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Calmodulin is involved in regulation of cell proliferation.   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
A chicken calmodulin (CaM) gene has been expressed in mouse C127 cells using a bovine papilloma virus (BPV)-based vector (BPV-CM). The vector-borne genes produce a mature mRNA of the expected size that is present on cytoplasmic polyribosomes. In clonal cell lines transformed by BPV-CM, expression of the CaM gene produced CaM levels 2- to 4-fold above those observed in cells transformed by BPV alone. Increased intracellular CaM caused a reduction of cell cycle length that is solely due to a reduction in the length of the G1 phase. A comparison of six cell lines revealed a linear relationship between the intracellular CaM concentration and the rate of G1 progression. These data provide the first evidence that specific elevation of CaM levels directly affects the rate of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that microtubule (MT) inhibitor, nocodazole (2-5 microM) significantly increases endothelial cells (EC) actomyosin contraction and permeability indicating the importance of MT in maintaining the EC barrier (Verin et al. [2001]: Cell Mol Physiol 281:L565-L574). Okadaic acid (OA, 2-5 nM), a powerful inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), significantly potentiates the effect of submaximal concentrations of nocodazole (50-200 nM) on transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) suggesting the involvement of PP2A activity in the MT-mediated EC barrier regulation. Immunofluorescent staining of EC revealed that in control cells PP2A distributes in a pattern similar to MT. Consistent with these results, we demonstrated that significant amounts of PP2A were present in MT-enriched EC fractions indicating tight association of PP2A with MT in endothelium. Treatment of EC with OA leads to disappearance of MT-like PP2A staining suggesting dissociation of PP2A from the MT network. Next, we examined the effect of PP2A inhibition on phosphorylation status of MT-associated protein tau, which in its unphosphorylated form promotes MT assembly. OA caused significant increases in tau phosphorylation confirming that tau is a substrate for PP2A in endothelium. Immunofluorescent experiments demonstrated that the OA-induced increases in tau phosphorylation strongly correlated with translocation of phospho-tau to cell periphery and disassembly of peripheral MT. These results suggest the involvement of PP2A-mediated tau dephosphorylation in alteration of EC MT structure and highlight the potential importance of PP2A in the regulation of EC the MT cytoskeleton and barrier function.  相似文献   

Activins, cytokine members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, have various effects on many physiological processes, including cell proliferation, cell death, metabolism, homeostasis, differentiation, immune responses endocrine function, etc. Activins interact with two structurally related serine/threonine kinase receptors, type I and type II, and initiate downstream signaling via Smads to regulate gene expression. Understanding how activin signaling is controlled extracellularly and intracellularly would not only lead to more complete understanding of cell growth and apoptosis, but would also provide the basis for therapeutic strategies to treat cancer and other related diseases. This review focuses on the recent progress on activin-receptor interactions, regulations of activin signaling by ligand-binding proteins, receptor-binding proteins, and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Smad proteins.  相似文献   

