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Four experiments were performed in order to evaluate further the hypothesis that androgen must be aromatized to estrogen for the activation of masculine sexual behavior in the male rat. In Experiment 1 it was found that the anti-estrogen MER-25 failed to disrupt mounting behavior in castrated males which simultaneously received testosterone propionate (TP). However, in Experiment 2 it was found that MER-25 as weil as 3β-androstanediol effectively activated masculine behavior in castrated males treated simultaneously with dihydrotestosterone propionate. Both MER-25 and 3β-androstanediol had previously been shown to display an affinity for cytoplasmic estradiol-17β receptors present in male rat anterior hypothalamus. In Experiments 3 and 4, performed with ovariectomized females, it was found that whereas MER-25 antagonized the stimulatory effect of estradiol benzoate (EB) on lordosis behavior, 3β-androstanediol did not. In addition, 5α-dihydrotestosterone and 3α-androstanediol, two compounds which had previously been shown to have almost no affinity for estradiol-17β receptors in the hypothalamus, both inhibited the stimulatory effect of EB on lordosis. It is concluded that the fact that anti-estrogens suppress lordosis induced in females with either EB or TP, but fail to disrupt TP-induced mounting behavior in male rats does not argue against the aromatization hypothesis for masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

M Matsui  Y Kinuyama  M Hakozaki 《Steroids》1974,24(4):557-573
A mixture of testosterone-4-14C and testosterone-1,2-3H-17-glucosiduronate was intraperitoneally administered into male and female rats with bile fistulas. Biliary metabolites were separated and purififd by a combination of column chromatography, enzymic hydrolysis or solvolysis of the conjugate fractions and identification of the liberated aglycones. The injected steroids were extensively metabolized and excreted predominantly in the blue. 5β-Androstane-3α, 17β-diol was found principally in monoglucosiduronate fraction and was produced preferentially from the injected conjugate in both sexes. Very marked sex differences from the injected conjugate in both sexes. Very marked sex differences were observed in the following metabolites: Androsterone was present only in the female as monoglucosidironate, which was preferentially derived from testosterone. 5α-Androstane-3α,17β-diol was identified in both monoglucosiduronate and diconjugate fractions of the female, which was formed significanrly more from the conjugate than testosterone. These findings provide evidence that testosterone glucosiduronate could be converted directly into 5α-steroids as well as 5β-ones invivo. In marked contrast, the major portion of testosterone was metabolized to polar steroids in the male.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of hysterectomy on hormone-induced lordosis behavior. Lordosis quotients (LQ) were measured in hysterectomized-ovariectomized (HO) and ovariectomized-sham hysterectomized (OSH) rats after several treatments including either estradiol benzoate (EB) alone or EB plus progesterone (P) 44 hr later. Testing consisted of placing the females with sexually active males 48 hr after EB. In Experiment 1, HO animals treated with 5 μg/kg EB and 0.5 mg P had significantly higher LQs than OSH animals; groups treated with 10 μg/kg plus P were not different. Experiment 2 showed that a single injection of 50 μg/kg EB resulted in equally high levels of receptivity in both groups. The LQs of HO animals injected with 3 μg/kg for 4 days did not differ from those of OSH animals; however, the administration of 0.5 mg P 24 hr after the fourth EB injection resulted in significantly higher LQs in the HO group (Experiment 3). In Experiment 4, HO rats injected with 5 μg/kg EB and 0.1 mg P 44 hr later displayed higher levels of lordosis behavior than OSH animals. It was concluded that hysterectomy facilitated the lordosis behavior of ovariectomized rats injected with both EB and P and that the mechanism for this potentiation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The objective of the present report was to investigate the influence of androgen in the neonatal period on the development of ejaculatory and postejaculatory behavior. At birth, male rats were either castrated (neonatally castrated males), implanted with a Silastic tube of the aromatase inhibitor androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione for the first 10 days (ATD males), or left untreated (normal males). Female rats were either injected with 0.5 mg testosterone propionate (TP) on Days 1 (day of birth) and 2 (androgenized females) or left untreated (normal females). All gonadally intact animals were castrated at 60 days of age. Following TP administration, all animals were tested for ejaculatory and postejaculatory behavior under both shock and nonshock conditions. All animals were capable of showing the intromission pattern; however, the ejaculatory pattern was exhibited regularly only by those animals exposed to androgen at birth (normal males, androgenized females, and ATD males). The normal males required fewer intromissions to achieve ejaculation than the other two groups exhibiting this reflex. This result is discussed in terms of peripheral genital stimulation deficits and the differentiation of neural tissue responsible for masculine copulatory behavior. Androgenized females and ATD males displayed a refractory period, characterized by 22-kHz vocalizations, equal to or longer than that found in normal males. These results indicate that defeminization is not necessary for the display of normal ejaculatory and postejaculatory behavior.  相似文献   

