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Confusion exists regarding the developmental ages of numerous Asian and southeast Asian Homo erectus fossils because of Weidenreich's contention that Pithecanthropus fused its sutures prematurely relative to H. sapiens. I reevaluate the cranial developmental ages of the Ngandong “juveniles” (2, 5, 8, 9) based on a series of indicators of youth (superstructure development, suture development/fusion, and cranial thickness) and cranial contours. The Ngandong juveniles are compared with H. sapiens adults (n = 281) and subadults (n = 81) and with Ngandong and other H. erectus adults (n = 20) and subadults (n = 4). Cranial contours are assessed using bivariate plots of arc vs. chord measurements. All indicators suggest that Ngandong 5 and 9 are adults, whereas Ngandong 8 is an older juvenile or young adult and Ngandong 2 is a juvenile with a developmental age range of greater than 6 and less than 11 years. In addition, adult cranial contours and the pattern of contour development are similar between Ngandong adults and other H. erectus adults. There is nothing in the cranial contour data to suggest that Ngandong is, despite a relatively large brain, transitional in vault shape between H. erectus and H. sapiens. Am J Phys Anthropol 108:223–236, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Brain development in Homo erectus is a subject of great interest, and the infant calvaria from Mojokerto, Indonesia, has featured prominently in these debates. Some researchers have suggested that the pattern of brain development in H. erectus resembled that of non-human apes, while others argue for a more human-like growth pattern. In this study, we retested hypotheses regarding brain ontogeny in H. erectus using new methods (resampling), and data from additional H. erectus crania. Our results reveal that humans achieve 62% (±10%) and chimpanzees 80% (±9%) of their adult endocranial volume by 0.5–1.5 years of age. Using brain mass data, humans achieve on average 65% and chimpanzees 81% of adult size by 0.5–1.5 years. When compared with adult H. erectus crania (n = 9) from Indonesian sites greater than 1.2 million years old, Mojokerto had reached ∼70% of its adult cranial capacity. Mojokerto thus falls almost directly between the average growth in humans and chimpanzees, and well within the range of both. We therefore suggest that brain development in H. erectus cannot be dichotomized as either ape-like or human-like; it was H. erectus-like. These data indicate that H. erectus may have had a unique developmental pattern that should be considered as an important step along the continuum of brain ontogeny between apes and humans.  相似文献   

The relationship between Homo habilis and early African Homo erectus has been contentious because H. habilis was hypothesized to be an evolutionary stage between Australopithecus and H. erectus, more than a half‐century ago. Recent work re‐dating key African early Homo localities and the discovery of new fossils in East Africa and Georgia provide the opportunity for a productive re‐evaluation of this topic. Here, we test the hypothesis that the cranial sample from East Africa and Georgia represents a single evolutionary lineage of Homo spanning the approximately 1.9–1.5 Mya time period, consisting of specimens attributed to H. habilis and H. erectus. To address issues of small sample sizes in each time period, and uneven representation of cranial data, we developed a novel nonparametric randomization technique based on the variance in an index of pairwise difference from a broad set of fossil comparisons. We fail to reject the hypothesis of a single lineage this period by identifying a strong, time‐dependent pattern of variation throughout the sequence. These results suggest the need for a reappraisal of fossil evidence from other regions within this time period and highlight the critical nature of the Plio‐Pleistocene boundary for understanding the early evolution of the genus Homo.  相似文献   

Comparative work among nonhominid primates has demonstrated that the basicranium becomes more flexed with increasing brain size relative to basicranial length and as the -upper and lower face become more ventrally deflected (Ross and Ravosa [1993] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 91:305–324). In order to determine whether modern humans and fossil hominids follow these trends, the cranial base angle (measure of basicranial flexion), angle of facial kyphosis, and angle of orbital axis orientation were measured from computed tomography (CT) scans of fossil hominids (Sts 5, MLD 37/38, OH9, Kabwe) and lateral radiographs of 99 extant humans. Brain size relative to basicranial length was calculated from measures of neurocranial volume and basicranial length taken from original skulls, radiographs, CT scans, and the literature. Results of bivariate correlation analyses revealed that among modern humans basicranial flexion and brain size/basicranial length are not significantly correlated, nor are the angles of orbital axis orientation and facial kyphosis. However, basicranial flexion and orbit orientation are significantly positively correlated among the humans sampled, as are basicranial flexion and the angle of facial kyphosis. Relative to the comparative sample from Ross and Ravosa (1993), all