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Distribution of Phytochrome in Etiolated Seedlings   总被引:18,自引:18,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Protoplasts from hypocotyls of etiolated mung bean (Phaseolus raditus L. ) seedlings were maintained at a constant osmotic potential at 20±2℃, and they were found to swell gradually after being pulsed with red light (R) (10.5 W · m-2, 3 min) when CaCl2 was present in the medium. The volume reached maximum during 30--60 min after R-irradiation and decreased swelling afterwards. Farred light (FR) irradiation in presence or absence of Ca2+ did not influence the protoplast volume. The R-effect was photoreversible by subse- quent FR (2.5 W · m-2, 5 min) irradiation, usually seen over two R-FR cycles. Furthermore, swelling response was in positivecorrelation with red light intensity and duration of R pulse, indicating the involvement of phytoehrome. FR became less effective in reversing the effect of R after 10 min in dark between R and FR. Protoplast swelling occurred only when Ca2+ ions (1 mmol/L) then Ca2+ ions (1 mmol/L) is added to the medium 5 rain after R. The effect of Ca2+ could not be replaced by Mg2+, Ba2+, Zn2+, or K+. The time course of water (3H20) uptake into protoplasts after R-irradiation was consistent with the trend of protoplast swelling, indicating the existence of certain relationship between the swelling and water uptake of the protoplasts.  相似文献   

Klein S  Katz E  Neeman E 《Plant physiology》1977,60(3):335-338
A short illumination of etiolated maize (Zea mays) leaves with red light causes a protochlorophyll(ide)-chlorophyll(ide) conversion and induces the synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) during a subsequent dark period. In leaves treated with levulinic acid, more ALA is formed in the dark than in control leaves. Far red light does not cause a conversion of protochlorophyll(ide) into chlorophyll(ide) and does not induce accumulation of ALA in the dark. Both red and far red preilluminations cause a significant potentiation of ALA synthesis during a period of white light subsequent to the dark period. The results indicate a dual light control of ALA formation. The possible role of phytochrome and protochlorophyllide as photoreceptors in this control system is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to detect and characterize a putative receptor(s) fora signal from PhyA, proteins that bind to purified pea PhyAwere searched for in the crude extract of etiolated pea seedlingswith affinity chromatography. PhyA was coupled to the columnsubstrate either in PR form (PR column) or in red-irradiatedform (PFR column). The coupled PhyA of both columns retainsits spectral reversibility between PR and PFR, although theirpeptide mapping by trypsin digestion suggests that the C-terminalhalf of PhyA in the PFR column is partially fixed in PFR structure.15 polypeptides were detected reproducibly in the elution fromthe PFR column by silver-staining of SDS-PAGE. These 15 polypeptidesmay form two complexes judging from their elution profiles.Of the 15 polypeptides, the 6 major polypeptides have approximatemol wt of 80, 55, 53, 46, 40 and 35 kDa. On the other hand,only a trace amount of protein, which mainly consists of the46 kDa species, was eluted from PR column, indicating the presenceof PFR-specific BPs in the crude extract of etiolated pea seedlings.Of the 6 major polypeptides, the 40 kDa species binds to thePhyA in a photoreversible manner. (Received June 19, 1998; Accepted December 19, 1998)  相似文献   

Maize seedlings, treated with the herbicide norflurazon to produce a deficiency in carotenoid pigments, were grown in low-fluence-rate light. Under these conditions, which induced chlorophyll biosynthesis while minimizing photooxidation, carotenoid-deficient seedlings showed identical patterns of chloroplast protein accumulation compared with normal seedlings. Carotenoid pigments thus play no direct role in regulating the accumulation of chloroplast proteins. When shifted to high-fluence-rate light, chlorophyll was rapidly photooxidized in carotenoid-deficient seedlings. Chloroplast proteins showed varying degrees of sensitivity to photooxidation. The P-700 apoprotein of photosystem I was rapidly degraded. Most stromal and thylakoid proteins either decreased progressively in photooxidative conditions or appeared to be unaffected. The relative quantity of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II increased significantly in the first few hours of high-fluence-rate light. It then appeared to be only minimally affected 18 hours after complete photooxidation of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Greening of leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris in the presence of chloramphenicol inhibits formation of A) total chloroplast protein, B) an easily extractable fraction removed during isolation of chloroplasts in isotonic media by differential centrifugation, and C) the insoluble lamellar fraction which remains after extracting osmotically shocked freeze-dried plastids. The inhibition of insoluble chloroplast protein formation is correlated with decreased formation of lamellae and increased formation of vesicular structures. In contrast, chloramphenicol increases the formation of a fraction not removed during differential centrifugation, but removed by water extraction after osmotic shock and freeze-drying of chloroplasts. Analysis of this fraction by electrophoresis and column chromatography, indicates that the increased accumulation of this protein fraction is largely due to accumulation of a protein which is normally present in this fraction in small quantities. It was suggested that this protein may be a precursor which is normally incorporated into the lamellae. The protein extracted from freeze-dried chloroplasts of chloramphenicol treated chloroplasts contains a smaller proportion of one or more proteins than a similar extract of untreated plastids. However, per plastid, no such difference exists.  相似文献   

以25℃暗室中培养7d的阿拉斯加豌豆黄化苗为材料,采用改进的Yamamoto等方法,制备光敏色素粗提取液,再经DEAE-Sephacel,Brushite以及DEAE-Agarose柱层析得到初步提纯的光敏色素。然后再通过豌豆光敏色素抗体mAP1-Sepharose 4B亲和层析得到了提纯的豌豆114 kD光敏色素,经SDS-PAG电泳检测为一条带,并具有类似于纯净光敏色素的吸收光谱。  相似文献   

