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An increasing number of proteomic strategies rely on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to detect and identify constituent peptides of enzymatically digested proteins obtained from various organisms and cell types. However, sample preparation methods for isolating membrane proteins typically involve the use of detergents and chaotropes that often interfere with chromatographic separation and/or electrospray ionization. To address this problem, a sample preparation method combining carbonate extraction, surfactant-free organic solvent-assisted solubilization, and proteolysis was developed and demonstrated to target the membrane subproteome of Deinococcus radiodurans. Out of 503 proteins identified, 135 were recognized as hydrophobic on the basis of their calculated hydropathy values (GRAVY index), corresponding to coverage of 15% of the predicted hydrophobic proteome. Using the PSORT algorithm, 53 of the proteins identified were classified as integral outer membrane proteins and 215 were classified as integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins. All identified integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins had from 1 to 16 mapped transmembrane domains (TMDs), and 65% of those containing four or more mapped TMDs were identified by at least one hydrophobic membrane spanning peptide. The extensive coverage of the membrane subproteome (24%) by identification of highly hydrophobic proteins containing multiple TMDs validates the efficacy of the described sample preparation technique to isolate and solubilize hydrophobic integral membrane proteins from complex protein mixtures.  相似文献   

Proteomics on full-length membrane proteins using mass spectrometry   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A general technique has been developed that allows rapid mass spectrometric analysis of full-length membrane proteins [Whitelegge, J. P., le Coutre, J., et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, 10695-10698]. Using in-line HPLC electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MS), different native and recombinant bacterial membrane proteins of up to 61 kDa are characterized. Mass spectrometric data of four entirely different membrane proteins from three bacterial organisms, two transporters, a channel, and a porin protein are presented. In addition to determination of the molecular mass with an accuracy of +/-0.01%, the technique monitors alkylation or oxidation of single Cys residues and errors in deduced amino acid sequences. Finally, using in-line LC-MS, unknown proteins can be identified from solubilized Escherichia coli membranes without prior purification.  相似文献   

Lu B  McClatchy DB  Kim JY  Yates JR 《Proteomics》2008,8(19):3947-3955
Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) are difficult to identify, mainly for two reasons: the hydrophobicity of IMPs and their low abundance. Sample preparation is a key component in the large-scale identification of IMPs. In this review, we survey strategies for shotgun identification of IMPs by MS/MS. We will discuss enrichment, solubilization, separation, and digestion of IMPs, and data analysis for membrane proteomics.  相似文献   

Ribosomes from the K-12 strain of Escherichia coli were analyzed with good sensitivity and high mass accuracy using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Fifty-five of the 56 subunit proteins were observable. Mass spectral peak locations were consistent with previously reported post-translational modifications involving N-terminal methionine loss, methylation, thiomethylation, and acetylation for all but one case. The speed and accuracy of mass spectrometry make it a good candidate for phylogenetic studies of ribosomes and the observation of posttranslational modifications in other organisms.  相似文献   

The identification of post-translational modifications is difficult especially for hydrophobic membrane proteins. Here we present the identification of several types of protein modifications on membrane proteins isolated from mitochondrial outer membranes. We show, in vivo, that the mature rat liver mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I enzyme is N-terminally acetylated, phosphorylated on two threonine residues, and nitrated on two tyrosine residues. We show that long chain acyl-CoA synthetase 1 is acetylated at both the N-terminal end and at a lysine residue and tyrosine residues are found to be phosphorylated and nitrated. For the three voltage-dependent anion channel isoforms present in the mitochondria, the N-terminal regions of the protein were determined and sites of phosphorylation were identified. These novel findings raise questions about regulatory aspects of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I, long chain acyl-CoA synthetase and voltage dependent anion channel and further studies should advance our understanding about regulation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in general and these three proteins in specific.  相似文献   

The analysis of proteins and protein complexes by mass spectrometry (MS) has come a long way since the invention of electrospray ionization (ESI) in the mid 80s. Originally used to characterize small soluble polypeptide chains, MS has progressively evolved over the past 3 decades towards the analysis of samples of ever increasing heterogeneity and complexity, while the instruments have become more and more sensitive and resolutive. The proofs of concepts and first examples of most structural MS methods appeared in the early 90s. However, their application to membrane proteins, key targets in the biopharma industry, is more recent. Nowadays, a wealth of information can be gathered from such MS-based methods, on all aspects of membrane protein structure: sequencing (and more precisely proteoform characterization), but also stoichiometry, non-covalent ligand binding (metals, drug, lipids, carbohydrates), conformations, dynamics and distance restraints for modelling. In this review, we present the concept and some historical and more recent applications on membrane proteins, for the major structural MS methods.  相似文献   