High lordosis quotients (LQ) were observed when female Wistar rats injected with 1.25 mgm of testosterone propionate (TP) on Day 4 of postnatal life were tested as intact adults. The high LQ was not due to testing during the lights-on period, the age at which the females were tested, the use of a strain that was insensitive to the masculinizing action of TP or estradiol benzoate (EB), the age at which the females were injected with TP or EB, or an abnormal response to estrogen. High LQ values were found in similar tests on adult female rats of two other strains injected with 1.25 mgm TP on Day 4 of life. A marked reduction of the facilitatory action of progesterone on receptivity in estrogen-primed animals was demonstrated in the females of all three strains treated with TP or EB during the neonatal period and for males after castration as adults.Analysis of the experimental records of the mating tests showed that females anovulatory following TP or EB administration during the neonatal period and tested either intact and under the influence of endogenous hormones or under the influence of exogenous estrogen showed a rapid and highly significant increase in receptivity during the course of prolonged (20 min) tests with two or three active stimulus males. This effect was very much reduced if the treated females were under the influence of exogenous estrogen plus progesterone. The effect was not seen in males castrated as adults and treated with estrogen, or in females not treated with steroids in the neonatal period and tested intact at proestrus alone or under the influence of exogenous steroids after ovariectomy. A significant increase in LQ during the test period was observed in females of the Wistar strain which were anovulatory as a result of exposure to constant light and were tested intact without any exogenous hormone being administered.It is suggested that although tests involving a limited number of mounts or attempts to mount at low rates over a short period of time may be adequate to determine the degree of receptivity of normal female rats they are not adequate to establish the capacity of female rats treated with steroid hormones during the neonatal period to display the lordosis response.  相似文献   

GABAergic drugs and lordosis behavior in the female rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agents modifying GABAergic neurotransmission were administered to ovariectomized rats treated with different doses of estradiol benzoate (EB) + progesterone (P) or with EB alone. Hormone treatments were designed to induce an intermediate level of receptivity in order to be able to observe both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on lordosis behavior. Both the GABAA receptor agonist THIP and the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen inhibited lordosis behavior at doses from 20 and 5 mg/kg, respectively. The GABA transaminase inhibitor gamma-acetylen GABA (GAG) and the GABA agonist 3-aminopropanesulfonic acid had no effects, even when high doses were administered. The GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline had no effect by itself nor did it block the effects of THIP. It is therefore suggested that the GABAA receptor is of slight importance in the control of lordosis behavior. No evidence could be found supporting the hypothesis that an interaction between P and GABA is important for hormone-induced receptivity. It does not appear likely that motor disturbances are responsible for the inhibitory effects of baclofen and THIP. The exact mechanism by which these drugs inhibit lordosis behavior is not clear at present.  相似文献   

Factor analysis of rat behavior in the open-field test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Method of major components, a variety of factor analysis, was used for evaluation of rats behaviour motivational structure in the open field test. 40 outbred rats of Wistar line (20 males and females) were examined in which 22 behaviour characteristics were studied. It was shown that a greater part (60%) of rats individual behaviour variability in the open field test was determined by the action of three major components (factors), which were defined as "investigation", "fear" and "shifted activity". Factor structure was studied of main characteristics of behaviour, recorded in the open field test. The use of factor analysis allowed to carry out animals classification on the basis of their disposition in coordinates of the obtained major components.  相似文献   

