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Floral transition should be strictly regulated because it is one of the most critical developmental processes in plants. Arabidopsis terminal flower 2 (tfl2) mutants show an early-flowering phenotype that is relatively insensitive to photoperiod, as well as several other pleiotropic phenotypes. We found that the early flowering of tfl2 is caused mainly by ectopic expression of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene, a floral pathway integrator. Molecular cloning of TFL2 showed that it encodes a protein with homology to heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) of animals and Swi6 of fission yeast. TFL2 protein localizes in subnuclear foci and expression of the TFL2 gene complemented yeast swi6(-) mutants. These results suggested that TFL2 might function as an HP1 in Arabidopsis: Gene expression analyses using DNA microarrays, however, did not show an increase in the expression of heterochromatin genes in tfl2 mutants but instead showed the upregulation of the floral homeotic genes APETALA3, PISTILLATA, AGAMOUS and SEPALLATA3. The pleiotropic phenotype of the tfl2 mutant could reflect the fact that TFL2 represses the expression of multiple genes. Our results demonstrate that despite its homology to HP1, TFL2 is involved in the repression of specific euchromatin genes and not heterochromatin genes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

ATX-1, an Arabidopsis homolog of trithorax,activates flower homeotic genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: The genes of the trithorax (trxG) and Polycomb groups (PcG) are best known for their regulatory functions in Drosophila, where they control homeotic gene expression. Plants and animals are thought to have evolved multicellularity independently. Although homeotic genes control organ identity in both animals and plants, they are unrelated. Despite this fact, several plant homeotic genes are negatively regulated by plant genes similar to the repressors from the animal PcG. However, plant-activating regulators of the trxG have not been characterized. RESULTS: We provide genetic, molecular, functional, and biochemical evidence that an Arabidopsis gene, ATX1, which is similar to the Drosophila trx, regulates floral organ development. The effects are specific: structurally and functionally related flower homeotic genes are under different control. We show that ATX1 is an epigenetic regulator with histone H3K4 methyltransferase activity. This is the first example of this kind of enzyme activity reported in plants, and, in contrast to the Drosophila and the yeast trithorax homologs, ATX1 can methylate in the absence of additional proteins. In its ability to methylate H3K4 as a recombinant protein, ATX1 is similar to the human homolog. CONCLUSIONS: ATX1 functions as an activator of homeotic genes, like Trithorax in animal systems. The histone methylating activity of the ATX1-SET domain argues that the molecular basis of these effects is the ability of ATX1 to modify chromatin structure. Our results suggest a conservation of trxG function between the animal and plant kingdoms despite the different structural nature of their targets.  相似文献   

TERMINAL FLOWER2 (TFL2) is the only homolog of heterochromatin protein1 (HP1) in the Arabidopsis genome. Because proteins of the HP1 family in fission yeast and animals act as key components of gene silencing in heterochromatin by binding to histone H3 methylated on lysine 9 (K9), here we examined whether TFL2 has a similar role in Arabidopsis. Unexpectedly, genes positioned in heterochromatin were not activated in tfl2 mutants. Moreover, the TFL2 protein localized preferentially to euchromatic regions and not to heterochromatic chromocenters, where K9-methylated histone H3 is clustered. Instead, TFL2 acts as a repressor of genes related to plant development, i.e. flowering, floral organ identity, meiosis and seed maturation. Up-regulation of the floral homeotic genes PISTILLATA, APETALA3, AGAMOUS and SEPALLATA3 in tfl2 mutants was independent of LEAFY or APETALA3, known activators of the above genes. In addition, transduced APETALA3 promoter fragments as short as 500 bp were sufficient for TFL2-mediated gene repression. Taken together, TFL2 silences specific genes within euchromatin but not genes positioned in heterochromatin of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) genes encode proteins that function as the mobile floral signal, florigen. In this study, we characterized five FT-like genes from the model legume, Medicago (Medicago truncatula). The different FT genes showed distinct patterns of expression and responses to environmental cues. Three of the FT genes (MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTc) were able to complement the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ft-1 mutant, suggesting that they are capable of functioning as florigen. MtFTa1 is the only one of the FT genes that is up-regulated by both long days (LDs) and vernalization, conditions that promote Medicago flowering, and transgenic Medicago plants overexpressing the MtFTa1 gene flowered very rapidly. The key role MtFTa1 plays in regulating flowering was demonstrated by the identification of fta1 mutants that flowered significantly later in all conditions examined. fta1 mutants do not respond to vernalization but are still responsive to LDs, indicating that the induction of flowering by prolonged cold acts solely through MtFTa1, whereas photoperiodic induction of flowering involves other genes, possibly MtFTb1, which is only expressed in leaves under LD conditions and therefore might contribute to the photoperiodic regulation of flowering. The role of the MtFTc gene is unclear, as the ftc mutants did not have any obvious flowering-time or other phenotypes. Overall, this work reveals the diversity of the regulation and function of the Medicago FT family.  相似文献   

