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氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈浩  莫江明  张炜  鲁显楷  黄娟 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6864-6879
工业化带来的大气氮沉降增加是影响森林生态系统碳吸存的重要因素。将森林碳库分为地上和地下两部分,从3个方面综述了国内外氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的研究现状。(1)地上部分:氮限制的温带森林,氮沉降增加了地上部分碳吸存。氮丰富的热带森林,氮沉降对地上部分碳吸存没有影响。过量的氮输入会造成森林死亡率的上升,从而降低地上部分碳吸存。(2)地下部分:相比地上部分研究得少,表现为增加、降低和没有影响3种效果。(3)目前的结论趋向于认为氮沉降促进森林生态系统碳吸存,然而氮沉降所带来的森林生态系统碳吸存能力到底有多大依然无法确定,这也将成为未来氮碳循环研究的重点问题。分析了氮沉降影响森林生态系统碳吸存的机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的4种研究方法。探讨了该领域研究的不足及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

* Flowering is a critical stage in plant life cycles, and changes might alter processes at the species, community and ecosystem levels. Therefore, likely flowering-time responses to global change drivers are needed for predictions of global change impacts on natural and managed ecosystems. * Here, the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) (550 micromol mol(-1)) and warming (+2 masculineC) is reported on flowering times in a native, species-rich, temperate grassland in Tasmania, Australia in both 2004 and 2005. * Elevated [CO2] did not affect average time of first flowering in either year, only affecting three out of 23 species. Warming reduced time to first flowering by an average of 19.1 d in 2004, acting on most species, but did not significantly alter flowering time in 2005, which might be related to the timing of rainfall. Elevated [CO2] and warming treatments did not interact on flowering time. * These results show elevated [CO2] did not alter average flowering time or duration in this grassland; neither did it alter the response to warming. Therefore, flowering phenology appears insensitive to increasing [CO2] in this ecosystem, although the response to warming varies between years but can be strong.  相似文献   

The response of plants to elevated CO2 is dependent on the availability of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It is generally accepted that an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases the C:N ratio of plant residues and exudates. This promotes temporary N-immobilization which might, in turn, reduce the availability of soil nitrogen. In addition, both a CO2 stimulated increase in plant growth (thus requiring more nitrogen) and an increased N demand for the decomposition of soil residues with a large C:N will result under elevated CO2 in a larger N-sink of the whole grassland ecosystem. One way to maintain the balance between the C and N cycles in elevated CO2 would be to increase N-import to the grassland ecosystem through symbiotic N2 fixation. Whether this might happen in the context of temperate ecosystems is discussed, by assessing the following hypothesis: i) symbiotic N2 fixation in legumes will be enhanced under elevated CO2, ii) this enhancement of N2 fixation will result in a larger N-input to the grassland ecosystem, and iii) a larger N-input will allow the sequestration of additional carbon, either above or below-ground, into the ecosystem. Data from long-term experiments with model grassland ecosystems, consisting of monocultures or mixtures of perennial ryegrass and white clover, grown under elevated CO2 under free-air or field-like conditions, supports the first two hypothesis, since: i) both the percentage and the amount of fixed N increases in white clover grown under elevated CO2, ii) the contribution of fixed N to the nitrogen nutrition of the mixed grass also increases in elevated CO2. Concerning the third hypothesis, an increased nitrogen input to the grassland ecosystem from N2 fixation usually promotes shoot growth (above-ground C storage) in elevated CO2. However, the consequences of this larger N input under elevated CO2 on the below-ground carbon fluxes are not fully understood. On one hand, the positive effect of elevated CO2 on the quantity of plant residues might be overwhelming and lead to an increased long-term below-ground C storage; on the other hand, the enhancement of the decomposition process by the N-rich legume material might favour carbon turn-over and, hence, limit the storage of below-ground carbon.  相似文献   

