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The effect of water infiltration rate (IR) on nitrogen cycling in a saturated wetland soil was investigated by applying a (sup15)N isotope dilution and pairing method. Water containing [(sup15)N]nitrate was infiltrated through 10-cm-long cores of sieved and homogenized soil at rates of 72, 168, 267, and 638 mm day(sup-1). Then the frequencies of (sup30)N(inf2), (sup29)N(inf2), (sup15)NO(inf3)(sup-), and (sup15)NH(inf4)(sup+) in the outflow water were measured. This method allowed simultaneous determination of nitrification, coupled and uncoupled denitrification, and nitrate assimilation rates. From 3% (at the highest IR) to 95% (at the lowest IR) of nitrate was removed from the water, mainly by denitrification. The nitrate removal was compensated for by the net release of ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen. Lower oxygen concentrations in the soil at lower IRs led to a sharper decrease in the nitrification rate than in the ammonification rate, and, consequently, more ammonium leaked from the soil. The decreasing organic-carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (from 12.8 to 5.1) and the increasing light A(inf250)/A(inf365) ratio (from 4.5 to 5.2) indicated an increasing bioavailability of the outflowing dissolved organic matter with increasing IR. The efflux of nitrous oxide was also very sensitive to IR and increased severalfold when a zone of low oxygen concentration was close to the outlet of the soil cores. N(inf2)O then constituted 8% of the total gaseous N lost from the soil.  相似文献   

The modification of large areas of tropical forest to agricultural uses has consequences for the movement of inorganic nitrogen (N) from land to water. Various biogeochemical pathways in soils and riparian zones can influence the movement and retention of N within watersheds and affect the quantity exported in streams. We used the concentrations of NO3 and NH4 + in different hydrological flowpaths leading from upland soils to streams to investigate inorganic N transformations in adjacent watersheds containing tropical forest and established cattle pasture in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon Basin. High NO3 concentrations in forest soil solution relative to groundwater indicated a large removal of N mostly as NO3 in flowpaths leading from soil to groundwater. Forest groundwater NO3 concentrations were lower than in other Amazon sites where riparian zones have been implicated as important N sinks. Based on water budgets for these watersheds, we estimated that 7.3–10.3 kg N ha−1 y−1 was removed from flowpaths between 20 and 100 cm, and 7.1–10.2 kg N ha−1 y−1 was removed below 100 cm and the top of the groundwater. N removal from vertical flowpaths in forest exceeded previously measured N2O emissions of 3.0 kg N ha−1 y−1 and estimated emissions of NO of 1.4 kg N ha−1 y−1. Potential fates for this large amount of nitrate removal in forest soils include plant uptake, denitrification, and abiotic N retention. Conversion to pasture shifted the system from dominance by processes producing and consuming NO3 to one dominated by NH4 +, presumably the product of lower rates of net N mineralization and net nitrification in pasture compared with forest. In pasture, no hydrological flowpaths contained substantial amounts of NO3 and estimated N removal from soil vertical flowpaths was 0.2 kg N ha−1 y−1 below the depth of 100 cm. This contrasts with the extent to which agricultural sources dominate N inputs to groundwater and stream water in many temperate regions. This could change, however, if pasture agriculture in the tropics shifts toward intensive crop cultivation.  相似文献   

Humid tropical forests are often characterized by large nitrogen (N) pools, and are known to have large potential N losses. Although rarely measured, tropical forests likely maintain considerable biological N fixation (BNF) to balance N losses. We estimated inputs of N via BNF by free-living microbes for two tropical forests in Puerto Rico, and assessed the response to increased N availability using an on-going N fertilization experiment. Nitrogenase activity was measured across forest strata, including the soil, forest floor, mosses, canopy epiphylls, and lichens using acetylene (C2H2) reduction assays. BNF varied significantly among ecosystem compartments in both forests. Mosses had the highest rates of nitrogenase activity per gram of sample, with 11 ± 6 nmol C2H2 reduced/g dry weight/h (mean ± SE) in a lower elevation forest, and 6 ± 1 nmol C2H2/g/h in an upper elevation forest. We calculated potential N fluxes via BNF to each forest compartment using surveys of standing stocks. Soils and mosses provided the largest potential inputs of N via BNF to these ecosystems. Summing all components, total background BNF inputs were 120 ± 29 μg N/m2/h in the lower elevation forest, and 95 ± 15 μg N/m2/h in the upper elevation forest, with added N significantly suppressing BNF in soils and forest floor. Moisture content was significantly positively correlated with BNF rates for soils and the forest floor. We conclude that BNF is an active biological process across forest strata for these tropical forests, and is likely to be sensitive to increases in N deposition in tropical regions.  相似文献   

