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太湖流域主要植物异戊二烯排放研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
采用封闭式采样方法及光离子化气体分析仪 (GC_PID)直接分析测定了太湖地区的 94种植物的异戊二烯排放通量 ,结果表明 :在太湖地区 ,排放异戊二烯的植物有山茶、芭蕉、白栎、茶、垂柳、刺槐、短柄抱栎、法国梧桐、风尾竹、枫香、钻天杨、合欢、河柳、胡枝子、槐树、黄檀、箭竹、苦楝、苦竹、莲、芦苇、罗汉松、毛白杨、毛竹、女贞、山鸡椒、十大功劳、柿子、算盘子、甜槠、香蒲、水稻、云实、樟树、梓榈、紫荆、紫穗槐、紫藤。毛竹作为太湖地区分布非常广泛的一种人工植被 ,大量释放异戊二烯 ,排放潜力达 1 1 6 .0 4± 2 3 .3 5ug·g- 1 dw·h- 1 ,有可能会影响到该地区的大气臭氧浓度。 相似文献
武夷山毛竹天然林生物量与能量分配规律及其与人工林的比较研究 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
以武夷山国家自然保护区核心区天然毛竹林为研究对象,应用生物量优化模型对天然毛竹林生物量、能量的分配规律进行研究,结果表明:①毛竹天然林生物量按组分秆、枝、叶、竹蔸、鞭根的分配规律为5585.956、1120.456、387.453、1148.785、2827.099g·m~(-2),所占比例依次为50.46%、10.12%、3.50%、10.38%、25.54%,能量现存量按组分分别为112171.60、21694.0、7532.8、21796.8、52089.3kJ·m~(-2),所占比例依次为51.70%、10.00%、3.47%、10.05%、24.78%;②毛竹天然林生物量按龄级Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度、Ⅲ度、Ⅳ度、Ⅴ度及以上竹的分配规律为2151.845、1799.441、1184.757、1010.021、4923.684g·m~(-2),所占比例依次为19.44%、16.26%、10.70%、9.12%、44.48%。能量现存量按龄级分别为47465.97、40232.99、26502.84、17737.74、102488.8kJ·m~(-2),所占比例依次为20.25%、17.16%、11.30%、7.57%、43.72%。在此基础上,将毛竹天然林与人工林进行了比较分析。且为毛竹林的丰产培育提出了科学依据。 相似文献
湿地稻-鸭复合系统的CH_4排放规律 总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33
采用小区试验。大田试验研究湿地稻—鸭复合生态系统甲烷排放规律。稻鸭复合生态系统中甲烷排放随季节变化。在早稻—晚稻耕作制度条件下,6月上旬和7月底分别有2个高峰。早稻与晚稻的排放规律也各异。早稻甲烷排放峰值出现在水稻幼穗分化期。最高值为13.693mg/(m^2.h).晚稻峰值出现在分蘖盛期。可达23.145—105.595mg/(m^2.h)。养鸭处理与常规栽培甲烷排放差异达极显著水平。稻田养鸭的早稻生育期间甲烷排放总量为5.517g/m^2。传统栽培为9.89g/m^2。稻田养鸭的晚稻生育期间排放总量为10.113g/m^2。传统栽培为17.054g/m^2。稻田养鸭与传统栽培比较.土壤氧化还原电位增加15.3mV.还原物质总量、活性还原物质总量、活性有机还原物质总量分别降低0.365cmo1/kg、0.242cmo1/kg和0.180cmo1/kg。土壤氧化还原特性影响甲烷排放通量.土壤还原物质总量、活性还原物质及活性有机还原物质数量与甲烷排放通量的相关系数分别为0.805、0.791、0.769。湿地稻鸭复合生态系统土壤氧化还原状况改善是甲烷排放减少原因之一。 相似文献
赤红壤早稻田甲烷排放通量及其影响因素 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
用封闭箱法对广东省赤红壤早稻田CH4排放通量进行了观测。结果表明,CH4排放有明显的季节变化规律,3个排放高峰分别出现在水稻分蘖末期、孕穗抽穗期和乳熟期,平均通量为5.7mg.m-2.h-1。在测定期内,CH4排放与5和10cm土壤温度呈显著正相关,与土壤Eh呈显著负相关,与土壤pH值、水层深浅相关不明显。 相似文献
毛竹三种主要病虫害生态空间分布规律的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
应用生态空间分布的分析方法,研究了毛竹三种主要病虫害的空间分布规律。结果表明:黄脊竹蝗空间分布为随机分布,刚竹毒蛾、毛竹枯梢病为聚集分布。 相似文献
重金属胁迫对毛竹种子萌发及其富集效应的影响 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
以毛竹种子为供试材料,研究4种重金属(Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+)胁迫对毛竹种子萌发的影响,并考察重金属在毛竹幼苗各组织部分的富集情况。结果表明:(1)Pb2+和Cd2+对毛竹种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数及活力指数有抑制作用,低浓度下Cu2+和Zn2+对毛竹种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数等指标有促进作用,高浓度则显著抑制;当浓度达到1600μmol/L时Cd2+对种子萌发的抑制效果明显强于其他3种元素;(2)选取根尖数、根表面积、根体积、根系总长4个根系形态指标发现,低浓度处理下Pb2+、Zn2+对根系生长有促进作用,而Cu2+和Cd2+起到明显的抑制作用;(3)处理10d后,种子萌发幼苗地上部对Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+的含量最高可达6810.51、1387.77、951.77、429.33 mg/kg,转移系数Zn2+Cd2+Pb2+Cu2+。综上,系统揭示了毛竹种子在重金属胁迫下的萌发和富集情况,为今后的土培、大田试验提供了有益的参考,也为将毛竹作为植物修复材料加以研究开启了新的研究视角,具有重要的研究价值。 相似文献
毛竹入侵对森林植物和土壤的影响研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植物与土壤稳定性和动态变化反映了森林生态系统在复杂生境下的自我调控和适应能力。毛竹入侵森林生态系统造成的诸多影响已经成为新的研究热点。系统综述了毛竹入侵的机制,以及对植物生存能力、物种多样性、植被碳储量,土壤理化性质以及土壤微生物结构与功能影响的最新研究进展。针对目前研究存在的问题,提出了丰富毛竹入侵管控手段、着重不同类型毛竹—森林临界面演替长期监测、明确毛竹入侵阶段划分、加强毛竹入侵生态后效研究等研究展望。有助于理解森林与毛竹入侵之间的相互作用、森林对毛竹入侵的响应和适应对策,对了解毛竹入侵机制,预测植物和土壤在毛竹入侵后的变化特征具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