The carbon balance of tropical, temperate and boreal forests   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Forest biomes are major reserves for terrestrial carbon, and major components of global primary productivity. The carbon balance of forests is determined by a number of component processes of carbon acquisition and carbon loss, and a small shift in the magnitude of these processes would have a large impact on the global carbon cycle. In this paper, we discuss the climatic influences on the carbon dynamics of boreal, temperate and tropical forests by presenting a new synthesis of micrometeorological, ecophysiological and forestry data, concentrating on three case-study sites. Historical changes in the carbon balance of each biome are also reviewed, and the evidence for a carbon sink in each forest biome and its likely behaviour under future global change are discussed. We conclude that there have been significant advances in determining the carbon balance of forests, but there are still critical uncertainties remaining, particularly in the behaviour of soil carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change may substantially alter soil carbon (C) dynamics, which in turn may impact future climate through feedback cycles. However, only very few field experiments worldwide have combined elevated CO2 (eCO2) with both warming and changes in precipitation in order to study the potential combined effects of changes in these fundamental drivers of C cycling in ecosystems. We exposed a temperate heath/grassland to eCO2, warming, and drought, in all combinations for 8 years. At the end of the study, soil C stocks were on average 0.927 kg C/m2 higher across all treatment combinations with eCO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatments (equal to an increase of 0.120 ± 0.043 kg C m?2 year?1), and showed no sign of slowed accumulation over time. However, if observed pretreatment differences in soil C are taken into account, the annual rate of increase caused by eCO2 may be as high as 0.177 ± 0.070 kg C m?2 year?1. Furthermore, the response to eCO2 was not affected by simultaneous exposure to warming and drought. The robust increase in soil C under eCO2 observed here, even when combined with other climate change factors, suggests that there is continued and strong potential for enhanced soil carbon sequestration in some ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations under future climate conditions. The feedback between land C and climate remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections, yet experimental data under simulated future climate, and especially including combined changes, are still scarce. Globally coordinated and distributed experiments with long‐term measurements of changes in soil C in response to the three major climate change‐related global changes, eCO2, warming, and changes in precipitation patterns, are, therefore, urgently needed.  相似文献   

