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Perinatal asphyxia induces neuronal cell death and brain injury, and is often associated with irreversible neurological deficits in children. There is an urgent need to elucidate the neuronal death mechanisms occurring after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI). We here investigated the selective neuronal deletion of the Atg7 (autophagy related 7) gene on neuronal cell death and brain injury in a mouse model of severe neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. Neuronal deletion of Atg7 prevented HI-induced autophagy, resulted in 42% decrease of tissue loss compared to wild-type mice after the insult, and reduced cell death in multiple brain regions, including apoptosis, as shown by decreased caspase-dependent and -independent cell death. Moreover, we investigated the lentiform nucleus of human newborns who died after severe perinatal asphyxia and found increased neuronal autophagy after severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy compared to control uninjured brains, as indicated by the numbers of MAP1LC3B/LC3B (microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3)-, LAMP1 (lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1)-, and CTSD (cathepsin D)-positive cells. These findings reveal that selective neuronal deletion of Atg7 is strongly protective against neuronal death and overall brain injury occurring after HI and suggest that inhibition of HI-enhanced autophagy should be considered as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of human newborns developing severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Atg8 is a unique ubiquitin-like protein that is covalently conjugated with a phosphatidylethanolamine through reactions similar to ubiquitination and plays essential roles in autophagy. Atg7 is the E1 enzyme for Atg8, and it activates the C-terminal Gly116 of Atg8 using ATP. Here, we report the crystal structure of Atg8 bound to the C-terminal domain of Atg7 in an unprecedented mode. Atg8 neither contacts with the central β-sheet nor binds to the catalytic site of Atg7, both of which were observed in previously reported Atg7–Atg8 structures. Instead, Atg8 binds to the C-terminal α-helix and crossover loop, thereby changing the autoinhibited conformation of the crossover loop observed in the free Atg7 structure into a short helix and a disordered loop. Mutational analyses suggested that this interaction mode is important for the activation reaction. We propose that Atg7 recognizes Atg8 through multiple steps, which would be necessary to induce a conformational change in Atg7 that is optimal for the activation reaction.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP and glycogen concentrations and the activities of phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylase a and glycogen synthase a were not different in livers from lean or ob/ob mice despite increased plasma glucose and insulin in the obese group. The liver water content was decreased by 10% in the obese mice. In hepatocytes isolated from lean mice and incubated with increasing glucose concentrations (14-112 mM), a sequential inactivation of phosphorylase and activation of glycogen synthase was observed. In hepatocytes from obese mice the inactivation of phosphorylase was not followed by an activation of synthase. The inactivation of phosphorylase occurred more rapidly and was followed by an activation of synthase in hepatocytes isolated from both groups of mice when in the incubation medium Na+ was replaced by K+ or when Ca2+ was omitted and 2.5 mM-EGTA included. The inactivation of phosphorylase and activation of synthase were not different in broken-liver-cell preparations from lean and obese animals. The re-activation of phosphorylase in liver filtrates in the presence of 0.1 microM-cyclic AMP and MgATP was inhibited by about 70% by EGTA and stimulated by Ca2+ and was always greater in preparations from ob/ob mice. The apparent paradox between the impairment of glycogen metabolism in isolated liver preparations and the situation in vivo in obese mice is discussed.  相似文献   

