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Misra, S. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The messenger RNA populationin the embryonic axes of Phaseolus vulgaris during developmentand following germination.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1644–1652. Messenger RNAs were extracted from young, mid-maturation, late-maturation,mature-dry, and 20-h-germinated embryonic axes of Phaseolusvulgaris cv. Taylor's Horticultural. They were translated invitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate protein synthesizing system.Analysis of the translation products using two-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis indicated that there were substantial changesin the messenger RNA populations of developing and germinatingaxes. The number of polypeptides synthesized increased sharplyat 20–22 d after pollination and then declined. Therewas a parallel increase and decrease in the Poly(A)+ contentof the seed axis. The analysis showed that certain messageswere present throughout development and were stored in maturedry seed. These messages were degraded upon subsequent rehydration.Some messages appeared during mid-maturation but declined duringlater stages of development and were absent from the matureseed. In the germinating seed a set of messages unique to germinationappeared. Key words: —Seed development, germination, mRNA, in vitro translation, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

Immature seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris removed from the pod at 32 days of development do not germinate unless first subjected to a desiccation treatment. This change from development to germination caused by premature drying is mirrored in the pattern of protein synthesis by the axes. Rehydrated axes from 32-day-developed seeds cease to synthesize proteins that are uniquely associated with development, but instead synthesize some proteins that are similar to those made in the germinating axes from mature dry seeds. Desiccation of 22-day-developed seeds does not lead to their germination, nor does it cause a switch from a developmental to a germination mode of protein synthesis by the axes. It is proposed that desiccation plays a role in permanently suppressing developmental protein synthesis and in inducing germination protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Embryonic axes of Phaseolus vulgaris undergo a transition fromdesiccation-intolerance to desiccation-tolerance in the courseof their development. Biochemical and ultrastructural observationsindicate that desiccation and rehydration during the early intolerantdevelopmental stages drastically reduces the metabolic and cellularintegrity of the axis. During the desiccation-tolerant stagesuch perturbations do not occur. Coincident with the acquisitionof desiccation-tolerance during development the seeds gain thecapacity to germinate upon subsequent rehydration. Drying presumablyacts to terminate developmental processes and to initiate themetabolic processes essential for the completion of germination.During germination of the mature axis, desiccation and rehydration,up to 12 h from the start of imbibition, does not affect subsequentseedling growth and development. But gradually desiccation-tolerancedecreases and metabolism is severely and irreversibly reducedby drying.  相似文献   

Synthesis of both protein and RNA is initiated very early ingermination in the embryo axes of pea seeds. The early RNA synthesisinvolves all three types, although there is some evidence forpreferential synthesis of mRNA in the first few hours afterthe onset of imbibition. In addition to newly synthesized mRNA,the embryo axis also contains long-lived mRNA. The amount ofthis long-lived mRNA declines markedly during the first 20 hof germination. Synthesis of both protein and RNA is initiated very early ingermination in the embryo axes of pea seeds. The early RNA synthesisinvolves all three types, although there is some evidence forpreferential synthesis of mRNA in the first few hours afterthe onset of imbibition. In addition to newly synthesized mRNA,the embryo axis also contains long-lived mRNA. The amount ofthis long-lived mRNA declines markedly during the first 20 hof germination. Results from in vitro and in vivo protein synthesis experimentsand from studies of polysome formation suggest that much ofthe long-lived mRNA present in the embryo axis does not directprotein synthesis. The increase in the rate of protein synthesisduring germination is thus dependent on recruitment of newlysynthesized mRNA molecules. Pea, Pisum sativum L., germination, mRNA, protein synthesis  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA was isolated from the total RNA fraction extracted from the endosperm tissue of 3-day-old castor bean seedlings by affinity chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose. This polyadenylated RNA was efficiently translated into protein when added to a messenger RNA-dependent cell-free system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. Characterization of the translational products by electrophoresis followed by autoradiography established that numerous discrete polypeptides were formed with molecular weights ranging from 10,000 to over 100,000. Immunoprecipitation in the presence of antiserum raised in rabbits against the total glyoxysomal matrix proteins showed that these proteins accounted for 15 to 20% of the total translational products.  相似文献   

Soluble proteins from excised Phaseolus vulgaris axes incubated for 1 hour in 3H or 14C- amino acid mixtures at different times during the period leading up to initiation of cell elongation were compared by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Differences in electrophoretic patterns were found when proteins from axes incubated during the 1st hour of imbibition were compared with proteins from axes incubated during the hour when cell elongation was initiated. These differences greatly diminished by the 2nd hour of imbibition which suggests that they were due primarily to incomplete axis imbibition. A 5-hour actinomycin D treatment which reduced amino acid incorporation by 40% in the 5th hour had no apparent effect on the electrophoretic pattern during that hour.  相似文献   

