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目的:研究全日制专升本医学微生物学教学改革方法及效果。方法:选取滨州医学院药学院2010年入学全日制药学专升本学生140人,随机分为2组。实验组实施教学模式改革,对照组采取传统教授法教学模式。问卷调查对比两组学生对教师授课的满意度,统计分析两组学生理论考试成绩。结果:实验组学生对教师授课满意度高于对照组,实验组考试成绩高于对照组,差异有显著性。结论:对全日制专升本学生实施教学模式改革,做到了因材施教,促进学生对知识的融会贯通,改革后教学模式的教学效果优于传统教学模式。  相似文献   

From its inception, EFOMP has pursued a policy to improve and coordinate education and training of medical physicists across all its participating European countries. Several EFOMP policy statements on education and training have been published and surveys have been held to get an overview of the actual situation. At the beginning of 2020 a new survey was distributed amongst the 36 National Member Organizations (NMOs), in which questions were based on recommendations published in the most recent policy statements. Thirty-three of the NMOs (91%) responded, of which 22 indicated having a National Registration Scheme (NRS) for Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) in place. Another 6 indicated considering such a scheme.Results of the questionnaire showed that there was good correspondence between education and training programmes, i.e. a division between a BSc phase, an MSc phase and a clinical phase after completion of the MSc. Differences between NRSs were primarily seen in the availability and composition of a supervising committee and in the availability of guidelines for handling professional misconduct. In addition, some differences were seen in the topics that were part of the education and training programme.The goal of a universal (registered) MPE accepted by all European countries is still far away despite the progress being made. The new procedure for approving an existing NRS, which fulfils all EFOMP criteria is seen as an important step forward. Exchange of experience, knowledge, ideas and, above all, MPE trainees between European countries is seen as the best approach to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has voted in favour of a revised version of the amendment to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature that was proposed in 2008. The purpose of the amendment is to expand and refine the methods of publication allowed by the Code, particularly in relation to electronic publication. The amendment establishes an Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (with ZooBank as its online version), allows electronic publication after 2011 under certain conditions, and disallows publication on optical discs after 2012. The requirements for electronic publications are that the work be registered in ZooBank before it is published, that the work itself state the date of publication and contain evidence that registration has occurred, and that the ZooBank registration state both the name of an electronic archive intended to preserve the work and the ISSN or ISBN associated with the work. Registration of new scientific names and nomenclatural acts is not required. The Commission has confirmed that ZooBank is ready to handle the requirements of the amendment.  相似文献   

Lymphocytosis has been produced in mice and rats using heparin and other sulphated polysaccharides. Two hours after heparin (50 mg/kg ip) the concentration of lymphocytes in mouse blood increased threefold; it fell to control levels after 9 hr. The height of the lymphocytosis was related to the dose of heparin injected. After intravenous heparin in rats there was a comparable lymphocytosis maximal 1 hr after injection. In mice other negatively charged sulphated polysaccharides also caused lymphocytoses, which were greater and occurred later with increase in molecular weight of the substance injected. Results in rats were similar. No lymphocytosis followed the injection of negatively charged phosphated dextrans, positively charged DEAE dextran, or neutral dextran. There was no correlation between the effect of these substances on lymphocytes and their effect on coagulation of blood, hepatic phagocytosis, or the immune response to sheep red blood cells.  相似文献   

This EFOMP Policy Statement is an amalgamation and an update of the EFOMP Policy Statements No. 2, 4 and 7. It presents guidelines for the roles, responsibilities and status of the medical physicist together with recommended minimum staffing levels. These recommendations take into account the ever-increasing demands for competence, patient safety, specialisation and cost effectiveness of modern healthcare services, the requirements of the European Union Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down the basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation, the European Commission’s Radiation Protection Report No. 174: “Guidelines on medical physics expert”, as well as the relevant publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The provided recommendations on minimum staffing levels are in very good agreement with those provided by both the European Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者心理弹性水平与生活质量、焦虑抑郁和医学应对方式的相关性。方法:选取2019年3月~2020年8月期间我院收治的AMI患者142例。分别采用心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)、生活质量自评量表 (WHOQOL-BREF)、Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)、Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)、医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ)评估所有患者的心理弹性水平、生活质量、焦虑抑郁情况和医学应对方式,并与国内常模对比。采用Pearson相关性分析心理弹性评分与生活质量评分、焦虑抑郁评分和医学应对方式评分的相关性。结果:AMI患者力量、坚韧性、乐观性各维度评分及CD-RISC总分均较国内常模低(P<0.05)。AMI患者心理、生理、社会关系、环境以及WHOQOL-BREF平均分均低于国内常模(P<0.05)。AMI患者SAS、SDS评分均高于国内常模(P<0.05)。AMI患者回避、屈服评分较国内常模高,面对评分低于国内常模(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析结果显示:CD-RISC总分与WHOQOL-BREF平均分、面对评分呈正相关,而与SAS、SDS、回避、屈服评分呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:AMI患者心理弹性水平与焦虑抑郁、生活质量和医学应对方式相关,治疗时应采取相应措施提高患者应对疾病的能力,通过提高AMI患者的心理弹性,缓解其焦虑、抑郁情绪,进而提高生活质量。  相似文献   

