guiding management of each species.  相似文献   

General biological characteristics and the contemporary status of the kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, are described. Both inhabit the Amur River basin. Kaluga is the largest freshwater fish in this river system reaching more than 5.6 m in length and more than 1000 kg in weight. We recognize four populations of kaluga: the first is from the estuary of the Amur River and coastal brackish waters of the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan, the second is from the lower Amur River, the third is from the middle-Amur, and the fourth occurs in lower reaches of the Zeya and Bureya rivers. Freshwater and brackish water morphs exist in the estuary population, with the freshwater morph predominating in number. The number of individuals in the lower Amur River population at age 2 or greater was recently estimated to be 40 000, and in the middle Amur, 30 000. The population will continue to decline because of rampant overfishing. The Amur sturgeon is represented in the Amur River basin by two morphs: brown and gray. Brown morphs occur in the middle and lower parts of the Amur River; they grow more slowly than the gray ones. Today, the lower Amur River population of Amur sturgeon is made up of 95 000 fish at age 2 or greater and is approximately half as large as the population in the middle Amur River. Populations of kaluga and Amur sturgeon in the Zeya and Bureya rivers are extremely small and on the verge of extinction.  相似文献   

Distribution, population structure, and abundance of Amur kaluga Acipenser dauricus and Amur sturgeon A. schrenckii in the Lower Amur and Amur Estuary have been considered based on the materials of two surveys performed in 2011. Both species occur along almost the entire length of the Lower Amur and in major part of the Amur Estuary. The density of their aggregations has significantly decreased in most regions of the river if compared to the 1960s. In the Amur Estuary, A. dauricus and A. schrenckii are most abundant in freshwater and light salted water bodies of its western part. In 2011, the abundance and biomass of A. dauricus and A. schrenckii in the Lower Amur and Amur Estuary was 345000 specimens and 7110 tons and 289000 specimens and 1946 tons, respectively.  相似文献   

In 2009 through 2011, among 730 individuals of kaluga and Amur sturgeon collected in the lower reaches of the Amur River and the Amursky Liman, 17 morphologically intermediate individuals (hybrids) with the body length of 56 to 202 cm (median, 81 cm) were identified, including 11 individuals (4.6%) found in 2009, three individuals (1.6%) found in 2010, and three individuals (1.1%), in 2011. In 16 hybrids, 819 bp of the mtDNA control regions were sequences and 11 haplotypes were identified. Since all these haplotypes were from the mtDNA lineages of kaluga, it was concluded that hybridization occurred in one direction, kaluga (♀) × Amur sturgeon (♂). This asymmetry could be caused by the large size differences between these species. Since the earlier examined morphologically typical Amur sturgeons showed the absence of alien haplotypes (Shedko et al., 2015), the absence of the mtDNA introgression is claimed. This can be caused by low viability or sterility of the backcross females (kaluga (♀) × Amur sturgeon (♂)) × Amur sturgeon (♂). The samples of hybrids and typical kaluga individuals demonstrated no differences in the frequency spectra of the mtDNA haplotypes. However, haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the first sample was somewhat higher than in the second one (0.950 versus 0.927 and 0.0054 versus 0.0044, respectively). The data obtained will be useful for population monitoring of kaluga and Amur sturgeon, Amur River endemics, which are classified as critically endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.  相似文献   

We studied ontogenetic behavior, migration, and wintering behavior of young Klamath River green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the laboratory to provide insight into likely behavior of wild sturgeon. Hatchling free embryos preferred cover but were poor swimmers and could not move farther than a few centimeters to cover. The poor swimming ability and cover preference of hatchlings suggests evolution for habitat selection of females to place eggs in habitat with cover for eggs (and hatchlings), and for egg characteristics (large, dense, and weakly adhesive) to cause rapid sinking into cover without drifting. A day or so after fish developed into larvae (first life interval feeding exogenously), day-12 larvae initiated a 12-day downstream nocturnal migration. A totally nocturnal migration is unlike other Acipenser migrants yet studied. Migrant larvae had a dark-colored body typical of other Acipenser species that migrate as larvae. Tail color was a dark black (black-tail phenotype) only during the early larva period, suggesting a morphological adaptation for migration, foraging, or both. Post-migrant larvae and early juveniles to day 84 foraged diurnally with a nocturnal activity peak. Day 110–181 juveniles moved downstream at night until water temperature decreased to about 8°C, indicating wild juveniles migrate downstream to wintering habitat. Habitat preference of month 9–10 wintering juveniles suggests wild juveniles are in deep pools with low light and some rock structure. Wintering juveniles were only active at night. Initiation and cessation of daily activity was at dusk and dawn during illumination changes of <1.0lx. This sensitivity to illumination has not been found before in sturgeons. During the first 10months of life, nocturnal activity of early life intervals is a dominant feature of migration, foraging, and wintering.  相似文献   

