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Starvation caused a marked increase in putrescine content in mammary gland of lactating rats, together with a marked decrease in activity of ornithine decarboxylase and appearance of measurable ornithine decarboxylase antizyme. 2. Refeeding for 5 h caused disappearance of free antizyme and ornithine decarboxylase activity returned to the value in fed animals. Putrescine concentration remained elevated. 3. There was no significant change in nucleic acid content of mammary gland from starved rats, but spermidine and spermine contents increased significantly. 4. Refeeding for 5 h returned the spermidine content of mammary glands to 'fed' values, and significantly decreased the content of spermine, although it did not reach control values. Thus changes in polyamine content of mammary gland in starved rats are clearly dissociated from changes in either RNA content or activities of polyamine-synthetic decarboxylases. 5. Starvation caused a fall in the content of spermidine in liver, with no change in spermine content. Refeeding for 5 h returned the spermidine content to 'fed' values.  相似文献   

Renal ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was found to be more prevalent in the medulla of the normal rat kidney than in the cortex. When renal ODC activity was stimulated by ethanol, growth hormone, ACTH, or corticosterone, proportional increases were observed in both medulla and cortex. After hypophysectomy, ODC activities fell equally in both areas of the kidney. The administration of cycloheximide, which is known to cause a rebound increase after six hours in overall renal ODC activity, was followed by an increase of medullary ODC activity while cortical activity remained suppressed.  相似文献   

Dehydration of mice for 60 h caused a fall in the activity of renal ornithine decarboxylase. Administration of arginine vasopressin acutely produced a sharp increase in ornithine decarboxylase of the kidney 4 h later, while chronic intraperitoneal injection of vasopressin lowered renal enzyme activity in a manner analogous to that of dehydration. This bimodal response of the kidney to trophic hormonal stimulation appears to be different from that of other endocrine responsive organs.  相似文献   

Unlike other eukaryotes, which can synthesize polyamines only from ornithine, plants possess an additional pathway from arginine. Occasionally non-enzymatic decarboxylation of ornithine could be detected in Arabidopsis extracts; however, we could not detect ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC 4. 1.1.17) enzymatic activity or any activity inhibitory to the ODC assay. There are no intact or degraded ODC sequences in the Arabidopsis genome and no ODC expressed sequence tags. Arabidopsis is therefore the only plant and one of only two eukaryotic organisms (the other being the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi) that have been demonstrated to lack ODC activity. As ODC is a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, Arabidopsis is reliant on the additional arginine decarboxylase (ADC; EC pathway, found only in plants and some bacteria, to synthesize putrescine. By using site-directed mutants of the Arabidopsis ADC1 and heterologous expression in yeast, we show that ADC, like ODC, is a head-to-tail homodimer with two active sites acting in trans across the interface of the dimer. Amino acids K136 and C524 of Arabidopsis ADC1 are essential for activity and participate in separate active sites. Maximal activity of Arabidopsis ADC1 in yeast requires the presence of general protease genes, and it is likely that dimer formation precedes proteolytic processing of the ADC pre-protein monomer.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, and activation of the first key enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) are closely associated with cellular proliferation. In the present study, the distribution of ODC activity and polyamine levels was investigated for the first time regionally in experimental brain tumors of the cat. Brain tumors were produced by stereotactic xenotransplantation of rat glioma cells. Twenty days after implantation, the brains were frozen in situ, cut into slices, and cryostat sections and tissue samples were taken to determine ODC activity and polyamine levels biochemically. The quantified data were color-coded to present the regional distribution of ODC activity and polyamine levels in the respective section. ODC activity significantly increased in some areas within the tumor, whereas peritumoral tissue showed no difference to the non-tumoral, contralateral hemisphere. This increase turned out in parallel to a high number of mitoses in the same tumor parts (r=0.861). Putrescine levels increased both, in the whole tumor and in the peritumoral edema. Regional differences in putrescine content did not correlate with solid and proliferative parts of the tumor. Spermidine and spermine levels were only slightly increased in some parts of the tumor. Thus, these experiments show the close correlation of a high mitotic rate and activation of ODC within experimental gliomas and underline the relevance of ODC as a biochemical marker of proliferation in brain tumors.  相似文献   

1. Inactivation of L-ornithine:2-oxoacid aminotransferase (OAT) by 5-fluoromethylornithine (5FMOrn), a specific inactivator of OAT, causes a great elevation of tissue ornithine (Orn) concentrations. 2. Inhibition of L-ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) by 2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) had no effect on Orn concentrations. 3. The combined administration of 5FMOrn and DFMO produced a 2- to 3-fold greater enhancement of tissue Orn concentrations than treatment with 5FMOrn alone. 4. The increase of tissue Orn concentrations had a long-lasting enhancing effect on polyamine metabolism. 5. In the brain this could be demonstrated by the elevation of putrescine and spermidine concentrations and the increase of spermidine turnover rate. 6. In visceral organs polyamine concentrations were not elevated because polyamines can be eliminated by transport. 7. In line with this notion is the fact that urinary polyamine excretion was increased for several days, even after a single dose of 5FMOrn. 8. Inhibitors of 4-aminobutyric acid:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase which are also inactivators of OAT had the same effect on polyamine excretion as 5FMOrn.  相似文献   