商品大米中Cd、Pb、Cr的污染状况及健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解本地商品大米中重金属的污染情况,采用微波消解法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法,对144个大米样品进行Cd、Pb和Cr含量的检测,采用单项污染指数和内梅罗综合指数法对其污染状况和健康风险进行分析评价。结果表明,样品中Cd、Pb和Cr的超标率分别为0.69%、27.78%和34.03%。无等级大米中3种重金属的超标率高于有等级大米,但差异不显著。本土商品大米样品中Cd的含量显著高于外省样品,Pb含量差异不显著,Cr的含量显著低于外省样品。144个样品中处于安全级别的样品仅占63.89%。健康风险评价结果显示,当地居民通过食用大米实际摄入Cd和Pb的量都低于FAO/WHO推荐的每人每日的允许摄入量,不存在严重的健康风险,但却存在Cr的健康风险问题。  相似文献   

A fast and sensitive method for the determination of putrescine, spermidine and spermine by high-performance liquid chromatography is described. These compounds are converted to their fluorescent dansyl derivatives and are separated by a reversed-phase chromatographic system (Micropak CH-10) with water and acetonitrile as mobile phase. The sensitivity of the method is 30 pmoles.The application of the method to the determination of polyamines in blood is described. It was found that most of the polyamines circulating in blood are localized in the erythrocytes, their content in normal human blood being spermidine 14.1 ± 3.1, and spermine 8.4 ± 2.8 nmoles/ml packed erythrocytes. Putrescine is not present in normal human erythrocytes. The polyamine level in serum is less than 0.1 nmole/ml.The polyamine content of the erythrocytes from patients with malignant neoplasm was significantly elevated.  相似文献   

