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Tertiary-structure modeling suggests the occurrence of disulfide bonds in the cytosolic form of fructosebisphosphatase (EC in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Redox modulation could then control the AMP sensitivity of fructosebisphosphatase in the cytosol, as suggested by the experiments of E. Khayat et al. (1993, Plant Physiol. 101, 57–64). Modeling also reveals two cysteine residues correctly positioned to form a disulfide bond and hence potentially redox-sensitive in the cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC from the facultative crassulacean metabolism plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.Abbreviations Cys cysteine - DTT dithiothreitol This work was supported by NSF DCB-9018265 and US Department of Energy, Office of Health and Environmental Research, under contract W-31-109-ENG-38, and by laboratory-directed research and development funding from Argonne National Laboratory. We thank Hans J. Bohnert, University of Arizona, for providing the ice plant seeds, Xiaomu Niu and Paul M. Hasegawa, Purdue University, for providing the salt bush roots, Larry Sykora and staff at the UIC Greenhouse for cultivating the ice plants, and Christie Aljets for assistance with some of the activity determinations.  相似文献   

Catalase-peroxidases (KatGs) are unique in exhibiting an overwhelming catalase activity and a peroxidase activity of broad specificity. Similar to other peroxidases the distal histidine in KatGs forms a hydrogen bond with an adjacent conserved asparagine. To investigate the catalytic role(s) of this potential hydrogen bond in the bifunctional activity of KatGs, Asn153 in Synechocystis KatG was replaced with either Ala (Asn153-->Ala) or Asp (Asn153-->Asp). Both variants exhibit an overall peroxidase activity similar with wild-type KatG. Cyanide binding is monophasic, however, the second-order binding rates are reduced to 5.4% (Asn153-->Ala) and 9.5% (Asn153-->Asp) of the value of native KatG [(4.8 +/- 0.4) x 105 m-1.s-1 at pH 7 and 15 degrees C]. The turnover number of catalase activity of Asn153-->Ala is 6% and that of Asn153-->Asp is 16.5% of wild-type activity. Stopped-flow analysis of the reaction of the ferric forms with H2O2 suggest that exchange of Asn did not shift significantly the ratio of rates of H2O2-mediated compound I formation and reduction. Both rates seem to be reduced most probably because (a) the lower basicity of His123 hampers its function as acid-base catalyst and (b) Asn153 is part of an extended KatG-typical H-bond network, the integrity of which seems to be essential to provide optimal conditions for binding and oxidation of the second H2O2 molecule necessary in the catalase reaction.  相似文献   

An improved system for the in vitro light activation of the chloroplast enzymes fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase is described. Through the presence of the monothiol beta-mercaptoethanol in the reaction mixtures the activated forms of the enzymes can be stabilized and their activity determined spectrophotometrically.  相似文献   

New evidence is provided regarding the direct effect of light on stomatal opening in the epidermis of the pea (Pisum sativum L. var Little Marvel) leaf. Light modulates the activity of a number of key enzymes involved in stomatal metabolism. When isolated epidermal strips are illuminated, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, NADP-malate dehydrogenase, and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase are activated; and aspartate aminotransferase is inactivated. Sulfhydryl compounds, dithiothreitol and glutathione, enhance stomatal opening in epidermal strips both in light or darkness while the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide inhibits, indicating the possible involvement of sulfhydryl groups in stomatal movements. Further, light treatment increases measureable thiol levels in the epidermis about 3-fold. These results suggest that light modulation of enzymes in the epidermis may play a significant role in the mechanism of stomatal movement.  相似文献   

In this study, weinvestigated the mechanism that links activation ofN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors to inhibition ofvoltage-gated sodium channels in isolated catfish cone horizontal cells. NMDA channels were activated in voltage-clamped cells incubated in low-calcium saline or dialyzed with the calcium chelator BAPTA todetermine that calcium influx through NMDA channels is required forsodium channel modulation. To determine whether calcium influx throughNMDA channels triggers calcium-induced calcium release (CICR), cellswere loaded with the calcium-sensitive dye calcium green 2 and changesin relative fluorescence were measured in response to NMDA. Responseswere compared with measurements obtained when caffeine depleted stores.Voltage-clamp studies demonstrated that CICR modulated sodium channelsin a manner similar to that of NMDA. Blocking NMDA receptors with AP-7,blocking CICR with ruthenium red, depleting stores with caffeine, ordialyzing cells with calmodulin antagonists W-5 or peptide 290-309all prevented sodium channel modulation. These results support thehypothesis that NMDA modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels inhorizontal cells requires CICR and activation of a calmodulin-dependentsignaling pathway.


