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In response to the results of the 1996 survey of the membership of the American Association of Physical Anthropology (AAPA), the Executive Committee of the Association sponsored a follow-up survey designed to assess gender and specialty differences in training, employment, academic status, mentoring, and research support. A total of 993 questionnaires was analyzed, representing approximately 62% of the 1998 membership of the Association. There has been a marked shift in the number of males and females in the discipline from the 1960s to the 1990s. While 51.2% of all respondents are female and 48.8% are male, 70% of the students are female. Chi-square tests indicate significant differences between males and females by highest degree, age, status, obtaining a tenure-track position, receiving tenure, and taking nontenure-track employment before receiving a tenure-track position. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of females in the ranks of assistant and associate professors; however, this is not true for the rank of professor. There are also significant differences between males and females by specialty within the discipline: researchers in primatology, human biological variation, skeletal biology, and paleopathology are primarily female, while researchers in human and primate evolution are increasingly female.  相似文献   

Status hierarchies were examined in a captive group over a 12-year period (1968–1979) to establish the stability and structure of vervet monkey dominance relationships. Dyadic records of spontaneous avoid, bite, chase, and supplant behaviors are summarized into a win/lose matrix to produce a rank order of status at the end of each calendar year. The 13,717 agonistic acts tabulated are drawn from both focal and ad lib data. Relative rank is computed by dividing the rank position of each individual by the number of individuals ranked for that year. Relative rank was found to be quite stable for adults of both sexes, although males were more variable than females. There was a strong matinrline effect on all captive born animals' rank position. No gender difference in rank was demonstrable. Infants were very subordinate at the end of their first year, but rose to positions near those of their mothers by the end of the fourth year. Presence or absence of canine teeth had no demonstrable effect on status. The results emphasize the relative importance of social learning in the establishment and maintenance of dominance relationships. The apparent gender difference in rank among wild living vervets is hypothesized to be a consequence of the male intergroup mobility. If a male is restrained from emigration, he is strongly affected by his mother's rank as he establishes his own dominance position in the troop.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the influence of sex, age, social rank, matriline membership, posture, and visual and tactual motor control on manual preferences inSaimiri sciureus. A well-established social group of 12 squirrel monkeys, aged 2 to 14 yrs and consisting of two matrilines with social rank known for each animal, was presented with four different food-reaching tasks and assessed for hand preferences with a minimum of 100 reaches per animal. Frequency of occurrence of hand preferences at the group level and degree of hand preferences at the individual level depended on posture and on whether the reaching act took place under visual or tactual guidance. Sex, age, social rank, and matriline membership were not found to determine frequency of occurrence, direction or degree of hand preferences with the exception of one task in which a significant negative correlation between the degree of hand preference and age was found. Nine out of 12 monkeys showed task-dependent changes in the hand they used preferentially while only three animals preferred the same hand in all four tasks. Significant preferences for the use of right or left hand on a given task were distributed almost equally between individuals. Thus, the results of this study suggest task-specific demands like posture and/or whether reaching was visually or tactually guided to be the major correlates of hand preferences in food-reaching tasks in squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Research groups are the cornerstone of scientific research, yet little is known about how these groups are formed and how their organization is influenced by the gender of the research group leader. This represents an important gap in our understanding of the processes shaping gender structure within universities and the academic fields they represent. Here, we report the results of an email survey sent to department chairs and discipline‐specific listservs. We received responses from 275 female and 175 male research group leaders. Most respondents were biologists (n = 328) but psychology (n = 27), chemistry (n = 16), physics (n = 32), and mathematics (n = 30) were also relatively well represented. We found that men were self‐reported as overrepresented in research groups in the physical sciences, particularly at later career stages. Within biology, male and female group leaders reported supervising a disproportionate number of same‐gender trainees (students and postdoctoral fellows), particularly early in their careers. These self‐reported patterns were driven primarily by gender‐based differences in the pool of students applying to their research groups, while gender differences in acceptance rates played a seemingly smaller role. We discuss the implications of our results for women continuing into the professoriate and for the recruitment of young scientists into research groups.  相似文献   

