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The majority of vertebrates have a life span of greater than one year. Therefore individuals must be able to adapt to the annual cycle of changing conditions by adjusting morphology, physiology and behaviour. Phenotypic flexibility, in which an individual switches from one life history stage to another, is one way to maximize fitness in a changing environment. When environmental variation is low, few life history stages are needed. If environmental variation is large, there are more life history stages. Each life history stage has a characteristic set of sub-stages that can be expressed in various combinations and patterns to determine state at any point in the life of the individual. Thus individuals have a finite number of states that can be expressed over the spectrum of environmental conditions in their life spans. Life history stages have three phases-development, mature capability (when characteristic sub-stages can be expressed) and termination. Expression of a stage is time dependent (probably a minimum of one month), and termination of one stage overlaps development of the next stage. It follows that the more life history stages an individual expresses, the less flexibility it will have in timing those stages. Having fewer life history stages increases flexibility in timing, but less tolerance of variation in environmental conditions. To varying degrees it is possible to overlap mature capability of some life history stages to effectively reduce 'finite stage diversity' and maximize flexibility in timing. Theoretical ways by which this can be done, and the implications for neuroendocrine and endocrine control mechanisms are discussed. Twelve testable hypotheses are posed that relate directly to control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Organisms living today are descended from ancestors that experienced considerable climate change in the past. However, they are currently presented with many new, man-made challenges, including rapid climate change. Migration and reproduction of many avian species are controlled by endogenous mechanisms that have been under intense selection over time to ensure that arrival to and departure from breeding grounds is synchronized with moderate temperatures, peak food availability and availability of nesting sites. The timing of egg laying is determined, usually by both endogenous clocks and local factors, so that food availability is near optimal for raising young. Climate change is causing mismatches in food supplies, snow cover and other factors that could severely impact successful migration and reproduction of avian populations unless they are able to adjust to new conditions. Resident (non-migratory) birds also face challenges if precipitation and/or temperature patterns vary in ways that result in mismatches of food and breeding. Predictions that many existing climates will disappear and novel climates will appear in the future suggest that communities will be dramatically restructured by extinctions and changes in range distributions. Species that persist into future climates may be able to do so in part owing to the genetic heritage passed down from ancestors who survived climate changes in the past.  相似文献   

This paper reviews information from ecological and physiological studies to assess how extrinsic factors can modulate intrinsic physiological processes. The annual cycle of birds is made up of a sequence of life-history stages: breeding, moult and migration. Each stage has evolved to occur at the optimum time and to last for the whole duration of time available. Some species have predictable breeding seasons, others are more flexible and some breed opportunistically in response to unpredictable food availability. Photoperiod is the principal environmental cue used to time each stage, allowing birds to adapt their physiology in advance of predictable environmental changes. Physiological (neuroendocrine and endocrine) plasticity allows non-photoperiodic cues to modulate timing to enable individuals to cope with, and benefit from, short-term environmental variability. Although the timing and duration of the period of full gonadal maturation is principally controlled by photoperiod, non-photoperiodic cues, such as temperature, rainfall or food availability, could potentially modulate the exact time of breeding either by fine-tuning the time of egg-laying within the period of full gonadal maturity or, more fundamentally, by modulating gonadal maturation and/or regression. The timing of gonadal regression affects the time of the start of moult, which in turn may affect the duration of the moult. There are many areas of uncertainty. Future integrated studies are required to assess the scope for flexibility in life-history strategies as this will have a critical bearing on whether birds can adapt sufficiently rapidly to anthropogenic environmental changes, in particular climate change.  相似文献   

Regulation of the immune response to self-antigens is a complex process that involves maintaining self-tolerance while preserving the capacity to exert an effective immune response. The primary mechanism that leads to self-tolerance is central tolerance. However, potential pathogenic autoreactive lymphocytes are normally present in the periphery of all individuals. This suggests the existence of mechanisms of peripheral tolerance that prevent the initiation of autoimmune diseases by limiting the activation of autoreactive lymphocytes. If these mechanisms of peripheral tolerance are impaired, the autoreactive lymphocytes may be activated and autoimmune diseases can develop. Several processes are involved in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance: the active suppression mediated by regulatory T cell populations, the different maturation state of antigen-presenting cells presenting the autoantigen to autoreactive lymphocytes, inducing tolerance instead of cell activation, the characteristics of B cell populations. A deeper comprehension of these mechanisms may lead to important therapeutic applications, such as the development of cellular vaccines for organ-specific autoimmune diseases. In addition, autoimmunity does not always have pathological consequences, but may exert a protective function, as suggested by several observations on the beneficial role of autoreactive T cells in central nervous system injury.  相似文献   