As seeds of the French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L. cv. Tendergreen) mature, a single protein, G1 globulin (analogous to legumin), represents the majority of protein synthesized. Washed polysomes extracted from developing cotyledons had little endogenous activity in amino acid incorporation, but on addition of cell-free extracts from wheat germ, active incorporation was obtained, the level being similar to that with viral RNA as messenger. The Mg(2+) optimum for protein synthesis in the presence of bean polysomes was 6 mm compared with 4 mm for synthesis of viral polypeptides in the wheat germ system. Using T-2 toxin as an inhibitor, it was shown that 29% of the incorporation depended on initiation events. Electrophoretic analysis of the total polypeptide products of cell-free synthesis gave a disperse profile. Centrifugation to remove polysome-bound peptides after 60 minutes incubation gave a supernatant having a product with the same electrophoretic mobility as G1 globulin and containing 26% of the radioactivity present in the gel. Protein eluted from this peak was subjected to re-electrophoresis and shown to consist of the three polypeptide subunits characteristic of G1 globulin.  相似文献   

Misra, S. and Bewley, J. D. 1986. Desiccation of Phaseolus vulgansseeds during and following germination, and its effect uponthe translatable mRNA population of the seed axes.—J.exp. BoL 37: 364–374. After imbibition and germination, seeds of P. vulgaris passfrom a stage where they are insensitive to desiccation to astage where they are sensitive. Desiccation of seeds duringthe sensitive stage results in an almost total impairment ofprotein synthesis upon subsequent rehydration. Seeds desiccatedduring the desiccation-tolerant stage, however, resume proteinsynthesis at almost control levels. The protein patterns obtained following in Vitro translationof bulk RNA from fresh imbibed, desiccated, and desiccated-rehydratedseed axes were qualitatively similar at 5 HAI (the desiccation-tolerant stage). The drying treatment resulted in increasedintensity of extant proteins at 5 and 12 HAI. At 12 HAI (thetransition stage between the desiccation-tolerant and desiccation-intolerantphases) desiccation and subsequent rehydration triggered synthesisof a unique set of proteins-the rehydration proteins. At 20HAI (the desiccation-intolerant stage) desiccation resultedin an overall decline in the intensity of proteins synthesizedin vitro. Also the rehydration proteins were not synthesizedin response to a drying and rehydration treatment at this time. Key words: Seed germination, desiccation, mRNA, in vitro translation, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

The endogenous gibberellin-like substances were determined in mature dry and germinating bean seeds, Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Alabaster. Methanol extracts were partitioned against ethyl acetate and butanol at neutral and acid pH. Each phase was individually chromatographed on a silica gel column. The gibberellin activity was measured with the Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice micro-drop bioassay. Each extract was tested in two dilutions. Extracts from dry seeds showed the highest gibberellin activity, largely attributable to ethyl acetate-soluble substances. The activity was considerably reduced in extracts from seeds imbibed for 1 day. Gibberellin-like substances soluble in butanol appeared in extracts from seeds soaked for 1 or more days.  相似文献   

Protein bodies from the storage endosperm of dry castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) were isolated by successive nonaqueous linear density gradient centrifugation. The isolated protein bodies were lysed by the addition of water, and the various structural components of the organelles were separated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The matrix protein remained at the top of the gradient while the membrane, the crystalloids, and the globoids migrated to densities 1.15 g/cm3, 1.30 g/cm3, and > 1.46 g/cm3, respectively. The protein of the protein bodies was distributed evenly between the crystalloids and the matrix, and little protein was present in the globoids or the membrane.  相似文献   

The germination of lentil seeds was gradually reduced when seeds were exposed to temperature of 30 or 40 °C, either alone or combined with 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 M NaCl or 34.1 % (m/v) PEG 8000, during 6 –12 h imbibition. [35S]-methionine incorporation in 12 h imbibed lentil axes also decreased with increasing NaCl concentration at 20 and 40 °C, whereas at 30 °C only 0.3 M NaCl treatment partially inhibited protein synthesis. An analysis of newly synthesized proteins by 1-D SDS PAGE, showed that the expression of most polypeptides decreased following increasing stress. Among these, low molecular mass heat-shock proteins declining, higher in 40 °C treated axes than those treated at 30 °C, supports the hypothesis that at this temperature maximal level of expression of these proteins was achieved.  相似文献   