Plants are continually in danger of absorbing more light energy than they can use productively for their metabolism. Acclimation to environmental conditions therefore includes the development of mechanisms for dissipating or avoiding the accumulation of such excess excitation energy. Acclimation could be controlled by many signal transduction pathways that would be initiated by the perception of excess excitation energy both inside and outside the chloroplast. Recent studies in related areas provide models of how these signalling pathways could operate in acclimation to excess light. Components of photosynthetic electron transport chains, reactive oxygen species, redox-responsive protein kinases, thiol-regulated enzymes, chlorophyll precursors and chloroplast-envelope electron transport chains all have roles in these models.  相似文献   

Huber SC 《Plant physiology》1979,64(5):846-851
High concentrations of orthophosphate (Pi) inhibited CO2-dependent O2 evolution and prevented the inactivation of glucose-6-P dehydrogenase by light in intact spinach and barley chloroplasts. Addition of glycerate-3-P to chloroplasts inhibited by Pi in the light, induced O2 evolution and caused rapid inactivation of glucose-6-P dehydrogenase. The activity of phosphofructokinase detected in chloroplast preparations was not affected by light or by Pi.  相似文献   

Growing evidence supports the view that enzymatic activity results from a subtle interplay between chemical kinetics and molecular motions. A systematic analysis is performed here to delineate the type and level of coupling between catalysis and conformational mechanics. The dynamics of a set of 98 enzymes representative of different EC classes are analyzed with the Gaussian network model (GNM) and compared with experimental data. In more than 70% of the examined enzymes, the global hinge centers predicted by the GNM are found to be colocalized with the catalytic sites experimentally identified. Low translational mobility (< 7%) is observed for the catalytic residues, consistent with the fine-tuned design of enzymes to achieve precise mechanochemical activities. Ligand binding sites, while closely neighboring catalytic sites, enjoy a moderate flexibility to accommodate the ligand binding. These findings could serve as additional criteria for assessing drug binding residues and could lessen the computational burden of substrate docking searches.  相似文献   

The light energy requirements for photoactivation of two chloroplast enzymes: fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase were studied in a reconstituted chloroplast system. This system comprised isolated pea thylakoids, ferredoxin (Fd), ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase (FTR) thioredoxinm and f (Tdm, Tdf) and the photoactivatable enzyme. Light-saturation curves of the photoactivation process were established with once washed thylakoids which did not require the addition of Td for light activation. They exhibited a plateau at 10 W·m–2 under nitrogen and 50 W·m–2 under air, while NADP photoreduction was saturated at 240 W·m–2. Cyclic and pseudocyclic phosphorylations saturated at identical levels as enzyme photoactivations. All these observations suggested that the shift of the light saturation plateau towards higher values under air was due to competing oxygen-dependent reactions. With twice washed thylakoids, which required Td for enzyme light-activation, photophosphorylation was stimulated under N2 by the addition of the components of the photoactivation system. Its rate increased with increasing Td concentrations, just as did the enzyme photoactivation rate, while varying the target enzyme concentration had only a weak effect. Considering that Td concentrations were in a large excess over target enzyme concentrations, it may be assumed that the observed ATP synthesis was essentially dependent on the rate of Td reduction.Under air, Fd-dependent pseudo-cyclic photophosphorylation was not stimulated by the addition of the other enzyme photoactivation components, suggesting that an important site of action of O2 was located at the level of Fd.Abbreviations Fd ferredoxin - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - FTR ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase - LEM light effect mediator - NADP-MDH NADP-malate dehydrogenase - Td thioredoxin  相似文献   