Flavins in different compartments of effective nodules fromGlycine max cv Maple Arrow xBradyrhizobium japonicum strains were studied by spectrophotometry and chromatographic techniques. Flavins in the peribacteroid space were riboflavin (80%) and FMN (20%), as identified by TLC and HPLC. Flavin concentrations in the soybean root nodule cytoplasm, in the symbiosome space (PBS) and in the cytosol of bacteroids were monitored between 20 and 40 days post infection (d.p.i.) Between the 20th and 29th d.p.i. an at least four times higher flavin/protein ratio was found in PBS of effective nodules compared with the nodule cytoplasm. Between nitrogenase activity in the free-living state and bacterial flavin accumulation, no correlation could be observed. Flavin accumulation is not restricted to an effective symbiosis, as indicated by the analysis of ineffective nodules with strainB. japonicum RH-31 Marburg. Flavin accumulation is absent in uninfected soybean root tissue and in free-living rhizobia, thus indicating that flavin accumulation is a result of symbiotic interaction. Flavin accumulation is also missing in nodules with a hypersensitive response against the bacteria.  相似文献   

U R Tipnis  C Skiera 《Cytobios》1989,57(229):101-108
Ornithine decarboxylase activities (ODC) and polyamine levels were determined in five cardiac regions of the rat heart, following daily administration of 1 mg/kg of thyroxine, in the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles and the septum. The thyroxine stimulated ODC activity in all five regions of the heart. Enzyme activity in the left atrium and the septum peaked a day earlier than in other regions and the decline of ODC activity was slower. Putrescine in control animals was present in all regions except the right atrium, where its content was below detectable levels. Following the administration of thyroxine, the putrescine content of the left atrium, the right ventricle and the septum declined, while spermidine and spermine levels remained unchanged. In direct contrast to the other regions of the heart, thyroxine stimulated an increase in polyamines, as well as in weight which occurred exclusively in the left ventricle. These findings suggest a causal relationship between increased polyamines and hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The biological activity of selenium is known to depend on its chemical form. In this study, eight forms of selenium that differed in oxidation state or degree of methylation were studied for their acute effects on the activities of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMet DC) and on the concentrations of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine in the liver. The polyamine pathway was studied because it is involved in the control of cell growth and in the cell's response to trophic, carcinogenic, and toxic stimuli, activities that selenium has been reported to affect. Female Sprague Dawley rats were administered 12 mumol Se/kg body weight via intraperitoneal injection and were sacrificed six hours later. Injection of sodium selenate, sodium selenite, selenomethionine, Se-methylselenocysteine, selenobetaine, and selenobetaine methyl ester resulted in significant increases in liver selenium, whereas injection of dimethylselenoxide and trimethylselenonium chloride did not. ODC activity and AdoMet DC activity were induced by those selenium compounds that also increased liver selenium content, but the magnitude of enzyme induction by those compounds was not correlated with the hepatic concentration of total selenium determined fluorometrically. Furthermore, the induction of ODC activity by the various forms of selenium did not result in concomitant increases in putrescine, spermidine, and spermine except in the case of selenite. Given that alterations in the metabolism of selenium are induced when the level of tissue selenium is elevated and that the relative abundance of various selenometabolites can be affected by the point of entry of selenium into intermediary metabolism, these data suggest that the changes that were observed in enzyme activities and polyamine levels are likely to be associated with the accumulation of a specific metabolite of selenium. The relevance of these findings to elucidation of the biological activities attributable to various forms of selenium is under investigation.  相似文献   

The effects of lithium chloride on ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity were compared in the adrenal and kidney of control (saline treated) and prolactin-treated rats. ODC activity was decreased in kidney of both groups of animals, the magnitude of the effect of lithium in the hormone-treated group varying with the time of administering the lithium relative to prolactin. The response in the adrenal was quite different. Following treatment with LiCl, there was a gradual increase in ODC activity from a low of 10-35 pmol CO2 x 30 min-1.mg protein-1 in control animals to values 20- to 30-fold greater at 5 h. In rats treated simultaneously with LiCl and prolactin, ODC activity was greater at 5 h than that observed in animals receiving either compound alone, indicating that their effects were additive. When LiCl was given 4 h after prolactin, i.e., 1 h before sacrifice, ODC activity decreased to a very low level at 5 h, as in other tissues. The increase in ODC activity in the adrenal following LiCl is of the same magnitude as the changes observed in tissues stimulated to undergo alterations in proliferation, differentiation, or metabolic or membrane activity by hormones and other external stimuli.  相似文献   

