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Thyroid hormone plays important roles in development, differentiation, and metabolic homeostasis by binding to nuclear thyroid hormone receptors, which regulate target gene expression by interacting with DNA response elements and coregulatory proteins. We show that thyroid hormone receptors also are single-stranded RNA binding proteins and that this binding is functionally significant. By using a series of deletion mutants, a novel RNA-binding domain was localized to a 41-amino acid segment of thyroid hormone receptor alpha1 between the second zinc finger and the ligand-binding domain. This RNA-binding domain was necessary and sufficient for thyroid hormone receptor binding to the steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA). Although SRA does not bind directly to steroid receptors, it has been identified as a steroid receptor coactivator, and was thought not to be a coactivator for thyroid hormone receptors. However, transfection studies revealed that SRA enhances thyroid hormone induction of appropriate reporter genes and that the thyroid hormone receptor RNA-binding domain is important for this enhancement. We conclude that thyroid hormone receptors bind RNA through a novel domain and that the interaction of this domain with SRA, and perhaps other RNAs, enhances thyroid hormone receptor function.  相似文献   

Long-chain fatty acids and their acyl-CoA esters are potent inhibitors of nuclear thyroid hormone (T3) receptor in vitro. In the present study, we obtained evidence for acyl-CoA binding activity in the nuclear extract from rat liver. The activity sedimented at a position (3.5 S) identical with that of the T3 receptor, and the two activities sedimented together. Similarly, they coeluted on DEAE-Sephadex. After partial purification of the receptor, it was again inhibited strongly by acyl-CoAs. Heat stability and a partial trypsin digestion of the receptor both suggested that the action site of oleoyl-CoA overlapped the T3-binding domain of the receptor. In addition, thyroid hormone receptor β1, synthesized in vitro, bound oleoyl-CoA specifically and its T3-binding activity was inhibited. The dissociation constant for oleoyl-CoA binding to the partially purified receptor was 1.2 × 10?7 M. This value as well as its molecular size distinguished the nuclear binding sites from the cytoplasmic fatty acid/acyl-CoA binding proteins. Oleoyl-CoA had no effect on the glucocorticoid receptor, another member of the nuclear hormone-receptor superfamily. From these results, we propose that thyroid hormone receptor is a specific acyl-CoA binding protein of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (8-oxo-dGTP) is produced during normal cellular metabolism, and incorporation into DNA causes transversion mutation. Organisms possess an enzyme, 8-oxo-dGTPase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of 8-oxo-dGTP to the corresponding nucleoside monophosphate, thereby preventing the occurrence of mutation. There are highly conserved amino acid sequences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins containing this and related enzyme activities. To elucidate the significance of the conserved sequence, amino acid substitutions were introduced by site- directed mutagenesis of the cloned cDNA for human 8-oxo-dGTPase, and the activity and stability of mutant forms of the enzyme were examined. When lysine-38 was replaced by other amino acids, all of the mutants isolated carried the 8-oxo-dGTPase-negative phenotype. 8-Oxo-dGTPase-positive revertants, isolated from one of the negative mutants, carried the codon for lysine. Using the same procedure, the analysis was extended to other residues within the conserved sequence. At the glutamic acid-43, arginine-51 and glutamic acid-52 sites, all the positive revertants isolated carried codons for amino acids identical to those of the wild type protein. We propose that Lys-38, Glu-43, Arg-51 and Glu-52 residues in the conserved region are essential to exert 8-oxo-dGTPase activity.  相似文献   

In mice genetic ablation of expression of either melanin-concentrating hormone or the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor results in alterations in energy metabolism and a lean phenotype. There is thus great interest in the function and regulation of this receptor. Using the yeast two-hybrid system we identified an interaction of the actin- and intermediate filament-binding protein periplakin with the intracellular C-terminal tail of the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor. Direct association of these proteins was verified in pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Truncations and internal deletions delineated the site of interaction to a group of 11 amino acids proximal to transmembrane helix VII, which was distinct from the binding site for the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor-interacting zinc finger protein. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated coexpression of periplakin with melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor in specific cells of the piriform cortex, amygdala, and other structures of the adult mouse brain. Coexpression of the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor with periplakin in human embryonic kidney 293 cells did not prevent agonist-mediated internalization of the receptor but did interfere with binding of (35)S-labeled guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) to the G protein Galpha(o1) and the elevation of [Ca(2+)](i). Coexpression of the receptor with the interacting zinc finger protein did not modulate receptor internalization or G protein activation. The interaction of periplakin with receptors was selective. Coexpression of periplakin with the IP prostanoid receptor did not result in coimmunoprecipitation nor interfere with agonist-mediated binding of [(35)S]GTPgammaS to the G protein Galpha(s). Periplakin is the first protein described to modify the capacity of the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor to initiate signal transduction.  相似文献   