This review focuses on some intermediate results on the path from the gene and enzyme structure to physiological responses and personalised medicine. Bioinformatics of genetic and protein-structural polymorphisms, theoretical methods of predicting the influence of single amino acid substitutions on the structure and catalytic activity of enzymes are considered. For a large group of enzymes, interrelations between genetic modifications, structural changes of the proteins and the detected physiological and clinical manifestations are discussed. In this respect, highly productive techniques to determine the catalytic activity of an enzyme as well as non-invasive proteomic approaches are of particular interest. A non-invasive proteomic analysis using mass-spectrometric protein identification of human exhaled breath condensate and tear fluids has been chosen.  相似文献   

Electrostatics calculations with proteins that are uniformly charged over volume can aid enzyme/non-enzyme discrimination. For known enzymes, such methods locate active sites to within 5% on the enzyme surface, in 77% of a test set. We now report that removing the dielectric boundary improves active site location to 80%, with optimal discrimination between enzymes and non-enzymes of around 80% specificity and 80% sensitivity. This calculation quantifies burial of solvent-accessible regions. Many of the true enzymes incorrectly assigned as non-enzymes have active sites at subunit boundaries. These are missed in monomer-based calculations. Catalytic and non-catalytic antibodies are studied in this context of active/binding site burial. Whilst catalytic antibodies, on average, have marginally higher active site burial than non-catalytic antibodies, these values are generally smaller than for non-antibody enzymes, possibly contributing to their relatively low turnover. Prediction of active site location improves further when sequence profile-based weights replace the uniform charge distribution, so that a combination of burial and amino acid conservation is assessed. Accuracy rises to 93% of active sites to within 5%, in the test set, for the optimal profile weights scheme. The equivalent value in a separate validation set is 89% to within 5%. Enzyme/non-enzyme and enzyme functional site predictions are made for structural genomics proteins, suggesting that a substantial majority of these are non-enzymes.  相似文献   

It is no surprise that the catalytic activity of electron-transport enzymes may be optimised at certain electrochemical potentials in ways that are analogous to observations of pH-rate optima. This property is observed clearly in experiments in which an enzyme is adsorbed on an electrode surface which can supply or receive electrons rapidly and in a highly controlled manner. In such a way, the rate of catalysis can be measured accurately as a function of the potential (driving force) that is applied. In this paper, we draw attention to a few examples in which this property has been observed in enzymes that are associated with membrane-bound respiratory chains, and we discuss its possible origins and implications for in vivo regulation.  相似文献   

