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The heme-containing catalase HPII of Escherichia coli consists of a homotetramer in which each subunit contains a core region with the highly conserved catalase tertiary structure, to which are appended N- and C-terminal extensions making it the largest known catalase. HPII does not bind NADPH, a cofactor often found in catalases. In HPII, residues 585-590 of the C-terminal extension protrude into the pocket corresponding to the NADPH binding site in the bovine liver catalase. Despite this difference, residues that define the NADPH pocket in the bovine enzyme appear to be well preserved in HPII. Only two residues that interact ionically with NADPH in the bovine enzyme (Asp212 and His304) differ in HPII (Glu270 and Glu362), but their mutation to the bovine sequence did not promote nucleotide binding. The active-site heme groups are deeply buried inside the molecular structure requiring the movement of substrate and products through long channels. One potential channel is about 30 A in length, approaches the heme active site laterally, and is structurally related to the branched channel associated with the NADPH binding pocket in catalases that bind the dinucleotide. In HPII, the upper branch of this channel is interrupted by the presence of Arg260 ionically bound to Glu270. When Arg260 is replaced by alanine, there is a threefold increase in the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Inhibitors of HPII, including azide, cyanide, various sulfhydryl reagents, and alkylhydroxylamine derivatives, are effective at lower concentration on the Ala260 mutant enzyme compared to the wild-type enzyme. The crystal structure of the Ala260 mutant variant of HPII, determined at 2.3 A resolution, revealed a number of local structural changes resulting in the opening of a second branch in the lateral channel, which appears to be used by inhibitors for access to the active site, either as an inlet channel for substrate or an exhaust channel for reaction products.  相似文献   

Cells of the VSR751 strain, which was previously isolated asa photoresistant revertant of the visA-deleted (hemH-deleted)strain of Escherichia coli K-12, accumulated uroporphyrin (uro),coproporphyrin (copro) and protoporphyrin IX (proto), but didnot accumulate as much protoporphyrin as cells of the parentalstrain (hemH-deleted). Therefore, we concluded that strain VSR751must be defective in protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO), the productof the hemG gene. By complementation analysis using VSR751,we isolated and identified this gene. The hemG gene is locatedat 86 mim on the E. coli chromosome, just upstream of the rrnAoperon, and is transcribed clockwise in the same direction asthe rrnA operon. This gene encodes a 181-amino acid proteinwith a calculated molecular mass of about 21 kDa. Sequence analysisrevealed the presence of flavodoxin motif, suggesting that acofactor of this enzyme is flavin mononucleotide, which is consistentwith the previous report that the mammalian PPO had the flavincofactor.  相似文献   

Catalase-1, one of four catalase activities of Neurospora crassa, is associated with non-growing cells and accumulates in asexual spores. It is a large, tetrameric, highly efficient, and durable enzyme that is active even at molar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Catalase-1 is oxidized at the heme by singlet oxygen without significant effects on enzyme activity. Here we present the crystal structure of catalase-1 at 1.75A resolution. Compared to structures of other catalases of the large class, the main differences were found at the carboxy-terminal domain. The heme group is rotated 180 degrees around the alpha-gamma-meso carbon axis with respect to clade 3 small catalases. There is no co-ordination bond of the ferric ion at the heme distal side in catalase-1. The catalase-1 structure exhibited partial oxidation of heme b to heme d. Singlet oxygen, produced catalytically or by photosensitization, may hydroxylate C5 and C6 of pyrrole ring III with a subsequent formation of a gamma-spirolactone in C6. The modification site in catalases depends on the way dioxygen exits the protein: mainly through the central channel or the main channel in large and small catalases, respectively. The catalase-1 structure revealed an unusual covalent bond between a cysteine sulphur atom and the essential tyrosine residue of the proximal side of the active site. A peptide with the predicted theoretical mass of the two bound tryptic peptides was detected by mass spectrometry. A mechanism for the Cys-Tyr covalent bond formation is proposed. The tyrosine bound to the cysteine residue would be less prone to donate electrons to compound I to form compound II, explaining catalase-1 resistance to substrate inhibition and inactivation. An apparent constriction of the main channel at Ser198 lead us to propose a gate that opens the narrow part of the channel when there is sufficient hydrogen peroxide in the small cavity before the gate. This mechanism would explain the increase in catalytic velocity as the hydrogen peroxide concentration rises.  相似文献   

