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Saia RS  Carnio EC 《Life sciences》2006,79(15):1473-1478
We have tested the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO) arising from inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) plays a role in hypothermia during endotoxemia by regulating vasopressin (AVP) release. Wild-type (WT) and iNOS knockout mice (KO) were intraperitoneally injected with either saline or Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 10.0 mg/kg in a final volume of 0.02 mL. Body temperature was measured continuously by biotelemetry during 24 h after injection. Three hours after LPS administration, we observed a significant drop in body temperature (hypothermic response) in WT mice, which remained until the seventh hour, returning then close to the basal level. In iNOS KO mice, we found a significant fall in body temperature after the fourth hour of LPS administration; however, the hypothermic response persisted until the end of the 24 h of the experiment. The pre-treatment with beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethylenepropionyl(1), O-Et-Tyr2, Val4, Arg8-Vasopressin, an AVP V1 receptor antagonist (10 microg/kg) administered intraperitoneally, abolished the persistent hypothermia induced by LPS in iNOS KO mice, suggesting the regulation of iNOS under the vasopressin release in this experimental model. In conclusion, our data suggest that the iNOS isoform plays a role in LPS-induced hypothermia, apparently through the regulation of AVP release.  相似文献   

The discovery of a novel series of 8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-yl)-3-(4-chlorophenyl) propanamide antagonists of the vasopressin V1A receptor is disclosed. Compounds 47 and 48 were found to be high affinity, selective vasopressin V1A antagonists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to localize vasopressin (VP) V1a receptor in stomach and to characterize the role of VP in the regulation of gastric motility in rats. Double staining was used to locate the V1a receptor in the gastric body of the rat. The contraction of the circular muscle strips of gastric body was monitored by a polygraph. V1a receptor was expressed on the neurons of myenteric plexus of the gastric body. VP (10− 10–10− 6 M) caused a concentration-dependent contractile effect on the circular muscle strips of gastric body in vitro. V-1880 ([deamino-Pen1, O-Me-Tyr2, Arg8]-Vasopressin, 10− 7 M), a V1 receptor antagonist, inhibited the spontaneous contraction of the strips. Tetradotoxin (TTX, 10− 6 M) and V-1880 (10− 7 M) abolished the excitatory effect of VP. Atropine (10− 6 M) partially inhibited VP-induced excitatory effect on the muscle strips but hexamethonium (10− 4 M) did not influence it. These results suggest that V1a receptor was expressed on the neurons of myenteric nerves. The cholinergic nerve was involved in the excitatory effect of VP on the contraction of gastric body.  相似文献   

Late pregnancy in rats is characterized by a decrease in arterial pressure and in isolated arterial vessels response to vasoconstrictors. In uterine arteries the pregnancy-associated attenuation of the response to vasoconstrictors has been attributed to an increase in basal and agonist-induced endothelial NO production. However, the role of NO in pregnancy-associated changes of systemic arteries reactivity to vasoactive agents remains to be fully elucidated. We examined whether pregnancy influences the reactivity of systemic arteries to vasodilator or vasoconstrictor agents through NO-dependent mechanisms. Thoracic aortic rings and mesenteric arterial bed of late pregnant rats showed refractoriness to phenylephrine-induced vasoconstriction that was abolished by NO synthase inhibition. The potency of L-NNA to enhance tension of aortic rings preconstricted with phenylephrine (10–20% of their maximal response) was significantly lower in preparations from pregnant animals. In phenylephrine-contracted aortas and mesenteric bed, the effects of the endothelium-dependent vasodilators acetylcholine, A23187 and bradykinin, were not influenced by pregnancy. Similarly, pregnancy did not affect the vasodilator responses of adenosine, isoproterenol, capsaicin, nitroprusside, forskolin, and Hoe234 in the mesenteric bed. NO synthase activity measured by determining the conversion of L−[3H]-arginine to L−[3H]-citrulline in aorta and mesenteric arteries homogenates was not altered by pregnancy. These findings show that endothelial-dependent and -independent vasodilators action as well as NO synthase activity in systemic arteries is uninfluenced by pregnancy, whereas pregnancy-associated hyporeactivity of systemic arteries to vasoconstrictors is related to an enhanced endothelial NO production either spontaneous or elicited directly or indirectly by vasoconstrictor agents. This interpretation implies that the enhanced NO production observed in systemic arteries during late pregnancy involves cellular pathways other than the ones involved in the response to endothelium-dependent vasodilators such as acetylcholine.  相似文献   