L-glutamate overproduction in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a biotin auxotroph, is induced by biotin limitation or by treatment with certain fatty acid ester surfactants or with penicillin. We have analyzed the relationship between the inductions, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (ODHC) activity, and L-glutamate production. Here we show that a strain deleted for odhA and completely lacking ODHC activity produces L-glutamate as efficiently as the induced wild type (27.8 mmol/g [dry weight] of cells for the ohdA deletion strain compared with only 1.0 mmol/g [dry weight] of cells for the uninduced wild type). This level of production is achieved without any induction or alteration in the fatty acid composition of the cells, showing that L-glutamate overproduction can be caused by the change in metabolic flux alone. Interestingly, the L-glutamate productivity of the odhA-deleted strain is increased about 10% by each of the L-glutamate-producing inductions, showing that the change in metabolic flux resulting from the odhA deletion and the inductions have additive effects on L-glutamate overproduction. Tween 40 was indicated to induce drastic metabolic change leading to L-glutamate overproduction in the odhA-deleted strain. Furthermore, optimizing the metabolic flux from 2-oxoglutarate to L-glutamate by tuning glutamate dehydrogenase activity increased the l-glutamate production of the odhA-deleted strain.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) is endocytosed by alveolar epithelial cells and degraded by lysosomal-type phospholipase A2 (aiPLA2). This enzyme is identical to peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6), a bifunctional protein with PLA2 and GSH peroxidase activities. Lung phospholipid was studied in Prdx6 knockout (Prdx6-/-) mice. The normalized content of total phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine (PC), and disaturated phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung lamellar bodies, and lung homogenate was unchanged with age in wild-type mice but increased progressively in Prdx6-/- animals. Degradation of internalized [3H]DPPC in isolated mouse lungs after endotracheal instillation of unilamellar liposomes labeled with [3H]DPPC was significantly decreased at 2 h in Prdx6-/- mice (13.6 +/- 0.3% vs. 26.8 +/- 0.8% in the wild type), reflected by decreased dpm in the lysophosphatidylcholine and the unsaturated PC fractions. Incorporation of [14C]palmitate into DSPC at 24 h after intravenous injection was decreased by 73% in lamellar bodies and by 54% in alveolar lavage surfactant in Prdx6-/- mice, whereas incorporation of [3H]choline was decreased only slightly. Phospholipid metabolism in Prdx6-/- lungs was similar to that in wild-type lungs treated with MJ33, an inhibitor of aiPLA2 activity. These results confirm an important role for Prdx6 in lung surfactant DPPC degradation and synthesis by the reacylation pathway.  相似文献   

Mice with muscle-specific knockout of the Glut4 glucose transporter (muscle-G4KO) are insulin resistant and mildly diabetic. Here we show that despite markedly reduced glucose transport in muscle, muscle glycogen content in the fasted state is increased. We sought to determine the mechanism(s). Basal glycogen synthase activity is increased by 34% and glycogen phosphorylase activity is decreased by 17% (P < 0.05) in muscle of muscle-G4KO mice. Contraction-induced glycogen breakdown is normal. The increased glycogen synthase activity occurs in spite of decreased signaling through the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1)-phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase-Akt pathway and increased glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3beta) activity in the basal state. Hexokinase II is increased, leading to an approximately twofold increase in glucose-6-phosphate levels. In addition, the levels of two scaffolding proteins that are glycogen-targeting subunits of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), the muscle-specific regulatory subunit (RGL) and the protein targeting to glycogen (PTG), are strikingly increased by 3.2- to 4.2-fold in muscle of muscle-G4KO mice compared to wild-type mice. The catalytic activity of PP1, which dephosphorylates and activates glycogen synthase, is also increased. This dominates over the GSK3 effects, since glycogen synthase phosphorylation on the GSK3-regulated site is decreased. Thus, the markedly reduced glucose transport in muscle results in increased glycogen synthase activity due to increased hexokinase II, glucose-6-phosphate, and RGL and PTG levels and enhanced PP1 activity. This, combined with decreased glycogen phosphorylase activity, results in increased glycogen content in muscle in the fasted state when glucose transport is reduced.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's diseases and schizophrenia have been associated with a deficit in glutathione (GSH). In particular, a polymorphism in the gene of glutamate cysteine ligase modulatory subunit (GCLM) is associated with schizophrenia. GSH is the most important intracellular antioxidant and is necessary for the removal of reactive by-products generated by the utilization of glucose for energy supply. Furthermore, glucose metabolism through the pentose phosphate pathway is a major source of NADPH, the cofactor necessary for the regeneration of reduced glutathione. This study aims at investigating glucose metabolism in cultured astrocytes from GCLM knockout mice, which show decreased GSH levels. No difference in the basal metabolism of glucose was observed between wild-type and knockout cells. In contrast, glycogen levels were lower and its turnover was higher in knockout astrocytes. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in the expression of the genes involved in its synthesis and degradation, including the protein targeting to glycogen. During an oxidative challenge induced by tert-Butylhydroperoxide, wild-type cells increased their glycogen mobilization and glucose uptake. However, knockout astrocytes were unable to mobilize glycogen following the same stress and they could increase their glucose utilization only following a major oxidative insult. Altogether, these results show that glucose metabolism and glycogen utilization are dysregulated in astrocytes showing a chronic deficit in GSH, suggesting that alterations of a fundamental aspect of brain energy metabolism is caused by GSH deficit and may therefore be relevant to metabolic dysfunctions observed in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Glc7p is an essential serine/threonine type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has a role in many processes including cell cycle progression, sporulation, glycogen accumulation, translation initiation, and glucose repression. Two hallmarks of PP1 enzymes are very high amino acid sequence conservation and association of the catalytic subunit with a variety of noncatalytic, regulatory subunits. We tested the hypothesis that PP1 sequence conservation was the result of each PP1 residue playing a role in multiple intermolecular interactions. Analysis of 24 glc7 mutants, isolated primarily by their glycogen accumulation traits, revealed that every mutated Glc7p residue altered many noncatalytic subunit affinities and conferred unselected sporulation traits to various degrees. Furthermore, quantitative analysis showed that Glc7p affinity for the glycogen-binding noncatalytic subunit Gac1p was not the only parameter that determines the glycogen accumulation by a glc7 mutant. Sds22p is one Glc7p noncatalytic subunit that is essential for mitotic growth. Surprisingly, several mutant Glc7p proteins had undetectable affinity for Sds22p, yet grew apparently normally. The characterization of glc7 diploid sporulation revealed that Glc7p has at least two meiotic roles. Premeiotic DNA synthesis was undetectable in glc7 mutants with the poorest sporulation. In the glc7 diploids examined, expression of the meiotic inducer IME1 was proportional to the glc7 diploid sporulation frequency. Moreover, IME1 hyperexpression could not suppress glc7 sporulation traits. The Glc7p/Gip1p holoenzyme may participate in completion of meiotic divisions or spore packaging because meiotic dyads predominate when some glc7 diploids sporulate.  相似文献   