The widespread recycling of animal wastes as fertilizers can severely affect the phosphorus cycle, especially in soils that undergo periodical flooding and anaerobiosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect that reducing conditions have on the release and forms of P in soils that have received different doses (0, 60 and 120 Mg/ha) of liquid hog manure for 15 years. Samples of the topsoil (0–20 cm) and of subsoil (20–40 cm) were placed under static reducing condition. At the onset of the reduction, P release to the solution reached a maximum after 4 weeks of submersion then levelled off, presumably due to readsorption by the soil matrix. When an anionic resin was added to act as a P-sink the amount of P released nearly doubled for most samples. The soils that had received the highest dose of manure released more P than the others. Draining the soil solution at intervals after reduction removed up to 683 μg P/kg of the soil with the highest manure dose. The forms of P measured after the experiments revealed a shift of the resilient forms towards more labile, bioavailable forms thus increasing the potential for P loss. Deceased  相似文献   

Trichloroethene (TCE) plumes extend north-northeast toward the Ohio River from the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP), a Superfund site in the Gulf Coastal Plain of western Kentucky. Wetlands in the floodplain are in the paths of these plumes, and on-site contamination has migrated downward from the Regional Gravel Aquifer (RGA) into the upper McNairy Formation, which overlies a bedrock aquifer. Intrinsic biodegradation in these two environments at the margins of the RGA could limit further contaminant migration and ecosystem or water-quality degradation. To assess cometabolic biodegradation potential in these uncontaminated environments, we attempted to culture and enumerate methanogens, sulfate- and Fe(III)-reducers, and methanotrophs, which have been implicated elsewhere as TCE degraders. Soil samples were collected at three wetland sites in the floodplain. McNairy sediments were collected beneath one of the suspected source areas at PGDP. Methanogens, sulfate reducers, and methanotrophs were abundant in wetland soils, with populations generally decreasing with depth. Methanogens were the only group cultured from McNairy sediments, and they showed little activity compared with wetland methanogen cultures. TCE loss in methanogenic batch cultures by chemoautotrophic and acetoclastic methanogens was monitored, but no significant degradation was observed.  相似文献   

The impact of atmospheric N deposition on the dynamics of various carbon fractions was investigated in two Scots pine forest soils (cambisol, podzol) of Northern Germany in microcosm experiments. Total organic carbon (TOC), CO2 emission, microbial carbon (Cmic) as well as organic hot- and coldwater extractable carbon fractions (Chwe, Ccwe) were analyzed before, during, and after soil incubation in microcosms, run in three treatments: 0, +45, and +90 kg N ha−1a−1. On both sites, the N treatment showed no response to total organic carbon (TOC) contents in most of the investigated soil layers. Microbial carbon (Cmic) was significantly increased in the organic layer of both soil types by the N application. Subsequent to the N application, the CO2 emission increased in all mineral soil layers of the cambisol but remained almost unaffected in the podzol. After the N application, a remarkable increase of hotwater extractable C (Chwe) was detected for the organic layer of the cambisol but not for the podzol, whereas coldwater extractable C (Ccwe) concentrations decreased at both sites. The N application did not have a significant impact on the leachate concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) in the podzol, whereas the concentrations of these C fractions were decreased in the organic layer and the 35–70~cm mineral soil layer of the cambisol. The N treatment changed the contents of most of the investigated C fractions in both soil types and resulted in a considerable C~mobilization. But the processes of the C~mobilization between the cambisol and the podzol were completely different. According to the presented data, the cambisol obtaining moderate atmospheric N loads is much more sensitive to additional N inputs than the podzol that already received high amounts of atmospheric N.  相似文献   