福建武夷山自然保护区地形对毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)林分布的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用PC-ORD4.0软件对保护区内31个毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)林样方进行聚类分析,把毛竹林划分成9类。利用保护区1980年航空相片、1998年和2000年Lnndsat TM卫星影像,并结合保护区森林资源调查资料,绘制武夷山保护区毛竹林分布图。利用保护区1:50000的地形图数字化100m等高距生成数字高程模型(DEM),并从中获取海拔、坡向、坡度等地形参数,对毛竹林分布进行空间叠加分析。结果表明:保护区内毛竹纯林和毛竹一甜槠(Gastanopsis eyrei)林面积最大,分别占毛竹林总面积的40.6%和20.3%。分析毛竹林与海拔的关系时得出,海拔500-700m范围内毛竹林面积最大;随着海拔升高,毛竹林面积逐渐减少,Shannon-Wiener指数(H‘)增加;毛竹最大胸径减小。毛竹在东南坡和西北坡分布的面积比例最大。随着坡度的增加,毛竹分布的面积减少。 相似文献
毛竹地上器官的生物量分配及其随个体大小变化的规律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
探明毛竹生物量分配格局及其随个体大小的变化规律,有助于揭示毛竹生物量的种内变异规律,从而能够进一步提高毛竹生物量及其碳储量的估算精确度;同时也有助于指导毛竹林定向培育,以提高毛竹附加值和促进竹农增收。利用收获法在皖南毛竹分布区砍伐227株标准竹,研究毛竹地上器官的生物量分配格局、地上器官生物量之间的关系以及生物量分配随胸径和竹高的变化规律。结果表明:单株水平上皖南毛竹叶、枝和秆的生物量分别为0.84、1.42和6.84 kg,约占其地上总生物量的9.21%、15.60%和75.19%;皖南毛竹地上各器官生物量之间具有明显的线性关系(R20.75,P0.001);毛竹地上生物量分配格局与其胸径和竹高具有密切的相关关系,且这种关系可用幂指数关系拟合;拟合曲线表明,相对于大胸径的毛竹,小胸径的毛竹倾向于把代谢产物更多地分配到上部器官(如光合器官叶)。本结论支持异速分配理论关于生物量的分配受到植物体大小制约的结论,但是否支持最优分配理论,还需进一步开展实验验证。 相似文献
甲烷是一种重要的温室气体, 在大气中的浓度以每年1%的速率增加, 是CO2增加速率的4倍, 其在100 a的时间尺度上, 具有25倍于CO2的增温潜力1, 自20世纪90年代以来受到了学者们的广泛关注。一般认为化石燃料燃烧是大气中温室气体增加的主要来源, 最近的研究发现自然水体和人工水库均可以排放甲烷。
Abstract: The influence of prolonged water limitation on leaf gas exchange, isoprene emission, isoprene synthase activities and intercellular isoprene concentrations was investigated under standard conditions (30 °C leaf temperature and 1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1 PPFD) in greenhouse experiments with five-year-old pubescent oak ( Quercus pubescens Willd.) and four-year-old pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) saplings. Net assimilation rates proved to be highly sensitive to moderate drought in both oak species, and were virtually zero at water potentials (Ψpd ) below - 1.3 MPa in Q. robur and below - 2.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . The response of stomatal conductance to water stress was slightly less distinct. Isoprene emission was much more resistant to drought and declined significantly only at Ψpd below - 2 MPa in Q. robur and below - 3.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . Even during the most severe water stress, isoprene emission of drought-stressed saplings was still approximately one-third of the control in Q. robur and one-fifth in Q. pubescens . Isoprene synthase activities were virtually unaffected by drought stress. Re-watering led to partial recovery of leaf gas exchange and isoprene emission. Intercellular isoprene concentrations were remarkably enhanced in water-limited saplings of both oak species during the first half of the respective drought periods with maximum mean values up to ca. 16 μl l-1 isoprene for Q. pubescens and ca. 11 μl l-1 isoprene for pedunculate oak, supporting the hypothesis that isoprene serves as a short-term thermoprotective agent in isoprene-emitting plant species. 相似文献