This review summarizes current understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the response of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), and examines how downstream processes and environmental constraints modulate these two fundamental responses. The results from free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments were summarized via meta-analysis to quantify the mean responses of stomatal and photosynthetic parameters to elevated [CO2]. Elevation of [CO2] in FACE experiments reduced stomatal conductance by 22%, yet, this reduction was not associated with a similar change in stomatal density. Elevated [CO2] stimulated light-saturated photosynthesis (Asat) in C3 plants grown in FACE by an average of 31%. However, the magnitude of the increase in Asat varied with functional group and environment. Functional groups with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)-limited photosynthesis at elevated [CO2] had greater potential for increases in Asat than those where photosynthesis became ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RubP)-limited at elevated [CO2]. Both nitrogen supply and sink capacity modulated the response of photosynthesis to elevated [CO2] through their impact on the acclimation of carboxylation capacity. Increased understanding of the molecular and biochemical mechanisms by which plants respond to elevated [CO2], and the feedback of environmental factors upon them, will improve our ability to predict ecosystem responses to rising [CO2] and increase our potential to adapt crops and managed ecosystems to future atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Loiseau  P.  Soussana  J. F. 《Plant and Soil》1999,212(2):123-131
The effects of elevated [CO2] (700 μl l−1 [CO2]) and temperature increase (+3 °C) on carbon accumulation in a grassland soil were studied at two N-fertiliser supplies (160 and 530 kgN ha−1 year−1) in a long-term experiment (2.5 years) on well established ryegrass swards (Lolium perenne L.,) supplied with the same amounts of irrigation water. For all experimental treatments, the C:N ratio of the top soil organic matter fractions increased with their particle size. Elevated CO2 concentration increased the C:N ratios of the below-ground phytomass and of the macro-organic matter. A supplemental fertiliser N or a 3 °C increase in elevated [CO2] reduced it. At the last sampling date, elevated [CO2] did not affect the C:N ratio of the soil organic matter fractions, but increased significantly the accumulation of roots and of macro-organic matter above 200 μm (MOM). An increased N-fertiliser supply stimulated the accumulation of the non harvested plant phytomass and of the OM between 2 and 50 μm, without positive effect on the macro-organic matter >200 μm. Elevated [CO22] increased C accumulation in the OM fractions above 50 μm by +2.1 tC ha−1, on average, whereas increasing the fertiliser N supply led to an average supplemental accumulation of +0.8 tC ha−1. There was no significant effect of a 3 °C temperature increase under elevated [CO2] on C accumulation in the OM fractions above 50 μm. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Staddon  Philip L. 《Plant and Soil》1998,205(2):171-180
A simulation model was used to investigate the effect of an increased rate of plant photosynthesis at enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentration on a non-leguminous plant-mycorrhizal fungus association. The model allowed the user to modify carbon allocation patterns at three levels: (1) within the plant (shoot–root), (2) between the plant and the mycorrhizal fungus and (3) within the mycorrhizal fungus (intraradical–extraradical structures). Belowground (root and fungus) carbon losses via respiration (and turnover) could also be manipulated. The specific objectives were to investigate the dynamic nature of the potential effects of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal colonisation and to elucidate some of the various mechanisms by which these effects may be negated. Many of the simulations showed that time (i.e. plant age) had a more significant effect on the observed stimulation of mycorrhizal colonisation by elevated CO2 than changes in carbon allocation patterns or belowground carbon losses. There were two main mechanisms which negated a stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on internal mycorrhizal colonisation: an increased mycorrhizal carbon allocation to the external hyphal network and an increased rate of mycorrhizal respiration. The results are discussed in relation to real experiments. The need for studies consisting of multiple harvests is emphasised, as is the use of allometric analysis. Implications at the ecosystem level are discussed and key areas for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration have an impact on plant communities by influencing plant growth and morphology, species interactions, and ecosystem processes. These ecological effects may be accompanied by evolutionary change if elevated CO2 (eCO2) alters patterns of natural selection or expression of genetic variation. Here, a statistically powerful quantitative genetic experiment and manipulations of CO2 concentrations in a field setting were used to investigate how eCO2 impacts patterns of selection on ecologically important traits in Arabidopsis thaliana; heritabilities, which influence the rate of response to selection; and genetic covariances between traits, which may constrain responses to selection. CO2 had strong phenotypic effects; plants grown in eCO2 were taller and produced more biomass and fruits. Also, significant directional selection was observed on many traits and significant genetic variation was observed for all traits. However, no evolutionary effect of eCO2 was detected; patterns of selection, heritabilities and genetic correlations corresponded closely in ambient and elevated CO2 environments. The data suggest that patterns of natural selection and the quantitative genetic parameters of this A. thaliana population are robust to increases in CO2 concentration and that responses to eCO2 will be primarily ecological.  相似文献   

Environmental changes threaten plant-pollinator mutualisms and their critical ecosystem service. Drivers such as land use, invasions and climate change can affect pollinator diversity or species encounter rates. However, nitrogen deposition, climate warming and CO(2) enrichment could interact to disrupt this crucial mutualism by altering plant chemistry in ways that alter floral attractiveness or even nutritional rewards for pollinators. Using a pumpkin model system, we show that these drivers non-additively affect flower morphology, phenology, flower sex ratios and nectar chemistry (sugar and amino acids), thereby altering the attractiveness of nectar to bumble bee pollinators and reducing worker longevity. Alarmingly, bees were attracted to, and consumed more, nectar from a treatment that reduced their survival by 22%. Thus, three of the five major drivers of global environmental change have previously unknown interactive effects on plant-pollinator mutualisms that could not be predicted from studies of individual drivers in isolation.  相似文献   