Summary We obtined data on body mass and growth rates for the immature members of two groups of wild baboons in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Data were collected without feeding, trapping, or handling. The data were separated into cross-sectional and longitudinal components, allowing both the examination of body mass-age relationships and the calculation of growth rates for individuals. For animals less than three years old, body mass was wellperedicted from age by a linear model. Differences based on social group membership were small but consistent, and their origins are discussed. We detected no differences in body mass based on sex or on maternal dominance rank. For older juveniles, those three to seven years of age, a better fit was obtained from log of mass than by mass in a linear model. This was also true for the cross-sectional data set over the whole age range (zero to seven years). For older juveniles, samples were too small for quantitative analysis of differences based on sex, rank, or group membership, but trends in the data are indicated. Growth rates derived from repeat measures of body mass for 38 animals are presented and discussed.The growth rate values obtained in this study are consistent with data from cross-sectional studies of other wild baboon populations; these values for wild baboons are consistently one-half to one-third lower than growth rate values for well-provisioned captive baboons and equivalent to captive baboons fed a low-protein diet. Comparisons between primates and other mammals in the primate size range raise questions concerning ecological and behavioral constraints on primate growth rates; some possible mechanisms of constraint are suggested.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of inter-tree variation in the bud phenology of Picea glehnii on susceptibility to the shoot-boring sawfly. Pleroneura piceae , and found that individual susceptibility fluctuates from year to year. The mechanism for the fluctuation between 1994 and 1997 is discussed.
Inter-tree difference in the time of bud swelling is probably genetically based, since most of the trees that began to swell early in 1995 also swelled early in 1997, and those that began to swell late also did so in both years. Damage severity of each tree was evaluated by damage ratio: proportion of the number of damaged current shoots on the previous year's leader shoot. The rank of the bud swelling phenology of a tree was positively correlated to the rank of the damage ratio. This means that genetically based differences in phenology could explain why some trees are subjected to higher levels of herbivory than others.
There was year-to-year variation in the damage severity for each tree. Nevertheless, no significant differences were found in the rank of the damage ratio between years. However the standard deviation of the damage ratios of each tree was highest for trees of intermediate rank. The skew of the frequency distribution of damage ratio was negatively correlated to the cumulated daily mean temperature in spring, which means that the spruce is more susceptible to the sawfly in warm springs than in cool springs.
The mean growth rate of the lightly damaged trees increased constantly, while that of the heavily damaged trees seemed to reach a limit and then became lower than that of the lightly damaged trees.  相似文献   

Objective: To reassess the relationship between body fat and fasting leptin concentrations comparing plasma vs. serum assessments of leptin; ratios vs. regression adjustment for body composition; fat and lean mass vs. percent body fat; and gender‐, ethnic‐, and age‐related variations. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects included 766 adults from the nondiabetic cohort of the San Luis Valley Diabetes Study examined at follow up (1997 to 1998). Body composition was determined by dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry. Leptin concentrations were determined after an overnight fast. Results: Fasting serum and plasma assessments of leptin were correlated with percent body fat to the same degree. Women had significantly higher serum leptin concentrations than men when leptin concentrations were divided by body mass index, fat mass in kilograms or percent body fat. The methodological problem inherent in interpreting these ratio measures is pictorially demonstrated. In regression analysis, fat mass alone did not explain the gender difference. However, lean body mass was inversely related to leptin concentrations (p < 0.0001) and explained 71% of the gender difference at a given fat mass. Percent body fat explained all of the gender difference in leptin concentrations in both Hispanics and non‐Hispanic whites. Similar to findings about gender differences, ethnic‐ and age‐related variations in the leptin‐body fat association were minimized when percent body fat was employed as the body fat measure. Discussion: Regression analysis and percent body fat measured with dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry are recommended when assessing the relationship between leptin and body fat. Gender differences in leptin concentrations were accounted for by percent body fat in free living (no diet control), Hispanic and non‐Hispanic white adults.  相似文献   