In vitro stimulation of incorporation of tritiated thymidine by human peripheral lymphocytes in response to two soluble antigens and three different intact but nonviable fungal forms of Coccidioides immitis was studied. Lymphocytes were obtained from three groups of subjects: healthy skin test positive, healthy skin test negative, and disseminated disease. Dose-response relationships to the intact forms (endospores, arthrospores, and spherules) were determined. Responses of lymphocytes from healthy skin test-positive subjects and subjects with disseminated disease were similar. Ranking of antigens by “potency” gave the following results: endospores = spherulin > mycelial filtrate > arthrospores = spherules. Endospores were the most potent of the intact forms in 10 of 11 subjects. The clear superiority of endospores over spherules is not due to differences in the total particle surface area available for presentation to the leukocytes. All antigens tested except spherules could discriminate between skin test-positive and skin test-negative subjects in this in vitro system. A T-cell-enriched, B-cell- and mono-cyte-depleted cell population demonstrated an active response to spherulin and to endospores. The variance of these finding with animal studies demonstrating spherules to be immunogenically superior when compared to endospores is discussed. This may have importance in future studies in humans of vaccines to C. immitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The antimalarial, artesunate, is teratogenic and embryolethal in rats, with peak sensitivity on Days 10 and 11 postcoitum (pc). METHODS: We compared the developmental toxicity of structurally related artemisinins, dihdyroartemisinin (DHA), artemether (ARTM), and arteether (ARTE) to that of artesunate after oral administration to rats on Day 10 pc. In separate studies, embryolethality was characterized after single intravenous (IV) administration of artesunate on Day 11 pc, and toxicokinetic parameters following oral and IV administration were compared. Lastly, to determine whether maternal hematologic effects occurred at doses that affect embryonic erythroblasts, artesunate was orally administered on Day 11 pc at a dose that caused 100% embryolethality. RESULTS: All artemisinins caused the same pattern of embryolethality and fetal cardiovascular and skeletal abnormalities as previously shown for artesunate. In the IV study, marked postimplantation loss occurred at 1.5 and 3 mg/kg artesunate, but not at 0.75 mg/kg. Among the toxicokinetic parameters evaluated, only the DHA AUC0‐t was similar at embryolethal oral and IV doses of artesunate. An embryolethal dose of artesunate caused a 15% decrease in maternal reticulocyte counts and no other hematologic effects. CONCLUSIONS: Several structurally related artemisinins cause similar developmental toxicity, suggesting an artemisinin class effect. Equally embryotoxic oral and IV treatments of one artemisinin compound (artesunate) produced similar systemic exposure to the artesunate metabolite, DHA, suggesting that DHA may be the proximate developmental toxicant. Embryolethal doses of artesunate only caused minor changes in maternal reticulocyte counts indicating that adult hematology parameters are not as sensitive as embryonic erythroblasts. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 83:397–406, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pediococcus cerevisiae/AMr, resistant to amethopterin, possesses a higher dihydrofolate reductase (5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydrofolate: NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC activity than the parent, a folate-permeable and thus amethopterin-susceptible strain and than the wild-type. The properties of dihydrofolate reductase from the three strains have been compared. Temperature, pH optima, heat stability, as well amethopterin binding did not reveal significant differences between the enzymes from the susceptible and resistant strains. The enzyme from the wild-type was 10 times more sensitive to inhibition by amethopterin and more susceptible to heat denaturation. The apparent Km values for dihydrofolate in enzymes from the three strains were in the range of 4.8–7.2 μM and for NADPH 6.5–8.0 μM. The amethopterin-resistant strain exhibited cross-resistance to trimethoprim and was about 40-fold more resistant to the latter than the sensitive parent and the wild-type. The resistance to trimethoprim appears to be a direct result of the increased dihydrofolate reductase activity. Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase activity by this drug was similar in the three strains. 10–20 nmol caused 50% inhibition of 0.02 enzyme unit. Trimethoprim was about 10 000 times less effective inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase than amethopterin. The cell extract of the AMr strain possessed a folate reductase activity three times higher than that of the sensitive strain. The activities of other folate-related enzymes like thymidylate synthethase and 10-formyltetra-hydrofolate synthetase (formate: tetrahydrofolate ligase (ADP)-forming), EC were similar in the three strains studied.  相似文献   

The rate of reduction of the Schiff base, delta 1-pyrroline-2-carboxylic acid, by beta-NADH has previously been shown to be 6.8 times smaller than that calculated from the substituent effects in 1-substituted 1,4-dihydronicotinamides. The factors governing this anomalous rate have been studied by measuring the reduction rate with a number of reduced pyridine nucleotides in water and water-methanol mixtures. The beta-configuration for the nicotinamide-ribosidic linkage was found to be responsible for 75% of the anomaly; the same reduced coenzyme with alpha-linkage, however, behaves normally. It was also shown that the low reactivities of the reduced coenzymes with beta-configuration are entirely the result of their abnormal thermodynamic stabilities. Conformational effects (the folding of beta-NADH) account for only 20% of the reduction rate anomaly. Addition of organic solvents causes only a modest decrease in the overall rate. These solvent effects are interpreted in terms of the opposing effects of solvents on the basicity of the Schiff base and on the reduction step itself. Specific solvation effects appear important in controlling the reduction rates.  相似文献   