THE extractable activity of nitrate reductase from higher plant leaves is inducible by light and shows, under natural growth conditions, a pattern of diurnal variation1. Studies on the nature of light involvement have generally used the green leaf as experimental material, implying that photosynthesis supports the induction process1,2. We have examined the role of light for the induction of nitrate reductase activity in the etiolated terminal buds of field peas (Pisum arvense cv. Century). Treatments consisted of brief exposure of intact plants to broad bands of light, followed by a period in darkness before extraction for enzyme assay. These light treatments exclude the possibility of photosynthesis as a process contributing to induction. Under these conditions, induction is shown to be reversibly controlled by red and far red light, an effect ascribable to the pigment phytochrome.  相似文献   

The red light inhibition of growth of the intact pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) third internode was correlated with an increase in the content of cell wall-bound hydroxyproline. These changes were detected 3 hours after irradiation, and possibly at 1 hour. Far red light reversed the effects of red light. The iron chelator α,α′-dipyridyl reversed the red light effects on both growth and hydroxyproline content. Using segments incubated in vitro, no phytochrome-mediated change in hydroxyproline content could be observed, perhaps because of an overwhelming wounding response. If plants were irradiated in situ and grown for 8 hours before excision and incubation of segments, some enhancement of hydroxylation by red light was detectable both colorimetrically and radioisotopically. The red light inhibition of segment growth was reversed by α,α′-dipyridyl. These results are examined in reference to the role of extensin in normal and induced growth cessation.  相似文献   

AN increase in RNA degrading activity of hypocotyl homo-genates can be detected 6–10 h after transferring 5 day old, dark-grown seedlings of Lupinus albus L. to continuous white light1. This increase is concomitant with the onset of inhibition of hypocotyl extension1, 2. The ribonuclease component whose level of activity is affected by light treatment (tentatively identified as a ribonucleate nucleotido-2′-transferase (cyclizing) (EC is associated with the ribosomes (and polysomes)1 in hypocotyl homogenates. This is in contrast to the bulk of RNA degrading activity in homogenates which is associated with the soluble fraction1. Isolation of the ribosomal fraction therefore makes it possible to follow changes in the level of activity of this ribonuclease which would be too small to detect in unfractionated cell homogenates. The results reported here indicate that the photoconversion of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) to the physiologically-active far-red-absorbing form (Pfr) leads to a specific increase in ribosome-bound ribonuclease activity.  相似文献   

The active, far-red light absorbing, form of phytochrome was found to inhibit growth and phytochrome levels in the mesocotyl and coleoptile of 4- to 5.5-day-old seedlings of Zea mays L. Short, low-irradiance red or far-red light treatments were used to produce different proportions of active phytochrome at the end of highdirradiance white-light periods, which left different levels of total phytochrome in the plants. After light treatments which left relatively high levels of spectrophotometrically assayable phytochrome in the seedlings, apparent phytochrome synthesis in the subsequent dark period was low regardless of the proportions of each form of the pigment present at the beginning of the dark period. In light treatments producing relatively low levels of assayable phytochrome, levels of apparent phytochrome synthesis in both red and far-red treatments and differences between apparent synthesis in red and far-red treatments were maximal. No simple correlation was found between growth and apparent phytochrome synthesis. However, growth and total phytochrome levels were positively correlated in both organs. Using a subtractive method of correlation, in which only phytochrome effects were plotted, strong linear relationships between phytochrome levels or longitudinal growth and Pfr levels were found in those light treatments leaving greater than 8% of dark control levels of phytochrome in the tissues. Using this technique non-linear, inverse relationships between Pfr and apparent phytochrome synthesis was found, indicating that modes of phytochrome control over phytochrome synthesis and growth differ. Our results are consistent with the view that in vivo assays of “bulk’ phytochrome reflect levels and states of the physiologically active phytochrome fraction under our experimental conditions in maize.  相似文献   

Phytochrome killer, a substance which instantaneously causesin vitro spectral denaturation of phytochrome, was isolatedin the pure state from the methanol extract of etiolated peashoots by Sephadex G-25, charcoal and silica gel chromatographies.Chemical and spectrometric (nuclear magnetic resonance, massand infra-red) analyses disclosed that this substance was identicalwith soyasaponin I, a triterpenoid saponin. Most of the phytochromekiller activity in the methanol extract was ascribable to soyasaponinI. The content of this saponin was 61 µg/g fr wt in theetiolated epicotyl tissue and 27 µg/g fr wt in the greenepicotyl tissue. (Received August 15, 1981; Accepted December 16, 1981)  相似文献   

Kaveh D  Harel E 《Plant physiology》1973,51(4):671-676
The effect of light on protein synthesis during the early stages of greening of etiolated maize (Zea mays) leaves was studied using double labeling with leucine and fractionation of proteins by gel filtration and acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The incorporation of labeled leucine into a relatively small number of plastid proteins is effected within the first 30 to 60 minutes of illumination. These proteins do not accumulate with time. When illumination is prolonged, additional proteins are effected.  相似文献   

Protochlorophyll Formation and Greening in Etiolated Barley Leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

玉米黄化幼苗生理生化特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米品种'户单26'为材料,研究了黑暗条件下生长的玉米黄化幼苗内光合色素、可溶性蛋白含量和抗氧化酶活性的动态变化.结果表明,与正常条件下生长的对照组相比,黄化幼苗的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量均明显降低,特别是叶绿素a含量大幅度降低;黄化幼苗的抗氧化酶SOD、POD和CAT活性显著提高,可溶性蛋白含量也显著增加.研究发现,黑暗条件下的玉米幼苗叶绿素a的合成受到了显著影响而表现出黄化现象,黄化幼苗能主动提高其自身抗氧化酶活性和可溶性蛋白含量,减轻黑暗逆境对植物细胞的伤害.  相似文献   

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