Lei Chu  Yu Zhang  Long Qian  Dandan Zhu  Haijun Sun 《Phyton》2020,89(4):1035-1042
Biochar may affect the root morphology and nitrogen (N) use efficiency(NUE) of rice at seedling stage, which has not been clearly verified until now. Toclarify it, we conducted a pot experiment regarding to two soil types (HydragricAnthrosol and Haplic Acrisol), two biochar application rates (0.5 wt% and 1.5 wt%) and two rice varieties (common rice var. Xiushui134 and hybrid super rice var.Zhongkejiayou12-6) meanwhile. Seedling NUE of common rice Xiuhui134 wassignificantly increased (p < 0.05) by 78.2% in Hydragric Anthrosol and by91.4% in Haplic Acrisol following biochar addition with 1.5 wt%. However, biochar addition exerted no influence on seedling NUE of super rice Zhongkejiayou12-6 in both soils. Overall, 0.09–0.10 units higher soil pH and 105–116% higher soil NH4+-N were observed in Xiushui134 growing two soils with1.5 wt% biochar. In addition, improved root morphology (including longer rootlength, larger root surface area, bigger root volume, and more root tips) contributed to the higher seedling NUE of Xiushui134 in two soils. The soil pH andNH4+-N content, also the root morphology were influenced by biochar, whichthough could not thoroughly explained the NUE of Zhongkejiayou12-6. In conclusion, biochar application to paddy soil changed soil pH and NH4+-N content,root growth, and the consequent seedling NUE of rice, which effects are relativewith rice cultivar, biochar addition rate, and soil type.  相似文献   

以兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林及其附近农田为研究对象,选取8组配对样地不同土层进行相关指标测定。结果发现:多数样地(8组中的7组)0~20 cm土层有机碳含量林地高于农田37%,但深层(20~80 cm)农田高于林地8%~58%;土壤无机碳中所有样地平均显示林地高于农田(林地:1.33 mg·kg-1;农田:1.17 mg·kg-1);表层(0~20 cm)林地土壤全氮和碱解氮多高于农田,平均高出20%和34%,而深层土壤中(20~80 cm)多表现为相反趋势,这使得0~80 cm土层平均林地(6%)<农田(4%)。0~20 cm土层多为林地pH值>农田,林地电导率、容重<农田,而深层多(4~5组样地)多表现为相反趋势,0~80 cm土壤平均显示pH值差异不大,农田电导率>林地约2.22μs·cm-1,而容重差异仅0.02 g·cm-3(1%)。上述结果说明,土地利用对表层和深层影响差异明显,甚至趋势相反,农田和林地土壤碳及相关理化指标发生了明显垂直分布特征变化。过分强调土壤表层而得出的农田使SOC大量减少、土壤肥力下降的结论,在考虑深层土壤后能够明显降低上述数据的大小。这一发现说明需要同时考虑表层和深层土壤碳和氮等指标变化,以得出更科学的结论。  相似文献   

Responses of Wetland Tree Species to Hydrology and Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We conducted a study of the flood tolerance of nine wetland tree species on seven soil types. Seedlings were subjected to 11 months of continuous shallow inundation or moist soil conditions on three mineral soils, two organic soils, a manufactured soil designed to mimic the practice of layering muck over mineral soil, and a stockpiled topsoil. Taxodium ascendens, T. distichum, Acer rubrum, and Pinus serotina suffered no mortality; Fraxinus carolininna (1%), Liquidambar styraciflua (8%), P. elliottii (8%), and Gordonia lasianthus (24%) suffered low to moderate mortality; and Persea palustris (46%) suffered significant mortality. In general, greatest net height and total biomass were achieved on moist organic soils, and least net height and total biomass were achieved on stockpiled topsoil and inundated soils. Responses to hydrological conditions were less pronounced for Taxodium spp. If the results of this experiment are transferable to the field, then Acer rubrum, Fraxinus caroliniana, Pinus serotina, Taxodium ascendens, and Taxodium distichum seedlings can reasonably be expected to survive at least one year under a broad range of hydrological and edaphic conditions. With the exception of Taxodium spp., first-year growth for the species of this study can be facilitated by maintaining moist but not inundated conditions. These findings suggest that transfer of organic soils will benefit restoration and creation efforts, and that layering organic soil over mineral soil is more effective than using mineral soils or stockpiled topsoil.  相似文献   