One large social group of each of three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis, M. radiata), housed in half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center, were observed for a total of 150 h. Data on sexual behavior and dominance interactions were recorded by pairs of experienced observers using a focal animal technique. Single or multiple mount-to-ejaculation sequences, number of thrusts per mount, number of mounts per sequence, duration of mounts per sequence, duration of sequences, social rank and frequency of sexual activity were recorded for each adult male. M. mulatta used a multiple mount-to-ejaculation (MME) pattern in 91% of their copulations. M. radiata used a single mount-to-ejaculation (SME) pattern in 91% of their copulations. M. fascicularis used both patterns—53% MME and 47% SME. A positive correlation was found between rank and sexual activity in fascicularis and mulatta males. A negative correlation between rank and sexual activity was found in radiata males and also a positive correlation between rank and age indicating that the youngest and most subordinate radiata males were the most sexually active males. In reviewing the literature, a relationship between degree of intermale competition, intermale tolerance and type of mounting pattern was revealed. Macaque species that primarily use an SME pattern also show sa high degree of intermale tolerance and little interrnale competition. Macaque species that primarily use an MME pattern typically show a high degree of intermale competition and a low degree of intermale tolerance. Possible events leading to such relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a novel method of measuring host specificity and determining host rank order. As applied to oviposition behavior of the butterfly Euphydryas editha, the rank order of preference is the order in which plants become acceptable as the insect searches, while specificity is quantified in terms of the rate at which searching insects become less discriminating. The information obtained is different from that gleaned from other preference testing techniques. It is useful in helping to assess the behavioral bases of interpopulation differences in the degree of host specialization, in understanding the ways in which multiple host use is generated within a population, and in testing hypotheses about the evolution of host specialization.The data presented here show interpopulation variation in both rank order of host species and in the degree of host specificity of E. editha.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae), a key pest species distributed throughout the western USA, survives winter in a state of diapause. A laboratory population was examined to elucidate the changes in behavior and physiology linked to this period of dormancy and to determine how these changes are affected by gender. It was found that under starvation conditions, diapausers lived significantly longer compared to non‐diapausers in both genders. This may be attributable to the greater lipid reserves that diapausers have compared to non‐diapausers. Diapausers also spent more time at rest and less time feeding than non‐diapausers. Gender did not impact these behaviors. There was no difference in resting metabolic rate or flight activity between diapausers and non‐diapausers, however, there were significant gender differences when the data were pooled. Males had higher resting metabolisms than females, whereas females spent more time flying. Collectively, these results point toward a higher degree of resource conservation in diapausers. These differences may enhance resistance to starvation and dehydration conditions that L. hesperus are likely to encounter while overwintering.  相似文献   