Suitability of small (< 1km2) marine reserves for protecting a commercially important endemic Hawaiian goatfish, Parupeneus porphyreus, was examined by quantifying goatfish habitat use, home range size and site fidelity in an existing marine reserve (Coconut Island in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii). Five goatfish equipped with acoustic transmitters were tracked for up to 93h each over 3–14 days. Daytime habitat use patterns of two of these fish were continuously monitored for one month using a fixed hydrophone hardwired to an onshore computer. Acoustically tagged fish showed consistent diel patterns of behavior, refuging in holes in the reef by day and moving over extensive areas of sand and coral rubble habitat at night. Remote monitoring of daytime habitat use by two goatfish revealed that the same daytime refuge was used by both fish for at least one month (the battery life of the transmitters). Home ranges of all fish were within the boundaries of the Coconut Island reserve suggesting that even small areas containing suitable habitat can make effective reserves for this species. A relatively low abundance of reproductive size P. porphyreus at Coconut Island in comparison with deeper areas may indicate an ontogenetic shift to deeper habitat in this species.  相似文献   

The cytology of development and aging of the liver and pancreas in domestic carp was studied in a large sample of EM and LM sections from larvae juveniles 1–10 year old adults and 15 year old experimentally stunted fish weighing 20g and of 110–120mm TL. The primordium of the two glands appears in embryos 3–4 days after fertilization as buds from the gut wall. Formation of the hepatic tubules is first seen in larvae 10 days after fertilization. Two types of hepatocytes are discernable: one with a pale cytoplasm and the other with a dense opaque cytoplasm; both extend microvilli into the sinusoidal space of Disse and bear intracellular bile canaliculi. With maturation and branching of the hepatic tubules a complicated hepatic muralium is formed. The pancreatic cells develop in 5–6mm TL embryos primarily along the blood capillaries and in 10–11 day old larvae exocrine A and B cells are seen prominent by their zymogen granules and spires and stacks of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ripening of the Islets of Langerhans begin in larvae of 10mm TL. By 16mm TL two types of endocrine cells are visible. With aging three processes are recognizable in the liver: (1) increased branching of the blood net displaces the hepatic units and complicates the structure of the liver parenchyma; (2) a gradual increase in lipid vacuoles and debris deposition in secretory cells takes place; and (3) the number of melano-macrophage cells and melano-macrophage centers gradually increases. In 15-year-old experimentally stunted fish (110–120mm TL) the liver and pancreas resemble those of juvenile fish appearing much healthier than those of 8–10 year old large carp from commercial ponds. These findings provide evidence that aging is not a simple time-dependent mechanism but is also strongly modulated by environmental factors.  相似文献   

We counted nocturnal fishes both day and night, and monitored the position of tagged individuals on temperate reefs in New South Wales, Australia. Pempheris affinis and P. multiradiata were the most abundant nocturnal planktivores on Sydneys rocky reefs and showed great differences in diel migration behaviour. Both species were observed in deep shelter sites during the day (5–10m), and most emerged into the water column at night. P. multiradiata was found to undergo extensive vertical and horizontal migrations. In contrast, P. affinis remained within daytime depth strata, with tagged individuals often moving less than 20m at night. Tagged adult P. affinis returned to tagging sites for up to 7weeks, indicating high site fidelity. Dietary analysis demonstrated that small and large pempherids differed in diet and the timing of foraging, suggesting a size-based transition from diurnal to nocturnal foraging. Stratified sampling of planktonic assemblages at different depths during the day and night showed spatial variation in the availability of prey items at different times of the day. Amphipods, the main prey of large fish, were only available during the night, and concentrated in shallow water, whereas decapod larvae, consumed mainly by small fish, were abundant day and night. Large P. affinis also fed on polychaetes, which were never found in the stomachs of P. multiradiata, suggesting that these species may have different prey requirements, or that these polychaetes are only found in deep water where foraging P. affinis were abundant. We found no general model for the Pempheridae. The movements and behaviour of nocturnal fishes varied greatly by species, and this may be due to differences in body size, and/or physiological (e.g. visual ability) and ecological constraints.  相似文献   

We examined population traits of yellow American eels from nine sites with similar habitat characteristics in each of four rivers in Maine, U.S.A. Migrating silver eels were also collected to compare sex ratio, age and size at migration among the four rivers. Population density and biomass were not significantly different among rivers with mean ranges of 8.4–21.8 eels 100m–2and 380–1485gm–2. Pairwise comparisons of the slopes of weight–length relationships of log transformed data (pooled data: intercept = –6.007, slope = 3.094, r2= 0.99, and n = 3116) revealed no significant differences among rivers. Length–age relationships (pooled data: intercept = 87.826, slope = 23.444, r2= 0.76, and n = 2325) also showed no statistically significant pairwise differences in slopes among rivers. In all rivers, sexual differentiation was complete by 270mm total length and age eleven. The sex ratios of migrating silver eels were not correlated with yellow eel sex ratios among the four rivers. Mean age at migration among the four rivers was significantly different for males only, with a range of 1.3years. Both sexes had some significant differences in size at migration among rivers, but the biological importance of the differences is tenuous (male range: 15mm, female range: 36mm). The yellow and silver eel population traits from these four rivers showed little variation when riverine habitat was isolated. Variations in traits appeared to be greater when eels from non-riverine habitats may have been present.  相似文献   

