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Summary A rapid and simple method of staining for the crystal protein (-endotoxin or parasporal body) ofBacillus thuringiensis has been developed. Changes in colonial morphology were observed when cells lost their ability to form crystal protein or both crystal protein and spore.  相似文献   

Summary The major leftward early promoter of phage p L, has frequently been used to drive expression of heterologous genes inEscherichia coli.p L is typically maintained fully repressed by the lambda cl protein. When induction of heterologous protein synthesis is desired, one of several potential mechanisms of destroying cl function is employed and the expression of the foreign gene commences. One method of derepressingp L involves exposing cells to nalidixic acid, which results in the activation of RecA protein and the subsequent RecA-mediated proteolytic cleavage of cl. Activated RecA also mediates the cleavage of theE. coli LexA protein, resulting in induction of the SOS regulon (at least 15E. coli genes, includingrec A). We have examined the effect of two chromosomal mutations on the productivity of nalidixic acid inductions. One of the tested mutations (recA o) increased the intracellular concentration of RecA prior to induction; the other (lexAind) resulted in a mutated lexA protein insensitive to RecA-mediated cleavage. These mutations were introduced into a strain carrying acl+ defective lysogen. Synthesis of two heterologous proteins, human 1-antitrypsin and a fusion protein partially derived from thePlasmodium falciparum circumsporozooite surface antigen, was examined in the wild-type and mutant strains. The maximum -1 antitrypsin concentration achieved was improved by 50% when therecA o strain was used rather than the wild type; however; only smaller changes (20% or less) in the maximum concentration of the malaria fusion protein wer observed. Use of thelexAind strain resulted in a decrease in the maximum concentration attained for both heterologous products.  相似文献   

The susceptibility and possible detoxification mechanisms of the Banks grass mite (BGM), Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), and the two-spotted spider mite (TSM), Tetranychus urticae Koch, to selected miticides were evaluated with and without synergists. BGM was 112-fold more susceptible to the organophosphate dimethoate, and 24-fold more susceptible to both the pyrethroids bifenthrin and -cyhalothrin than TSM. The synergist triphenyl phosphate (TPP) enhanced the toxicities of bifenthrin and -cyhalothrin against BGM by 3.0- and 4.2-fold, respectively, and enhanced the toxicities of bifenthrin, -cyhalothrin, and dimethoate against TSM by 6.2-, 1.9-, and 1.7-fold, respectively. The synergist diethyl maleate (DEM) enhanced the toxicities of bifenthrin and -cyhalothrin against BGM by 2.2- and 2.9- fold, respectively, and enhanced the toxicity of bifenthrin against TSM by 4.1-fold. On the other hand, the synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO) increased the toxicities of bifenthrin and -cyhalothrin by 6.0- and 2.6-fold, respectively, against BGM, and by 4.5- and 1.9-fold, respectively, against TSM. The significant synergism with these pyrethroids of all three tested synergists (except for DEM with -cyhalothrin against TSM) suggests that esterases, glutathione S-transferases, and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases all play important roles in their detoxification. However, the toxicity of dimethoate was not enhanced by these synergists in either mite species (except for TPP against TSM). Apparently, these metabolic enzymes play less of a role in detoxification of this organophosphate in these mites.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases II () and III() are the only nuclear DNA polymerases known to possess an intrinsic 3 5 exonuclease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated the spontaneous mutator phenotypes of DNA polymerase and 3 5 exonuclease-deficient mutants, pol3-01 and pol2-4, respectively. pol3-01 and pol2-4 increased spontaneous mutation rates by factors of the order of 102 and 101, respectively, measured as URA3 forward mutation and his7-2 reversion. Surprisingly, a double mutant pol2-4 pol3-01 haploid was inviable. This was probably due to accumulation of unedited errors, since a pol2-4/pol2-4 pol3-01/pol3-01 diploid was viable, with the spontaneous his7-2 reversion rate increased by about 2 × 103-fold. Analysis of mutation rates of double mutants indicated that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and can act competitively and that, like the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase acts in series with the PMS1 mismatch correction system. Mutational spectra at a URA3 gene placed in both orientations near to a defined replication origin provided evidence that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and act on opposite DNA strands, but were in sufficient to distinguish conclusively between different models of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary + is able to grow in Escherichia coli cells lacking integration host factor (IHF), producing a burst of approximately 25% that produced in IHF+ cells. In vitro, however, we find that the DNA packaging enzyme terminase is strongly dependent on IHF in both cos cleavage reactions and DNA packaging reactions. The cos59 mutation renders dependent on IHF in vivo. The cos59 mutation is a deletion of 3 base pairs at the XmnI site in the cohesive end site (cos) of . Variants of cos59 that were able to grow in the absence of IHF were isolated and found to carry a mutation, called ms1, in the Nu1 gene, which codes for the small subunit of terminase. The Nu1ms1 mutation results in a change of the 40th amino acid of the Nu1 gene product from leucine to phenylalanine. The Nu1ms1 terminase was independent of IHF in packaging reactions in vitro. The results indicate that the mutation either renders terminase: (1) able to utilize some host protein other than IHF, or (2) totally independent of host factors.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 grew poorly on raffinose agar plates, but large mutant colonies appeared in high frequency from a thin film of background growth. The -galactosidase and -galactosidase activities ofL. plantarum ATCC 8014 and a mutant strain were studied in static cultures and pH-controlled fermenter cultures. Both -galactosidase and -galactosidase production were inducible in the parental strain; the induction was not needed in the mutant. The -galactosidase activity of both strains was repressed by glucose but not by -methyl-D-glucoside. The mutant phenomenon might be an obstacle in connection to traditionalLactobacillus identification by means of carbohydrate fermentation.  相似文献   