DAVID T. TINGEY MARYBETH MANNING LOUIS C. GROTHAUS WALTER F. BURNS 《Physiologia plantarum》1979,47(2):112-118
There is a growing awareness of the role of vegetation as a source of reactive hydrocarbons that may serve as photochemical oxidant precursors. A study was designed to assess independently the influence of variable light and temperature on isoprene emissions from live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.). Plants were conditioned in a growth chamber and then transferred to an environmentally controlled gas-exchange chamber. Samples of the chamber atmosphere were collected; isoprene was concentrated cryogenically and measured by gas chromatography. A logistic function was used to model isoprene emission rates. Under regimes of low temperature (20°C) or darkness, isoprene emissions were lowest. With increasing temperature or light intensity, the rate of isoprene emission increased, reaching maxima at 800 μE m-2 s-1 and 40–44°C, respectively. Higher temperatures caused a large decrease in emissions. Since the emissions of isoprene were light-saturated at moderate intensities, temperature appeared to be the main factor controlling emissions during most of the day. Carbon lost through isoprene emissions accounted for 0.1 to 2% of the carbon fixed during photosynthesis depending on light intensity and temperature. 相似文献
Isoprene synthase activity and its relation to isoprene emission in Quercus robur L. leaves 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
A. LEHNING I. ZIMMER R. STEINBRECHER N. BRÜGGEMANN & J. -P. SCHNITZLER 《Plant, cell & environment》1999,22(5):495-504
Pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) is known as a strong isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) emitter. Diurnal changes in isoprene emission were determined by branch enclosure measurements. In contrast to the diurnal cycle in emission rates, specific isoprene synthase activity in the leaves remained unchanged. Based on in vitro enzyme activity and its temperature dependency, an isoprene synthesis capacity at specific leaf temperatures was calculated. The comparison of these 'leaf temperature-dependent enzyme capacities' and the measured emission rates revealed that the enzyme activity of isoprene synthase is comparable to the observed isoprene emission rates. In addition, variation in the isoprene synthase activity of the leaves due to changes in light intensity during leaf development was investigated. A 50% reduction of light intensity by shading of single branches reduced isoprene synthase activity by ≈ 60% compared with full sunlight. The calculation of isoprene synthesis capacities based on enzymatic data obtained under optimum reaction conditions, corrected for actual leaf temperature and related to leaf surface area, provides a sound basis for predicting the isoprene emission potential of plants. 相似文献