Numbering binary trees with labeled terminal vertices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For each rooted binary tree witht labeled terminal vertices (leaves) a natural number can be assigned uniquely. Unrooted trees witht labeled terminal vertices andt-2 unlabeled internal vertices of degree 3 can also be numbered uniquely using the same convention. Rooted trees in which the hights of the internal vertices are rank ordered are also considered. Applications to problems in taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Reported here are the results of a survey inquiring into the rate of acceptance of four sociobiological concepts in regard to their usefulness for future research. Included in the survey were members of four subdisciplines: animal behavior (biology), biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and developmental psychology. Three types of institutions were included: universities, four- and five-year colleges, and community colleges. A total of 1,631 responses are reported with the degree of acceptance varying from highest to lowest as follows: biology, biological anthropology, developmental psychology, and cultural anthropology. These variations are related to the central concepts of each subdiscipline.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of two species of African hornbill, the Black-casqued Hornbill, Ceratogymna atrata, and the Whitethighed Hornbill, Ceratogymna cylindricus, was investigated over a four-year period (1994–1997) on a 25km 2 site in lowland rainforest in south-central Cameroon. Nesting attempts varied considerably among years, with the percentage of successful nests highest in 1995, with 64% and 54% of Black-casqued and White-thighed Hornbill fledging offspring, respectively. There were no nesting attempts in 1994, despite the fact that hornbills were present in the study area. Large differences in fruit availability were also noted across years, suggesting that reproductive activity and success are related to fruit availability. Data collected from 38 nests, over four breeding seasons (1994–1997), showed a preference for nest cavities in larger trees within areas of the forest containing larger trees. Hornbills did not show preferences for particular tree species, with the possible exception of Petersianthus macrocarpus, in which nine of the active nest cavities were found. Comparisons showed few significant differences in cavity characteristics between the two species . While cavities may have been a limiting factor in nesting in 1995, the year with the highest fruit availability, cavities were not limiting during other years when fruit availability was lower. Hornbill diets, as determined from seed traps at cavities, showed significant year-to-year variation. Although courtship and exploratory behaviour of cavities by pairs took place in most years, females did not wall themselves into cavities unless fruit was plentiful. Hornbills appear to time reproduction to coincide with peak food supply and successfully reproduce only when food is plentiful, and may curtail or forego nesting in years when fruit availability is low.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the academic genealogy of American field primatologists. The genealogy has been compiled to formally document the historical record of this young field. Data have been collected from three main sources: 1) e-mail surveys, 2) library and Internet research, and 3) verbal communication through forums such as American Association of Physical Anthropology meetings. Lineages of primatologists have been graphically displayed using Microsoft Visio. As of September 2005, 672 names and 239 affiliated universities, organizations and institutions have been recorded in 19 lineages. Five hundred and thirty-eight of the 672 names, 80.1%, are field primatologists. The Hooton/Washburn lineage is the largest; 60.6% of the recorded field primatologists are linked to this lineage. In addition, four of the five professors who have mentored a comparable number of field primatologists at American universities since Washburn are linked to the Hooton/Washburn lineage; and the school where Washburn mentored a majority of his students, UC-Berkeley, continues to have the highest overall graduation record for this subdiscipline. However, the field of primatology has been diversifying since the 1960s, and different universities are now responsible for graduating a substantial number of primatologists. We conclude that while the Hooton/Washburn lineage has remained remarkably homogenous in its anthropological focus, the field is also becoming increasingly enriched by primatologists who have had training in fields such as zoology, psychology, and ecology both in the United States and abroad.  相似文献   

Abstract A total of 285 strains of Azospirillum were isolated from soils from seven geographic regions in New South Wales, Australia, using an immunomagnetic separation procedure which does not select strains according to their nitrogen-fixing ability. By combining amplification and restriction analysis of 16S rDNA (ARDRA) patterns with serological, morphological and biochemical results, we found that almost all isolates were A. brasilense and A. lipoferum. There was wide variation in the nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) activity of isolates grown in nitrogen-free, semisolid medium, with differences in average activities between regions. Isolates with zero or negligible nitrogenase activity were found in samples from only two regions, one of which had two out of 26 strains with no activity. Representative isolates, having the highest, the lowest, and intermediate nitrogen fixation rates for each site, were used to inoculate the roots of wheat plants in a model system. Most of the isolates, in association with wheat roots, reduced between 1 and 5 nmol C2H4· mg dry root−1· day−1, but certain strains gave considerably higher activities. The rank order of nitrogen fixation activity on wheat roots did not correlate well with that of nitrogen fixation in pure culture; some strains that fixed nitrogen vigorously in pure culture had low rates of fixation on roots, and vice versa. This inconsistency could not be explained by variations in the root colonizing ability of different strains. However, isolates of A. lipoferum had a higher average nitrogenase activity than A. brasilense, both in Nfb medium and in association with wheat roots. The majority of the most active nitrogen fixers were A. lipoferum. When wheat plants were inoculated with mixtures of two or four strains, nitrogen fixation rates were generally between the rates for the component strains when inoculated individually. There was no benefit from using mixtures of different strains. Received: 23 July 1997; Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   


Underwater vocalisations of Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddellii were recorded approximately 1400 km apart at Casey and Davis, Antarctica. Recordings were made during the 1992 and 1997 breeding seasons at Davis and during the 1997 season at Casey. Two observers independently analysed four attributes (start and end frequency, duration and number of elements) of narrow bandwidth calls from each location and time. There were few observer differences when the calls were grouped into four broad types (Trills, Descending Whistles, Ascending Whistles and Mews). Ascending Whistles and Mews were rare at Casey but common at Davis. Descending Whistles occurred significantly more often at Davis. Except for Trills, discriminant function analyses indicated less variation between the call attributes at Davis in 1992 and 1997 than between either of the Davis data sets and that from Casey. Vocalisation differences between Weddell seals from different areas can be detected by measuring common attributes of narrow bandwidth calls.  相似文献   