The effects of graded doses of testosterone propionate administered to female rats on Day 4 of postnatal life have been determined. The incidence of failure of ovulation as adults was related to the dose. With increasing dosage over the range 1–100 μg no significant evidence of a progressive decrease in immunoassayable luteinizing hormone concentration in the plasma or anterior pituitary was obtained. The reported protective action of sodium phenobarbitone when administered with testosterone propionate could not be confirmed. Single injections of 100 μg of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 5 α-androstanediol, or a combination of the two latter compounds had no masculinizing effect. When the 17-β propionate derivatives of these compounds were administered at the same dose level only testosterone propionate had a masculinizing effect.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of testosterone and two of its metabolites on the size of motoneurons in the sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) in adult male rats. Treatment of castrates with either testosterone or dihydrotestosterone maintained SNB cell size, although testosterone was more effective in this regard. However, estradiol, either alone or in conjunction with dihydrotestosterone treatment, had no effect on the size of the somata or nuclei of SNB motoneurons. These results indicate that testosterone affects SNB cell size by interacting with androgen receptors and that aromatized metabolites of testosterone are not involved in this aspect of motoneuronal plasticity in adulthood. Because the penile reflexes mediated by the SNB neuromuscular system are also sensitive to androgen but not estrogen treatment, morphological changes in SNB cells may contribute to the androgenic modulation of these reflexes.  相似文献   

The ability of clomiphene and its isomers to cause estrogenic responses during the neonatal period in the rat was examined. Rats were injected s.c. with clomiphene (CL), zuclomiphene (ZUC) or enclomiphene (ENC) on days 1,3, and 5 of life and the stimulation of the reproductive tract and estrogen receptor binding was observed. Uterine weight and DNA content were increased significantly by day 7 in animals treated with clomiphene or zuclomiphene. Uterine epithelial hypertrophy was present in all groups by day 10 and hyperplasia was present in the animals treated with ZUC and CL. The time of vaginal opening was greatly accelerated in all drug treated groups with the earliest day of opening occurring on day 7. Ovarian hemorrhage and blood in the periovarian sac occurred between days 12-14 and continued to be present through day 25. Drug treatment caused the estrogen receptor to accumulate in the nuclear fraction of the uterus and to be depleted from the cytosol fraction. We conclude that clomiphene administered to neonatal rats causes estrogenic stimulation of the reproductive tract in a fashion similar to other estrogens. This stimulation may account for the reproductive tract abnormalities which develop in rats treated with those drugs during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

The effect of ACTH and various related analogs on lordosis behavior in female rats was compared with that produced by α-MSH. Ovariectomized rats received 2 μg estradiol benzoate on Day 1 and Day 3 either 0.1 or 0.2 mg progesterone. Four hours later the females were placed with sexually experienced male rats and the lordosis quotient (LQ) noted. These particular doses of progesterone were chosen because they were sub-maximal and produced a proportion of both nonreceptive (LQ less than 50%) and receptive (LQ greater than 50%) rats. Treatment with 20 μg α-MSH on Day 2 stimulated lordosis in nonreceptive rats but inhibited lordosis in the receptive rats.Of the other peptides tested only ACTH4–10 was as effective as α-MSH in facilitating and inhibiting lordosis behavior. ACTH1–24 and ACTH4–9 also produced both effects. ACTH1–39 and ACTH1–16, on the other hand, had neither effect but were both effective in stimulating and inhibiting lordosis when administered on Days 1, 2 and 3. It is suggested that ACTH4–10 may contain the essential sequence for these facilitatory and inhibitory effects on female sexual receptivity and that elongation of the peptide chain beyond ACTH 1–13 (α-MSH) may decrease this activity.  相似文献   

In the open-field test, male rats usually defecate more and ambulate less than females. A strain was studied in which the males defecate less than females, while still ambulating less. Infants of this strain were castrated (males) or injected with testosterone propionate (females) and tested in the open field as adults. There were significant effects of these neonatal treatments on ambulation, but not on defecation, in contrast to previous reports for the latter measure in rats showing a sex difference in defecation taking the usual direction. It is suggested that absence of the usual direction of a sex difference normally under the developmental control of androgen may indicate a genotype which has escaped from such control. Finally, a number of 'sibling' effects' were observed, i.e. effects on the adult behaviour of the members of one sex in a litter produced by treatments administered in infancy to members of the other sex.  相似文献   

