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A Zagari  G Némethy  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1990,30(9-10):961-966
The alteration of polymer conformational properties caused by the replacement of L-proline by L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Aze) has been studied by means of conformational energy computations. In addition to poly(Aze), two sequential copolymers, poly(Pro-Aze) and poly(Aze3-Pro3), have been investigated. All polymers containing Aze are more flexible than poly(Pro). This is a consequence of an increased number of permitted conformational states for the Aze residue, as compared to Pro, when they are incorporated into a polypeptide, as well as of a lessened cooperativity of the trans-cis transition. The results of the computation can be used to interpret the observed physical properties of poly(Aze) and of its copolymers.  相似文献   

A Zagari  G Némethy  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1990,30(9-10):951-959
The L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Aze) residue can be incorporated into proteins in the place of L-proline, of which it is the lower homologue. This substitution alters the properties of proteins, especially of collagen. Conformational constraints in N-acetyl-Aze-N'-methylamide and in several dipeptides containing Aze have been analyzed by means of energy computations. They have been compared with peptides containing Pro. The overall conformational preferences of Aze and Pro are similar, but several significant differences occur between them. In general, peptides containing Aze are somewhat more flexible than corresponding peptides containing Pro, because of a decrease in constraints caused by repulsive nonconvalent interactions of the atoms of the ring with neighboring residues. This results in an entropic effect that lessens the stability of ordered polypeptide conformations with respect to the disordered statistical coil. The collagen-like near-extended conformation is energetically less favorable for Aze than for Pro in the single residue and in dipeptides. This effect also contributes to a destabilization of the collagen triple helix. The influence of Aze on the conformation of polypeptides is discussed in the accompanying papers.  相似文献   

The properties of collagen are affected by the replacement of Pro by imino acid analogues. The structural effect of the low-level local substitution of L -azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Aze) has been analyzed by computing the energy of CH3CO-(Gly-Pro-Pro)4-NHCH3 triple helices in which a single residue of one strand has been replaced by Aze. When Aze is in position Y of a (Gly-X-Y) unit, low-energy local deformations are introduced in the triple helix, i.e., it becomes more flexible. On the other hand, the flexibility of the triple helix is not increased with Aze in position X. The energy of the triple helix to coil transition is not changed significantly by this amount of substitution. In an earlier study, we have demonstrated that the regular substitution of Aze in every tripeptide distorts or destabilizes the triple helix to a large extent [A. Zagari, G. Némethy, & H. A. Scheraga (1990) Biopolymers, Vol. 30, pp. 967–974 ]. Thus, it appears that a high level of substitution is required to cause the observed chemical and biological effects of Aze on collagen. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Three Tic-containing (Tic = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) model peptides were synthesized to assess the tendency of this constrained Phe analogue to fold into a beta-bend and a helical structure, and to adopt a preferred side-chain disposition. The results of the solution conformational analysis, performed by using Fourier transform infrared absorption and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, indicate that in chloroform the -Aib-D-Tic-Aib-, -(Aib)2-D-Tic-(Aib)2-, and -L-Pro-D-Tic- sequences fold into intramolecularly H-bonded forms to a great extent. An X-ray diffraction analysis on p-BrBz-(Aib)2-DL-Tic-(Aib)2-OMe monohydrate and p-BrBz-L-Pro-D-Tic-NHMe allows us to conclude that, while the pentapeptide methylester forms an incipient (distorted) 3(10)-helix, the dipeptide methylamide adopts a type-II beta-bend conformation. In both cases, the D-Tic side-chain conformation is D, gauche(-). The implications for the use of the Tic residue in designing conformationally restricted analogues of bioactive peptides are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid on tooth differentiation was studied in mouse embryos. This proline analogue produced reversible delay of morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

The initial stages of the development of the seminiferous cords involve the differentiation and the aggregation of primordial Sertoli cells opposite to cells which acquire a mesenchymal-like aspect. The hypothesis that the development of the seminiferous cords depends on epithelial-mesenchymal relations between the two cell types was submitted to experimental test. Male gonadal primordia of rat fetuses were cultured in vitro in a synthetic medium containing the proline competitor, L-Azetidine-2-Carboxylic Acid. This drug is known to disturb the synthesis and secretion of collagen and proline-containing proteins. It prevents testicular organogenesis or destroys it if it has begun. It suppresses the expression of laminin and fibronectin in the gonadal primordium. These observations are taken as evidence that cellular correlations of the epithelial-mesenchymal type play a role in the development of the testis as they do in that of other organs.  相似文献   