TolR is a 15-kDa inner membrane protein subunit of the Tol-Pal complex in Gram-negative bacteria, and its function is poorly understood. Tol-Pal is recruited to cell division sites where it is involved in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane. TolR is related to MotB, the peptidoglycan (PG)-binding stator protein from the flagellum, suggesting it might serve a similar role in Tol-Pal. The only structure thus far reported for TolR is of the periplasmic domain from Haemophilus influenzae in which N- and C-terminal residues had been deleted (TolR(62–133), Escherichia coli numbering). H. influenzae TolR(62–133) is a symmetrical dimer with a large deep cleft at the dimer interface. Here, we present the 1.7-Å crystal structure of the intact periplasmic domain of E. coli TolR (TolR(36–142)). E. coli TolR(36–142) is also dimeric, but the architecture of the dimer is radically different from that of TolR(62–133) due to the intertwining of its N and C termini. TolR monomers are rotated ∼180° relative to each other as a result of this strand swapping, obliterating the putative PG-binding groove seen in TolR(62–133). We found that removal of the strand-swapped regions (TolR(60–133)) exposes cryptic PG binding activity that is absent in the full-length domain. We conclude that to function as a stator in the Tol-Pal complex dimeric TolR must undergo large scale structural remodeling reminiscent of that proposed for MotB, where the N- and C-terminal sequences unfold in order for the protein to both reach and bind the PG layer ∼90 Å away from the inner membrane.  相似文献   

A novel transformation system, in which neither a nonphysiological concentration of Ca2+ and temperature shifts nor electronic shocks were required, was developed to determine whether Escherichia coli is naturally transformable. In the new protocol, E. coli was cultured normally to the stationary phase and then cultured statically at 37 degrees C in Luria-Bertani broth. After static culture, transformation occurred in bacteria spread on Luria-Bertani plates. The protein synthesis inhibitor chloramphenicol inhibited this transformation process. The need for protein synthesis in plated bacteria suggests that the transformation of E. coli in this new system is regulated physiologically.  相似文献   

sucAB and sucCD of Escherichia coli encode enzymes that generate succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate and succinate, respectively. Their mutual essentiality was studied. sucAB and sucCD could be deleted individually, but not simultaneously. The mutual essentiality of sucAB and sucCD was further confirmed by the conditional expression of sucABCD, sucAB, and sucCD under the control of a P(BAD) in E. coli MG1655, E. coli MG1655 (DeltasucCD), and E. coli MG1655 (DeltasucAB), respectively. These strains grew well in Luria-Bertani medium containing 0.1% arabinose, but not in the absence of arabinose unless the medium was supplemented with succinyl-CoA. Our results indicate that either sucAB or sucCD is enough to produce succinyl-CoA that is essential for cell viability.  相似文献   

Abstract era is an essential gene in E. coli , encoding a GTP-binding protein of unknown function. In the present work, a mutant designated Era-dE, for deletion of effector region is described. This is the first and only known era allele that confers a dominant-negative phenotype. Phenotypic analysis of the mutant showed that overproduction of Era-dE caused a dominant inhibition of growth when TCA cycle intermediates such as succinate, pyruvate, malate, α-ketoglutarate, and fumarate were provided as the sole carbon source. Examination of the macromolecular composition of cells overexpressing the mutant showed protein, DNA, and ATP levels expected for cells growing at slow rates. The response of cells expressing Era-dE to different stress conditions was studied by examining the rates of synthesis of stress-inducible proteins. Interestingly, when subjected to succinate starvation, cells expressing Era-dE showed a defective carbon starvation response, whereas response to glucose starvation was similar to that seen in control cells. Taken together with previous results, these studies indicate that Era is perhaps involved in multiple cellular processes and Era-dE disrupts more than one of these functions. Furthermore, it appears that some possible functions of Era include regulation of the TCA cycle and response to carbon starvation.  相似文献   

Abstract The purified MukB protein of Escherichia coli has DNA binding activity and nucleotide binding activity. We have isolated a mutation, mukB1013 , causing a substitution of valine at position 1379 to leucine. This mutant MukB protein was defective for DNA binding, while the ATP binding activity remained unaffected. A truncated MukB protein that is short of 109 amino acids from the C-terminus failed to bind DNA.  相似文献   

To identify novel virulence-associated genes in uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains, a suppression subtractive hybridization strategy was applied to genomic DNA of four clinical UPEC isolates from patients suffering from cystitis or pyelonephritis. The genomic DNA of four isolates (tester strains) was subtracted from the DNA of two different driver strains, the well characterized UPEC strain CFT073 and the non-pathogenic E. coli K-12 strain MG1655. We determined the sequence of 172 tester strain-specific DNA fragments, 86 of which revealed only low or no homology to nucleotide sequences of public databases. We further determined the virulence association of the 86 novel DNA fragments using each DNA fragment as a probe in Southern hybridizations of a reference strain collection consisting of 60 extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli isolates, and 40 non-virulent E. coli strains from stool samples. From this, 19 novel DNA fragments were demonstrated to be significantly associated with virulent strains and thus may represent new virulence traits. Our results support the idea of a considerable genetic variability among UPEC strains and suggest that novel genomic determinants might contribute to virulence of UPEC.  相似文献   