hominids have more flexed basicrania than other primates: Archaic Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, and Australopithecus africanus do not differ significantly from Modern Homo sapiens in their degree of basicranial flexion, although they differ widely in their relative brain size. Comparison of the hominid values with those predicted by the nonhominid reduced major-axis equations reveal that, for their brain size/basicranial length, Archaic and Modern Homo sapiens have less flexed basicrania than predicted. H. erectus and A. africanus have the degree of basicranial flexion predicted by the nonhominid reduced major-axis equation. Modern humans have more ventrally deflected orbits than all other primates and, for their degree of basicranial flexion, have more ventrally deflected orbits than predicted by the regression equations for hominoids. All hominoids have more ventrally deflected orbital axes relative to their palate orientation than other primates. It is argued that hominids do not strictly obey the trend for basicranial flexion to increase with increasing relative brain size because of constraints on the amount of flexion that do not allow it to decrease much below 90°. Therefore, if basicranial flexion is a mechanism for accommodating an expanding brain among non-hominid primates, other mechanisms must be at work among hominids. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In 1943, Weidenreich described the squamosal suture of Homo erectus as long, low, and simian in character and suggested that this morphology was dependent upon the correlation between the size of the calvarium and the face. Many researchers now consider this character to be diagnostic of H. erectus. The relationship between cranial size and shape and temporal squama morphology, however, is unclear, and several authors have called for detailed measurements of squamosal variation to be collected before any conclusions are drawn regarding the nature of the morphology observed in H. erectus. Thirteen fossil and extant taxa were examined to address two questions: 1) Are size and shape of the temporal squama correlated with cranial vault morphology? and 2) Is the H. erectus condition plesiomorphic? To answer these questions, measurements were collected and indices were calculated for squamosal suture height, length, and area in relation to metric variables describing cranial size and shape. A two‐dimensional morphometric study was also completed using High Resolution‐Polynomial Curve Fitting (HR‐PCF) to investigate correlations between curvature of the squamosal suture and curvature of the cranial vault. Results of both analyses indicate that squamosal suture form is related to cranial size and shape. Furthermore, the plesiomorphic condition of the squamosal suture for hominins was identified as high and moderately arched; this condition is retained in H. erectus and is distinct from the great ape condition. It is suggested that this similarity is the result of increased cranial length without a corresponding increase in cranial height. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sapientization is envisaged as a process leading from the earliest representatives of the genus Homo to the shape and dynamism of Homo sapiens (sapiens). Taking into account the manifestation of the changes occurring in the Homo brain-case, two evolutionary trends can be distinguished: the expansion of the cranial capacity (quantitative sapientization) and the attainment of the recent shape (qualitative sapientization). Evidently, both trends cooperate towards a single objective. The writer suggests that they may come into play in an alternating way.The major changes from the psychic and ethological standpoint seem to be related to stages in qualitative change, namely, to the transition both from Australopithecus to Homo and from H. neanderthalensis to Homo sapiens (sapiens).  相似文献   

Human evolution     
The common ancestor of modern humans and the great apes is estimated to have lived between 5 and 8 Myrs ago, but the earliest evidence in the human, or hominid, fossil record is Ardipithecus ramidus, from a 4.5 Myr Ethiopian site. This genus was succeeded by Australopithecus, within which four species are presently recognised. All combine a relatively primitive postcranial skeleton, a dentition with expanded chewing teeth and a small brain. The most primitive species in our own genus, Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis, are little advanced over the australopithecines and with hindsight their inclusion in Homo may not be appropriate. The first species to share a substantial number of features with later Homo is Homo ergaster, or ‘early African Homo erectus’, which appears in the fossil record around 2.0 Myr. Outside Africa, fossil hominids appear as Homo erectus-like hominids, in mainland Asia and in Indonesia close to 2 Myr ago; the earliest good evidence of ‘archaic Homo’ in Europe is dated at between 600–700 Kyr before the present. Anatomically modern human, or Homo sapiens, fossils are seen first in the fossil record in Africa around 150 Kyr ago. Taken together with molecular evidence on the extent of DNA variation, this suggests that the transition from ‘archiac’ to ‘modern’ Homo may have taken place in Africa.  相似文献   

Etty Indriati 《HOMO》2010,61(4):225-243