为了探讨毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)茎秆的光合特性,以1龄和3龄毛竹为材料,观察了茎秆和叶中叶绿体的超微结构,测定了光合色素含量以及发射荧光光谱。结果表明:茎秆中叶绿体发育完整,其类囊体垛叠程度高于叶,并含有淀粉粒。茎秆中叶绿素总含量、类胡萝卜素及Chla/b含量显著低于叶(FI〈O.05)。茎秆发射荧光光谱在735nm处没有明显的主峰,1龄和3龄毛竹茎秆光系统lI与光系统I的半峰宽比值分别比叶降低了7.0%和11.3%(P〈0.05),峰高比值比叶分别增加了6.5%和18.3%(P〈0.05)。四阶导数光谱在650—800nm波长范围内出现了6个极大值,代表LHCII、CP43、CP47、RCI和ILHCI的发射荧光峰以及PSI和PSII的发射荧光副振峰:其中,茎秆中RCI和LHCI特征发射荧光峰与叶相比有不同程度的红移。表明毛竹茎秆叶绿体通过提高Chlb的相对含量和增加类囊体垛叠以及降低LHCI含量,来适应毛竹茎秆以红光为主的光环境。进而协调激发能在2个光系统间的分配。 相似文献
檫树毛竹混交林中毛竹鞭根的研究 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
采用固定标准地定位观测法,对新造竹林中栽植擦树后形成的檫树(14-15年)毛竹混交林竹鞭根结构和鞭体养分进行了调查和测定,结果表明,檫树在一定的密度范围,混交竹林有利于毛竹鞭根结构的优化和鞭体养分的提高,与毛竹纯林相比,檫树密度为420-615株.hm^-2的混交竹林,其鞭长,鞭径及其整齐度,新鞭年生长量,壮幼鞭比例,健壮芽数量、鞭根体积等,均在不同程度上高于毛竹纯林中的对应部分。当檫树密度超过735株.hm^-2时,混交竹林中的上述指标则低于生毛竹纯林中的对应部分,但单位鞭长的分岔次数明显加大,回归分析表明,鞭总长,鞭节点,新鞭生长量,鞭径、鞭径整齐度及单位鞭长分岔次数与檫树密度之间的关系密切(r=0.92956-0.99530),混交竹林中鞭体的N、P、K,Ca,Mg养分含量高于纯柯的对应值,其中鞭体中N含量较纯林平均高出7.6%、11.6%。 相似文献
Isoprene emission and primary metabolism in Phragmites australis grown under different phosphorus levels 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Fares S Brilli F Noguès I Velikova V Tsonev T Dagli S Loreto F 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》2008,10(1):38-43
Aquatic plants are generally used for wastewater purification and phytoremediation, but some of them also emit large amounts of isoprene, the most abundant biogenic volatile organic compound. Since isoprenoid biosynthesis requires high amounts of phosphorylated intermediates, the emission may also be controlled by inorganic phosphorus concentration (Pi) in leaves. We carried out experiments to determine the emission of isoprene from Phragmites australis plants used in reconstructed wetlands to phytoremediate elevated levels of phosphorus contributed by urban wastes. Four groups of plants were grown hydroponically in water containing different levels of KH(2)PO(4). High levels of phosphorus in the water resulted in high Pi in the leaves. High Pi stimulated photosynthesis at intercellular CO(2) concentrations lower and higher than ambient, implying higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration rates, respectively. However, isoprene emission was substantially lower at high Pi than at low Pi, and was not associated to photosynthesis rates at high Pi. This surprising result suggests that isoprene is limited by processes other than photosynthetic intermediate availability or by energetic (ATP) requirements under high Pi levels. Irrespective of the mechanism responsible for the observed reduction of isoprene emission, our results show that Phragmites plants may effectively remove phosphorus from water without concurrently increase isoprene emission, at least on a leaf area basis. Thus, Phragmites used in reconstructed wetlands for phytoremediation of urban wastes rich of phosphates will not contribute high loads of hydrocarbons which may influence air quality over urban and peri-urban areas. 相似文献
J.-P. Schnitzler Andrea Lehning R. Steinbrecher 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》1997,110(3):240-243