Prediction of the impact of climate change requires the response of carbon (C) flow in plant-soil systems to increased CO(2) to be understood. A mechanism by which grassland C sequestration might be altered was investigated by pulse-labelling Lolium perenne swards, which had been subject to CO(2) enrichment and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization for 10 yr, with (14)CO(2). Over a 6-d period 40-80% of the (14)C pulse was exported from mature leaves, 1-2% remained in roots, 2-7% was lost as below-ground respiration, 0.1% was recovered in soil solution, and 0.2-1.5% in soil. Swards under elevated CO(2) with the lower N supply fixed more (14)C than swards grown in ambient CO(2), exported more fixed (14)C below ground and respired less than their high-N counterparts. Sward cutting reduced root (14)C, but plants in elevated CO(2) still retained 80% more (14)C below ground than those in ambient CO(2). The potential for below-ground C sequestration in grasslands is enhanced under elevated CO(2), but any increase is likely to be small and dependent upon grassland management.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高和氮(N)添加对土壤碳库的影响是当前国际生态学界关注的一个热点。为阐述土壤不同形态有机碳的抗干扰能力, 运用大型开顶箱, 研究了4种处理((1)高CO2浓度(700 µmol·mol-1)和高氮添加(100 kg N·hm-2·a-1) (CN); (2)高CO2浓度和背景氮添加(CC); (3)高氮添加和背景CO2浓度(NN); (4)背景CO2和背景氮添加(CK))对南亚热带模拟森林生态系统土壤有机碳库稳定性的影响。近5年的试验研究表明: (1) CN处理能明显地促进各土层中土壤总有机碳含量的增加, 其中, 下层土壤(5-60 cm土层)中的响应达到统计学水平。(2)活性有机碳库各组分对处理的响应有所差异: 不同土层中微生物生物量碳(MBC)的含量对各处理的响应趋势基本一致, 各土层中的MBC含量均为CN > CC > NN > CK, 其中0-5 cm、5-10 cm、10-20 cm 3个土层的处理间差异都达到了显著水平; 10-20 cm与20-40 cm两个土层中的易氧化有机碳处理间有显著差异; 而对于各土层中水溶性有机碳, 处理间差异均不明显。(3)各团聚体组分中的有机碳含量的响应也有所差异: 20-40 cm与40-60 cm土层中250-2000 μm组分的有机碳含量存在处理间差异; 40-60 cm土层中53-250 μm组分的有机碳对各处理响应敏感, CC处理和NN处理都有利于该组分碳的深层积累, 尤其CN处理下的效果最为明显; 在各处理10-20 cm、20-40 cm及40-60 cm土壤中, < 53 μm组分中的碳含量间差异显著。大气CO2浓度上升和N添加促进了森林生态系统中土壤有机碳的增加, 尤其有利于深层土壤中微团聚体与粉粒、黏粒团聚体等较稳定组分中有机碳的积累, 增加了土壤有机碳库的稳定性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the responsiveness of mixed C3 grass species to elevated CO2 is related more to nitrogen uptake or to N-use efficiency. Nitrogen uptake and whole-plant N-use efficiency were investigated with two binary mixtures: Lolium perenne was mixed either with Festuca arundinacea or with Holcus lanatus. The swards were grown on sand with or without CO2 doubling, and subjected to two cutting frequencies. A C20 alcohol was used as a marker to determine species proportion in the total root mass of the mixtures. The mean residence time of N was calculated from that of 15N-labelled fertilizer. Lolium perenne took up significantly more N per unit root mass than its grass competitors, but its N-use efficiency was lower. Elevated CO2 significantly reduced the N uptake of the three grass species. A trade-off between N capture and use was found, as N-use efficiency and N-uptake rate were negatively correlated. A high N-use efficiency, and conversely low N uptake appeared to favour the responsiveness to elevated CO2 of the infrequently cut grasses.  相似文献   