We describe in detail Sangiran 38 (S38), an adult partial calvaria recovered in 1980 from the Bapang (Kabuh) Formation of the Sangiran Dome near the hamlet of Sendangbusik, Java. Several other hominins (Bukuran, Hanoman 1, and Bs 9706) recovered in the vicinity come from either the upper-most Sangiran (Pucangan) or lower-most Bapang formations. S38 is from the lower Bapang Formation, which 40Ar/39Ar age estimates suggest spans between 1.47 and 1.58 Ma. Anatomical and metric comparisons with a worldwide set of ‘early non-erectus’ Homo, and Homo erectus (sensu lato) fossils indicate S38 is best considered a member of H. erectus. Although smaller in size, S38 is similar in overall morphology to the Bukuran specimen of similar age and provenance. The S38 calvaria exhibits several depressed lesions of the vault consistent with a scalp or systemic infection or soft tissue cyst.  相似文献   

P.E. Lestrel  F. Ohtsuki 《HOMO》2010,61(5):287-313
Two major views of human evolution have elicited considerable controversy. These are: [1] the “out of Africa” hypothesis and [2] the “multiregional” hypothesis. This paper is an attempt to try to reconcile these two scenarios using hominid cranial vault data. Elliptical Fourier functions (EFFs) were used to describe, in visual and numerical terms, the shape of the human cranial vault in norma lateralis.Using jpeg images, contours of the cranial vault of a large sample of hominid specimens were pre-processed in Photoshop CS and rotated in 2D space (positional-orientation) so that a line drawn from nasion to porion was horizontal. The cranial vault image was then digitized with 72 closely-spaced points and submitted to a specially written routine that computed EFFs normalized by scaling (size-standardization). This ensured that the representation was invariant with respect to starting point, size and orientation.Statistically significant differences were found between the H. sapiens sample and both the H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis samples. In contrast, there were no statistically significant differences between the H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis groups, leading to three conclusions: [1] the similarity in cranial vault shape between H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis suggests a single gradually evolving lineage; [2] The taxon H. heidelbergensis can be embedded into the H. erectus → H. neanderthalensis line; and [3] H. sapiens seems to be a separate evolutionary development and is considered here either as a separate species or as a possible example of an allopatric semispecies (Grant, 1977). The results here suggest that human evolution over the last 2 Ma may turn out to be neither totally multiregional or simply out of Africa but rather represents a considerably more complicated picture.  相似文献   

The interspecific allometry of five measures of total cranial bone thickness is examined in 10 extant catarrhine genera and two fossil hominid samples representing A. africanus and Asian H. erectus. Analysis of the modern sample shows that most interspecific variation in vault thickness can be accounted for by variation in body size. Correlation values are moderate to high (r = 0.75–0.98), and all variables exhibit positive allometry. The bone thickness:body mass relationship of modern humans broadly conforms with that of other primates. However, in the distribution of relative thickness throughout the skull, H. sapiens is distinguished by relative thickening of the parietal and extreme relative thinning of the temporal squama. The bone thickness:body mass relationship in the two early hominid species is examined using published mean body weight estimates generated from post-cranial predictor variables. A. africanus exhibits great similarity to modern humans in its relation to the catarrhine regression data and in the distribution of relative thickness throughout the skull. H. erectus also shows a modern human-like pattern in the distribution of its relative thickness; however, its bone thickness:body mass relationship is dissimilar to that displayed by all other taxa, including the other hominid species. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that the published body weight estimate assigned to H. erectus greatly underestimates actual mean body size for Asian members of this species. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fossils recognized as early Homo were discovered first at Olduvai Gorge in 1959 and 1960. Teeth, skull parts and hand bones representing three individuals were found in Bed I, and more material followed from Bed I and lower Bed II. By 1964, L.S.B. Leakey, P.V. Tobias, and J.R. Napier were ready to name Homo habilis. But almost as soon as they had, there was confusion over the hypodigm of the new species. Tobias himself suggested that OH 13 resembles Homo erectus from Java, and he noted that OH 16 has teeth as large as those of Australopithecus. By the early 1970s, however, Tobias had put these thoughts behind him and returned to the opinion that all of the Olduvai remains are Homo habilis. At about this time, important discoveries began to flow from the Koobi Fora region in Kenya. To most observers, crania such as KNM-ER 1470 confirmed the presence of Homo in East Africa at an early date. Some of the other specimens were problematical. A.C. Walker and