The interaction of chromium(III) with poly(dG-dC) inhibits the B to Z transition and results in the condensation of the polymer at high Cr/nucleotide ratios. At low Cr/nucleotide ratios chromium(III) enhanced the ability of ethanol to induce the B to Z transition of poly(dG-dC). The effects of chromium(III) on the conformation of DNA may be related to the carcinogenicity of chromium compounds.  相似文献   

Molecular conformation of poly(S-lactic acid)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Solution conformation of poly(L-lysyl-L-glutamic acid) (PLGU) and poly(L-lysyl-L-glutamine) (PLGN) was studied in water as a function of pH, added salt, detergents, methanol and trifluoroethanol (TFE). Both the polypeptides exhibit no ordered conformation in the pH range 1.5-12.5; salts and detergents did not have any marked effect. Replacement of side chain carboxyl by an amide group did not help in inducing PLGN to adopt a helical conformation even at pH as high as 12.0, unlike poly(L-lysine). The helicogenic solvents, methanol and TFE, induce formation of weak helices in PLGU as well as in PLGN. It is not unlikely that H-bonding between the side chains leads to stabilizing an unordered conformations.  相似文献   

The primary stroma of the cornea of the chick embryo contains a cell-free orthogonal ply of collagen fibrils which is delineated clearly by Gomori's silver stain for reticulin and has, in miniature, the same fibrous architecture as the mature stroma. The collagen of this matrix is synthesized by the basal cells of the corneal epithelium and deposited beneath them a layer at a time.  相似文献   

The binding of the methylmercury cation CH3Hg+ by poly(L -glutamic acid) (PGA) and by poly(L -lysine) (PLL) has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Coordination on the side-chain COO? and NH groups of these polypeptides gave characteristic ligand–Hg stretching modes at ca. 505 and 450 cm?1, respectively. Precipitation generally occurred upon formation of the complexes and changes of conformation were common. The solid complex obtained from PGA at pH 4.6 was found to have a mostly disordered conformation, which differed from the respective α-helical and β-sheet structures of the dissolved and precipitated uncomplexed polypeptide in the same conditions. An α-helical structure was generally adopted by the complex formed with PLL, even in pH and temperature conditions where the free polypeptide normally exists in another conformation. The addition of a stronger complexing agent, glutathione, to the PLL/CH3Hg+ complex caused a migration of the bound cations and a restoration of the polypeptide to its original state.  相似文献   

The molecular and crystal structures of the C alpha,alpha-dialkylated alpha-amino acid residue 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid hemihydrate (H2+-Ac3c-O-.1/2 H2O) and nine derivatives and dipeptides have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The derivatives are pBrBz-Ac3c-OH, Piv-Ac3c-OH, Z-Ac3c-OH, the alpha-and beta-forms of t-Boc-Ac3c-OH, Z-Ac3c-OMe, and the 5(4H)-oxazolone from pBrBz-Ac3c-OH; the dipeptides are H-(Ac3c)-OMe and c(Ac3c)2. The values determined for the torsion angles about the N-C alpha (phi) and C alpha-C' (psi) bonds for the single Ac3c residue of Piv-Ac3c-OH, the alpha- and beta-forms of t-Boc-Ac3-OH and Z-Ac3c-OMe, and the C-terminal Ac3c residue of H-(Ac3c)2-OMe correspond to folded conformations in the "bridge" region of the Ramachandran map. The structures of pBrBz-Ac3c-OH and Z-Ac3c-OH, however, are unusual in having a semi-extended conformation for the phi, psi angles. The N-terminal Ac3c residue of H-(Ac3c)2-OMe adopts a novel type of C5 conformation, characterized inter alia by an (amino) N. . .H-N (peptide) intramolecular hydrogen bond. While the acyl N alpha-blocking groups form trans amides (pBrBz-Ac3c-OH and Piv-Ac3c-OH), the urethane groups may adopt either the trans [Z-Ac3c-OH and t-Boc-Ac3c-OH (alpha-form)] or the cis amide conformations [t-Boc-Ac3c-OH(beta-form) and Z-Ac3c-OMe]. The five- and six-membered rings of the 5(4H)-oxazolone and the 2,5-dioxopiperazine, respectively, are planar. The four independent molecules in the asymmetric unit of the free alpha-amino acid are zwitterionic.  相似文献   

Tsuji H  Tezuka Y 《Biomacromolecules》2004,5(4):1181-1186
The spherulite growth of stereocomplex crystallites in the blend from low-molecular-weight poly(L-lactide) [i.e., poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA)] and poly(D-lactide) [i.e., poly(D-lactic acid) (PDLA)] from the melt, together with that of the homocrystallites in pure PLLA and PDLA films, was investigated using polarization optical miscroscopy. The spherulite growth of stereocomplex crystallites occurred at a wider temperature range (相似文献   