Lipophosphoglycan (LPG), a major surface molecule from Leishmania donovani, stimulated ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in macrophages in a dose- and time-dependent manner. LPG stimulated the rapid increase in ODC activity within 30 min after exposure, suggesting that the interaction of LPG with its receptor stimulated a specific signal transduction pathway. However, LPG-induced ODC activity was a transient event because 3 hr after exposure to LPG, no stimulation of ODC activity was detectable. ODC activity appeared to be coupled to the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) in macrophages, as activators of PKC caused a rapid increase in the ODC activity. Macrophages pretreated with LPG for 1 hr became unresponsive to subsequent stimulation by the PKC activators 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol and the calcium ionophore A23187. In contrast, the ability of macrophages to express ODC activity in response to the cyclic AMP analogue dibutyryl cyclic AMP was not impaired by LPG.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine levels were determined at various growth phases of Tetrahymena thermophila cultures. Enzyme activity and intracellular polyamines increased in exponentially growing cells and peaked just before the stationary phase. Putrescine was the predominant polyamine and spermidine and spermine concentrations were low throughout. The increase in putrescine level can be totally accounted for by the enzyme activity detected, provided that there is an ample supply of the precursor, L-ornithine.  相似文献   

Topical application of hexadecane has been shown to induce hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis in rodent skin. The application of hexadecane to epidermis from the backs of piglets less than 1 week old resulted in a rapid biphasic-rise in the level of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. The second phase of the elevation of activity was suppressed by cycloheximide indicating that it resulted from de novo protein synthesis. The first, cycloheximide-insensitive phase presumably represents activation of existing enzyme. The activation of this latent ODC by hexadecane was independent of extracellular calcium. A similar degree of activation was observed using the bivalent-cation ionophore A23187 which augmented the hexadecane effect implicating a rise in intracellular calcium concentration as a possible cause for the activation possibly via the receptor-mediated phospholipid hydrolysis. The time-course of the ODC activation also corresponded with a rapid fall in cAMP levels indicating a possible role for cAMP in ODC regulation.  相似文献   

Adult male rats were injected either with α- or ß-adrenergic agonists and/ or antagonists and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in the heart and aorta was measured 4 hours later. At the lower doses, isoproterenol (0.2–0.4 mg/kg) resulted in a 10-fold increase in cardiac ODC activity but caused no significant change in aortic ODC activity. In contrast, phenylephrine (1 mg/kg) caused a 4-fold increase in aorta but no change in cardiac ODC activity levels. Phenoxybenzamine pretreatment completely abolished the PE-induced increase whereas no change was seen in ISop injected animals. Similarly, pretreatment with propranolol blocked the ISop induced response on ODC activity but had no effect on the increases observed after PE. These data suggest that the sympathetic regulation of ODC activity levels is mediated primarily via the ß-receptor in the heart but through the α-receptor in the aorta.  相似文献   

Background. Functional probiotics may prevent Helicobacter pylori infection, and some evidence suggests that they also possess antitumor properties. Lactobacillus brevis (CD2) is a functional Lactobacillus strain with peculiar biochemical features, essentially related to the activity of arginine deiminase. This enzyme catalyzes the catabolism of arginine and affects the biosynthesis of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine). Polyamines are polycations found in high concentrations in both normal and neoplastic cells. Our aims were: 1, to assess whether oral administration of L. brevis (CD2) affects H. pylori survival in the human gastric mucosa; 2, to evaluate the effects of L. brevis (CD2) on polyamine biosynthesis in gastric biopsies from H. pylori‐positive patients. Materials and Methods. For 3 weeks before endoscopy, 22 H. pylori‐positive dyspeptic patients randomly received (ratio 1 : 1) high oral doses of L. brevis (CD2) or placebo. Before and after treatment, H. pylori infection was determined by urea breath test (UBT). In gastric biopsies, ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine levels were, respectively, evaluated by a radiometric technique and high‐pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results. L. brevis (CD2) treatment did not eradicate H. pylori. However, a reduction in the UBT delta values occurred, suggesting a decrease in intragastric bacterial load. Significantly, L. brevis (CD2) induced a decrease in gastric ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine levels. Conclusions. Our data support the hypothesis that L. brevis (CD2) treatment decreases H. pylori colonization, thus reducing polyamine biosynthesis. Alternatively, the arginine deiminase activity following L. brevis (CD2) administration might cause arginine deficiency, preventing polyamine generation from gastric cells.  相似文献   

Management of polyamine pools and the regulation of ornithine decarboxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The management of polyamine synthesis and polyamine pools differs fundamentally from that of most other small molecular-weight endproducts. The polyamines are vital to growth and important cellular functions, but they are toxic in excess. I argue here that their multivalent cationic character, leading to binding to cell constituents, precludes fluent feedback inhibition of synthesis. This has led to the development of elaborate alternative regulatory mechanisms controlling ornithine decarboxylase, the key initial enzyme of the pathway. Poorly regulated polyamine synthesis and the toxicity of polyamines impose upon cells a need to control uptake and to dispose of excess polyamines. Recent data on polyamine transport suggest unorthodox mechanisms of accomplishing these functions.  相似文献   

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