Rates of methane consumption were measured in subarctic coniferous and temperate mixed-hardwood forest soils, using static chambers and intact soil cores. Rates at both sites were generally between 1 and 3 mg of CH4 m-2 day-1 and decreased with increasing soil water contents above 20%. Addition of ammonium (1 μmol g of soil-1) strongly inhibited methane oxidation in the subarctic soils; a lesser inhibition was observed for temperate forest samples. The response to nitrogen additions occurred within a few hours and was probably due to physiological changes in the active methane-consuming populations. Methane consumption in soils from both sites was stratified vertically, with a pronounced subsurface maximum. This maximum was coincident with low levels of both nitrate and ammonium in the mixed-hardwood forest soil.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) inputs from atmospheric deposition can increase soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in temperate and boreal forests, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global climate. However, direct evidence of N-induced SOC sequestration from low-dose, long-term N addition experiments (that is, addition of < 50 kg N ha−1 y−1 for > 10 years) is scarce worldwide and virtually absent for European temperate forests. Here, we examine how tree growth, fine roots, physicochemical soil properties as well as pools of SOC and soil total N responded to 20 years of regular, low-dose N addition in two European coniferous forests in Switzerland and Denmark. At the Swiss site, the addition of 22 kg N ha−1 y−1 (or 1.3 times throughfall deposition) stimulated tree growth, but decreased soil pH and exchangeable calcium. At the Danish site, the addition of 35 kg N ha−1 y−1 (1.5 times throughfall deposition) impaired tree growth, increased fine root biomass and led to an accumulation of N in several belowground pools. At both sites, elevated N inputs increased SOC pools in the moderately decomposed organic horizons, but decreased them in the mineral topsoil. Hence, long-term N addition led to a vertical redistribution of SOC pools, whereas overall SOC storage within 30 cm depth was unaffected. Our results imply that an N-induced shift of SOC from older, mineral-associated pools to younger, unprotected pools might foster the vulnerability of SOC in temperate coniferous forest soils.


湿地系统中植物和土壤在治理重金属污染中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重金属污染环境的治理是目前环境工程的核心课题。湿地作为水陆相互作用形成的独特生态系统,在重金属污染治理中的作用倍受关注。对湿地植物、土壤在治理重金属污染中所起的关键作用及其机理做一综述,并对治理重金属污染的湿地构建提出几点建议。  相似文献   

The potential of biochar to improve numerous soil physical, chemical and biological properties is well known. However, previous research has concentrated on old and highly weathered tropical soils with poor fertility, while reports regarding the influence of biochar application on relatively young and fertile temperate prairie soils are limited. Furthermore, the mechanism(s) underlying biochar-induced effects on the plant availability of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizers and their relationship to greenhouse gas production is not well understood. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a biochar soil amendment, produced by slow pyrolysis using shrub willow (Salix spp.) bioenergy feedstock, on CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes by two contrasting marginal soils from Saskatchewan, Canada with and without added urea, over a 6-week incubation period. Biochar decreased soil N availability after 6 weeks only in the lower organic matter (Brown) soil, with no effect on the Black soil, regardless of fertilizer N addition, which was attributed to soil N immobilization by heterotrophs mineralizing the labile biochar-carbon. There appeared to be a synergistic effect when combining biochar and urea, evidenced by enhanced urease activity and higher initial nitrification rates compared to biochar or fertilization alone. The accelerated urea hydrolysis in the presence of biochar may increase NH3 volatilization losses associated with urea fertilization and, therefore, warrants further investigation. The decreased N2O emissions following biochar addition, with (both soils) or without (Black soil) fertilizer N, could be due to decreased ammonium and nitrate availability, along with changes in denitrification potential as related to improved aeration. Biochar significantly reduced the water-filled pore space, which concurrently increased CH4 consumption in both soils. The lack of biochar effect on CO2 emissions from either soil, with or without fertilizer N, suggests enhanced CO2 consumption by autotrophic nitrifiers. Biochar application appears to be an effective management approach for improving N2O and CH4 fluxes in temperate prairie soils.  相似文献   