D. A. Jans  I. Pavo 《Amino acids》1995,9(2):93-109
Summary Lateral diffusion of membrane-integral receptors within the plane of the membrane has been postulated to be mechanistically important for signal transduction. Direct measurement of polypeptide hormone receptor lateral mobility using fluorescence photobleaching recovery techniques indicates that tyrosine kinase receptors are largely immobile at physiological temperatures. This is presumably due to their signal transduction mechanism which requires intermolecular autophosphorylation through receptor dimerization and thus immobilization for activation. In contrast, G-protein coupled receptors must interact with other membrane components to effect signal transduction, and consistent with this, the phospholipase C-activating vasopressin V1- and adenylate cyclase activating V2-receptors are highly laterally mobile at 37°C. Modulation of the V2-receptor mobile fraction (f) has demonstrated a direct correlation between f and receptor-agonist-dependent maximal cAMP productionin vivo at 37°C. This indicates that f is a key parameter in hormone signal transduction especially at physiological hormone concentrations, consistent with mobile receptors being required to effect V2-agonist-dependent activation of G-proteins. Measurements using a V2-specific antagonist show that antagonist-occupied receptors are highly mobile at 37°C, indicating that receptor immobilization is not the basis of antagonism. In contrast to agonist-occupied receptor however, antagonistoccupied receptors are not immobilized prior to endocytosis and down-regulation. Receptors may thus be freely mobile in the absence of agonistic ligand; stimulation by hormone agonist results in receptor association with other proteins, probably including cytoskeletal components, and immobilization. Receptor immobilization may be one of the important steps of desensitization subsequent to agonistic stimulation, through terminating receptor lateral movement which is instrumental in generating and amplifying the initial stimulatory signal within the plane of the membrane.Abbreviations FBR fluorescence photobleaching recovery - EGF epidermal growth factor - AC adenylate cyclase - D apparent lateral diffusion coefficient - f mobile fraction - G- GTP-binding protein - Gs stimulatory G-protein - TKR tyrosine kinase receptor - PDGF platelet-derived growth factor - IL interleukin  相似文献   

Sun X  Ma S  Zang YM  Lu SY  Guo HT  Bi H  Wang YM  Ma H  Ma XL  Pei JM 《Life sciences》2006,78(21):2516-2522
AIM: To investigate the relaxation effect and underlying mechanism of U50,488H (a selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist) in pulmonary artery in the rat. METHODS: Isolated pulmonary artery ring was perfused and the tension of the vessel was measured. RESULTS: U50,488H relaxed the pulmonary artery ring in a dose-dependent manner and the effect was abolished by nor-binaltorphimine, a selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist. The relaxation effect of U50,488H in pulmonary artery was partially endothelium-dependent and was significantly attenuated in the presence of L-NAME. The relaxation effect of U50,488H was significantly attenuated by K(V) channel blocker 4-AP (4-aminopyridine), but not by glibenclamide (ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker) nor TEA (tetraethylamonium, Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocker). Further study also showed that endothelium denudation and 4-AP have an additive inhibitory effect on pulmonary artery relaxation caused by U50,488H. CONCLUSION: Kappa-opioid receptor activation by U50,488H relaxes pulmonary artery via two separate pathways: one is endothelium-derived nitric oxide, the other is K(V) channel in pulmonary artery smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies are a remarkably successful class of therapeutics used to treat a wide range of indications. There has been growing interest in smaller antibody fragments such as Fabs, scFvs and domain antibodies in recent years. In particular, the development of human VH and VL single-domain antibody therapeutics, as stand-alone affinity reagents or as “warheads” for larger molecules, are favored over other sources of antibodies due to their perceived lack of immunogenicity in humans. However, unlike camelid heavy-chain antibody variable domains (VHHs) which almost unanimously resist aggregation and are highly stable, human VHs and VLs are prone to aggregation and exhibit poor solubility. Approaches to reduce VH and VL aggregation and increase solubility are therefore very active areas of research within the antibody engineering community. Here we extensively chronicle the various mutational approaches that have been applied to human VHs and VLs to improve their biophysical properties such as expression yield, thermal stability, reversible unfolding and aggregation resistance. In addition, we describe stages of the VH and VL development process where these mutations could best be implemented. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Recent advances in molecular engineering of antibody.  相似文献   