Summary The decreasing effect of -adrenergic blockade on skin resistance to vapor diffusion and the onset of cutaneous water evaporation in the pigeon (Columba livia) was investigated. Oral administration of 1, 2.3 and 5 mg propranolol to pigeons (268±53 g) initiated intensive trans-cutaneous water evaporation (CWE) up to 29.1 mg H2O·cm–2·h–1 in resting birds at 30°C air temperature (Ta), but had only a slight effect on CWE of birds exposed to 50 °C Ta.After 7 h of effective -adrenergic blockade (oral administration of 5 mg propranolol), skin and body temperature stabilized at 39.0±0.5 °C and 41.0±0.7 °C, compared to 40.2±0.8 °C and 41.9±0.6 °C in the control group, respectively. A slight hypothermia was accompanied by feather fluffing.Intradermal injection of 0.001, 0.01 and 0.12 mg propranolol also caused intensive CWE. Local -adrenergic blockade in relatively low blocker doses (0.001 and 0.01 mg propranolol) decreased skin resistance from a high value of 44.5 s·cm–1 to about 6.0 s·cm–1, and caused a sharp increase in CWE from a control value of about 4 to a high of 26.4 mg H2O·cm–2·h–1 during the first two hours of exposure to 30°C Ta.The possible role of -adrenergic blockade in regulation of trans-cutaneous water evaporation of latent heat dissipation is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of the thyroid in endocrine control mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The annual cycles of forest birds in Jamaica were found to be very similar to those at higher latitudes. Most species bred between March and September, though a few possibly breed throughout the year, especially in cultivated areas. Primary moult followed immediately after breeding, and in some species was apparently arrested to allow a further breeding attempt. Several species were fatter outside the breeding season than during it, and this is interpreted as "winter fattening" comparable to that found in many birds at higher latitudes. Weights varied little but individuals retrapped were usually heavier outside the breeding season. In some species the first complete moult took place at the end of the first year, implying that the birds do not breed until at least two years old.  相似文献   

Hormones in the city: endocrine ecology of urban birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization dramatically changes the landscape, presenting organisms with novel challenges and often leading to reduced species diversity. Urban ecologists have documented numerous biotic and abiotic consequences of urbanization, such as altered climate, species interactions, and community composition, but we lack an understanding of the mechanisms underlying organisms' responses to urbanization. Here, I review findings from the nascent field of study of the endocrine ecology of urban birds. Thus far, no clear or consistent patterns have been revealed, but we do have evidence that urban habitat can shape endocrine traits, and that those traits might contribute to adaptation to the urban environment. I suggest strong approaches for future work addressing exciting questions about the role of endocrine traits in mediating responses to urbanization within species across the globe.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of research concerning the heart being an important regulator of renal fluid and electrolyte excretion. This cardiac-renal connection involves two different types of major mechanisms, both of which are covered in this review. The first of these to be discovered was neural reflex regulation. This type of control is due to the fact that the heart possesses nerve receptors whose activity is altered by changes in the degree of cardiac stretch that occur as a result of changes in blood volume. These receptors affect various humoral, neural, and perhaps hemodynamic mechanisms that modify renal excretion. A second, more recently discovered type of regulation is based on the concept that the heart is also an endocrine gland. Similar to neural receptor activity, cardiac hormone secretion is also linked to the degree of cardiac stretch or filling. These cardiac peptides have been shown to have a variety of physiologic effects, most of which directly or indirectly affect renal excretion. Both of the above cardiorenal control mechanisms, one neural and one humoral, may be important not only in maintaining normal fluid-electrolyte balance but may also have pathophysiologic relevance.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants are powerful climate sentinels because their annual cycles of growth, reproduction and senescence are finely tuned to the annual climate cycle having a period of one year. Consistency in the seasonal phasing of terrestrial plant activity provides a relatively low-noise background from which phenological shifts can be detected and attributed to climate change. Here, we ask whether phytoplankton biomass also fluctuates over a consistent annual cycle in lake, estuarine–coastal and ocean ecosystems and whether there is a characteristic phenology of phytoplankton as a consistent phase and amplitude of variability. We compiled 125 time series of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a concentration) from temperate and subtropical zones and used wavelet analysis to extract their dominant periods of variability and the recurrence strength at those periods. Fewer than half (48%) of the series had a dominant 12-month period of variability, commonly expressed as the canonical spring-bloom pattern. About 20 per cent had a dominant six-month period of variability, commonly expressed as the spring and autumn or winter and summer blooms of temperate lakes and oceans. These annual patterns varied in recurrence strength across sites, and did not persist over the full series duration at some sites. About a third of the series had no component of variability at either the six- or 12-month period, reflecting a series of irregular pulses of biomass. These findings show that there is high variability of annual phytoplankton cycles across ecosystems, and that climate-driven annual cycles can be obscured by other drivers of population variability, including human disturbance, aperiodic weather events and strong trophic coupling between phytoplankton and their consumers. Regulation of phytoplankton biomass by multiple processes operating at multiple time scales adds complexity to the challenge of detecting climate-driven trends in aquatic ecosystems where the noise to signal ratio is high.  相似文献   