The photochemical release of inorganic nitrogen from dissolved organic matter is an important source of bio-available nitrogen (N) in N-limited aquatic ecosystems. We conducted photochemical experiments and used mathematical models based on pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics to quantify the photochemical transformations of individual N species and their seasonal effects on N cycling in a mountain forest stream and lake (Plešné Lake, Czech Republic). Results from laboratory experiments on photochemical changes in N speciation were compared to measured lake N budgets. Concentrations of organic nitrogen (Norg; 40–58 µmol L−1) decreased from 3 to 26% during 48-hour laboratory irradiation (an equivalent of 4–5 days of natural solar insolation) due to photochemical mineralization to ammonium (NH4 +) and other N forms (Nx; possibly N oxides and N2). In addition to Norg mineralization, Nx also originated from photochemical nitrate (NO3 ) reduction. Laboratory exposure of a first-order forest stream water samples showed a high amount of seasonality, with the maximum rates of Norg mineralization and NH4 + production in winter and spring, and the maximum NO3 reduction occurring in summer. These photochemical changes could have an ecologically significant effect on NH4 + concentrations in streams (doubling their terrestrial fluxes from soils) and on concentrations of dissolved Norg in the lake. In contrast, photochemical reactions reduced NO3 fluxes by a negligible (<1%) amount and had a negligible effect on the aquatic cycle of this N form.  相似文献   

Retroviruses normally infect the somatic cells of their host and are transmitted horizontally, i.e., in an exogenous way. Occasionally, however, some retroviruses can also infect and integrate into the genome of germ cells, which may allow for their vertical inheritance and fixation in a given species; a process known as endogenization. Lentiviruses, a group of mammalian retroviruses that includes HIV, are known to infect primates, ruminants, horses, and cats. Unlike many other retroviruses, these viruses have not been demonstrably successful at germline infiltration. Here, we report on the discovery of endogenous lentiviral insertions in seven species of Malagasy lemurs from two different genera—Cheirogaleus and Microcebus. Combining molecular clock analyses and cross-species screening of orthologous insertions, we show that the presence of this endogenous lentivirus in six species of Microcebus is the result of one endogenization event that occurred about 4.2 million years ago. In addition, we demonstrate that this lentivirus independently infiltrated the germline of Cheirogaleus and that the two endogenization events occurred quasi-simultaneously. Using multiple proviral copies, we derive and characterize an apparently full length and intact consensus for this lentivirus. These results provide evidence that lentiviruses have repeatedly infiltrated the germline of prosimian species and that primates have been exposed to lentiviruses for a much longer time than what can be inferred based on sequence comparison of circulating lentiviruses. The study sets the stage for an unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct an ancestral primate lentivirus and thereby advance our knowledge of host–virus interactions.  相似文献   

Long-Term Nitrogen Additions and Nitrogen Saturation in Two Temperate Forests   总被引:50,自引:6,他引:50  
This article reports responses of two different forest ecosystems to 9 years (1988–96) of chronic nitrogen (N) additions at the Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was applied to a pine plantation and a native deciduous broad-leaved (hardwood) forest in six equal monthly doses (May–September) at four rates: control (no fertilizer addition), low N (5 g N m-2 y-1), high N (15 g N m-2 y-1), and low N + sulfur (5 g N m-2 y-1 plus 7.4 g S m-2 y-1). Measurements were made of net N mineralization, net nitrification, N retention, wood production, foliar N content and litter production, soil C and N content, and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in soil water. In the pine stand, nitrate losses were measured after the first year of additions (1989) in the high N plot and increased again in 1995 and 1996. The hardwood stand showed no significant increases in nitrate leaching until 1995 (high N only), with further increases in 1996. Overall N retention efficiency (percentage of added N retained) over the 9-year period was 97–100% in the control and low N plots of both stands, 96% in the hardwood high N plot, and 85% in the pine high N plot. Storage in aboveground biomass, fine roots, and soil extractable pools accounted for only 16–32% of the added N retained in the amended plots, suggesting that the one major unmeasured pool, soil organic matter, contains the remaining 68–84%. Short-term redistribution of 15N tracer at natural abundance levels showed similar division between plant and soil pools. Direct measurements of changes in total soil C and N pools were inconclusive due to high variation in both stands. Woody biomass production increased in the hardwood high N plot but was significantly reduced in the pine high N plot, relative to controls. A drought-induced increase in foliar litterfall in the pine stand in 1995 is one possible factor leading to a measured increase in N mineralization, nitrification, and nitrate loss in the pine high N plot in 1996. Received 2 April 1999; Accepted 29 October 1999.  相似文献   