Abstract We have previously reported that the production of attaching and effacing lesions by Escherichia coli O45 isolates from pigs is associated with the eaeA ( E. coli attaching and effacing) gene. In the present study, expression of the EaeA protein, the eaeA gene product, among swine O45 E. coli isolates was examined. The majority (20/22) of attaching and effacing positive, eaeA+ E. coli O45 isolates, but none of ten attaching and effacing negative, eaeA or eaeA+ isolates, expressed a 97-kDa outer membrane protein as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis. Amino-terminal amino acid sequencing demonstrated a high homology between this 97-kDa protein of swine E. coli O45 and the EaeA protein (intimin) of human enteropathogenic E. coli and enterohemorrhagic E. coli . In addition, a serological relationship between the EaeA proteins of swine O45, rabbit (RDEC-1) and human (E2348/69) attaching and effacing E. coli strains was observed. Our results indicate an association between expression of the EaeA protein and attaching and efficacing activity among O45 E. coli isolates. The data also suggest an antigenic relatedness of the EaeA proteins of swine, rabbit, and human attaching and effacing E. coli .  相似文献   

The hydB gene of Escherichia coli, which is related with the expression of hydrogenase activity, was cloned into the plasmid (pES1). Using the maxicell protein-labeling method, the molecular weight of hydB gene product was estimated. Comparing between the gene products from the mutant strains and that of the hydB genes cloned strains, the molecular weight of the gene product was 35,000 Mr. Similarly, the molecular weight of the gene product of hydA, which had been previously cloned, was determined by maxicell analysis. The molecular weight of hydA gene product was estimated to be 80,000 Mr. Using deletion analysis and Tn1000 insertional inactivation of hydA's function, the hydA coding region was estimated between 2.2 kb and 2.8 kb in a 3.1 kb EcoRI-MluI fragment on the recombinant plasmid pEH3.  相似文献   

The availability of bacterial genome sequences raises an important new problem - how can one move from completely sequenced microorganisms as a reference to the hundreds and thousands of other strains or isolates of the same or related species that will not be sequenced in the near future? An efficient way to approach this task is the comparison of genomes by subtractive hybridization. Recently we developed a sensitive and reproducible subtraction procedure for comparison of bacterial genomes, based on the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). In this work we demonstrate the applicability of subtractive hybridization to the comparison of the related but markedly divergent bacterial species Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Clone libraries representing sequence differences were obtained and, in the case of completely sequenced E. coli genome, the differences were directly placed in the genome map. About 60% of the differential clones identified by SSH were present in one of the genomes under comparison and absent from the other. Additional differences in most cases represent sequences that have diverged considerably in the course of evolution. Such an approach to comparative bacterial genomics can be applied both to studies of interspecies evolution - to elucidate the "strategies" that enable different genomes to fit their ecological niches - and to development of diagnostic probes for the rapid identification of pathogenic bacterial species.  相似文献   

抗菌肽GK1在大肠杆菌中的融合表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为高效表达抗菌肽GK1并避免GK1的高抗菌活性对大肠杆菌宿主菌的致命影响, 将经改造后的人胰岛素原(mhPI)与GK1的融合基因(mhPI-GK1)克隆到表达载体pET28a中, 构建出表达质粒pET28a-mhPI-GK1, 转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中进行表达。融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中以包涵体形式表达, 表达量占菌体总蛋白的20%。经CNBr裂解、阳离子交换层析和RP-HPLC纯化后, 每升发酵液可获得5.7 mg纯度大于97%的重组GK1。质谱检测显示重组GK1的分子量为2794.0 D, 抑菌活性实验表明纯化后的重组GK1和化学合成GK1具有相同的抗菌活性。为利用基因工程方法大规模生产GK1奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Amide proton exchange of thioredoxin is used to monitor the structural effects of reduction of its single disulfide. An effective 3-5-proton difference between the oxidized and reduced protein form is observed early in proton out-exchange of the whole protein, which is independent of temperature in the range of 5-45 degrees C, indicating that redox-sensitive changes are probably not due to low-energy structural fluctuations. Medium resolution hydrogen exchange experiments have localized the redox-sensitive amide protons to two parts of the sequence that are distant from each other in the three-dimensional structure: the active-site turn and the first beta-strand. The sum of the proton differences observed in the peptides from these regions is equal to that of the whole protein, indicating that all redox-sensitive hydrogen exchange effects are observed in the peptide experiments. A model combining structural changes within the protein matrix with changes in the surface hydration properties is proposed as a mechanism for the communication between distant sites within the protein. Sound velocity and density measurements of reduced and oxidized thioredoxin are presented in the accompanying paper (Kaminsky, S.M. & Richards, F.M., 1992, Protein Sci. 1, 22-30).  相似文献   

