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Throughout vertebrate evolution, Sox2 marks the developing nervous system from its earliest developmental stages and, therein, the most undifferentiated precursor cells, including stem cells. Recent gene targeting studies investigated the function of Sox2 in two neuronal systems: the developing eye and brain. These studies uncovered a requirement for Sox2 in the maintenance of neural stem cells, as well as a downstream role in the differentiation of specific neuron sub-types. In both systems, Sox2 action is markedly dose-dependent, and downstream-target gene studies are beginning to reveal the mechanisms of Sox2 function.  相似文献   



Gap junction communication has been shown in glial and neuronal cells and it is thought they mediate inter- and intra-cellular communication. Connexin 36 (Cx36) is expressed extensively in the developing brain, with levels peaking at P14 after which its levels fall and its expression becomes entirely neuronal. These and other data have led to the hypothesis that Cx36 may direct neuronal coupling and neurogenesis during development.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To investigate Cx36 function we used a neurosphere model of neuronal cell development and developed lentiviral Cx36 knockdown and overexpression strategies. Cx36 knockdown was confirmed by western blotting, immunocytochemistry and functionally by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). We found that knockdown of Cx36 in neurosphere neuronal precursors significantly reduced neuronal coupling and the number of differentiated neurons. Correspondingly, the lentiviral mediated overexpression of Cx36 significantly increased the number of neurons derived from the transduced neurospheres. The number of oligodendrocytes was also significantly increased following transduction with Cx36 indicating they may support neuronal differentiation.


Our data suggests that astrocytic and neuronal differentiation during development are governed by mechanisms that include the differential expression of Cx36.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) maintenance is critical for nervous system development and homeostasis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of NSPCs have not been fully elucidated. Here, we demonstrated that zebrafish ZDHHC16, a DHHC encoding protein, which was related to protein palmitoylation after translation, was expressed in the developing forebrain, and especially in the telencephalon. Loss‐ and gain‐of‐function studies showed that ZDHHC16 played a crucial role in the regualtion of NSPCs proliferation during zebrafish telencephalic development, via a mechanism dependent on its palmitoyltransferase activity. Further analyses showed that the inhibition of ZDHHC16 led to inactivation of the FGF/ERK signaling pathway during telencephalic NSPCs proliferation and maintenance. Taken together, our results suggest that ZDHHC16 activity is essential for early NSPCs proliferation where it acts to activate the FGF/ERK network, allowing for the initiation of proliferation –regulated gene expression programs. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1014–1028, 2016  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞向造血干/祖细胞定向诱导分化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ES细胞)是指由胚胎内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM)细胞经体外抑制培养而筛选得到的细胞,具有无限增殖潜能,在体外可以向造血细胞分化,有可能为造血干细胞移植和血细胞输注开辟新的来源.此外,ES细胞向造血干/祖细胞的定向诱导分化也为阐明哺乳动物造血发育的细胞和分子机制提供了良好的体外模型.对ES细胞向造血干/祖细胞定向分化的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

Zhao X  Malhotra GK  Band H  Band V 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35338
There is increasing evidence that breast and other cancers originate from and are maintained by a small fraction of stem/progenitor cells with self-renewal properties. Recent molecular profiling has identified six major subtypes of breast cancer: basal-like, ErbB2-overexpressing, normal breast epithelial-like, luminal A and B, and claudin-low subtypes. To help understand the relationship among mammary stem/progenitor cells and breast cancer subtypes, we have recently derived distinct hTERT-immortalized human mammary stem/progenitor cell lines: a K5(+)/K19(-) type, and a K5(+)/K19(+) type. Under specific culture conditions, bipotent K5(+)/K19(-) stem/progenitor cells differentiated into stable clonal populations that were K5(-)/K19(-) and exhibit self-renewal and unipotent myoepithelial differentiation potential in contrast to the parental K5(+)/K19(-) cells which are bipotent. These K5(-)/K19(-) cells function as myoepithelial progenitor cells and constitutively express markers of an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and show high invasive and migratory abilities. In addition, these cells express a microarray signature of claudin-low breast cancers. The EMT characteristics of an un-transformed unipotent mammary myoepithelial progenitor cells together with claudin-low signature suggests that the claudin-low breast cancer subtype may arise from myoepithelial lineage committed progenitors. Availability of immortal MPCs should allow a more definitive analysis of their potential to give rise to claudin-low breast cancer subtype and facilitate biological and molecular/biochemical studies of this disease.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion and migration are important determinants of homing and development of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in bone marrow (BM) niches. The extracellular matrix protein transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) inducible gene H3 (BIGH3) is involved in adhesion and migration, although the effect of BIGH3 is highly cell type-dependent. BIGH3 is abundantly expressed by mesenchymal stromal cells, while its expression in HSPCs is relatively low unless induced by certain BM stressors. Here, we set out to determine how BIGH3 modulates HSPC adhesion and migration. We show that primary HSPCs adhere to BIGH3-coated substrates, which is, in part, integrin-dependent. Overexpression of BIGH3 in HSPCs and HL60 cells reduced the adhesion to the substrate fibronectin in adhesion assays, which was even more profound in electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) assays. Accordingly, the CXCL12 induced migration over fibronectin-coated surface was reduced in BIGH3-expressing HSPCs. The integrin expression profile of HSPCs was not altered upon BIGH3 expression. Although expression of BIGH3 did not alter actin polymerization in response to CXCL12, it inhibited the PMA-induced activation of the small GTPase RAC1 as well as the phosphorylation and activation of extracellular-regulated kinases (ERKs). Reduced activation of ERK and RAC1 may be responsible for the inhibition of cell adhesion and migration by BIGH3 in HSPCs. Induced BIGH3 expression upon BM stress may contribute to the regulation of BM homeostasis.  相似文献   

