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Computational characterizations of aortic valve hemodynamics have typically discarded the effects of coronary flow. The objective of this study was to complement our previous fluid–structure interaction aortic valve model with a physiologic coronary circulation model to quantify the impact of coronary flow on aortic sinus hemodynamics and leaflet wall shear stress (WSS). Coronary flow suppressed vortex development in the two coronary sinuses and altered WSS magnitude and directionality on the three leaflets, with the most substantial differences occurring in the belly and tip regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate plaques located at the left coronary bifurcation. We focus on the effect that the resulting changes in wall shear stress (WSS) and wall pressure stress gradient (WPSG) have on atherosclerotic progress in coronary artery disease. Coronary plaques were simulated and placed at the left main stem and the left anterior descending to produce >50% narrowing of the coronary lumen. Computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out, simulating realistic physiological conditions that show the in vivo cardiac haemodynamic. WSS and WPSG in the left coronary artery were calculated and compared in the left coronary models, with and without the presence of plaques during cardiac cycles. Our results showed that WSS decreased while WPSG was increased in coronary side branches due to the presence of plaques. There is a direct correlation between coronary plaques and subsequent WSS and WPSG variations based on the bifurcation plaques simulated in the realistic coronary models.  相似文献   

Recent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies relate abnormal blood flow to rupture of cerebral aneurysms. However, it is still debated how to model blood flow with sufficient accuracy. Common assumptions made include Newtonian behaviour of blood, traction free outlet boundary conditions and inlet boundary conditions based on available literature. These assumptions are often required since the available patient specific data is usually restricted to the geometry of the aneurysm and the surrounding vasculature. However, the consequences of these assumptions have so far been inadequately addressed.  相似文献   

Local hemodynamics has been identified as one main determinant in the onset and progression of atherosclerotic lesions at coronary bifurcations. Starting from the observation that atherosensitive hemodynamic conditions in arterial bifurcation are majorly determined by the underlying anatomy, the aim of the present study is to investigate how peculiar coronary bifurcation anatomical features influence near-wall and intravascular flow patterns. Different bifurcation angles and cardiac curvatures were varied in population-based, idealized models of both stenosed and unstenosed bifurcations, representing the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery with its diagonal branch. Local hemodynamics was analyzed in terms of helical flow and exposure to low/oscillatory shear stress by performing computational fluid dynamics simulations.Results show that bifurcation angle impacts lowly hemodynamics in both stenosed and unstenosed cases. Instead, curvature radius influences the generation and transport of helical flow structures, with smaller cardiac curvature radius associated to higher helicity intensity. Stenosed bifurcation models exhibit helicity intensity values one order of magnitude higher than the corresponding unstenosed cases. Cardiac curvature radius moderately affects near-wall hemodynamics of the stenosed cases, with smaller curvature radius leading to higher exposure to low shear stress and lower exposure to oscillatory shear stress. In conclusion, the proposed controlled benchmark allows investigating the effect of various geometrical features on local hemodynamics at the LAD/diagonal bifurcation, highlighting that cardiac curvature influences near wall and intravascular hemodynamics, while bifurcation angle has a minor effect.  相似文献   

Growing evidences suggest that long-term enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) treatment can inhibit the initiation of atherosclerotic lesion by improving the hemodynamic environment in aortas. However, whether this kind procedure will intervene the progression of advanced atherosclerotic plaque remains elusive and causes great concern in its clinical application presently. In the current paper, a pilot study combining animal experiment and numerical simulation was conducted to investigate the acute mechanical stress variations during EECP intervention, and then to assess the possible chronic effects. An experimentally induced hypercholesterolemic porcine model was developed and the basic hemodynamic measurement was performed in vivo before and during EECP treatment. Meanwhile, A 3D fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model of blood vessel with symmetric local stenosis was developed for the numerical calculation of some important mechanical factors. The results show that EECP augmented 12.21% of the plaque wall stress (PWS), 57.72% of the time average wall shear stress (AWSS) and 43.67% of the non-dimensional wall shear stress gradient (WSSGnd) at throat site of the stenosis. We suggest that long-term EECP treatment may intervene the advanced plaque progression by inducing the significant variations of some important mechanical factors, but its proper effects will need a further research combined follow-up observation in clinic.  相似文献   

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