Summary The host-controlled EcoK-restriction of unmodified phage .O is alleviated in dam mutants of Escherichia coli by 100- to 300-fold. In addition, the EcoK modification activity is substantially decreased in dam - strains. We show that type I restriction (EcoB, EcoD and EcoK) is detectably alleviated in dam mutants. However, no relief of EcoRI restriction (Type II) occurs in dam - strains and only a slight effect of dam mutation on EcoP1 restriction (Type III) is observed. We interpret the alleviation of the type I restriction in dam - strains to be a consequence of induction of the function which interferes with type I restriction systems.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of the red + and gam + genes of bacteriophage in plasmids cloned in Escherichia coli wild-type cells leads to plasmid linear multimer (PLM) formation. In mutants that lack exonuclease I (sbcB sbcC), either of these functions mediates PLM formation. In order to determine whether PLM formation in sbcB sbcC mutants occurs by conservative (break-join) recombination of circular plasmids or by de novo DNA synthesis, thyA sbcB sbcC mutants were transferred from thymine- to 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BUDR)-supplemented medium, concurrently with induction of red + or gam + expression, and the density distribution of plasmid molecular species was analyzed. After a period of less than one generation in the BUDR-supplemented medium, most PLM were of heavy/heavy density. Circular plasmids, as well as chromosomal DNA, were of light/light or light/heavy density. These results indicate that Red or Gam activities mediate de novo synthesis of PLM in sbcB sbcC mutants. Examination of plasmid DNA preparations from sbcB sbcC mutants expressing gam + or red + reveals the presence of two molecular species that may represent intermediates in the PLM biosynthesis pathway: single-branched circles (-structures) and PLM with single-stranded DNA tails. While Gam-mediated PLM synthesis in sbcB mutants depends on the activity of the RecF pathway genes, Red-mediated PLM synthesis, like Red-mediated recombination, is independent of recA and recF activities. One of the red + products, protein, suppresses RecA deficiency in plasmid recombination and PLM synthesis in RecBCD Exol cells. The dependence of PLM synthesis on the RecE, RecF or Red recombination pathways and the dependence of plasmid recombination by these pathways on activities that are required for plasmid replication support the proposal that PLM synthesis and recombination by these pathways are mutually dependent. We propose the hypothesis that DNA double-stranded ends, which are produced in the process of PLM synthesis, are involved in plasmid recombination by the RecE, RecF and Red pathways. Conversely, recombination-dependent priming of DNA synthesis at 3 singles-tranded DNA ends is hypothesized to initiate PLM synthesis on circular plasmid DNA templates.Abbreviations PLM plasmid linear multimers - BUDR 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine - bp base pair  相似文献   