Top-down mass spectrometry is an emerging technology which strives to preserve the post-translationally modified forms of proteins present in vivo by measuring them intact, rather than measuring peptides produced from them by proteolysis. The top-down technology is beginning to capture the interest of biologists and mass spectrometrists alike, with a main goal of deciphering interaction networks operative in cellular pathways. Here we outline recent approaches and applications of top-down mass spectrometry as well as an outlook for its future.  相似文献   

Histone proteins and their accompanying post-translational modifications have received much attention for their ability to affect chromatin structure and, hence, regulate gene expression. Recently, mass spectrometry has become an important complementary tool for the analysis of histone variants and modification sites, for determining the degree of occupancy of these modifications and for quantifying differential expression of these modifications from various samples. Additionally, as advancements in mass spectrometry technologies continue, the ability to read entire 'histone codes' across large regions of histone polypeptides or intact protein is possible. As chromatin biology demands, mass spectrometry has adapted and continues as a key technology for the analysis of gene regulation networks involving histone modifications.  相似文献   

Protein activity and turnover is tightly and dynamically regulated in living cells. Whereas the three-dimensional protein structure is predominantly determined by the amino acid sequence, posttranslational modification (PTM) of proteins modulates their molecular function and the spatial-temporal distribution in cells and tissues. Most PTMs can be detected by protein and peptide analysis by mass spectrometry (MS), either as a mass increment or a mass deficit relative to the nascent unmodified protein. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) provides a series of analytical features that are highly useful for the characterization of modified proteins via amino acid sequencing and specific detection of posttranslationally modified amino acid residues. Large-scale, quantitative analysis of proteins by MS/MS is beginning to reveal novel patterns and functions of PTMs in cellular signaling networks and biomolecular structures.  相似文献   

In the field of proteomic investigation, the analysis of membrane proteins still faces many technical challenges. A fundamental question in this puzzle is how to maintain a proper solvent environment to allow the hydrophobic proteins to remain solubilized. We propose that the denaturation of membrane proteins in a highly concentrated urea solution enables them to be ionized such that ionic exchange chromatography can be employed to separate them. The membrane proteins prepared from the mouse liver were dissolved in 6M guanidine hydrochloride, 20mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, and loaded onto a tandem chromatography apparatus coupled with Q-Sepharose FF and Sephacryl S-200HR. These columns were able to adsorb 97.87% of the membrane protein preparations. Using a linear NaCl (0-1.0M) gradient, the bound proteins were eluted out at 0.1-1.0M NaCl, and examined by SDS-PAGE. Furthermore the protein bands underwent excision and digestion with trypsin, followed by reverse-phase chromatography for the separation of the digested peptides and ionic-trap mass spectrometry for the identification of the proteins. From the SDS-PAGE gels, the overlap between proteins from neighboring bands was only 21.34%, indicating that the anionic-size exclusion coupling chromatography efficiently separated these membrane proteins. Of a total of 392 proteins identified, 306 were membrane proteins or membrane-associated proteins. Based on the calculation of hydrophobicity, the GRAVY scores of 83 proteins are greater than, or equal to, 0.00. Taking all of this evidence together, our results revealed that this approach is satisfactory for studies on the membrane proteome from the mouse liver.  相似文献   