Both testosterone (T) and progesterone (P) facilitate the expression of male-typical sexual behavior in a variety of animals, including rodents and lizards. In two species of whiptail lizards, Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. uniparens, both hormones elicit the full repertoire of courtship behavior. However, the relative efficacy of the two hormones is unknown. In Experiments 1 and 2 we assessed differences in capacity of exogenous T and P to induce male-typical courtship behavior in gonadectomized whiptail lizards. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more frequent courtship behavior relative to those implanted with P or cholesterol. In Experiments 3 and 4 we examined whether T and P differentially affected the retention of courtship behavior following implant removal. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more courtship behavior following implant removal than those previously given P. In these experiments, implants were removed at a time when individuals in both groups were behaviorally similar; therefore, the differences in behavior following implant removal were not due to differences in the amount of courtship experience. Taken together, the hormone that was more effective at activating courtship behavior was also more effective at maintaining courtship behavior following implant removal. In summary, though both T and P can elicit identical sexual behaviors in both whiptail species, T has a greater and more lasting effect on courtship behavior and possibly on the neural circuits underlying courtship behavior.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized rats were hormonally primed with various doses of estradiol benzoate (EB; 0.5-10 microg) in combination with various doses of progesterone (2.5-500 microg) to induce sexual receptivity. Females were then subjected to 5 min restraint and the effect on lordosis behavior was monitored for the next 30 min. Such mild stress has been previously shown to transiently reduce lordosis behavior of ovariectomized females hormonally primed only with 10 microg EB. In the current study, doses of progesterone of 25 microg or more in combination with 10 microg EB reduced the effects of restraint. Also priming doses of EB from 4.0 to 10 microg in combination with 250 microg progesterone prevented the lordosis-inhibiting effects of restraint. These findings reinforce prior observations of the dose-dependency of both estrogen and progesterone in the facilitation of lordosis behavior and introduce the female's lordosis response to mild restraint as a potentially useful index of the female's response to stress.  相似文献   

Sexually inexperienced male Wistar rats (strain WI in our colony) known to very infrequently display spontaneous lordosis behavior (Schaeffer et al., 1990b) were used. A first group was tested four times at 5-day intervals for lordosis with vigorous stimulus males (heterotypic sexual behavior), immediately following testing for masculine sexual activity with highly receptive females (homotypic sexual behavior). A small number of animals displayed lordosis during the first test, but more and more animals displayed this behavior from the first to the fourth test. There was no relationship between the degree of masculine sexual activity--intromission without ejaculation or ejaculation--and the occurrence of lordosis behavior. A second group was tested only once for both masculine sexual activity and lordosis behavior as above and afterwards three times at 5-day intervals for lordosis behavior in the absence of any previous testing for masculine sexual activity. A few animals displayed lordosis during their first test. As compared to the first group, the animals which had not displayed lordosis in the first test never showed lordosis responses in the following tests. It is concluded that both homotypic and heterotypic sexual interactions are required for the display of lordosis behavior in the strain of Wistar rats used in this study.  相似文献   

Septal lesions increase behavioral responsiveness to estrogen of male, female, and androgen-sterilized female (ASF) rats as measured by lordosis behavior. Male and ASF animals normally show low levels of female sexual receptivity when compared to normal female rats. However, the level of female sexual behavior in male and ASF rats with septal lesions is comparable to that of highly receptive female rats. Progesterone facilitates the estrogen-induced female sexual behavior of female, but not male or ASF, animals. Andrenalectomy had no effect on the increased behavioral sensitivity to estrogen induced by septal lesions. Amygdala lesions, comparable in size to septal lesions, did not facilitate female sexual behavior. The male or female pattern of gonadotropin release is not affected by septal lesions, indicating a disassociation between the regulation of gonadotropin release and sexual behavior. Since septal lesions facilitate lordosis behavior in rats, the septal region appears to exert a tonic inhibition on female sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Four daily injections of 20 mg ethamoxytriphetol, MER-25, to intact female rats with regular 4-day estrous cycles inhibited lordosis behavior, but had no inhibitory effect on mounting behavior. Ten mg/day of MER-25 for 9 days partially antagonized the stimulatory effect of 2 μg/day of estradiol benzoate on lordosis behavior in ovariectomized female rats, but had no inhibitory effect upon mounting behavior. MER-25 (10 mg/day for 9 days) stimulated the display of mounting behavior in ovariectomized female rats. No effects of MER-25 treatment (10 mg for 10 days) comparable to those of testosterone propionate (10, 50, or 250 μg for 10 days) on testicular, seminal vesicle, or ventral prostate weights of intact male rats or on seminal vesicle or ventral prostate weights of castrated male rats were observed. The results show that MER-25 acts differently upon various estrogen sensitive behaviors in the female rat.  相似文献   

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