Plants adjust their growth and development in response to the ambient light environment. These light responses involve systemic signals that coordinate differentiation of different tissues and organs. Here, we have investigated the function of the key repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA1 in different tissues of the plant by expressing GUS-SPA1 under the control of tissue-specific promoters in a spa mutant background. We show that SPA1 expression in the phloem vasculature is sufficient to rescue the spa1 mutant phenotype in dark-grown spa mutant seedlings. Expression of SPA1 in mesophyll, epidermis or root tissues of the seedling, by contrast, has no or only slight effects. In the leaf, SPA1 expression in both the phloem and the mesophyll is required for full complementation of the defect in leaf expansion. SPA1 in phloem and mesophyll tissues affected division and expansion of cells in the epidermal layer, indicating that SPA1 induces non-cell-autonomous responses also in the leaf. Photoperiodic flowering is exclusively controlled by SPA1 expression in the phloem, which is consistent with previous results showing that the direct substrate of the COP1/SPA complex, CONSTANS, also acts in the phloem. Taken together, our results highlight the importance of phloem vascular tissue in coordinating growth and development. Because the SPA1 protein itself is incapable of moving from cell to cell, we suggest that SPA1 regulates the activity of downstream component(s) of light signaling that subsequently act in a non-cell-autonomous manner. SPA1 action in the phloem may also result in mechanical stimuli that affect cell elongation and cell division in other tissues.  相似文献   

A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling response to photoperiod, Hd1, was identified by means of a map-based cloning strategy. High-resolution mapping using 1505 segregants enabled us to define a genomic region of approximately 12 kb as a candidate for Hd1. Further analysis revealed that the Hd1 QTL corresponds to a gene that is a homolog of CONSTANS in Arabidopsis. Sequencing analysis revealed a 43-bp deletion in the first exon of the photoperiod sensitivity 1 (se1) mutant HS66 and a 433-bp insertion in the intron in mutant HS110. Se1 is allelic to the Hd1 QTL, as determined by analysis of two se1 mutants, HS66 and HS110. Genetic complementation analysis proved the function of the candidate gene. The amount of Hd1 mRNA was not greatly affected by a change in length of the photoperiod. We suggest that Hd1 functions in the promotion of heading under short-day conditions and in inhibition under long-day conditions.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins, consisting of Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits, play important roles in plant development and cell signaling. In Arabidopsis, in addition to one prototypical G protein α subunit, GPA1, there are three extra-large G proteins, XLG1, XLG2, and XLG3, of largely unknown function. Each extra-large G (XLG) protein has a C-terminal Gα-like region and a ~400 amino acid N-terminal extension. Here we show that the three XLG proteins specifically bind and hydrolyze GTP, despite the fact that these plant-specific proteins lack key conserved amino acid residues important for GTP binding and hydrolysis of GTP in mammalian Gα proteins. Moreover, unlike other known Gα proteins, these activities require Ca(2+) instead of Mg(2+) as a cofactor. Yeast two-hybrid library screening and in vitro protein pull-down assays revealed that XLG2 interacts with the nuclear protein RTV1 (related to vernalization 1). Electrophoretic mobility shift assays show that RTV1 binds to DNA in vitro in a non-sequence-specific manner and that GTP-bound XLG2 promotes the DNA binding activity of RTV1. Overexpression of RTV1 results in early flowering. Combined overexpression of XLG2 and RTV1 enhances this early flowering phenotype and elevates expression of the floral pathway integrator genes, FT and SOC1, but does not repress expression of the floral repressor, FLC. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that XLG2 increases RTV1 binding to FT and SOC1 promoters. Thus, a Ca(2+)-dependent G protein, XLG2, promotes RTV1 DNA binding activity for a subset of floral integrator genes and contributes to floral transition.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Li H  Gupta R  Morris PC  Luan S  Kieber JJ 《Plant physiology》2000,122(4):1301-1310
The modulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity regulates many intracellular signaling processes. In animal and yeast cells, MAP kinases are activated via phosphorylation by the dual-specificity kinase MEK (MAP kinase kinase). Several plant homologs of MEK and MAPK have been identified, but the biochemical events underlying the activation of plant MAPKs remain unknown. We describe the in vitro activation of an Arabidopsis homolog of MAP kinase, ATMPK4. ATMPK4 was phosphorylated in vitro by an Arabidopsis MEK homolog, AtMEK1. This phosphorylation occurred principally on threonine (Thr) residues and resulted in elevated ATMPK4 kinase activity. A second Arabidopsis MEK isoform, ATMAP2Kalpha, failed to phosphorylate ATMPK4 in vitro. Tyr dephosphorylation by the Arabidopsis Tyr-specific phosphatase AtPTP1 resulted in an almost complete loss of ATMPK4 activity. Immunoprecipitates of Arabidopsis extracts with anti-ATMPK4 antibodies displayed myelin basic protein kinase activity that was sensitive to treatment with AtPTP1. These results demonstrate that a plant MEK can phosphorylate and activate MAPK, and that Tyr phosphorylation is critical for the catalytic activity of MAPK in plants. Surprisingly, in contrast to the animal enzymes, AtMEK1 may not be a dual-specificity kinase but, rather, the required Tyr phosphorylation on ATMPK4 may result from autophosphorylation.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting the Arabidopsis SWC6 gene encoding a putativeorthologue of a component of the SWR1 chromatin remodellingcomplex in plants have been characterized. swc6 mutations causeearly flowering, shortened inflorescence internodes, and alteredleaf and flower development. These phenotypic defects resemblethose of the photoperiod independent early flowering 1 (pie1)and early in short days 1 (esd1) mutants, also affected in homologuesof the SWR1 complex subunits. SWC6 is a ubiquitously expressednuclear HIT-Zn finger-containing protein, with the highest levelsfound in pollen. Double mutant analyses suggest that swc6 abolishesthe FLC-mediated late-flowering phenotype of plants carryingactive alleles of FRI and of mutants of the autonomous pathway.It was found that SWC6 is required for the expression of theFLC repressor to levels that inhibit flowering. However, theeffect of swc6 in an flc null background and the down-regulationof other FLC-like/MAF genes in swc6 mutants suggest that floweringinhibition mediated by SWC6 occurs through both FLC- and FLC-likegene-dependent pathways. Both genetic and physical interactionsbetween SWC6 and ESD1 have been demonstrated, suggesting thatboth proteins act in the same complex. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation,it has been determined that SWC6, as previously shown for ESD1,is required for both histone H3 acetylation and H3K4 trimethylationof the FLC chromatin. Altogether, these results suggest thatSWC6 and ESD1 are part of an Arabidopsis SWR1 chromatin remodellingcomplex involved in the regulation of diverse aspects of plantdevelopment, including floral repression through the activationof FLC and FLC-like genes. Key words: Arabidopsis, chromatin remodelling, floral repression, HIT-Zn finger, phase transition, SWR1 complex  相似文献   