Different aspects of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) have been used as discovery tools to obtain global and time-correlated information on the local proteomic composition of the sexually mature mouse epididymis from both qualitative and semiquantitative points of view. Tissue sections and laser captured microdissected cells and secretory products were analyzed by MALDI-MS and from the recovered protein profiles, over 400 different proteins were monitored. Over 50 of these, some of which have been identified, displayed regionalized behavior from caput to cauda within the epididymis. Combining the information obtained from high-resolution imaging mass spectrometry and laser captured microdissection experiments, numerous proteins were localized within the epididymis at the cellular level. Furthermore, from the signal intensities observed in the different protein profiles organized in space, semiquantitative information for each protein was obtained.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis has long been utilized in biological research to interpret protein interactions in both drug na?ve versus drug challenged and normal versus diseased tissues. The technology of proteomics today allows researchers to provide insight into old and still open questions related to biological mechanisms while offering the opportunity to discover novel details in cellular lifecycles. Perhaps the most powerful way to execute these differential displays is in the combination of two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. While these two techniques together are well suited for abundant and soluble proteins found in cells, rare proteins and integral membrane proteins are still problematic. Recently, a series of novel zwitterionic detergents has been reported in the literature that shows a substantial improvement in solubilizing integral membrane proteins. We show that the amidosulfobetaine, 4-octylbenzol amidosulfobetaine, is better than 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylamino]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) at solubilizing both an ion channel and a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), while another amidosulfobetaine, myristic amidosulfobetaine (ASB-14), was better than CHAPS at solubilizing a GPCR. Neither membrane protein was visible after staining with colloidal Coomassie blue, silver nor Sypro Ruby. However, a comparison against a duplicate immunoblot allowed for the localization and identification of the ion channel from a 2-D gel by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins drive and mediate many essential cellular processes making them a vital section of the proteome. However, the amphipathic nature of these molecules ensures their detailed structural analysis remains challenging. A versatile procedure for effective electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) of intact intrinsic membrane proteins purified using reverse-phase chromatography in aqueous formic acid/isopropanol is presented. The spectra of four examples, bacteriorhodopsin and its apoprotein from Halobacterium and the D1 and D2 reaction-center subunits from spinach thylakoids, achieve mass measurements that are within 0.01% of calculated theoretical values. All of the spectra reveal lesser quantities of other molecular species that can usually be equated with covalently modified subpopulations of these proteins. Our analysis of bovine rhodopsin, the first ESI-MS study of a G-protein coupled receptor, yielded a complex spectrum indicative of extensive molecular heterogeneity. The range of masses measured for the native molecule agrees well with the range calculated based upon variable glycosylation and reveals further heterogeneity arising from other covalent modifications. The technique described represents the most precise way to catalogue membrane proteins and their post-translational modifications. Resolution of the components of protein complexes provides insights into native protein/protein interactions. The apparent retention of structure by bacteriorhodopsin during the analysis raises the potential of obtaining tertiary structure information using more developed ESI-MS experiments.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) control countless fundamental biological processes and constitute the majority of drug targets. For this reason, uncovering their molecular mechanism of action has long been an intense field of research. They are, however, notoriously difficult to work with, mainly due to their localization within the heterogeneous of environment of the biological membrane and the instability once extracted from the lipid bilayer. High‐resolution structures have unveiled many mechanistic aspects of IMPs but also revealed that the elucidation of static pictures has limitations. Hydrogen–deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX‐MS) has recently emerged as a powerful biophysical tool for interrogating the conformational dynamics of proteins and their interactions with ligands. Its versatility has proven particularly useful to reveal mechanistic aspects of challenging classes of proteins such as IMPs. This review recapitulates the accomplishments of HDX‐MS as it has matured into an essential tool for membrane protein structural biologists.  相似文献   

Moraxella catarrhalis is a major mucosal pathogen of the human respiratory tract both in children and in adults. Two subpopulations of this organism have been described that differ in 16S rRNA gene sequence and virulence traits. Three 16S rRNA types have been defined. 2-DE followed by protein identification by MS revealed significant differences in the outer membrane protein (OMP) patterns of each M. catarrhalis 16S rRNA type. Approximately 130 features were detected on the 2-DE map of each M. catarrhalis 16S rRNA type. However, only 50 features were expressed by all strains. Furthermore, direct profiling of isolated OMP using MALDI-TOF MS resulted in a characteristic spectral fingerprint for each 16S rRNA type. Fingerprints remained identical when intact cells instead of isolated OMP were analyzed. This finding suggests that the source of desorbed ions is the outer membrane. Based on the fingerprint we were able to assign 18 well-characterized clinical M. catarrhalis isolates to the correct subpopulation. Therefore, MALDI-TOF of intact M. catarrhalis provides a rapid and robust tool for M. catarrhalis strain typing that could be applied in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

疾病状态下生物膜表面蛋白质分子标记的表达量和修饰状态会发生改变。但由于其低丰度和不易溶解等特性,制约了膜蛋白质组学的研究,同时也制约了相关药物靶标的设计。近年来,为克服这些困难,学者们提出了"鸟枪法"的膜蛋白质组学研究策略。基于此,本文论述了"鸟枪法"的蛋白质组学分析的基本过程及其后续的部分改进工作。随着新的策略不断被采用,更多膜蛋白质的拓扑学特征和功能的相关研究一定会走上新的台阶。  相似文献   

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