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杭州西湖水生植被恢复的途径与水质净化问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国著名的风景湖泊——杭州西湖、南京玄武湖、北京昆明湖、武汉东湖和昆明滇池等,由于人类经济活动的影响,特别是由于生活污水的大量排入和渔业生产的影响,致使湖泊富营养化问题越来越严重,不仅降低了旅游价值,而且有害于沿湖居民的生活和健康,因此引起人们的极大关注。  相似文献   

武汉东湖水生植被及其恢复途径探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1992~1993年对武汉东湖三个主要湖区(郭郑湖、汤林湖和牛巢湖)水生植被的调查表明,该湖区共有水生植物32种,优势种为大茨藻、狐尾藻、苦草和菱。金鱼藻呈不断扩大的趋势。植被类型可分为11个群丛,植被面积约为0.65km ̄2,总生物量为1236.39t(湿重),植被带状分布仅见于汤林湖北部和其他部分湖汊。汤林湖和牛巢湖水生植被正处于自然恢复演替阶段。  相似文献   

武汉东湖水生植被春恢复途径探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1992-1993年对武汉东湖三个主要湖区水生植被的调查表明,该湖区共有水一植 物32种优势种为大茨藻、狐尾藻、苦草和菱。金鱼藻呈不断扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

杭州西湖山区植被的分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用Braun-B1anquet法对西湖山区植被的132个样地进行了群落的分类。初步确定了2个 群丛(木荷群丛与黄连木群丛)、7个亚群丛和6个变型;并对28个鉴别种组进行了分析,它们都较好地反映了群落分类单位的特征和生境条件特点以及植被在空间分布上的连续性变异。  相似文献   

杭州西湖浮游藻类变化规律与水质的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
于2006~2007年对杭州西湖浮游藻类的种类及个体丰度进行初步研究,并依据<水和废水监测分析方法>对其水质现状进行了生物学评价.综合生物和理化指标数据,对杭州西湖的水质作一总体评估,并对西湖水中的物种多样性保护及水质的可持续利用提出了建议.共鉴定浮游藻类179种,其中蓝藻25种,隐藻1种,金藻3种,甲藻3种,黄藻5种,裸藻23种,硅藻41种和绿藻78种.分析了杭州西湖浮游藻类的组成和分布的特点,揭示出西湖浮游藻类的种类组成与西湖水质变化之间的关系.结果表明:藻类的组成和分布与水质变化规律基本吻合,西湖水质较整治前有明显的改善,一些清水藻类的物种逐步增多.  相似文献   

恢复东湖水生生态系统途径初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借鉴国内外其他湖泊的治理经验 ,讨论了如何恢复东湖水生生态系统的一些途径 ,其中探讨了①物理方法 :截污 ,清淤与引水冲污 ;②化学方法 :化学除磷与抑藻或杀藻 ;③生物方法 :用生物量输出氮磷与用生物方法对小型浮游藻类进行控制。  相似文献   

杭州西湖水质预测方法和结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用二维对流扩散模型对西湖水质总磷浓度进行预测,给出方程的理论基础,编制FORTRAN77程序,在386微机上实现预测,并对预测结果作了较为详细的分析.本模型对水质环境防治决策具有实际意义.  相似文献   

利用2000年西湖常规监测数据,通过聚类分析选取三个具有代表性的采样点,用因子分析方法探讨了西湖水质各个参数之间的相互影响,结果表明,西湖水质主要受水温和营养盐的影响,各水域由于所处的地理位置和受到钱塘江引水影响程度的不同又有各自的主要水质影响因子,说明引水工程对改善西湖水质具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

根据西湖8个采样点2000年1月至12月的常规监测数据和多次模拟调试找出影响西湖水体的主要水质因子作为自组织人工神经网络的输入变量,利用网络的无差别分类能力,建立多指标水质综合评价的自组织特征映射网络(Self-Organizing Feature Map)模型,探索各个湖区不同时段的富营养化状况.结果表明,利用SOFM人工神经网络对西湖水体进行时空分类的结果直观、清晰,从空间上看,小南湖的水质较好,而北里湖的较差;从时间上看,一、二月份水质较好,五到十月份水质较差.说明人工神经网络模型能有效合理的模拟富营养化进程中的非线性行为,并能准确评价西湖水质的富营养化状况,为及时有效的提出控制措施提供科学的依据.  相似文献   

镜泊湖水生植被   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
镜泊湖位于黑龙江省宁安县境内,海拔350米,面积约300平方公里,最大水深约60米,是我国最大的堰塞湖。水生植物主要生于南部和西部的河流、沟涧的入湖处及港湾、湖叉等地段。因底质、水深、透明度等环境不同、植物种类和覆盖度有明显差异。我们根据植物的不同生活型和优势种,划分为下列3个类型和12个群落。挺水植物7个群落:水蒿,芦苇,菰,泽泻+慈菇,大基荸荠,拂子茅+荻,湿苔草+大穗苔草;浮水植物3个群落:两栖蓼,菱,荇菜;沉水植物2个群落:眼子菜,杉叶藻。    相似文献   