In Israel, the head louse, Pediculus capitis, developed resistance to DDT through the extensive use of this insecticide until the 1980s. In 1991, permethrin was introduced for control of DDT resistant P. capitis in Israel, leading to control failure of this pyrethroid insecticide by 1994. Pyrethroid resistance of P. capitis in Israel extends to phenothrin, which has not been used for louse control. We identified a glutathione S-transferase(GST)-based mechanism of DDT resistance in the Israeli head lice. This GST mechanism occurred before 1989, while permethrin resistance in P. capitis developed after 1994, suggesting that the main GST resistance mechanism selected by DDT use does not confer any pyrethroid cross-resistance. Esterase activity levels were equivalent in pyrethroid resistant and susceptible P. capitis field-collected in Israel, and in a susceptible strain of P. humanus, the body louse, indicating no involvement of any esterase-based mechanism in resistance. A weak monooxygenase-based permethrin metabolism resistance mechanism was the only factor identified which could account for any of the observed pyrethroid resistance in P. capitis. However, the lack of synergism of phenothrin resistance by piperonyl butoxide suggests that a non-oxidative mechanism is also present in the resistant lice. Therefore it seems probable that pyrethroid resistance in Israeli P. capitis is due to a combination of nerve insensitivity (knockdown resistance or 'kdr') and monooxygenase resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

A discussion of mathematical modelling of water quality, including a summary of the parameters considered, a comparison of the two major model types (stochastic and deterministic) and a review of the validation process, is presented. A water quality model currently being developed is discussed and a list of ecological models already developed is given.  相似文献   


Reproduction is a part of life cycle with great environmental dependence. In contrast to temperate avian species, which mostly breed during summer, the Indian songbirds have more flexible breeding programs and exhibit a spectrum of reproductive strategies with the breeding season scattered all over the year. Control of breeding cycles in the Indian songbirds, therefore, are broadly viewed in light of two strategies (i) birds showing strong photoperiodic component in regulation of reproductive and post-reproductive events (ii) birds that do not exhibit typical photoperiodic regulation indicating the involvement of an inherent rhythm of reproduction. Both circadian and circannual rhythms have been demonstrated to regulate annual gonadal cycles of Indian songbirds. While photoperiod continues to be a predominant proximate factor for timing of breeding in majority of Indian songbirds investigated so far, some studies reveal the role of non photoperiodic cues such as the food availability, temperature, rainfall, etc. in timing/modulating the timing of breeding. The conversion or non-conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine may act as a long or short photoperiod signal and may up or downregulate the synthesis and release of GnRH-I in hypothalamus, FSH and LH in anterior pituitary and gonadal steroids in gonads causing gonadal growth or regression, respectively.  相似文献   