Summary Broad-host-range plasmids carrying -amylase or -lactamase reporter genes lacking a signal sequence were used to select export elements from Lactococcus lactis chromosomal DNA that could function as signal sequences. Fragments containing such elements were identified by their ability to direct the export of the reporter proteins in Escherichia coli. Several of the selected export elements were also active in Bacillus subtilis and L. lactis, although the efficiencies depended strongly on the host organism and reporter gene used. The export elements AL9 and BL1 were highly efficient in L. lactis in the expression and secretion of at least two heterologous proteins (Bacillus licheniformis -amylase and E. coli TEM--lactamase). AL9 even permitted growth of this organism on starch as the sole carbon source. Nucleotide sequence analysis of five selected fragments indicated that these encode oligopeptides with the major characteristics of typical signal peptides. The putative expression signals had a limited similarity to previously described expression signals for E. coli, B. subtilis and L. lactis. Differences in both expression and export efficiency are likely to underlie the host-specific effects.  相似文献   

Summary Using transformation and conjugal mobilization, plasmids carrying the lamB gene of Escherichia coli were transferred to a range of Erwinia strains. The resultant strains were infected with 467, and kanamycin resistant transductants were screened for various mutant phenotypes including auxotrophy and altered extracellular enzyme activities. Reversion analysis suggested that most mutant phenotypes were due to Tn5 insertion. The applicability of the techniques was highly strain dependent. However a rapid and simple route to mutant isolation was obtained, which could allow the use of other -related genetic techniques in several important species which, to date, have not been genetically manipulated.  相似文献   

Summary A number of deletions in the glucose kinase (glk) region of the Streptomyces coelicolor chromosome were found among spontaneous glk mutants. The deletions were identified by probing Southern blots of chromosomal DNA from glk mutants with cloned glk DNA. The deletions ranged in size from 0.3 kb to greater than 2.9 kb. When cloned glk DNA was introduced on a C31 phage vector into a glk mutant that contained a deletion of the entire homolgous chromosomal glk region, glucose kinase activity was detected in extracts of these cells. The entire coding information for at least a subunit of glucose kinase is there-fore present on the cloned glk DNA. The 0.3 kb glk chromosomal deletion was used to demonstrate that transfer of chromosomal glk mutations on the the C31::glk phage could occur by recombination in vivo. Since glk mutations frequently arise from deletion events, a method was devised for inserting the cloned glk DNA at sites in the chromosome for which cloned DNA is available, and thus facilitating the isolation of deletions in those DNA regions. C31::glk vectors containing a deletion of the phage att site cannot lysogenize S. coelicolor recipients containing a deletion of the glk chromosomal gene unless these phages contain S. coelicolor chromosomal DNA. In such lysogens, the glk gene becomes integrated into the chromosome by homologous recombination directed by the chromosomal insert on the phage DNA. In appropriate selective conditions, mutants which contain deletions of the glk gene that extend into the adjacent host DNA can be easily isolated. This method was used to insert glk into the methylenomycin biosynthetic genes, and isolate derivatives with deletions of host DNA from within the prophage into the adjacent host DNA. Phenotypic and Southern blot analysis of the deletions showed that there are no genes essential for methylenomycin biosynthesis for at least 13 kb to the left of a region concerned with negative regulation of methylenomycin biosynthesis. Many of the deletions also removed part of the C31 prophage.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds of two cultivars, each of macrosperma and microsperma varietal groups of lentil were mutagenised with gamma-rays and NMU to determine their mutagen sensitivity and mutability. The increasing doeses of gamma-rays and NMU decreased germination, root and shoot length, pollen fertility and plant survival, but increased the occurrence of leaf spots. The root system was found to be more sensitive to both mutagens than the shoot. The macrosperma varietal group was more sensitive to both the mutagens than microsperma group. In microsperma group, variety Pusa-1 was more sensitive to both the mutagens than L-259, while in the macrosperma group L-1491 showed more sensitivity to the mutagens than L-1492. Radio-sensitivity corresponded positively with chemosensitivity in both varietal groups. There was a positive relationship between radio- and chemo-sensitivity of the genotypes and their mutability. The results also revealed the existence of a parallelism between radiomutability and chemo-mutability. Due to saturation in the mutational events and vigour of both diplontic and haplontic selection in the biological material, the mutation frequency either decreased or remained constant at higher doses of the mutagens.  相似文献   