Biogenic emission of hydrocarbons plays an important role in the interactions between plants, especially trees, and the atmosphere. Among these volatile organic compounds isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) is the predominant component emitted by many photosynthesizing leaves. Its rapid atmospheric breakdown substantially affects the oxidation potential of the atmosphere. An enzyme, isoprene synthase, extracted from leaves of European oak (Quercus robur L.) was previously found to catalyse the Mg 2+–dependent elimination of diphosphate from dimethylallyldiphosphate to form isoprene. The present paper describes the seasonal variation of this enzyme acitivity in Quercus robur (L.) leaves in 1995. The enzymatic data obtained were used to create an additional term for the isoprene emission algorithm (ISOC93). The addition of this correction term for the seasonality of isoprene synthase to the emission model improved considerably the simulation of seasonal isoprene emission rates in oaks, avoiding over- and underestimations in the current modeling approach. 相似文献
《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(3):642-645
Two novel chitin-binding peptides, designated Pp-AMP 1 and Pp-AMP 2, which had antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi, were purified from Japanese bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys pubescens) by a simple procedure based on chitin affinity chromatography. They had the common structural features of the plant defensin family, but they could not be grouped in any type of that family. They showed a high degree of homology to mistletoe toxins. 相似文献
Carbon and nutrient dynamics in relation to growth rhythm in the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The carbon and nutrient dynamics in relation to growth rhythm in the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens on Mount Jinyun, Chongqing, China, was studied during 1993–1996. Concentrations of TNC (total non-structural carbohydrates), N, P, and K all showed the same distribution pattern among organs: leaves > branches rhizomes stems roots. The rapid spring growth of new shoots noticeably reduced the concentration of TNC in the rhizomes, in which a large amount of carbohydrates was stored. The N concentration of the rhizomes did not decrease, however. Nutrient concentration of new (1st-year) leaves was significantly higher than that of old (2nd-year) leaves. Although the density of adult shoots was almost the same during 1994–1996, the low ratio of the number of adult shoots with new to that with old leaves from June 1994 to April 1995 resulted in a low TNC concentration in the rhizomes in early spring (April) 1995. This led to a low production of new shoots in the spring of 1995, their number being only ca. 10% of that in 1994 and 1996. Before old leaves were shed, a large amount of nutrients was remobilized and translocated to other plant parts to support further growth. Fertilization with NPK significantly increased the concentrations of N and P in leaves and subsequently increased the number of emerging new shoots. 相似文献