Six specimens (2 flexion larvae: 9.5–10.4mm in notochord length; 4 postflexion larvae: 12.3–18.2mm in standard length) collected from the western North Pacific are tentatively ascribed to the genus Uncisudis of the tribe Lestidiini of the subfamily Paralepidinae (Paralepididae) in sharing remarkably elongate and filamentous pelvic fin rays, their tips reaching the origin of the anal fin. They are described as Uncisudis posteropelvis sp. nov. in uniquely having the insertion of pelvic fins closer to the origin of anal fin than to the posterior end of dorsal fin base among lestidiine species. Addition to this character, the new species has remarkably elongate and filamentous dorsal fin rays, the short distance between anus and origin of anal fin (4.2–6.1% of standard length, SL), the posteriorly located pelvic fins (prepelvic length 69.4–71.5% SL), dorsal fin rays 10, anal fin rays 28–29, myomeres 41–42+38–40=80–81 (vertebrae 38+41=79), and peritoneal pigment spots 11–12. The occurrence of larvae differing in pigment pattern from the present new species suggests another undescribed species of Uncisudis in the western South Pacific.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the swimming endurance abilities of late-stage larvae of reef fishes have used laboratory swimming chambers and, with one exception, unfed larvae. Based on the exceptional study, we predicted that fed larvae should have much greater endurance than previously reported for unfed larvae. We tested the swimming endurance of the fed late-stage larvae of 6 pomacentrid species and found that all could swim at least twice as long as unfed larvae. The 3 species with larger larvae (12–14mm standard length: SL) all grew during these experiments in spite of being forced to swim 23.3h per day. The 3 species with smaller larvae (10–11mm SL) did not show consistent growth. Unfed laboratory measures of swimming endurance are, therefore, very conservative, and are probably more of an indication of the reserves available to the larvae than a realistic indication of how far the larvae are capable of swimming in the field.  相似文献   

Substrate preferences of juvenile, hatchery-reared lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, from a Wisconsin population were examined relative to water temperature and velocity, fish size and time of day. Given the choice of a sand, gravel, rock or smooth plastic bottom, all sturgeon were strongly attracted to the sand substrate. Water temperature did not affect substrate preference, however small sturgeon (13.5cm mean FL) acclimated to 19°C were more active than those tested in 6°C water. Small sturgeon, under all conditions, were less sedentary in the early morning and late evening hours than during the daytime. Preference of small sturgeon for sand was slightly stronger when a current of 5cmsec-1 was present. Substrate preference of larger sturgeon (24.3cm mean FL) was not affected by any of the parameters examined. In general, hatchery-reared lake sturgeon showed similar behaviors (with respect to substrate selection) as those previously described for the same population in the wild, making it possible that substrate preferences have a genetic component and likely that hatchery rearing does not alter instinctive behavior.  相似文献   

In the northern regions UV-B radiation levels have increased due to ozone depletion. A two-week laboratory experiment was conducted to measure the effects of UV-B radiation on the pigmentation, growth, oxygen consumption rate and survival of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, and vendace, Coregonus albula, larvae. In May newly hatched embryos were exposed in laboratory aquaria to three CIE weighted UV-B radiation levels: subambient (daily dose 1.37kJm–2), 9% (1.81kJm–2) and 34% higher (2.24kJm–2) than ambient. Control embryos and larvae were not exposed to UV-B. Larvae of whitefish and vendace that were irradiated with highest UV-B level had 32% and 31% more melanin than control larvae, respectively, which we interpret as an apparent induced response. In controls, the species difference revealed 53% more melanin in vendace larvae than in whitefish larvae. UV-B radiation had no effect on the mortality of either species, the survival being high in all treatments (>90%). Additionally, neither growth rate nor the metabolic rate of larvae of either species was affected by UV-B radiation. Thus, in relation to future scenarios UV-B radiation may not be a threat to whitefish or vendace larvae in current or expected radiation levels.  相似文献   

A RAPD-PCR analysis of a sample of Amur sturgeon fish (46 individuals) is performed. An estimate of the genetic state of native populations of Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii (Brandt, 1869) and kaluga fish Huso dauricus (Georgi, 1775) is given. Genetic evidence for the hybrid origin of two phenotypical hybrids is obtained. Estimates of the genetic distances between the species and the hybrids proved to be at the level of interspecific distances. It is shown that an Exact Test for differentiation of the populations is the most effective means of discriminating the two species, while multidimensional scaling (MDS) is the most effective means of discriminating the hybrids. It is concluded that the populations of sturgeon fish in the Amur River have maintained a substantial level of genetic diversity; the presence of hybrids in these populations is judged to be one of the risk factors. Multilocus RAPD-PCR markers are acknowledged as a convenient and reliable tool for conducting genetic monitoring of populations of Amur sturgeon fish for the purpose of preserving the gene pool of the fish.  相似文献   

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