Recent work has implicated the importance of adapter proteins in signal transduction. To identify homologues of the previously identified adapter protein Shb, database searches were performed. A Shb-like protein was found which we have named Shf. Shf contains an SH2 domain and four putative tyrosine phosphorylation sites and is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, brain, liver, prostate, testis, ovary, small intestine, and colon. The SH2 domain of Shf bound to the PDGF-alpha-receptor at tyrosine-720, but not to the PDGF-beta-receptor in PAE cells. Pervanadate induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shf in NIH3T3 fibroblasts overexpressing this protein, whereas PDGF-AA alone had no detectable effect. NIH3T3 cells overexpressing Shf displayed significantly lower rates of apoptosis than control cells in the presence of PDGF-AA. Our findings suggest a role for the novel adapter Shf in PDGF-receptor signaling and regulation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The facultative intracellular bacterium Bartonella henselae induces unique angiogenic lesions in immunocompromised hosts. To determine the role of intracellular calcium pools in B. henselae-induced endothelial cell proliferation, we generated B. henselae-conditioned medium (BCM) and tested the ability of these cell-free proteins to induce human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation, CXCL8 production, and intracellular Ca2+ signals. HUVECs incubated with BCM for 3 days had higher cell numbers than controls. In addition, HUVECs produced increased amounts of CXCL8 in response to BCM when compared to medium controls. When BCM was added to HUVECs and the intracellular Ca2+ response measured with the calcium-sensitive dye fura-2/AM, a Ca2+ rise was demonstrated. It was determined that this Ca2+ rise originated from intracellular Ca2+ stores through the use of the Ca2+ ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin. Further, it was demonstrated that BCM enhanced CXCL8 production and HUVEC proliferation in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Conditioned medium from B. henselae causes an intracellular Ca2+ rise in HUVECs, which is involved in B. henselae-induced HUVEC proliferation and CXCL8 production. These results implicate intracellular Ca2+ pools in B. henselae-induced angiogenesis and may lead to increased understanding of the mechanisms of pathogen-induced angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Protocadherin-18a (Pcdh18a) belongs to the δ2-protocadherins, which constitute the largest subgroup within the cadherin superfamily. Here we present isolation of a full-length zebrafish cDNA that encodes a protein highly similar to human and mouse Pcdh18. Zebrafish pcdh18a is expressed in a complex and dynamic pattern in the nervous system from gastrula stages onward, with lesser expression in mesodermal derivatives. Pcdh18a-eGFP fusion protein is expressed in a punctate manner on the membranes between cells. Overexpression of pcdh18a in embryos caused cyclopia, mislocalization of hatching gland tissue, and duplication or splitting of the neural tube. Most neural markers tested were expressed in an approximately correct A-P pattern. By cell transplantation we showed that overexpression of pcdh18a causes diminished cell migration and reduced cell protrusions, resulting in a tendency of cells to stay more firmly aggregated, probably due to increased cell adhesion. In contrast, knockdown of pcdh18a by a morpholino oligonucleotide caused defects in epiboly, and led to reduced cell adhesion as shown by cell dissociation, sorting and transplantation experiments. These results suggest a role for Pcdh18a in cell adhesion, migration and behavior but not cell specification during gastrula and segmentation stages of development.  相似文献   

Transendothelial leukocyte migration is a major aspect of the innate immune response. It is essential in repair and regeneration of damaged tissues and is regulated by multiple cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) including members of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily. Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM/CD166) is an Ig CAM expressed by activated monocytes and endothelial cells. Hitherto, the functional relevance of ALCAM expression by endothelial cells and activated monocytes remained unknown. In this report, we demonstrate soluble recombinant human ALCAM significantly inhibited the rate of transendothelial migration of monocyte cell lines. Direct involvement of ALCAM in transendothelial migration was evident from the robust inhibition of this process by ALCAM blocking antibodies. However, soluble recombinant ALCAM had no impact on monocyte migration or adhesion to endothelium. Localization of ALCAM specifically at cell-cell junctions in endothelial cells supported its role in transendothelial migration. This study is the first to localize ALCAM to endothelial cell junctions and demonstrate a functional relevance for co-expression of ALCAM by activated monocytes and endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Since a negative calcium balance is present in spontaneously hypertensive rats, we searched for the gene(s) involved in this dysregulation. A cDNA library was constructed from the spontaneously hypertensive rat parathyroid gland, which is a key regulator of serum-ionized calcium. From seven overlapping DNA fragments, a 1100-base pair novel cDNA containing an open reading frame of 224 codons was reconstituted. This novel gene, named HCaRG (hypertension-related, calcium-regulated gene), was negatively regulated by extracellular calcium concentration, and its basal mRNA levels were higher in hypertensive animals. The deduced protein showed no transmembrane domain, 67% alpha-helix content, a mutated calcium-binding site (EF-hand motif), four putative "leucine zipper" motifs, and a nuclear receptor-binding domain. At the subcellular level, HCaRG had a nuclear localization. We cloned the human homolog of this gene. Sequence comparison revealed 80% homology between rats and humans at the nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Tissue distribution showed a preponderance in the heart, stomach, jejunum, kidney (tubular fraction), liver, and adrenal gland (mainly in the medulla). HCaRG mRNA was significantly more expressed in adult than in fetal organs, and its levels were decreased in tumors and cancerous cell lines. We observed that after 60-min ischemia followed by reperfusion, HCaRG mRNA declined rapidly in contrast with an increase in c-myc mRNA. Its levels then rose steadily to exceed base line at 48 h of reperfusion. HEK293 cells stably transfected with HCaRG exhibited much lower proliferation, as shown by cell count and [(3)H]thymidine incorporation. Taken together, our results suggest that HCaRG is a nuclear protein potentially involved in the control of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) has been shown to modulate neuronal differentiation during early development. Both muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) regulate a wide variety of physiological responses, including apoptosis, cellular proliferation and neuronal differentiation. However, the intracellular mechanisms underlying these effects of AChR signaling are not fully understood. It is known that activation of AChRs increase cellular proliferation and neurogenesis and that regulation of intracellular calcium through AChRs may underlie the many functions of ACh. Intriguingly, activation of diverse signaling molecules such as Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt, protein kinase C and c-Src is modulated by AChRs. Here we discuss the roles of ACh in neuronal differentiation, cell proliferation and apoptosis. We also discuss the pathways involved in these processes, as well as the effects of novel endogenous AChRs agonists and strategies to enhance neuronal-differentiation of stem and neural progenitor cells. Further understanding of the intracellular mechanisms underlying AChR signaling may provide insights for novel therapeutic strategies, as abnormal AChR activity is present in many diseases.  相似文献   