The antigenic phenotype of individual PHA-induced T lymphocyte colonies was studied with a direct immunofluorescence technique using fluorescein-labeled anti-Leu-2a and anti-Leu-3a antibodies. Of the colonies grown from mononuclear peripheral blood cells 85% were Leu-3a+ (inducer/helper phenotype), 12% were Leu-2a+ (suppressor/cytotoxic phenotype), and 3% contained equal numbers of Leu-2a+ and Leu-3a+ cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) separated T-cell subsets showed that Leu-2a+ cells and Leu-3a+ cells form exclusively Leu-2a+ and Leu-3a+ colonies, respectively. Leu-3a+ cells formed colonies in both the absence and presence of conditioned medium (PHA-CM), whereas colony formation by Leu-2a+ cells was absolutely dependent on PHA-CM. Mixing experiments with FACS-separated T-cell subsets showed that Leu-2a+ cells inhibit colony formation by Leu-3a+ cells in a cell dose-dependent manner both in the presence and absence of PHA-CM. Phenotype analysis of individual colonies from mixing experiments strongly suggested monoclonal proliferation in the present colony assay system. The majority of expanded T-cell colonies showed helper activity in a reverse hemolytic plaque-forming B-cell assay, although to a lesser degree as compared to that of freshly isolated T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We modified the isolation procedure of muscle and heart mitochondria. In human muscle, this resulted in a 3.4 fold higher yield of better coupled mitochondria in half the isolation time. In a preparation from rat muscle we studied factors that affected the stability of oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) and found that it decreased by shaking the preparation on a Vortex machine, by exposure to light and by an increase in storage temperature. The decay was found to be different for each substrate tested. The oxidation of ascorbate was most stable and less sensitive to the treatments.When mitochondria were stored in the dark and the cold, the decrease in oxidative phosphorylation followed first order kinetics. In individual preparations of muscle and heart mitochondria, protection of oxidative phosphorylation was found by adding candidate stabilizers, such as desferrioxamine, lazaroids, taurine, carnitine, phosphocreatine, N-acetylcysteine, Trolox-C and ruthenium red, implying a role for reactive oxygen species and calcium-ions in the in vitro damage at low temperature to oxidative phosphorylation.In heart mitochondria oxphos with pyruvate and palmitoylcarnitine was most labile followed by glutamate, succinate and ascorbate.We studied the effect of taurine, hypotaurine, carnitine, and desferrioxamine on the decay of oxphos with these substrates. 1 mM taurine (n = 6) caused a significant protection of oxphos with pyruvate, glutamate and palmitoylcarnitine, but not with the other substrates. 5 mM L-carnitine (n = 6), 1 mM hypotaurine (n = 3) and 0.1 mM desferrioxamine (n = 3) did not protect oxphos with any of the substrates at a significant level.These experiments were undertaken in the hope that the in vitro stabilizers can be used in future treatment of patients with defects in oxidative phosphorylation. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 61–66, 1997)  相似文献   

In Australia, field infestations of lucerne, Medicago sativa L., by the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), have been found to contain a sub-dominant biotype resistant to some fungal pathogens of the genus, Erynia. Population parameters have been studied in laboratory cultures of the susceptible and resistant biotypes from two localities. Compared with the susceptible one the resistant biotype had a greater intrinsic rate of increase at high temperature and a reduced propensity to form wings in response to a crowding stimulus. As both these characteristics would help to increase the proportion of the resistant biotype in infestations, the continued co-existence of the two biotypes poses an interesting ecological problem.
Résumé En Australie, quand il y a contamination de la luzerne par Acrythosiphon pisum Harris, on observe un biotype sub-dominant résistant au champignon pathogène Erynia ssp. L'élevage au laboratoire a permis l'étude des paramètres démographiques comprenant le taux de développement, la survie et la fécondité sur les deux types (sensible et résistant) de deux origines géographiques. Le biotype résistant a présenté un taux intrinsèque d'accroissement plus élevé à 24°C; assez pour doubler le nombre de pucerons résistants par rapport aux sensibles en une génération. Le biotype résistant a montré aussi une tendance plus faible à produire des ailés en réponse à des stimulus de surpeuplement. Comme ces deux caractères devraient provoquer l'accroissement du biotype résistant pendant les pullulations, la coexistence continue des deux biotypes pose un problème écologique intéressant.