Previous findings have demonstrated that chronotype (morningness/intermediate/eveningness) is correlated with cognitive functions, that is, people show higher mental performance when they do a test at their preferred time of day. Empirical studies found a relationship between morningness and higher learning achievement at school and university. However, only a few of them controlled for other moderating and mediating variables. In this study, we included chronotype, gender, conscientiousness and test anxiety in a structural equation model (SEM) with grade point average (GPA) as academic achievement outcome. Participants were 158 high school students and results revealed that boys and girls differed in GPA and test anxiety significantly, with girls reporting better grades and higher test anxiety. Moreover, there was a positive correlation between conscientiousness and GPA (r = 0.17) and morningness (r = 0.29), respectively, and a negative correlation between conscientiousness and test anxiety (r = –0.22). The SEM demonstrated that gender was the strongest predictor of academic achievement. Lower test anxiety predicted higher GPA in girls but not in boys. Additionally, chronotype as moderator revealed a significant association between gender and GPA for evening types and intermediate types, while intermediate types showed a significant relationship between test anxiety and GPA. Our results suggest that gender is an essential predictor of academic achievement even stronger than low or absent test anxiety. Future studies are needed to explore how gender and chronotype act together in a longitudinal panel design and how chronotype is mediated by conscientiousness in the prediction of academic achievement.  相似文献   

Ethical codes and principles and laws govern the behavior of health-care professionals. Yet, the impact that ethical codes and laws have on the actual moral behaviors of health-care professionals is relatively unknown. A survey on the ethical beliefs and practices of health-care professionals was sent to the United States membership of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. AAPB's heterogeneous membership offers a unique opportunity to compare the ethical beliefs and behaviors of professionals across various health-care professions, educational levels, licensure and certification statuses, age, years in practice, and gender. The survey examined the respondents' ethical beliefs and practices in the domains of confidentiality, dual relationships, and professional practice. Five hundred thirty-six surveys were returned completed. The results of the survey indicate that all respondents have substantially the same reported ethical beliefs and practices across the three domains. There were no statistically significant differences between the reported ethical beliefs or practices when compared across disciplines, educational levels, licensure or certification statuses, age, or years in practice. Statistically significant gender differences were found.  相似文献   

Geographic distributions of all 125 endangered and threatened animals and all 70 endangered flowering plant species were compiled and mapped by administrative territory (republics, states, provinces, and districts) of the Russian Federation, based on distributional data in the official Red Data Books of the R.S.F.S.R. [Eliseev et al. (eds) (1985) Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Animals. Rosleskhoz Publishing, Moscow; Golovanov et al. (eds). (1988). Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Plants. Rosagprom Publishing, Moscow]. Territories were ranked using an algorithm that gives highest rank to the single territory with the greatest number of endangered species present, then iteratively assigns the next highest rank to the territory containing the greatest number of species not found in a territory of higher rank. This algorithm minimizes the number of territories necessary to include one population of each endangered species, but may designate very low rank to a territory that holds high numbers of endangered species if many of those species are found in a territory of higher rank. When different sets of species were used to determine territory rank with this algorithm the only significant correlation between rank lists was between ranks generated when all species are used and when only species endemic to single territories were used. Mountainous territories on Russia's southern borders held the greatest numbers of endangered species and were highly ranked whether or not species occurring outside of Russia were excluded from the ranking algorithm. The Maritime state, Krasnodar state, Dagestan republic, Sakhalin province and the Jewish province all are centers of endangered species diversity that together contain 50 or more of endangered species for multiple taxonomic groups; this was the Dobson et al. [(1997) Science 275: 550–553] definition of an endangered species hot spot. These are all mountainous territories on Russia's southern border. Precise territorial ranking within the mountainous southern regions of the Southern Far East, Caucasus, and Altai/Sayan regions of southern Siberia was highly influenced by species endemic to single territories.  相似文献   

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