Liver stem/progenitor cells (LPCs) are defined as cells that supply two types of liver epithelial cells, hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, during development, cellular turnover, and regeneration. Hepatoblasts, which are fetal LPCs derived from endoderm stem cells, robustly proliferate and differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes during fetal life. Between mid-gestation and the neonatal period, some cholangiocytes function as LPCs. Although LPCs in adult livers can be enriched in cells positive for cholangiocyte markers, their tissue localization and functions in cellular turnover remain obscure. On the other hand, it is well known that liver regeneration under conditions suppressing hepatocyte proliferation is supported by LPCs, though their origin has not been clearly identified. Recently many groups took advantage of new techniques including prospective isolation of LPCs by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and genetic lineage tracing to facilitate our understanding of epithelial supply in normal and injured livers. Those works suggest that, in normal livers, the turnover of hepatocytes mostly depends on duplication of hepatocytes. It is also demonstrated that liver epithelial cells as well as LPCs have great plasticity and flexible differentiation capability to respond to various types of injuries by protecting or repairing liver tissues.  相似文献   

Liver stem/progenitor cells (LPCs) are defined as cells that supply two types of liver epithelial cells, hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, during development, cellular turnover, and regeneration. Hepatoblasts, which are fetal LPCs derived from endoderm stem cells, robustly proliferate and differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes during fetal life. Between mid-gestation and the neonatal period, some cholangiocytes function as LPCs. Although LPCs in adult livers can be enriched in cells positive for cholangiocyte markers, their tissue localization and functions in cellular turnover remain obscure. On the other hand, it is well known that liver regeneration under conditions suppressing hepatocyte proliferation is supported by LPCs, though their origin has not been clearly identified. Recently many groups took advantage of new techniques including prospective isolation of LPCs by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and genetic lineage tracing to facilitate our understanding of epithelial supply in normal and injured livers. Those works suggest that, in normal livers, the turnover of hepatocytes mostly depends on duplication of hepatocytes. It is also demonstrated that liver epithelial cells as well as LPCs have great plasticity and flexible differentiation capability to respond to various types of injuries by protecting or repairing liver tissues.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the significance of cytokine expression in supernatant from hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSCs/HPCs) co-cultured with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Mononuclear cells (MNCs) were isolated from normal human umbilical cord blood and then cultured solely or co-cultured with MSCs or EPCs. Changes in the number of MNCs and HSCs/HPCs were observed, and MNC proliferation was tested by carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester. The cultured supernatants of the treated MSCs and EPCs were collected at 24 h after co-culture and used to determine the concentrations of IL-3, IL-6, stem cell factor (SCF), TPO, Flt3l, and VEGF. The total number and proliferation of MNCs increased significantly when co-cultured with MSCs or EPCs than when cultured alone, particularly when MNCs were co-cultured with EPCs. The differences in IL-3 and Flt3l concentrations between groups were not significant. However, IL-6 in the MSC group was significantly higher than that in the two other groups. The SCF and TPO concentrations were highly expressed in the EPC group. The VEGF concentrations in the MSC group and the EPC group were higher than those in the control group. These results indicated that MSCs and EPCs possibly favor the proliferation of MNCs and HSCs/HPCs. IL-6 and VEGF may be related to hematopoietic reconstitution and homing ability of HSCs/HPCs. TPO may have a specific relationship with the promotion of HSCs/HPCs differentiation.  相似文献   

Mao L  Wang JQ 《生理学报》2003,55(3):233-244
尽管传统概念长期认为成体哺乳动物中枢神经系统缺乏再生增殖能力,但近年来发现,在成体若干脑区内确实存在具有再生与分化能力的神经干或神经前体细胞。这些干细胞在正常倩况下仅表现较低的再生分化活动。不过,在神经退行性病变中,病灶区内的干细胞可被动员、激活,并以较高的速率分裂分化以及取代坏死的神经元或胶质细胞,达到自身原位修复的作用。许多神经生长和营养因子具有增强或抑制干细胞分裂秋或分化的能力,在神经退行性病变中,病灶区内外成熟或新生细胞即可通过表达这些因子,有效调节干细胞的活动和干细胞主导的修复过程。总之,成体神经干细胞可以积极参与急性或慢性神经组织损伤的修复,通过再生来提供新的神经元以及其他必需的细胞,以促进功能的恢复。  相似文献   

We acquire information from the outside world through our eyes which contain the retina, the photosensitive component of the central nervous system. Once the adult mammalian retina is damaged, the retinal neuronal death causes a severe loss of visual function. It has been believed that the adult mammalian retina had no regenerative capacity. However, the identification of neuronal progenitor cells in the retina sheds some light on cellular therapies for damaged retinal regeneration. In this review, we highlight three potential stem/progenitor cells in the eye, the ciliary body epithelium cells, the iris pigmented epithelium cells, and Müller glia. In order to make them prime candidates for the possible treatment of retinal diseases, it is important to understand their basic characters. In addition, we discuss the key signaling molecules that function extracellularly and determine whether neuronal progenitors remain quiescent, proliferate, or differentiate. Finally, we introduce a secreted protein, Tsukushi, which is a possible candidate as a niche molecule for retinal stem/progenitor cells.  相似文献   

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