In cotyledons of sunflower seedlings glyoxysomal and peroxisomal enzymes exhibit different rates of development during germination. The total activity of isocitrate lyase, a glyoxysomal marker enzyme, rapidly increased during the first 3 days, and then decreased 89% by day 9. Exposure to light accelerated this decrease only slightly. The specific activity of glyoxysomal enzymes (malate synthetase, isocitrate lyase, citrate synthetase, and aconitase) in the microbody fraction from sucrose density gradients increased between days 2 and 4 about 2- to 3-fold, and thereafter it remained about constant in light or darkness.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of the insoluble crystalloid storage proteins ofcastor bean endosperm during germination released buffer-solublepolypeptides with molecular weights in the presence of sodiumdodecyl sulphate of 30000–40000. These polypeptides appearto be dimers since the addition of 2-mercaptoethanol decreasestheir molecular weights to 15000–22000. Hydrolysis ofthe crystalloid proteins was detected 12–18 h after seedimbibition (HAI), which is before the completion of germination;maximum rates were attained at 30 HAI. During this period, parallelincreases in free amino acids were observed. Hydrolysis of thecrystalloid proteins during early germination was insensitiveto cycloheximide treatment and therefore did not require newlysynthesized proteases. Hydrolysis was effected by proteaseswhich were made in an inactive form during seed developmentand activated upon seed imbibition. Key words: Castor bean, crystalloid storage protein hydrolysis, seed germination, endosperm  相似文献   

Changes in weight, nitrogen content, and cell fine structurewere followed in ripening cotyledons of greenhouse-grown beans.The seeds mature within 53–56 days from flowering, cotyledonweight and nitrogen content increasing most rapidly betweendays 22 and 34. The cotyledon parenchyma cells first becomevery highly vacuolate, but soon the large vacuoles are dividedup and converted to reserve protein bodies, while cell expansioncontinues. Vacuole subdivision is accompanied by synthesis ofcytoplasm containing masses of rough-surfaced ER (endoplasmicreticulum), which persists till the cotyledons dry out, andpresumably synthesizes the reserve protein. Starch grains growwithin plastids to reach diameters of 50 µ. Young cotyledonsare green but chlorophyll disappears when the seed dries. Mostorganelles are recognizable in dry cotyledon cells; the ER is,however, replaced by small vesicles. Ribosomes are dispersedfree in the cytoplasm during dehydration; this could indicatea destruction of mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) in preparationfor a switch to a different metabolic activity during germination. Some comparisons are drawn between cell fine structure in thecotyledons during ripening and germination.  相似文献   

LIN  S. S.; PEARCE  R. S. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(4):451-456
Seeds of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. The Prince)and caryopses of sweet corn (maize; Zea mays L.F1 hybrid Firstof All) were stored in environments of 79% relative humidityand 25 °C, 80% r.h. and 40 °C or 100% r.h. and 45 °C,giving ageing (loss of gcrminability and vigour) over periodsof months, weeks or days, respectively. The relationship betweenchanges in lipids and changes in germinability or vigour wasunaffected in general by the speed of ageing. In the corn caryopsesthere was no evidence of hydrolysis of phospholipids or peroxidationof fatty acids during ageing. In the bean seeds phosphatidicacid increased during the ageing period and phosphatyl cholinedeclined. The percentage of fatty acids as hnolenic acid initiallyfell during bean ageing, but in the slower ageing conditionsit rose again as germination reached zero. In bean, the presenceof phosphatidic acid could be a sensitive indictator of lossof vigour, but relative proportions of the different fatty acidswould be a misleading indicator of quality. Rapid artificialageing may be an adequate model, in some species, of ageingat moderate speeds and of ageing under some ambient conditions. French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. The Prince), sweet corn (maize, Zea mays L., Fl hybrid First of All), seed ageing, phospholipids, fatty acids  相似文献   

Precise knowledge of seed quality after harvest and during storageis of particular importance for seed producers. We analyseddifferent sunflower seed lots (Helianthus annuusL.) characterizedby extremes of germination ability. We used RNA analysis tostudy possible changes in gene expression in seeds unable togerminate. Total RNA content was very small in dry seeds showinga low germination ability. Capacity for total RNA synthesisat the onset of imbibition was also reduced in these seeds.In addition, correlations were found between these parametersand germination ability at 19 °C. We demonstrated a highcorrelation between the amount of total RNA in the dry seed,the capacity of RNA synthesis at the onset of imbibition andthe seed moisture content at the time of the harvest. The abilityof dry seed mRNAs to be translatedin vitrowas also reduced andseven polypeptides, from stored mRNAs, were characteristic ofthe cotyledons from high germinability seeds. Germination canthus be affected at several levels including membrane, enzymaticand nucleic acid deteriorations. Gene expression; germination ability; Helianthus annuusL.; marker; protein; RNA; seed; sunflower  相似文献   

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