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Fine details of the sequential morphological events occurring during transition of microconidia (spores less than 5 micrometer in diameter) to the yeastlike phase of Histoplasma capsulatum as seen in ultrathin section are described and illustrated by electron micrographs. Masses of microconidia were obtained when the fungas was grown on a garden soil extract medium. Spores were incubated under in vitro environmental conditions conducive for phase transition (an enriched medium at 37 degrees C). Within 48 h of incubation, the microconidia either germinated to give rise to a short mycelium or the germ tube process became a yeast mother cell without further extension. The wall of the yeast mother cell was thin and smooth, and its cytoplasmic content was ultrastructurally complex, consisting of numerous lipid bodies, vacuoles, glycogen-like deposits, and membrane systems. Within 96 h, the mother cell underwent multipolar budding to form simultaneously linear hyphal and/or ovate yeastlike daughter cells. During the transition, new cell wall materials of the germ tube, the mother cell, and yeastlike daughter cells arose by blastic action from the innermost layer(s) of the wall of the precursor form. Lomasome-like vesicles were often seen in association with areas of new cell wall formation. After organellar migration into and septation of the daughter cells, the yeast mother cell's cytoplasmic content underwent marked degenerative changes.  相似文献   

Chemical and ultrastructural studies of the cell walls of the yeastlike (Y) and mycelial (M) forms ofHistoplasma capsulatum G-184B revealed that the Y form contained about 46.5% ofα-glucan, 31.0% ofβ-glucan, 7.7% of galactomannan and 11.5% of chitin, whereas the M form cell wall contained about 18.8% ofβ-glucan, 24.7% of galactomannan, 25.8% of chitin, and essentially noα-glucan. Theα-glucan of the Y form contained mainly anα-(1 → 3)-linkage. Theβ-glucans of both forms may have mainly aβ-(1 → 3)-linkage. Chitin microfibrils were located mainly in the inner portion of the cell walls of the Y and M forms, whereas theα-glucan fibers were observed only in the outer portion of the Y form cell wall.  相似文献   

The base composition in moles percent guanine plus cytosine (%GC) of both nuclear and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from the yeastlike and mycelial phases of the dimorphic fungal pathogens Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis was determined by techniques of thermal denaturation and CsCl buoyant density gradient equilibrium centrifugation. The mean observed values for GC content of nuclear DNA from H. capsulatum and B. dermatitidis were 47.3 and 48.2%, respectively. What is speculated to be mitochondrial DNA was found to be 34.0% for H. capsulatum and 34.3% for B. dermatitidis. Thermal denaturation curves for Blastomyces DNA indicated a bimodality in thermal denaturation profiles, thereby suggesting a significant mitochondrial DNA contamination. Mitochondrial DNA appeared to represent a smaller percentage of the total DNA prepared from Histoplasma, and was not observed consistently to affect%GC values as determined by thermal denaturation profiles. On the basis of the now known perfect stage of B. dermatitidis (Ajellomyces dermatitidis) as a member of the family Gymnoascaceae, the close approximation of%GC content of nuclear DNA of this fungal organism with that of H. capsulatum suggests possible phylogenetic relationship. It is suggested that the just reported, but as yet unclassified, perfect stage of H. capsulatum may be found to be phylogenetically a primitive form of the Gymnoascaceae.  相似文献   

Summary Thimerosal (merthiolate) and formalin treated whole-cell yeast phase antigens ofHistoplasma capsulatum were prepared and their reactivities with sera from cases of histoplasmosis, blastomycosis and coccidioidomycosis were compared. Thimerosal treated antigens often gave complement fixation titers with heterologous sera 2 to 8 fold lower than the titers obtained with formalin treated antigens. However, with certain anti-histoplasmosis sera, thimerosal killed antigens had less reactivity with homologous antisera also. In virtually all cases an equal or higher specificity ratio was obtained with thimerosal killed antigens. The effects of thimerosal and formalin were independent, indicating different sites of reactivity of these reagents. Uptake of thimerosal at several concentrations suggested two types of reactions with live yeast phase cells. Analyses of the cellular fractions for thimerosal showed it was present only in the soluble fractions from which it was readily removed by dialysis. Cellular fractions killed with thimerosal retained several of the same physical and antigenic characteristics of those fractions isolated from frozen and thawed cells.  相似文献   

The transition from yeast to mycelia of Histoplasma capsulatum could be accomplished by shifting the temperature of incubation from 37 to 25 degrees C. It was accompanied by many changes in cellular metabolism, including changes in respiration, intracellular cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) levels, and activities of two enzymes specific for the yeast phase, cystine reductase (EC and cysteine oxidase (EC Even at 37 degrees C, the yeast to mycelial transition could be induced by cAMP and agents which raise the intracellular levels of cAMP (theophylline, acetylsalicylic acid, prostaglandin E1, and nerve growth factor). During this morphogenesis the same pattern of changes occurred as in the temperature-induced transition. Therefore, these changes were not simply dependent on a shift in temperature, but rather were part of the process of the phase transition.  相似文献   

We have characterized an unusual yeast phase specific protein from Histoplasma capsulatum. The protein, which we have called protein 6, is produced by the yeast cells which have been derepressed for sulfite reductase, and it can account for more than 40% of the total extract protein. Synthesis of both sulfite reductase and protein 6 is subject to cysteine repression. However, sulfite reductase activity is maximal in logarithmically growing cells whereas protein 6 is synthesized de novo and accumulated by stationary phase cells. The following are the major physicochemical properties of protein 6: (1) the native protein has a molecular weight of about 15 000; (2) electrophoresis on a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel yielded a single band with a molecular weight 7600; (3) protein 6 is capable of reducing the dye, nitroblue tetrazolium, and cytochrome c, a property that has been found to be shared by a number of trypsin inhibitors, and (4) the molecule is negatively charge and is relatively resistant to proteolysis. The amino acid composition of protein 6 has been determined.  相似文献   

Summary By examining mycelial cultures at regular intervals during incubation at 37° C in cysteine-enriched media, it was possible to detect differences in the conversion properties of six isolates ofHistoplasma capsulatum. The organisms varied according to conversion ability, rate and degree of transformation following yeast initiation, and cysteine sensitivity. These findings were unrelated to infectivity of the mycelial phase for mice as determined by percentage recovery of isolates from the cultured organs of inoculated animals.  相似文献   

We carried out a soil sampling survey in September 2008 in central Cayenne, French Guiana, using molecular methods to assess the presence of the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Four of the 31 samples collected (12.9?%) tested positive by PCR, with confirmation of the result by DNA sequencing. H. capsulatum is therefore present in urban environments in French Guiana. These results provide additional support for the primary prophylaxis of AIDS-related histoplasmosis in French Guiana.  相似文献   

Cysteine metabolism has been thought to be important to the phenomenon of dimorphism inHistoplasma capsulatum. We sought mutants with genetic blocks in the metabolism of cysteine by selection of colonies resistant to the toxic analogue, selenocystine. The 22 resistant strains thus obtained were all deficient in uptake of cystine from the surrounding medium but were normally able to convert from mycelium to yeast and back again. Furthermore, they had normal quantities of NADH-dependent cystine reductase when this enzyme was measured. We conclude that mutants defective in cystine uptake can be readily obtained by selection of colonies resistant to selenocystine, and that a lesion in cystine-uptake does not appear to affect the phenomenon of dimorphism in this organism.Preliminary reports of this work were presented at the Second International Congress of Mycology, Tampa, 1977 and at the first International Conference on Histoplasmosis, Atlanta, 1978.  相似文献   

Fluorescent staining of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Sporulation characteristics of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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