Fifteen shrub stands of Amelanchier alnifolia vegetation were studied using Braun-Blanquet procedures, tabulated, and ordered by Twinspan, Decorana, and field experience into 5 groups of stands. The stands occurred on the lower slopes of the southwestern Teton and southeastern Big Hole mountains of eastern Idaho and in-and outside a U.S. Forest Service exclosure above the Hoback River in adjacent Wyoming. The ecology of this Amelanchier vegetation as a whole and of the 5 groups of stands is discussed using Jenny's factors of soil formation (1941, 1958, 1980) as a framework. Plant indicator values (Ellenberg 1979, 1988) which rank species on their occurrences in relation to light, temperature, continentality of climate, water availability, soil reaction (pH), and soil nitrogen supply, were independently assigned to the 121 species of vascular plants encountered in the described stands.  相似文献   

Summary Maize mitochondria of cytoplasmic male sterile (cms-S) plants contain two linear episomes, S1 (6397 bp) and S2 (5453 bp). S1 contains three long open reading frames URF2 (1017 bp), URF3 (2782 bp) and URF4 (768 bp). We have demonstrated that the URF3 sequence of S1 encodes a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 103 kDa which is found in cms-S but undetectable in cms-T, cms-C or normal (fertile) mitochondria. A translational fusion containing the 5 terminus of the lacZ gene and 800 bp of the 3 end of URF3 was isolated from a cms-S mitochondrial genomic library in the expression vector gt11. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the resulting fusion protein immunoprecipitated a 103 kDa polypeptide from among [35S]-methionine-labeled cms-S mitochondrial proteins but not from normal mitochondrial proteins. The mitochondria of fertile F1 plants resulting from a cross between B37 cms-S and Ky21 (universal restorer) contain as much of this 103 kDa protein as is observed in sterile cms-S mitochondria. The mitochondria of fertile cytoplasmic revertants from cms-RD and cms-LM in a WF9 nuclear background also synthesized the 103 kDa protein. We conclude that the URF3 sequence of the S1 episome is expressed in vivo and that the presence of its gene product in maize mitochondria is not sufficient to confer the male sterile phenotype.  相似文献   

Kim KH  Kim YO  Ko BS  Youn HJ  Lee DS 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(22):1749-1755
An endo--(13),(14)-glucanase gene (bglBC1) from Bacillus circulans ATCC21367 was modified by substituting its native promoter with a strong promoter, BJ27X, to increase expression of the gene when cloned into B. subtilis RM125 and B. megaterium ATCC14945. A 771-bp endo--(13),(14)-glucanase open reading frame was inserted into a new shuttle plasmid, pBLC771, by ligating the ORF and pBE1, the latter of which contained the strong promoter, BJ27X. B. subtilis, transformed with the recombinant plasmid pBLC771, produced an extracellular endo--(13),(14)-glucanase that was 130 times (7176 mU ml–1) more active than that of the gene donor cells (55 mU ml–1), while the enzyme from the transformed B. megaterium was 7 times (378 mU ml–1) more active than that of the gene donor cells. M r of the enzyme was 28 kDa, with proteolytic processing of the enzyme being observed only in B. subtilis cells. The major products of water-soluble -glucan hydrolyzed by over-produced endo--(13),(14)-glucanase were tri- and tetra-oligosaccharides which can be developed as useful products such as anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-hypertriglyceridemic, and anti-hyperglycemic agents.  相似文献   

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