Contractile function and substrate metabolism were characterized in perfused hearts from genetically diabetic C57BL/KsJ-lepr(db)/lepr(db) (db/db) mice and their non-diabetic lean littermates. Contractility was assessed in working hearts by measuring left ventricular pressures and cardiac power. Rates of glycolysis, glucose oxidation, and fatty acid oxidation were measured using radiolabeled substrates ([5-(3)H]glucose, [U-(14)C]glucose, and [9,10-(3)H]palmitate) in the perfusate. Contractile dysfunction in db/db hearts was evident, with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure and decreased left ventricular developed pressure, cardiac output, and cardiac power. The rate of glycolysis from exogenous glucose in diabetic hearts was 48% of control, whereas glucose oxidation was depressed to only 16% of control. In contrast, palmitate oxidation was increased twofold in db/db hearts. The hypothesis that altered metabolism plays a causative role in diabetes-induced contractile dysfunction was tested using perfused hearts from transgenic db/db mice that overexpress GLUT-4 glucose transporters. Both glucose metabolism and palmitate metabolism were normalized in hearts from db/db-human insulin-regulatable glucose transporter (hGLUT-4) hearts, as was contractile function. These findings strongly support a causative role of impaired metabolism in the cardiomyopathy observed in db/db diabetic hearts.  相似文献   

The neutrophil has been implicated as a source of oxygen free radicals provoking the reperfusion injury in various ischemic organs. This provided the motivation to explore the pathophysiologic role of the neutrophil in a swine model of postischemic latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps. Neutrophil function, neutrophil sequestration, and the anatomic distribution of muscle injury were estimated following a 6- to 8-hour global ischemic insult. Neutrophil function as measured by phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated superoxide production was found to be enhanced on reperfusion of ischemic flaps (n = 17). Neutrophil sequestration estimated from the arterial-venous difference of flap blood (n = 12) demonstrated that postischemic flaps more avidly sequester neutrophils than nonischemic flaps. The anatomic distribution of muscle injury (n = 7) was predominantly localized to the proximal portion of the ischemic flap. The enhanced functional response exhibited by neutrophils reperfusing an ischemic myocutaneous flap supports an active neutrophil role in the mediation of reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERP) research has identified a negative deflection within about 100 to 150 ms after an erroneous response--the error-related negativity (ERN)--as a correlate of awareness-independent error processing. The short latency suggests an internal error monitoring system acting rapidly based on central information such as an efference copy signal. Studies on monkeys and humans have identified the thalamus as an important relay station for efference copy signals of ongoing saccades. The present study investigated error processing on an antisaccade task with ERPs in six patients with focal vascular damage to the thalamus and 28 control subjects. ERN amplitudes were significantly reduced in the patients, with the strongest ERN attenuation being observed in two patients with right mediodorsal and ventrolateral and bilateral ventrolateral damage, respectively. Although the number of errors was significantly higher in the thalamic lesion patients, the degree of ERN attenuation did not correlate with the error rate in the patients. The present data underline the role of the thalamus for the online monitoring of saccadic eye movements, albeit not providing unequivocal evidence in favour of an exclusive role of a particular thalamic site being involved in performance monitoring. By relaying saccade-related efference copy signals, the thalamus appears to enable fast error processing. Furthermore early error processing based on internal information may contribute to error awareness which was reduced in the patients.  相似文献   