Enantiopure L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, the (3R)-phenyl, (3R)-naphthyl and (3S)-isopropyl analogs were prepared based on a zinc-mediated asymmetric addition of allylic halides to the camphor sultam derivative of glyoxylic acid O-benzyl oxime.  相似文献   

The effects of three cationic surfactants, dodecylammonium chloride (DAC), dodecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), and dodecyldimethylammonium chloride (DTDAC), on the conformation of poly(L -glutamic acid) and at neutral pH were examined by CD. The maximum extent of the α-helix induction occurs for each surfactant when the mixing ration is about unity. Different effects specific to each surfactant, as described below, appear in the range of mixing ratios larger than that required for the maximum induction. In the case of DTAC, the α-helices disintegrate into random coils. In the case of DDAC, the aggregation of α-helices takes place eventually leading to precipitation. Solubilization of the precipitates occurs at high mixing ratios. The most complex behavior is seen in the case of DAC; aggregation of α-helices occurs only to a small extent and the formation of a small complex predominates over aggregation takes place again as DAC concentration increases further. Induction of the α-helix is favored by dilution at a constant mixing ratio but is suppressed by the addition of NaCl.  相似文献   

U Hahn  H Hanssum  H Rüterjans 《Biopolymers》1985,24(7):1147-1156
The anisotropic rotational motion of the backbone and the side chains of poly(L -glutamic acid) in the α-helical structure was investigated using the 13C-T1 and T2 relaxation times of all carbon atoms with directly attached protons, obtained at a 13C-Larmor frequency of 67.89 MHz. The evaluation of the nmr data was carried out according to the previously derived anisotropic diffusion model, in which the macromolecule is considered a rigid rod. The rotation of the backbone is characterized by two diffusion constants, D1 and D3, describing the rotation perpendicular to and around the symmetry axis. The additional internal motion of the Cβ-methylene group is described as a jump process with a jump rate, k1, between two allowed rotametric states. Steric considerations indicate that the occupation of the third rotameric position is forbidden. The rotation of the Cγ-methylene group is decribed as a one-dimensional diffusion process around the Cβ–Cγ bond. Investigation of the temperature dependence of the relaxation parameters led to the temperature dependence of the dynamic parameters. Activation energies were determined from these data. The dynamic parameters obtained for poly(L -glutamic acid) at 291 K are compared with the corresponding results of a previous study of poly(L -lysine). The development of an anisotropic diffusion model for the motions of the rod-shaped poly(L -lysine) α-helix and its application to the interpretation of the 13C-relaxation data of this molecule have already been published previously. In this model, both the overall molecular tumbling and the various internal motions have been characterized by diffusion constants or jump rates typical for each process. These dynamic parameters can be calculated from the spin–lattice relaxation times, the spin–spin relaxation times and the NOE factors of the Cα, Cβ, and Cγ nuclei of the polypetide. In the present paper, we describe the application of the above-mentioned dynamic model to the interpretation of 13C-relaxation studies of a further homopolypeptide, poly(L -glutamic acid), in the α-helical structure. Furthermore, we studied the temperature dependence of the relaxation times of this polymer and determined the anisotropic diffusion parameters at each temperature. From their temperature dependence and from comparison of our present results with the data of our previous study of poly(L -lysine), we were able to derive new insights into the intramolecular diffusion processes and the excitation of various motions.  相似文献   

alpha-Guanidinoglutaric acid (alpha-GGA) has been reported to occur in the cerebral cortex after epileptic seizures. No physical characteristics of alpha-GGA have been given. A practical procedure for the preparation of alpha-GGA is reported here. alpha-GGA forms a lactam in aqueous solution at 80 degrees C. It is proposed to substitute this lactam, 1-amidino-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid (pAGlu), for pyroglutamic acid (pGlu) at the N-terminal position in neuropeptides to modify their biological characteristics. L(+)-Glutamic acid was reacted with S-methylisothiourea (I) at pH 10 in aqueous solution to form L(-)-alpha-guanidinoglutaric acid: mp 165-168 degrees C, [alpha]22D = -22.7 (C = 4, 2 M HCl). alpha-GGA reacted promptly with excess reagent to form a salt, S-methylisothiourea-alpha-guanidinoglutarate: mp 209-210 degrees C, [alpha]22D = -13.0 (C = 4, 2 M HCl). I was removed from the salt with aqueous picric acid, since I readily formed an insoluble picrate, S-methylisothiourea picrate (mp 225-228 degrees C). Alternatively, the salt was added to a cation exchange column, and the alpha-GGA was eluted with molar ammonium acetate buffer, pH 9.5. Its lactam, 1-amidino-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, mp 248-249 degrees C, [alpha]22D = +2.1 (C = 4, 2 M HCl), formed a picrate (mp 196-199 degrees C).  相似文献   

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