We tested the main and interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), nitrogen (N), and light availability on leaf photosynthesis, and plant growth and survival in understory seedlings grown in an N‐limited northern hardwood forest. For two growing seasons, we exposed six species of tree seedlings (Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus, and Prunus serotina) to a factorial combination of atmospheric CO2 (ambient, and elevated CO2 at 658 μmol CO2 mol−1) and N deposition (ambient and ambient +30 kg N ha−1 yr−1) in open‐top chambers placed in an understory light gradient. Elevated CO2 exposure significantly increased apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport by 41% (P<0.0001), light‐limited photosynthesis by 47% (P<0.0001), and light‐saturated photosynthesis by 60% (P<0.003) compared with seedlings grown in ambient [CO2]. Experimental N deposition significantly increased light‐limited photosynthesis as light availability increased (P<0.037). Species differed in the magnitude of light‐saturated photosynthetic response to elevated N and light treatments (P<0.016). Elevated CO2 exposure and high N availability did not affect seedling growth; however, growth increased slightly with light availability (R2=0.26, P<0.0001). Experimental N deposition significantly increased average survival of all species by 48% (P<0.012). However, seedling survival was greatest (85%) under conditions of both high [CO2] and N deposition (P<0.009). Path analysis determined that the greatest predictor for seedling survival in the understory was total biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), and that carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) was a better predictor for seedling growth and survival than maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax). Our results suggest that increasing [CO2] and N deposition from fossil fuel combustion could alter understory tree species recruitment dynamics through changes in seedling survival, and this has the potential to alter future forest species composition.  相似文献   

The response of temperate forest ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations is important because these ecosystems represent a significant component of the global carbon cycle. Two important but not well understood processes which elevated CO2 may substantially alter in these systems are regeneration and nitrogen cycling. If elevated CO2 leads to changes in species composition in regenerating forest communities then the structure and function of these ecosystems may be affected. In most temperate forests, nitrogen appears to be a limiting nutrient. If elevated CO2 leads to reductions in nitrogen cycling through increased sequestration of nitrogen in plant biomass or reductions in mineralization rates, long-term forest productivity may be constrained. To study these processes, we established mesocosms of regenerating forest communities in controlled environments maintained at either ambient (375 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm) CO2 concentrations. Mesocosms were constructed from intact monoliths of organic forest soil. We maintained these mesocosms for 2 years without any external inputs of nitrogen and allowed the plants naturally present as seeds and rhizomes to regenerate. We used 15N pool dilution techniques to quantify nitrogen fluxes within the mesocosms at the end of the 2 years. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration significantly affected a number of plant and soil processes in the experimental regenerating forest mesocosms. These changes included increases in total plant biomass production, plant C/N ratios, ectomycorrhizal colonization of tree fine roots, changes in tree fine root architecture, and decreases in plant NH4 + uptake rates, gross NH4 + mineralization rates, and gross NH4 + consumption rates. In addition, there was a shift in the relative biomass contribution of the two dominant regenerating tree species; the proportion of total biomass contributed by white birch (Betula papyrifera) decreased and the proportion of total biomass contributed by yellow birch (B. alleghaniensis) increased. However, elevated CO2 had no significant effect on the total amount of nitrogen in plant and soil microbial biomass. In this study we observed a suite of effects due to elevated CO2, some of which could lead to increases in potential long term growth responses to elevated CO2, other to decreases. The reduced plant NH4 + uptake rates we observed are consistent with reduced NH4 + availability due to reduced gross mineralization rates. Reduced NH4 + mineralization rates are consistent with the increases in C/N ratios we observed for leaf and fine root material. Together, these data suggest the positive increases in plant root architectural parameters and mycorrhizal colonization may not be as important as the potential negative effects of reduced nitrogen availability through decreased decomposition rates in a future atmosphere with elevated CO2. Received: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