Field metabolic rates (via doubly labeled water), body compartmentalization of energy stores, and energy assimilation efficiencies were measured to assess all avenues of energy utilization in Uta stansburiana living in a low-level gamma-irradiated plot in Rock-Valley, Nevada. Comparison of energy budgets for radiation-sterilized females with those of nonirradiated control lizards revealed several substantial differences. Sterile females were heavier, mainly because they had extraordinarily large energy (fat) storage depots. Sterile females had much lower rates of energy expenditure via respiration and lower rates of energy intake by feeding. These differences are interpreted as indirect responses to radiation-induced sterility. Gastrointestinal tract function in sterile females was normal. There is little evidence of direct radiation effects on physiological functions other than reproduction.  相似文献   

An adenosine deaminase (ADA;EC B lymphoblastoid cell line BAD05 derived from a Japanese patient with severe combined immunodeficiency was characterized. As previously reported, one allele of BAD05 expresses undetectable ADA mRNA, and the other allele produces an aberrant mRNA without exon 7. Genomic ADA DNA of BAD05 spanning from a portion of exon 6 to a portion of exon 8 was amplified by PCR. The amplified fragments were cloned into a vector, and 8 clones were isolated and sequenced. The analytical result showed a single base change of G to A at the invariant 5′ GT of intron 7 of ADA gene in one allele of BAD05, which accounts for the elimination of exon 7 during splicing. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest regarding the use of camptothecins (CPTs) for the management of ovarian cancer. Since topoisomerase I has been established as a prime target of these drugs in other experimental models, it was important to determine whether sensitivity to CPTs in ovarian cancer cells is also correlated with the cellular level of this enzyme. Despite the 7-fold increase in topoisomerase expression achieved by adenovirus-mediated expression, the sensitivity to a CPT derivative (topotecan), was not improved compared with control cells harboring an endogenous level of the enzyme. This observation is in accordance with the similar level of topoisomerase I activity found in control and overexpressing cells and suggests that these cells may efficiently regulate the enzyme activity. Indeed, topoisomerase I overexpressing cells are characterized by a lack of alkaline phosphatase sensitivity and elimination of the hyperphosphorylated form of the protein. Taken together, these observations strongly suggest that an alteration in the phosphorylation state of topoisomerase I could limit its activity and prevent improvement of CPT response in ovarian cancer cells. In addition, a limited extent of topoisomerase I phosphorylating activity was found in nuclear extract of OVCAR-3 cells. Hence, providing enhancement in topoisomerase I expression may not result in improvement of CPT response in ovarian cancer cells because of an efficient control of the phosphorylation state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We carried out molecular analyses of the novel flaky skin mutation, Ttc7(fsn-Jic )(a synonym for fsn(Jic)), which we found in a previous study. It was revealed that this mutation involved a genomic in-frame deletion including exons 9 and 10 of the Ttc7 gene, and that the genomic deletion in Ttc7 (fsn-Jic )may disrupt the tetratricopeptide repeat-2B domain of the TTC7 protein. Based on a comparison of three Ttc7 mutations, including Ttc7(fsn-J )(a synonym for fsn) and Ttc7(fsn-hea )(a synonym for hea), it was suggested that either exon 9 or exon 10 or both may play a more important role than the other exons of the Ttc7 gene. Ttc7 gene expression analyses using Northern blotting revealed that Ttc7 mRNA is expressed in 11 tissues, except muscle. In conclusion, we confirmed that the Ttc7 (fsn-Jic )mutation, as well as the Ttc7(fsn-J )and Ttc7 (fsn-hea )mutations, is responsible for abnormal phenotypes observed in various tissues of mice with the flaky skin mutation.  相似文献   

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