Data for the depression of vapour pressure are presented for the following aqueous solutions: NaCl (0.03 to 0.1 molar), KCl (0.03 to 0.1 molar), urea (0.05 to 0.5 molar), sucrose (0.05 to 0.10 molar), lactic and succinic acids, creatine, CaCl2 (0.05 molar), and mixtures of these substances with one another and with certain other solutions (gelatin, gum acacia, sea water, LiCl, etc.). The relation of the depression of vapour pressure of a mixed solution to that of solutions of the individual constituents was investigated in order to ascertain to what extent such studies may be used for the determination of the degree of hydration, or of the state of water, in solutions. Organic substances (urea, sucrose, etc.) showed anomalous results which were markedly affected and unpredictable in mixed solutions. They are, therefore, unsuited for the study of water binding. In the case of solutions of inorganic substances—LiCl and CaCl2—the principle of the additive nature of colligative properties is also only approximately true—except perhaps in very dilute solutions. The limitations of the colligative method for determining the degree of hydration have been defined in accord with the above findings. Studies of the vapour pressures of mixtures of gelatin or gum acacia with NaCl or KCl demonstrated that hydration in gelatin is relatively small at pH = 7 and undetectable in gum acacia solutions. The view, therefore, that hydrophilic colloids are strongly hydrated has not been substantiated. The passage from the sol to the gel state also was not accompanied in gelatin or in blood by any appreciable change in the degree of hydration of the hydrophilic colloids present in these substances.  相似文献   


An overview of the water quality status of False Bay identified the bacterial/viral water quality of stormwater and rivers discharging near contact recreation beaches to be the management concern of highest priority. A second water quality concern is the potential impact of nutrients being discharged into False Bay on the surf zone and bay ecosystems. Heavy metals, hydrocarbons and industrial chemical discharges into the Bay are not regarded as a serious water quality threat. Much of the future development planned for Metropolitan Cape Town will impact on the volume and water quality of rivers, groundwater, stormwater and wastewater flowing into False Bay; hence the need for an integrated catchment management approach to the management of the bay.

An assessment of the constraints facing the holistic management of the bay and catchment concludes that the four main concerns are: (1) a lack of key research information on the options for stormwater management, and on the loading and potential impacts of nutrients being discharged into the surf zone and bay ecosystems; (2) jurisdictional fragmentation, and the lack of coordinated policy and planning between different local and government authorities and other users; (3) legislative fragmentation; and (4) a lack of private sector and public consultation by authorities. Preliminary ideas on the structure of a management body for False Bay and its catchment which address the concerns listed above are presented.  相似文献   

本文是根据1962—1964年部分调查研究资料整理而成的。文中列出了83种水生维管束植物(以下简称水生植物)的名录,比较了全湖21个采集断面、3个植物带和17个植物群丛以及长江中下游6个浅水湖泊水生植物的生物量,分析了东湖两个断面(Ⅻ和ⅪⅡ)的生物量的周年变化和湖中不同水深区的生物量变化情况。全湖面积为28.5平方公里。8月是生物量的高峰期,平均每平方米的生物量为1,068.1克(湿重)或94.8克(风干重)或82克(烘干重)或322千卡(能量)。其中,以黄丝草所占的比例为最大,其次为大茨藻、聚草、黑藻和金鱼藻。全湖水生植物的年生产量为30,440吨(湿重)或2,337吨(烘干重)或9×109千卡(能量),连同浮游植物(16×109千卡)一起,则东湖全年的原初生产量为25×109千卡,其中水生植物约占总原初生产量的36%。本文最后讨论了水生植物在湖泊渔业上的合理利用问题,提出了草食性鱼种放养量的计算公式和合理利用水生植物资源的建议。    相似文献   

杭州西湖水体中微生物生理群生态分布的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
1995-04~1996-04对杭州西湖水体中微生物生理群生态分布的研究结果表明:①好气性异养型细菌平均达2.06×103个/ml。放线菌、霉菌、酵母菌的量较少,分别为35个/ml、24个/ml和2个/ml。②从大肠菌群指数来看,西湖水体还受着生活污水的污染,其中岳湖和西里湖污染程度还相当严重。③纤维素分解菌平均为25个/ml,氨氧化细菌为453个/ml,亚硝酸氧化细菌585个/ml,硝酸还原菌3.2×103个/ml,脱氮菌43个/ml,有机磷分解菌8个/ml。④纤维素分解菌、氨化细菌、氨氧化细菌、硝酸还原菌在夏季较少,冬季反而较多,它们与温度的相关系数分别为-0.5467**,-0.4506*,-0.4368*和-0.4502*;而亚硝酸氧化菌和脱氮菌与温度的相关关系不明显。⑤自养型的硝化细菌在水质较好的小南湖、北里湖分布广泛,而异养型微生物在富营养化严重的岳湖、西里湖密度较大。⑥假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、芽胞杆菌属(Bacilus)、肠细菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)是西湖水体中的优势菌群。  相似文献   