The mutation gigantea (gi) is recessive and belongs to the late-flowering mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. The late-flowering mutations result in a pronounced delay in flowering due to a prolonged phase of vegetative growth, which is manifested by an increased number of primary foliage leaves in the rosette (i.e. vegetative nodes). To examine the nature of the gi mutation, detailed phenotypic analysis was carried out for three representative mutant alleles. The results indicate that gi mutants have a defect in the promotion of the floral induction process by long-day photoperiods and not in the flowering process per se. Temperature-shift experiments using a partially conditional allele were employed to determine the timing of the functional requirement for the product of the GI locus. The end of the deduced functional period corresponds to the period at which transition of the apical meristem from the vegetative to the reproductive phase occurs. Such timing is in good agreement with the postulated role of the GI locus. These results demonstrate that the GI locus is involved in the promotion of floral initiation (entrance of the meristem into the transitional stage) by long-day photoperiods.  相似文献   

C2H2 zinc-finger proteins play important roles in plant development including floral organogenesis, leaf initiation, lateral shoot initiation, gametogenesis and seed development. The gene for one such protein from Arabidopsis, AtZFP1 (Arabidopsis thalianazinc-finger protein 1), is expressed at high levels in the shoot apex, including the apical meristem, developing leaves and the developing vascular system. In light-grown seedlings, AtZFP1 expression is induced about three days after germination, before the expansion of the true leaves. Dark-grown plants, in which photomorphogenesis is repressed, have no detectable AtZFP1 expression in the shoot apex. Under conditions which induce or mimic photomorphogenic development including growth in the light, shifting dark-grown plants to continuous light or growth on cytokinin in the dark, high levels of AtZFP1 expression are detected. Furthermore, AtZFP1 expression does not depend on active photosynthesis as shown by analysis of plants grown on the carotenoid biosynthetic inhibitor norflurazon. These results are discussed in relation to a possible role for AtZFP1 in shoot development, downstream of photomorphogenic activation.  相似文献   

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