TAK1, a member of the MAPKKK family, is involved in the intracellular signaling pathways mediated by transforming growth factor beta, interleukin 1, and Wnt. TAK1 kinase activity is specifically activated by the TAK1-binding protein TAB1. The C-terminal 68-amino acid sequence of TAB1 (TAB1-C68) is sufficient for TAK1 interaction and activation. Analysis of various truncated versions of TAB1-C68 defined a C-terminal 30-amino acid sequence (TAB1-C30) necessary for TAK1 binding and activation. NMR studies revealed that the TAB1-C30 region has a unique alpha-helical structure. We identified a conserved sequence motif, PYVDXA/TXF, in the C-terminal domain of mammalian TAB1, Xenopus TAB1, and its Caenorhabditis elegans homolog TAP-1, suggesting that this motif constitutes a specific TAK1 docking site. Alanine substitution mutagenesis showed that TAB1 Phe-484, located in the conserved motif, is crucial for TAK1 binding and activation. The C. elegans homolog of TAB1, TAP-1, was able to interact with and activate the C. elegans homolog of TAK1, MOM-4. However, the site in TAP-1 corresponding to Phe-484 of TAB1 is an alanine residue (Ala-364), and changing this residue to Phe abrogates the ability of TAP-1 to interact with and activate MOM-4. These results suggest that the Phe or Ala residue within the conserved motif of the TAB1-related proteins is important for interaction with and activation of specific TAK1 MAPKKK family members in vivo.  相似文献   

The human thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (hTSHR) belongs to the glycoprotein hormone receptors that bind the hormones at their large extracellular domain. The extracellular hinge region of the TSHR connects the N-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain with the membrane-spanning serpentine domain. From previous studies we reasoned that apart from hormone binding at the leucine-rich repeat domain, additional multiple hormone contacts might exist at the hinge region of the TSHR by complementary charge-charge recognition. Here we investigated highly conserved charged residues in the hinge region of the TSHR by site-directed mutagenesis to identify amino acids interacting with bovine TSH (bTSH). Indeed, the residues Glu-297, Glu-303, and Asp-382 in the TSHR hinge region are essential for bTSH binding and partially for signal transduction. Side chain substitutions showed that the negative charge of Glu-297 and Asp-382 is necessary for recognition of bTSH by the hTSHR. Multiple combinations of alanine mutants of the identified positions revealed an increased negative effect on hormone binding. An assembled model suggests that the deciphered acidic residues form negatively charged patches at the hinge region resulting in an extended binding mode for bTSH on the hTSHR. Our data indicate that certain positively charged residues of bTSH might be involved in interaction with the identified negatively charged amino acids of the hTSHR hinge region. We demonstrate that the hinge region represents an extracellular intermediate connector for both hormone binding and signal transduction of the hTSHR.  相似文献   

Iwamuro S  Yamada M  Kato M  Kikuyama S 《Life sciences》2006,79(23):2165-2171
We investigated effects of different concentrations (10(-7) - 10(-5) M) of bisphenol A (BPA), which is known as an estrogenic and anti-thyroid hormonal endocrine disrupter, on the expression of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) alpha and beta and retinoid X receptor (RXR) gamma mRNA in tails of stage 52-54 Xenopus tadpoles in organ culture in the presence or absence of different concentrations of triiodo-thyronine (T(3)). In the absence of T(3), BPA at any concentration examined did not show remarkable effects on tail length but blocked 10(-7) M T(3)-induced tail resorption in a concentration-dependent manner. Semi-quantitative analyses of TRalpha and TRbeta mRNAs by RT-PCR in the tail specimens indicated that BPA shows an apparent antagonistic effect towards the receptors and reduced their mRNA levels relative to controls. When administered together with 10(-7) M T(3), the antagonistic effects of BPA were detected more clearly and dose-dependently. While BPA prevented the autoinduction of both TRalpha and TRbeta genes by T(3), the effect was less marked on TRalpha than on TRbeta. BPA also moderately suppressed RXRgamma gene expression. Gene expression of RXRgamma, a partner for heterodimer formation of TRs, was supressed by T(3) alone and also by BPA alone, but no additive effects were observed so far as studied. The present study indicates that a relatively low concentration of BPA, 10(-7) M, as compared with those examined previously (10(-5) to 10(-4) M) by us and other investigators, acts as an antagonist of T(3) through suppression of TRalpha and TRbeta gene expression in Xenopus tail in culture.  相似文献   

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