Most microsomal P450s have a conserved "threonine cluster" composed of three Thrs (Thr319, Thr321, Thr322 for P450d) at a putative distal site. An ionic amino acid at 318 is also well conserved as Glu or Asp for most P450s. To understand the role of these conserved polar amino acids at the putative distal site in the catalytic function of microsomal P450, we studied how mutations at this site of P450d influence the activation of molecular oxygen in the reconstituted system. Catalytic activity (0.02 min-1) toward 7-ethoxycoumarin of the Glu318Ala mutant of P450d was just 6% of that (0.33 min-1) of the wild type, while those of Glu318Asp, Thr319Ala, and Thr322Ala were comparable to or even higher than that of the wild type. Consumption rates of O2 and formation rates of H2O2 of those mutants varied in accord with the catalytic activities. Especially, the efficiency (0.5%) of incorporated oxygen atom to the substrate versus produced H2O2 for the Glu318Ala mutant was much lower than that (3.7%) of the wild type, while that (58.8%) for the mutant Glu318Asp was 16-fold higher than that of the wild type. In addition, the autoxidation [Fe(II)---- Fe(III)] rate (0.074 s-1) of the Glu318Ala mutant was much lower than those (0.374-0.803 s-1) of the wild type and other mutants. Thus, we strongly suggest that Glu318 plays an important role in the catalytic function toward 7-ethoxycoumarin of microsomal P450d.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin derivatives lacking SH groups such as S,S'-dicarboxymethyl-, dicarboxamidomethyl-thioredoxin and cysteine----serine mutant protein are capable of activating chloroplast NADP malate dehydrogenase and fructose-bisphosphatase when added to enzyme assays together with suboptimal amounts of native thioredoxin. The modified thioredoxins alone are inactive. These findings indicate that protein-protein interactions play a significant role in addition to disulfide/thiol exchange reactions in the light-driven regulation of plant enzymes by the various plant thioredoxins.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of mandelate racemase (MR) has been solved at 3.0-A resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement and subsequently refined against X-ray diffraction data to 2.5-A resolution by use of both molecular dynamics refinement (XPLOR) and restrained least-squares refinement (PROLSQ). The current crystallographic R-factor for this structure is 18.3%. MR is composed of two major structural domains and a third, smaller, C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain has an alpha + beta topology consisting of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet followed by an antiparallel four alpha-helix bundle. The central domain is a singly wound parallel alpha/beta-barrel composed of eight central strands of beta-sheet and seven alpha-helices. The C-terminal domain consists of an irregular L-shaped loop with several short sections of antiparallel beta-sheet and two short alpha-helices. This C-terminal domain partially covers the junction between the major domains and occupies a region of the central domain that is filled by an eight alpha-helix in all other known parallel alpha/beta-barrels except for the barrel domain in muconate lactonizing enzyme (MLE) [Goldman, A., Ollis, D. L., & Steitz, T. A. (1987) J. Mol. Biol. 194, 143] whose overall polypeptide fold and amino acid sequence are strikingly similar to those of MR [Neidhart, D. J., Kenyon, G. L., Gerlt, J. A., & Petsko, G. A. (1990) Nature 347, 692]. In addition, the crystal structure reveals that, like MLE, MR is tightly packed as an octamer of identical subunits. The active site of MR is located between the two major domains, at the C-terminal ends of the beta-strands in the alpha/beta-barrel domain. The catalytically essential divalent metal ion is ligated by three side-chain carboxyl groups contributed by residues of the central beta-sheet. A model of a productive substrate complex of MR has been constructed on the basis of difference Fourier analysis at 3.5-A resolution of a complex between MR and (R,S)-p-iodomandelate, permitting identification of residues that may participate in substrate binding and catalysis. The ionizable groups of both Lys 166 and His 297 are positioned to interact with the chiral center of substrate, suggesting that both of these residues may function as acid/base catalysts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A series of retro-binding inhibitors of human alpha-thrombin was prepared to elucidate structure-activity relationships (SAR) and optimize in vivo performance. Compounds 9 and 11, orally active inhibitors of thrombin catalytic activity, were identified to be efficacious in a thrombin-induced lethality model in mice.  相似文献   

The regulation by light of the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Landsberg erecta. When grown in high- and low-irradiance white light, wild-type plants and photomorphogenic mutants showed large differences in their maximum photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll a/b ratios; such changes were abolished by growth in red light. Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII levels were measured in wild-type plants grown under a range of light environments; the results indicate that regulation of photosystem stoichiometry involves the specific detection of blue light. Supplementing red growth lights with low levels of blue light led to large increases in PSII content, while further increases in blue irradiance had the opposite effect; this latter response was abolished by the hy4 mutation, which affects certain events controlled by a blue-light receptor. Mutants defective in the phytochrome photoreceptors retained regulation of photosystem stoichiometry. We discuss the results in terms of two separate responses controlled by blue-light receptors: a blue-high-fluence response which controls photosystem stoichiometry; and a blue-low-fluence response necessary for activation of such control. Variation in the irradiance of the red growth light revealed that the blue-high-fluence response is attenuated by red light; this may be evidence that photosystem stoichiometry is controlled not only by photoreceptors, but also by photosynthetic metabolism.Abbreviations BHF blue-high-fluence - BLF blue-low-fluence - Chl chlorophyll - FR far-red light - LHCII light-harvesting complex of PSII - Pmax maximum photosynthetic rate - R red light - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council Grant No. GR3/7571A. We would like to thank H. Smith (Botany Department, University of Leicester) and E. Murchie (INRA, Versailles) for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

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