This study presents three models to explain the mechanism oflast male sperm precedence in birds. Because passive loss ofsperm from the female reproductive tract occurs, all modelsincorporate this process. The three models are passive spermloss alone, stratification with passive sperm loss, and displacementwith passive sperm loss. With two inseminations containing thesame number of sperm, the models make the following predictions.For passive sperm loss alone, (1) differential paternity ispositively and linearly related to the time interval betweeninseminations, (2) with a slope that is equal to rate of lossof sperm from the female reproductive tract, (3) with an interceptthat is the same as the differential fertilizing capacity betweenthe semen of the two inseminations, and (4) the ratio of offspringfrom two inseminations remains constant over time. For stratification,(1) the relationship between differential paternity and theinterval between inseminations is nonlinear and exhibits a "brokenstick" pattern, with a substantial first-insemination precedencefor short intervals, and (2) the proportion of offspring fatheredby the first insemination increases over time. For displacement,the relationship between differential paternity and the intervalbetween inseminations is nonlinear and also exhibits a "brokenstick" pattern, but in contrast to the stratification model,sperm from the last insemination have precedence. Data fromthree experimental studies of the domestic fowl and one forthe turkey provide the opportunity to test these models, albeitto different extents. The data from all studies are consistentwith the passive sperm-loss model, except that one aspect ofone data set provided ambiguous support for stratification.None of the data provided any support for the displacement model.  相似文献   

Although the strength of quantal synaptic transmission is jointly controlled by pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms, the presynaptic mechanisms remain substantially less well characterized. Recent studies reveal that a single package of neurotransmitter is generally insufficient to activate all available postsynaptic receptors, whereas the sum of transmitter from multiple vesicles can result in receptor saturation. Thus, depending upon the number of vesicles released, a given synaptic pathway might be either 'reliable' or 'unreliable'. A lack of receptor saturation in turn makes it possible to modify quantal size by altering the flux of transmitter through the synaptic cleft. Studies are now illuminating several new mechanisms behind the regulation of this transmitter flux--characteristics that control how transmitter is loaded into vesicles, how it is released and the manner by which it interacts with postsynaptic receptors.  相似文献   

The often extraordinary navigational behavior of birds is based in part on their ability to learn map-like representations of the heterogeneous distribution of environmental stimuli in space. Whether navigating small-scale laboratory environments or large-scale field environments, birds appear to be reliant on a directional framework, for example that provided by the sun, to learn how stimuli are distributed in space and to represent them as a map. The avian hippocampus plays a critical role in some aspects of map learning. Recent results from electrophysiological studies hint at the possibility that different aspects of space may be represented in the activity of different neuronal types in the avian hippocampus.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction of photoperiod and temperature in regulating the parr-smolt transformation and its endocrine control. Atlantic salmon juveniles were reared at a constant temperature of 10 degrees C or ambient temperature (2 degrees C from January to April followed by seasonal increase) under simulated natural day length. At 10 degrees C, an increase in day length [16 h of light and 8 h of darkness (LD 16:8)] in February accelerated increases in gill Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, whereas fish at ambient temperature did not respond to increased day length. Increases in gill Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity under both photoperiods occurred later at ambient temperature than at 10 degrees C. Plasma growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor, and thyroxine increased within 7 days of increased day length at 10 degrees C and remained elevated for 5-9 wk; the same photoperiod treatment at 2 degrees C resulted in much smaller increases of shorter duration. Plasma cortisol increased transiently 3 and 5 wk after LD 16:8 at 10 degrees C and ambient temperature, respectively. Plasma thyroxine was consistently higher at ambient temperature than at 10 degrees C. Plasma triiodothyronine was initially higher at 10 degrees C than at ambient temperature, and there was no response to LD 16:8 under either temperature regimen. There was a strong correlation between gill Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and plasma GH; correlations were weaker with other hormones. The results provide evidence that low temperature limits the physiological response to increased day length and that GH, insulin-like growth factor I, cortisol, and thyroid hormones mediate the environmental control of the parr-smolt transformation.  相似文献   

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