Mesangial matrix is a dynamic structure which modulates mesangial cell function. Since accumulation of matrix precedes the development of focal glomerulosclerosis, we studied the effect of different matrices on mesangial cell (MC) apoptosis. Suspended mesangial cells became apoptotic in a time dependent manner. Collagen type III did not modulate MC apoptosis when compared to cells grown on plastic. MCs grown on Matrigel, collagen type I and IV showed an increased number of apoptotic cells when compared to MCs grown on plastic. DNA end-labeling further confirmed these observations. MCs grown on Matrigel showed enhanced (P < 0.05) mRNA expression for tissue transglutaminase (TTG) and cathepsin-B. Mesangial cells grown on Matrigel also showed enhanced expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD). We conclude that mesangial cells require attachment to the matrix for their survival and alteration of the quality of matrix modulates mesangial cell apoptosis. J. Cell. Biochem. 68:22–30, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The WHI2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays a key role in coordinating cell proliferation and nutrient availability. A 2.6 kb yeast DNA sequence has been cloned which fully suppresses the whi2 mutation. Integration of this sequence to demonstrate that the structural gene itself had been cloned proved difficult. Integration occurred only rarely and only at the LEU2 locus which was also present on the integrating plasmid. To circumvent these difficulties an adjacent sequence, present on the original isolate from the gene library, was subcloned onto the integrating vector YIp5, after which directed integration proved straightforward. The integrated sequence was closely linked to WHI2, confirming that the structural gene had been cloned. A chromosomal restriction map of the WHI2 region is presented; no gross changes were observed in the region as cells entered stationary phase.  相似文献   

The role of proteoglycans in cell adhesion, migration and proliferation.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Proteoglycans comprise a part of the extracellular matrix that participates in the molecular events that regulate cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. Their structural diversity and tissue distribution suggest a functional versatility not generally encountered for other extracellular matrix components. This versatility is mainly dictated by their molecular interactions and their ability to regulate the activity of key molecules involved in several biological events. This molecular cooperativity either promotes or inhibits cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. A growing number of studies indicate that proteoglycans can play a direct role in these cellular events by functioning either as receptors or as ligands for molecules that are required for these events to occur. Such studies support a role for proteoglycans as important effectors of cellular processes that constitute the basis of development and disease.  相似文献   

与细胞发育和代谢相关的转录因子中,2000年才正式发布并统一命名的Fox家族受到了研究者的高度重视,其广泛存在于从酵母到哺乳类的真核生物中.FoxO转录因子作为Fox家族主要成员,是INS/IGF-1信号通路中的关键因子,通过转录调控和信号转导途径在动物的生理调节、代谢和细胞周期等方面起重要作用.  相似文献   

The pasticcino2 (pas2) mutant shows impaired embryo and seedling development associated with cell de-differentiation and proliferation. This process is specifically enhanced in presence of cytokinins leading to callus-like structure of the apical part of the seedling. Cell proliferation concerns localized and stochastic nodules of dividing cells. In absence of cytokinins, cell proliferation leads to small calli on stems but, most often, cell proliferation is associated with post-genital organ fusion. The PAS2 gene was identified by positional cloning. PAS2 expression was found in every plant organ and was not regulated by PAS1 and PAS3 genes. PAS2 encodes the Arabidopsis member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase-like (Ptpl) family, a new PTP family originally described in mice and humans and characterized by a mutated PTP active site. This family of proteins has a yeast homolog that is essential for cell viability. The absence of yeast PAS2 homolog can be functionally replaced by the Arabidopsis PAS2 protein, demonstrating that PAS2 function is conserved between higher and lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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