1. The flooding of a lake basin initiates a series of changes leading eventually to a more stable climax situation after some years. Sequential physical and chemical changes in the mud and water and related changes in the animal and plant populations of three types of tropical African lakes are considered. The giant man-made lakes, Kariba and Volta, both several thousand square kilometres in area, provide the bulk of the material for this review. Two other kinds of tropical lake, the annual storage-reservoirs like Jebel Aulia and Sennar in the Sudan, and natural lakes subject to periodic droughts, like Lake Chilwa in Central Africa, are also considered. Evidence is often patchy but suggests a number of generalizations regarding the course and causes of the developmental changes in these tropical ecosystems. 2. On the evidence available, the course of development appears to fall conveniently into two periods based on water level changes, the filling phase and the post-filling phase. The former is characterized by sudden appearances of organisms and explosive growths of animal and plant populations. This unstable behaviour, especially characteristic of tropical lakes, is associated with the destruction of old habitats and the creation of new ones, the increasing area and volume of the new lake environment and the introduction of materials to the system at the advancing shore-line. By the time that filling is complete, the situation has stabilized to a large extent and the ecosystem enters a new phase. 3. This post-filling phase is characterized by the development and exploitation of existing habitats. Examples considered here are: the development of the mud habitat under the influence of processes like sedimentation and beach formation; the development of submerged woodland as a habitat for bottom dwelling animals; the spread of rooted aquatic plants and their effect on the mud; and the role of fluctuation in water-level on the post-filling phase. All four phenomena result in a modification of the substrata originally flooded, in a way that directly effects the associated fauna and flora. Apart from influencing the first three processes, water-level fluctuations also result in an interaction between the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems which brings about important changes in itself. 4. The relative importance of these two phases varies with the type of lake, filling-phase phenomena obviously dominating in the annual storage reservoirs while post-filling phase characteristics are fully expressed in the large lakes made by man. 5. In contrast to the development of temperate lake ecosystems, succession of species in these tropical examples is not so much interrupted by major annual temperature changes. In addition, both the course of succession and the climax communities achieved are different. This may be largely due to the more rapid decomposition of organic matter in the muds which has two main consequences. In the first place, extraneous organic material brought in to the system during flooding, is rapidly broken down. Early filling stages, therefore, are associated with anoxic conditions and development of conspicuous communities of algae and large aquatic plants. The result is an overlapping of what in temperate systems are two distinct episodes: the early extraneous and later self-contained systems. Secondly, the replacement of chironomids by an oligochaete climax in the mud as seen in temperate lakes does not normally occur, apparently because of the lack of accumulated organic material. The presence in Africa of the may-fly Povilla adusta, on the other hand, provides an extra stage in the colonization of submerged woodland, replacing the earlier chironomid communities.  相似文献   

通过野外调查研究了鄱阳湖滩地水生植物物种多样性和群落多样性,并将遥感(RS)技术与地理信息系统(GIS)技术和全球定位系统(GPS)技术相结合,研究了鄱阳湖滩地植被的分布、面积和生物量,绘制了滩地植被生物量等级分布图.结果如下1)鄱阳湖滩地分布有水生植物28科、56属、95种3变种,其中灰化苔草(Carexcineras-cens)、阿及苔草(C.argi)、草(Phalaris arundinacea)、获(Miscanthus sacchariflorus)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)、单性苔草(C.unisexualis)和针蔺(Eleochari valleculosa)7种植物为主要优势种;2)鄱阳湖滩地植被可划分为12个群丛类型,其中灰化苔草群丛(C.cinerascens Ass.)和阿及苔草群丛(C.argiAss.)占优势,"荻+芦-灰化苔草群丛”(M.sacchariflorus+P.communis-C.cinerascens Ass.)次之;3)鄱阳湖滩地植被主要分布于该湖的南部和西部,2000年4月16日其总面积为1018.74km2,占鄱阳湖总面积的33.65%,其中单位面积生物量≥4000g·m-2的植被面积为444.53km2,分别占鄱阳湖总面积和滩地植被总面积的14.68%与43.63%;4)2000年4月16日全湖滩地植被总生物量为3.81×106t(鲜重),全湖滩地植被平均单位面积生物量为3735.93g·m-2(鲜重);5)滩地植被单位面积生物量与Landsat-ETM+4亮度值间的回归方程为y=-4897.11+87.68x(式中y为生物量g·  相似文献   

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