V-ATPases are rotary molecular motors that generally function as proton pumps. We recently solved the crystal structures of the V1 moiety of Enterococcus hirae V-ATPase (EhV1) and proposed a model for its rotation mechanism. Here, we characterized the rotary dynamics of EhV1 using single-molecule analysis employing a load-free probe. EhV1 rotated in a counterclockwise direction, exhibiting two distinct rotational states, namely clear and unclear, suggesting unstable interactions between the rotor and stator. The clear state was analyzed in detail to obtain kinetic parameters. The rotation rates obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a maximal rotation rate (Vmax) of 107 revolutions/s and a Michaelis constant (Km) of 154 μm at 26 °C. At all ATP concentrations tested, EhV1 showed only three pauses separated by 120°/turn, and no substeps were resolved, as was the case with Thermus thermophilus V1-ATPase (TtV1). At 10 μm ATP (⪡Km), the distribution of the durations of the ATP-waiting pause fit well with a single-exponential decay function. The second-order binding rate constant for ATP was 2.3 × 106 m−1 s−1. At 40 mm ATP (⪢Km), the distribution of the durations of the catalytic pause was reproduced by a consecutive reaction with two time constants of 2.6 and 0.5 ms. These kinetic parameters were similar to those of TtV1. Our results identify the common properties of rotary catalysis of V1-ATPases that are distinct from those of F1-ATPases and will further our understanding of the general mechanisms of rotary molecular motors.  相似文献   

The vacuolar (H+)-ATPase: subunit arrangement and in vivo regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The V-ATPases are responsible for acidification of intracellular compartments and proton transport across the plasma membrane. They play an important role in both normal processes, such as membrane traffic, protein degradation, urinary acidification, and bone resorption, as well as various disease processes, such as viral infection, toxin killing, osteoporosis, and tumor metastasis. V-ATPases contain a peripheral domain (V1) that carries out ATP hydrolysis and an integral domain (V0) responsible for proton transport. V-ATPases operate by a rotary mechanism involving both a central rotary stalk and a peripheral stalk that serves as a stator. Cysteine-mediated cross-linking has been used to localize subunits within the V-ATPase complex and to investigate the helical interactions between subunits within the integral V0 domain. An essential property of the V-ATPases is the ability to regulate their activity in vivo. An important mechanism of regulating V-ATPase activity is reversible dissociation of the complex into its component V1 and V0 domains. The dependence of reversible dissociation on subunit isoforms and cellular environment has been investigated. Qi and Wang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The vacuolar ATPases (V-type ATPases) are a family of ATP-dependent ion pumps and found in two principal locations, in endomembranes and in plasma membranes. This family of ATPases is responsible for acidification of intracellulare compartments and, in certain cases, ion transport across the plasma membrane of eucaryotic cells. V-ATPases are composed of two distinct domains: a catalytic V1 sector, in which ATP hydrolysis takes place, and the membrane-embedded sector, V0, which functions in ion conduction. In the past decade impressive progress has been made in elucidating the properties structure, function and moleculare biology. These knowledge sheds light also on the evolution of V-ATPases and their related families of A-(A1A0-ATPase) and F-type (F1F0-ATPases)ATPases.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that emerged as opportunistic pathogens since the onset of the AIDS pandemic. They are capable of disseminating through the body using macrophages as vehicles. We incubated human macrophages with spores of all three Encephalitozoon spp. as well as with Vittaforma corneae, and the number of intracellular spores per cell was determined by fluorescence microscopy. Cell culture supernatants were collected and the content of TNF-alpha, INF-gamma, IL-10, and of nitric oxide was determined. Microsporidian spores did not induce a nitric oxide response in macrophages and there was a negative correlation between the number of intracellular spores and the amount of nitric oxide. TNF-alpha, INF-gamma, and IL-10 increased after simulation of macrophages with microsporidian spores but for TNF-alpha and INF-gamma no clear correlation of cytokine levels with the number of intracellular spores could be observed. A modulation of the nitric oxide response by intracellular microsporidia may contribute to the survival of microsporidia within the macrophage by a mechanism yet unknown.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of vasopressin, serotonin and angiotensin II in the endothelial cells of renal and mesenteric arteries was investigated using the pre-embedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for electron microscopy. Vasopressin-and serotonin-positive endothelial cells were present in both renal and mesenteric arteries while angiotensin II-positive cells were observed in the mesenteric artery exclusively. Both arteries showed less than 10% immunoreactive cells. The lack of angiotensin II in the endothelial cells of the renal artery suggests that there may be subtle physiological differences between the renal and mesenteric arteries with respect to the local control of blood flow.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) D1-and D2-receptor densities were determined in 18 discrete areas of the caudate-putamen-globus pallidus of male Wistar rats and compared to local DA concentrations. All three parameters were found to decrease caudally. The globus pallidus was distinguished by the low concentration of DA and its receptors and high noradrenaline, (NA) content. While there were no mediolateral differences in DA or DA D1-receptors, a clear mediolateral gradient was observed for DA D2-receptors which extended over several sections of the brain. The ratio of DA D1-to D2-receptors was significantly higher in the dorsal than in the ventral areas of the mediolateral and caudal striatum. This is the first report of clear dorsoventral differences in parameters relating to DA activity in the striatum. These findings may be of particular significance in understanding the functional dichotomy between the dorsal and ventral striatum.  相似文献   