Predicted responses of transpiration to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) are highly variable amongst process‐based models. To better understand and constrain this variability amongst models, we conducted an intercomparison of 11 ecosystem models applied to data from two forest free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments at Duke University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We analysed model structures to identify the key underlying assumptions causing differences in model predictions of transpiration and canopy water use efficiency. We then compared the models against data to identify model assumptions that are incorrect or are large sources of uncertainty. We found that model‐to‐model and model‐to‐observations differences resulted from four key sets of assumptions, namely (i) the nature of the stomatal response to elevated CO2 (coupling between photosynthesis and stomata was supported by the data); (ii) the roles of the leaf and atmospheric boundary layer (models which assumed multiple conductance terms in series predicted more decoupled fluxes than observed at the broadleaf site); (iii) the treatment of canopy interception (large intermodel variability, 2–15%); and (iv) the impact of soil moisture stress (process uncertainty in how models limit carbon and water fluxes during moisture stress). Overall, model predictions of the CO2 effect on WUE were reasonable (intermodel μ = approximately 28% ± 10%) compared to the observations (μ = approximately 30% ± 13%) at the well‐coupled coniferous site (Duke), but poor (intermodel μ = approximately 24% ± 6%; observations μ = approximately 38% ± 7%) at the broadleaf site (Oak Ridge). The study yields a framework for analysing and interpreting model predictions of transpiration responses to eCO2, and highlights key improvements to these types of models.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (280, 420 and 560 l CO2 l–1) and increased N deposition (0,30 and 90 kg ha–1 year–1) on the spruce-forest understory species Oxalis acetosella, Homogyne alpina and Rubus hirtus. Clones of these species formed the ground cover in nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems with 5-year-old Picea abies trees (leaf area index of approx 2.2). Communities grew on natural forest soil in a simulated montane climate. Independently of N deposition, the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves grown and measured at 420 l CO2 l–1 was higher in Oxalis and in Homogyne, but was not significantly different in Rubus compared to leaves grown and measured at the pre-industrial CO2 concentration of 280 l l–1. Remarkably, further CO2 enrichment to 560 l l–1 caused no additional increase of CO2 uptake. With increasing CO2 supply concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in leaves increased and N concentrations decreased in all species, whereas N deposition had no significant effect on these traits. Above-ground biomass and leaf area production were not significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the more vigorously growing species O. acetosella and R. hirtus, but the slow growing H. alpina produced almost twice as much biomass and 50% more leaf area per plant under 420 l CO2 l–1 compared to 280 l l–1 (again no further stimulation at 560 l l–1). In contrast, increased N addition stimulated growth in Oxalis and Rubus but had no effect on Homogyne. In Oxalis (only) biomass per plant was positively correlated with microhabitat quantum flux density at low CO2, but not at high CO2 indicating carbon saturation. On the other hand, the less shade-tolerant Homogyne profited from CO2 enrichment at all understory light levels facilitating its spread into more shady micro-habitats under elevated CO2. These species-specific responses to CO2 and N deposition will affect community structure. The non-linear responses to elevated CO2 of several of the traits studied here suggest that the largest responses to rising atmospheric CO2 are under way now or have already occurred and possible future responses to further increases in CO2 concentration are likely to be much smaller in these understory species.  相似文献   

At elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]a), photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and root fraction (ηR, the ratio of root to plant dry mass) increased in some studies and decreased in others. Here, we have explored possible causes of this, focusing on the relative magnitudes of the effects of elevated [CO2]a on specific leaf (nm) and plant (np) nitrogen concentrations, leaf mass per unit area (h), and plant nitrogen productivity (α). In our survey of 39 studies with 35 species, we found that elevated [CO2]a led to decreased nm and np in all the studies and to increased h and α in most of the studies. The magnitudes of these changes varied with species and with experimental conditions. Based on a model that integrated [CO2]a-induced changes in leaf nitrogen into a biochemically based model of leaf photosynthesis, we predicted that, to a first approximation, photosynthesis will be upregulated (Amax will increase) when growth at increased [CO2]a leads to increases in h that are larger than decreases in nm. Photosynthesis will be downregulated (Amax will decrease) when increases in h are smaller than decreases in nm. The model suggests that photosynthetic capacity increases at elevated [CO2]a only when additional leaf mesophyll more than compensates the effects of nitrogen dilution. We considered two kinds of regulatory paradigms that could lead to varying responses of ηR to elevated [CO2]a, and compared the predictions of each with the data. A simple static model based on the functional balance concept predicts that ηR should increase when neither np nor h is very responsive to elevated [CO2]a. The quantitative and qualitative agreement of the predictions with data from the literature, however, is poor. A model that predicts ηR from the relative sensitivities of photosynthesis and relative growth rate to elevated [CO2]a corresponds much more closely to the observations. In general, root fraction increases if the response of photosynthesis to [CO2]a is greater than that of relative growth rate.  相似文献   

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