Interspecific systematics in the red algal order Sporolithales remains problematic. To re‐evaluate its species, DNA analyses were performed on historical type material and recently collected specimens assigned to the two genera Sporolithon and Heydrichia. Partial rbcL sequences from the lectotype specimens of Sporolithon ptychoides (the generitype species) and Sporolithon molle, both from El Tor, Egypt, are exact matches to field‐collected topotype specimens. Sporolithon crassum and Sporolithon erythraeum also have the same type locality; material of the former appears to no longer exist, and we were unable to PCR amplify DNA from the latter. A new species, Sporolithon eltorensis, is described from the same type locality. We have not found any morpho‐anatomical characters that distinguish these three species. No sequenced specimens reported as S. ptychoides from other parts of the world represent this species, and likely reports of S. ptychoides and S. molle based on morpho‐anatomy are incorrect. A partial rbcL sequence from the holotype of Sporolithon dimotum indicates it is not a synonym of S. ptychoides, and data from the holotype of S. episporum confirm its specific recognition. DNA sequences from topotype material of Heydrichia woelkerlingii, the generitype species, and isotype material of Heydrichia cerasina confirm that these are distinct species; the taxon reported to be H. woelkerlingii from New Zealand is likely an undescribed species. Type specimens of all other Sporolithon and Heydrichia species need to be sequenced to confirm that they are distinct species; morpho‐anatomical studies have proved inadequate for this task.  相似文献   

Hepatic stimulator substance (HSS), a partially purified extract of weanling or regenerating adult rat liver, is an organ-specific stimulator of liver growth in vivo and in vitro. The HTC hepatoma cell line is particularly responsive to HSS. The present experiments show that HSS will stimulate HTC cells in the complete absence of serum, although graded doses of fetal cal serum (FCS), from 0.1 to 5.0%, will increase the degree of stimulation in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, when HSS is absent, increasing doses of FCS above 0.5% inhibit DNA synthesis. Much of this inhibition is removed by prior dialysis of the FCS and maximum enhancement of the HSS-induced stimulation occurs with only 0.1–0.5% of the dialysed FCS. Sera from older animals have less or even negative effect. Evidence is presented to show that the enhanced stimulation by HSS in the presence of serum is not due to insulin, glucagon, epidermal growth factor (EGF), or platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and that HSS does not act via a shared receptor for one of these hormones. These experiments provide further evidence that HSS is a unique stimulator of liver growth and lend support to a model of organ-specific growth control.  相似文献   

The behaviour of eight large benthopelagic fish taxa was analysed using video records collected with an ROV on the mid-slope of the Bay of Biscay. The studied species were roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris), orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), deep-sea scorpionfish (Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata), and black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo), as well as individuals belonging to the families Alepocephalidae, Chimaeridae, and Scyliorhinidae, and to the order Squaliformes. Some of the observed fish were grouped at the family taxonomical level due to visual identification to species being unreliable. Assumed natural (undisturbed) behaviour was categorised in terms of (i) body position with respect to the bottom sea floor, (ii) locomotion and (iii) activity type. Reaction (disturbed) behaviour to the approaching ROV was categorised in terms of reaction type and distance. Environmental conditions (depth, temperature, current speed and direction) and observation conditions (ROV speed and altitude) were recorded simultaneously with fish observations in order to explain the variability in the observed reaction behaviour. A multivariate analysis identified three groups corresponding to a behaviour pattern of a sit and wait strategist (one species), an active bottom hunter (three taxa), and a group of species displaying little activity in their bottom habitat (three taxa). At species level the environmental and observation conditions had some explanatory power for individual behaviour variability. It is hypothesised that the varied behaviour of mid-slope benthopelagic fish contributes to maintain a high species diversity of large predators in an energy poor environment.  相似文献   

In vivo X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques were used for biological monitoring of lead, cadmium, and mercury. Lead accumulates in bone, the level of which may thus be used for monitoring of exposure. However, there was no close association between lead levels in bone and exposure time, partly because of differences in exposure patterns and partly, probably, because of variations in the toxicokinetics of lead. There are at least two separate bone lead compartments. The average over-all half-time is probably 5–10 yr. The finger bone level may be an index of the lead status of the total skeleton. In lead workers, the mobilization of bone lead causes an “internal” lead exposure and affects the blood lead level considerably. In cadmium workers, in vivo XRF is a sensitive and risk-free method for assessment of accumulation in kidney cortex, the critical tissue as to toxic effects; workers displayed increased levels. However, there was no clear association with duration and intensity of exposure, cadmium levels in urine, or microglobulinuria. Determinations of kidney cadmium may add important information on the state of accumulation and, thus, risk of kidney damage. Workers exposed to elemental mercury vapor, as well as fishermen exposed to methyl mercury, had mercury levels in bone below the detection limit of the XRF method.  相似文献   

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