M L Brandi  R Toccafondi 《Peptides》1985,6(4):641-644
Somatostatin (SRIF), cholecystokinin (CCK), gastrin and substance P, as single agents, do not influence baseline cellular cAMP levels in human thyroid cultures. SRIF inhibits TSH-induced cAMP accumulation in human thyroid cell, while CCK, gastrin and substance P do not modify cAMP response to TSH. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) increases cellular cAMP levels in human thyroid cultures and its effect is additive to increases produced by norepinephrine (NE) and isoproterenol (ISO). Neither SRIF nor the other tested peptides influence adrenergic and VIP-ergic cAMP stimulation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of social status in Long-Evans hooded rats established during food competition on V(1a) vasopressin receptor (V(1a)R) binding in the lateral septum (LS), medial preoptic area (MPOA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), anterior hypothalamus (AH), and central/basolateral amygdala (CeB). Serum concentration of testosterone (T) and corticosterone (CORT) was also measured. In Experiment 1, thirty-two lever-trained weight-matched rat pairs were placed in operant chambers where a single bar press provided access to milk reinforcement. A dominant-subordinate relationship, determined by the duration of drinking, was evident in 88% of the pairs. Sixteen rats were lever-trained but did not interact and served as no-treatment (NT) controls. In the LS, V(1a)R binding in the subordinate (SUB) group was significantly higher than in the dominant (DOM) group. V(1a)R binding was significantly higher in the LS, BNST, CeB, and AH in the NT group than in the other groups. The levels of CORT and T were not affected significantly by group membership. Experiment 2 investigated whether the binding effect in the LS was related to differences in fluid consumption. The results did not indicate a significant effect of fluid consumption. In the rat, V(1a)R binding in several forebrain areas seems to be affected by brief periods of social interactions, and, in the LS, it also appears to be related to dominance status.  相似文献   