We describe the application of molecular biological techniques to estimate eukaryotic diversity (primarily fungi, algae, and protists) in Antarctic soils across a latitudinal and environmental gradient between approximately 60 and 87°S. The data were used to (i) test the hypothesis that diversity would decrease with increasing southerly latitude and environmental severity, as is generally claimed for “higher” faunal and plant groups, and (ii) investigate the level of endemicity displayed in different taxonomic groups. Only limited support was obtained for a systematic decrease in diversity with latitude, and then only at the level of a gross comparison between maritime (Antarctic Peninsula/Scotia Arc) and continental Antarctic sites. While the most southerly continental Antarctic site was three to four times less diverse than all maritime sites, there was no evidence for a trend of decreasing diversity across the entire range of the maritime Antarctic (60 to 72°S). Rather, we found the reverse pattern, with highest diversity at sites on Alexander Island (ca. 72°S), at the southern limit of the maritime Antarctic. The very limited overlap found between the eukaryotic biota of the different study sites, combined with their generally low relatedness to existing sequence databases, indicates a high level of Antarctic site isolation and possibly endemicity, a pattern not consistent with similar studies on other continents.  相似文献   

A remote site in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve of Oklahoma (The Nature Conservancy) was contaminated with crude oil from a pipeline break and is being bioremediated using landfarming techniques. Landfarming is designed to stimulate microbial-based catabolism of petroleum through combined dilution/mixing and fertilization-based effects. To evaluate nitrogen-based effects during remediation, the site was sectioned and treated with urea, ammonium sulfate, or ammonium nitrate. Samples were obtained from prairie soil without chemical nitrogen addition and with or without hydrocarbon contamination. Nitrogen cycling dynamics were followed by measuring ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and volatile nitric oxide (NOx) levels. Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial numbers were estimated and compared to soil oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane levels as well as to overall total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) reduction. For a prairie ecosystem of this type, a high level of fertilization, particularly with nitrogen, can have ecological effects almost as profound as the petroleum contamination itself. Fertilization of the oil-contaminated soil with the reduced and/or oxidized forms of nitrogen quickly resulted in elevated steady-state levels of both ammonium and nitrate, and exceptionally high levels of NOx released from soil. Although nitrogen fertilization increased microbial nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen cycling, it had minimal effects on the overall remediation efficiency.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow rates and nitrate removal capacity from an introduced solution were examined for five marsh restoration designs and unvegetated plots shortly after planting and 1 year post-planting. The restoration site was a sandy beach with a wave-dampening fence 10 m offshore. Simulated groundwater flow into the marsh was introduced at a rate to mimic intense rainfall events. Restoration designs varied in initial planting density and corresponded to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the plot area planted. In general, groundwater flow was slower with increasing planting density and decreased from year 0 to year 1 across all treatments. Nevertheless, removal of nitrate from the introduced solution was similar and low for all restoration designs (3–7%) and similar to the unvegetated plots. We suggest that the low NO3 removal was due to sandy sediments allowing rapid flow of groundwater through the marsh rhizosphere, thereby decreasing the contact time of the NO3 with the marsh biota. Our findings demonstrate that knowledge of the groundwater flow regime for restoration projects is essential when nutrient filtration is a target goal of the project.  相似文献   

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