The stability of protein is defined not only by the hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic effect, van der Waals interactions, and salt bridges. Additional, much more subtle contributions to protein stability can arise from surface residues that change their properties upon unfolding. The recombinant major cold shock protein of Escherichia coli CspA an all-beta protein unfolds reversible in a two-state manner, and behaves in all other respects as typical globular protein. However, the enthalpy of CspA unfolding strongly depends on the pH and buffer composition. Detailed analysis of the unfolding enthalpies as a function of pH and buffers with different heats of ionization shows that CspA unfolding in the pH range 5.5-9.0 is linked to protonation of an amino group. This amino group appears to be the N-terminal alpha-amino group of the CspA molecule. It undergoes a 1.6 U shift in pKa values between native and unfolded states. Although this shift in pKa is expected to contribute approximately 5 kJ/mol to CspA stabilization energy the experimentally observed stabilization is only approximately 1 kJ/mol. This discrepancy is related to a strong enthalpy-entropy compensation due, most likely, to the differences in hydration of the protonated and deprotonated forms of the alpha-amino group.  相似文献   

Catalase CatF of Pseudomonas syringae has been identified phylogenetically as a clade 1 catalase, closely related to plant catalases, a group from which no structure has been determined. The structure of CatF has been refined at 1.8 A resolution by using X-ray synchrotron data collected from a crystal flash-cooled with liquid nitrogen. The crystallographic agreement factors R and R(free) are, respectively, 18.3% and 24.0%. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains a whole molecule that shows accurate 222-point group symmetry. The crystallized enzyme is a homotetramer of subunits with 484 residues, some 26 residues shorter than predicted from the DNA sequence. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the absence of 26 N-terminal residues, possibly removed by a periplasmic transport system. The core structure of the CatF subunit was closely related to seven other catalases with root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) of 368 core Calpha atoms of 0.99-1.30 A. The heme component of CatF is heme b in the same orientation that is found in Escherichia coli hydroperoxidase II, an orientation that is flipped 180 degrees with respect the orientation of the heme in bovine liver catalase. NADPH is not found in the structure of CatF because key residues required for nucleotide binding are missing; 2129 water molecules were refined into the model. Water occupancy in the main or perpendicular channel of CatF varied among the four subunits from two to five in the region between the heme and the conserved Asp150. A comparison of the water occupancy in this region with the same region in other catalases reveals significant differences among the catalases.  相似文献   

We have identified a conditional mutation which confers a ple?otropic phenotype to Escherichia coli cells: no growth at temperature higher than 36 degrees C, an altered control of the synthesis of several phosphate-regulated polypeptides (including alkaline phosphatase, sn-glycerol-3-phosphate binding protein, phosphate binding protein and outer membrane porin protein PhoE) after growth at 36 degrees C and a wild-type phenotype at 30 degrees C. This mutation was located at minute 89.5 on the E. coli chromosome in a gene we have called cpr for conditional phosphate-regulated.  相似文献   

Segregation at the loci coding for the K88ab and K88ac small intestinal receptors to E. coli adhesins (K88abR, K88acR) and at the transferrin (TF) locus was studied in 38 pig families including 273 piglets. The TF locus showed a segregation deviation towards the B variant while each of the K88 receptors behaved as a single autosomal dominant gene. Recombinants between K88abR and K88acR provide evidence that they are under the control of two different loci. Thirty-two triple backcross families were selected to test linkage and estimate recombination rates (θ). Our results demonstrate that the two K88 receptor loci are closely linked (θ= 0.02) with a maximum lod score value (Zm) of 46.0. In addition, they are linked to the TF locus, θ= 0.14, Zm= 19.6 for the K88abR locus and θ= 0.16, Zm= 17.9 for the K88acR locus. The estimated recombination rates, smaller in males than in females, are consistent with the order TF-K88abR-K88acR. This linkage thus localizes the K88 loci, as the TF locus, on chromosome 13.  相似文献   

Abstract The MukB protein is essential for chromosome partitioning in Escherichia coli and consists of 1484 amino acid residues (170 kDa). We have determined the base changes at the mutated sites of the mukB106 mutant and a newly isolated mutant, mukB33 . These mutant mukB genes were each found to carry a single base-pair transition which leads to an amino acid substitution; a serine residue at position 33 was changed to phenylalanine in the case of mukB106 , and an aspartic acid residue at position 1201 was changed to asparagine in the case of mukB33 .  相似文献   

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