COX-2 is involved in inflammation and ischemic cardiovascular disease. As NO regulates COX activity in various cells, we investigated the effect of NO-donors and the novel NO-aspirin NC-4016 on human monocyte COX-2. Whole blood was incubated with LPS and PGE(2) was measured in plasma as an index of monocyte COX-2 activity. Serum TxB(2) was assessed as an index of platelet COX-1 activity. SNP, DetaNONOate, and NO-aspirin inhibited dose-dependently PGE(2) production while aspirin was ineffective. The guanylyl-cyclase inhibitor ODQ partially reversed the suppression of COX-2 activity by NO-aspirin, demonstrating a role of cGMP increase. NC-4016 and aspirin inhibited platelet COX-1 comparably while NO-donors were ineffective. COX-2 expression was not affected by NO-donors or NO-aspirin while aspirin or the selective COX-2-inhibitor DUP697 increased it. In conclusion, Nitroaspirin inhibits monocyte COX-2 activity by a cGMP-dependent mechanism. This might represent an advantage over aspirin, given the possible detrimental role of COX-2 in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is commonly infected by the gregarine parasite Ascogregarina taiwanensis, which develops extracellularly in the midgut of infected larvae. The intracellular trophozoites are usually confined within a parasitophorous vacuole, whose acidification is generated and controlled by the V(1)V(O) ATPase. This proton pump is driven by ATP hydrolysis, catalyzed inside the major subunit A. The subunit A encoding gene of the Aedes albopictus V(1)V(O) ATPase was cloned in pET9d1-His(3) and the recombinant protein, expressed in the Escherichia coli Rosetta 2 (DE3) strain, purified by immobilized metal affinity- and ion-exchange chromatography. The purified protein was soluble and properly folded. Analysis of secondary structure by circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that subunit A comprises 43% alpha-helix, 25% beta-sheet and 40% random coil content. The ability of subunit A of eukaryotic V-ATPases to bind ATP and/or ADP is demonstrated by photoaffinity labeling and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Quantitation of the FCS data indicates that the ADP-analogues bind slightly weaker to subunit A than the ATP-analogues. Tryptophan fluorescence quenching of subunit A after binding of different nucleotides provides evidence for secondary structural alterations in this subunit caused by nucleotide-binding.  相似文献   

The vasodilator effect of the ethanolic extract of leaves from Hancornia speciosa Gomes (HSE) was evaluated in superior mesenteric artery rings. HSE produced a concentration-dependent vasodilation (IC50 = 10.8 +/- 4.0 microg/mL) in arterial rings pre-contracted with phenylephrine, which was completely abolished in endothelium-denuded vessels. Endothelium-dependent vasodilation induced by HSE was strongly reduced by L-NAME (100 microM), a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, but neither by atropine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist (1 microM), nor by indomethacin (10 microM), a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. In rings pre-contracted with 80 mM KCl, the vasodilator effect of HSE was shifted to the right and was completely abolished in the presence of L-NAME (100 microM). Similar effects were obtained in mesenteric rings pre-contracted with phenylephrine in the presence of KCl 25 mM alone or in addition to 100 microM L-NAME. In addition, BaCl2 (1 mM) dramatically reduced the vasodilation induced by HSE. Together, these findings led us to conclude that HSE induces an endothelium-dependent vasodilation in rat mesenteric artery, by a mechanism dependent on NO, on the activation of potassium channels and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor release. Rutin, identified as a major peak in the HPLC fingerprint obtained for HSE, might contribute for the observed vasodilator effect, since it was able to induce an endothelium-dependent vasodilation in rat superior mesenteric arteries.  相似文献   

Repeated anabolic-androgenic steroid treatment during adolescence increases hypothalamic vasopressin and facilitates offensive aggression in male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The current study investigated whether anabolic-androgenic steroid exposure during this developmental period influenced vasopressin V(1A) receptor binding activity in the hypothalamus and several other brain areas implicated in aggressive behavior in hamsters. To test this, adolescent male hamsters were administered anabolic steroids or sesame oil throughout adolescence, tested for offensive aggression, and examined for differences in vasopressin V(1A) receptor binding using in situ autoradiography. When compared with control animals, aggressive, adolescent anabolic steroid-treated hamsters showed significant increases (20-200%) in the intensity of vasopressin V(1A) receptor labeling in several aggression areas, including the ventrolateral hypothalamus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and lateral septum. However, no significant differences in vasopressin V(1A) receptor labeling were found in other brain regions implicated in aggressive responding, most notably the lateral zone from the medial preoptic area to anterior hypothalamus and the corticomedial amygdala. These data suggest that adolescent anabolic steroid exposure may facilitate offensive aggression by increasing vasopressin V(1A) receptor binding in several key areas of the hamster brain.  相似文献   

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