R.E. Leakey raised the possibility that larger skulls including KNM-ER 1470 differ significantly from smaller-brained, small-toothed individuals such as KNM-ER 1813. Other workers emphasized that there are differences of shape as well as size among the hominids from Koobi Fora. There is now substantial support for the view that in the Turkana and perhaps also in the Olduvai assemblages, there is more variation than would be expected among male and female conspecifics. One way to approach this question of sorting would be to compare all of the new fossils against the original material from Olduvai which was used to characterize Homo habilis in 1964. A problem is that the Olduvai remains are fragmentary, and none of them provides much information about vault form or facial structure. An alternative is to work first with the better crania, even if these are from other sites. I have elected to treat KNM-ER 1470 and KNM-ER 1813 as key individuals. Comparisons are based on discrete anatomy and measurements. Metric results are displayed with ratio diagrams, by which similarity in proportions for several skulls can be assessed in respect to a single specimen selected as a standard. Crania from Olduvai examined in this way are generally smaller than KNM-ER 1470, although OH 7 has a relatively long parietal. In the Koobi Fora assemblage, there is variation in brow thickness, frontal flattening and parietal shape relative to KNM-ER 1470. These comparisons are instructive, but vault proportions do not help much with the sorting process. Contrasts in the face are much more striking. Measurements treated in ratio diagrams show that both KNM-ER 1813 and OH 24 have relatively short faces with low cheek bones, small orbits and low nasal openings. Also, they display more projection of the midfacial region, just below the nose. This is not readily interpreted to be a female characteristic, since in most hominoid primates the females tend to have flatter lower faces than the males. The obvious size differences among these individuals have usually been interpreted as sex dimorphism, but, in fact, two taxa may be sampled at Olduvai and in the Turkana basin at the beginning of the Pleistocene. One large-brained group made up of KNM-ER 1470, several other Koobi Fora specimens, and probably OH 7, can be called Homo habilis. If these skulls go with femora such as KNM-ER 1481 and the KNM-ER3228 hip, then this species is close in postcranial anatomy to Homo erectus. The other taxon, including small-brained individuals such as KNM-ER 1813 and probably OH 13, seems also to be Homo rather than Australopithecus. If the OH 62 skeleton is part of this assemblage, then the small hominids have postcranial proportions unlike those of Homo erectus. However, it is too early to point unequivocally to one or the other of these groups as the ancestors of later humans. Both differ from Homo erectus in important ways, and both need to be better understood before we can map the earliest history of the Homo clade. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There are now twelve significant hominid cranial fossils from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but two being from the Sangiran site. Most of this material is well-known in the literature, but three skulls, possibly representing “Meganthropus” are here described in detail for the first time. Most scholars have assigned them all toHomo erectus, while others have suggested that they represent as many as four different hominoid taxa. The author argues that they represent two possible species of hominids. “Meganthropus” I, II, and III are more massive than any of the knownH. erectus specimens. They are also relatively higher vaulted, apparently smaller brained, and have unusually thick lower occipital planes. “Meganthropus” may represent a species that separated fromH. erectus upon its arrival to Java.  相似文献   

To what extent is cranial vault thickness (CVT) a character that is strongly linked to the genome, or to what extent does it reflect the activity of an individual prior to skeletal maturity? Experimental data from pigs and armadillos indicate that CVT increases more rapidly in exercised juveniles than in genetically similar controls, despite the low levels of strain generated by chewing or locomotion in the neurocranium. CVT increases in these individuals appear to be a consequence of systemic cortical bone growth induced by exercise. In addition, an analysis of the variability in vault thickness in the genus Homo demonstrates that, until the Holocene, there has been only a slight, general decrease in vault thickness over time with no consistent significant differences between archaic and early anatomically modern humans from the Late Pleistocene. Although there may be some genetic component to variation in CVT, exercise-related, non-genetically heritable stimuli appear to account for most of the variance between individuals. The thick cranial vaults of most hunter-gatherers and early agriculturalists suggests that they may have experienced higher levels of sustained exercise relative to body mass than the majority of recent, post-industrial humans. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A complex of traits in the femur and pelvis of Homo ereclus and early “erectus-like” specimens has been described, but never satisfactorily explained. Here the functional relationships between pelvic and femoral structure in humans are explored using both theoretical biomechanical models and empirical tests within modern samples of diverse body form (Pecos Amerindians, East Africans). Results indicate that a long femoral neck increases mediolateral bending of the femoral diaphysis and decreases gluteal abductor and hip joint reaction forces. Increasing biacetabular breadth along with femoral neck length further increases M-L bending of the femoral shaft and maintains abductor and joint reaction forces at near “normal” levels. When compared to modern humans, Homo erectus and early “erectus-like” specimens are characterized by a long femoral neck and greatly increased M-L relative to A-P bending strength of the femoral shaft, coupled with no decrease in hip joint size and a probable increase in abductor force relative to body size. All of this strongly suggests that biacetabular breadth as well as femoral neck length was relatively large in early Homo. Several features preserved in early Homo partial hip bones also indicate that the true (lower) pelvis was very M-L broad, as well as A-P narrow. This is similar to the lower pelvic shape of australopithecines and suggests that nonrotational birth, in which the newborn's head is oriented transversely through the pelvic outlet, characterized early Homo as well as Australopithecus. Because M-L breadth of the pelvis is constrained by other factors, this may have limited increases in cranial capacity within Homo until rotational birth was established during the late Middle Pleistocene. During or after the transition to rotational birth biacetabular breadth decreased, reducing the body weight moment arm about the hip and allowing femoral neck length (abductor moment arm) to also decrease, both of which reduced M-L bending of the proximal femoral shaft. Variation in femoral structural properties within early Homo and other East African Early Pleistocene specimens has several taxonomic and phylogenetic implications. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A comparative study of Indonesian parietal bones from Sangiran, Sambungmachan 1 and Ngandong has been undertaken. This study comprises a morphological and metrical analysis of the individual parietal bones, followed by consideration of the biparietal vault. The results are compared with other hominids from earlier and later periods. These hominids were found in China (Sinanthropus II, III, X, XI and XII), in Africa (ER 3733, OH 9, Ternifine, Broken Hill and Saldanha) and in Europe (Arago XLVII, Petralona, Swanscombe, Steinheim, Le Lazaret, La Chaise (Abri Suard) and Cova Negra). These European Middle Pleistocene hominids are attributed toHomo erectus by various authors (Lumley 1973;Hemmer 1972;Spitery 1982;Lumley andFournier 1982) and to an early Neanderthal group, pre-Neanderthal orHomo sapiens sensu lato (Neanderthals+modern humans) by others (Stringer 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984,Wolpoff 1980,Holloway 1982). The discussion about the classification of those hominids is not closed, but it is not the subject of this paper and not our intention to solve it here. So we have chosen to call this fossil material ‘Anteneandertals’ (Lumley 1973). It appears that some morphological metrical features allow us to separate the Sangiran and Ngandong samples. Sambungmachan 1, whose chronological age is not well established, appears to be closer to Ngandong men.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of cranial capacity of 118 hominid crania available from the literature. The crania belong to both the genusAustralopithecus andHomo and provide a clear outline of hominid cranial evolution starting at more than 3 million years ago. Beginning withA. afarensis there is a clear increase in both absolute and relative brain size with every successive time period.H.s. neandertal has an absolutely and relatively smaller brain size (1412cc, E.Q.=5.6) than fossil modernH.s. sapiens (1487cc, E.Q.=5.9). Three evolutionary models of hominid brain evolution were tested: gradualism, punctuated equilibrium, and a mixed model using both gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. Both parametric and non-parametric analyses show a clear trend toward increasing brain size withH. erectus and a possible relationship within archaicH. sapiens. An evolutionary stasis in cranial capacity could not be refuted for all other taxa. Consequently, the mixed model appears to more fully explain hominid cranial capacity evolution. However, taxonomic decisions could directly compromise the possibility of testing the evolutionary mechanisms hypothesized to be operating in hominid brain expansion.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis that employs randomization methods and distance statistics has been undertaken in an attempt to clarify the taxonomic affinities of the partial Homo cranium (SK 847) from Member 1 of the Swartkrans Formation. Although SK 847 has been argued to represent early H. erectus, exact randomization tests reveal that the magnitude of differences between it and two crania that have been attributed to that taxon (KNM-ER 3733 and KNM-WT 15000) is highly unlikely to be encountered in a modern human sample drawn from eastern and southern Africa. Some of the variables that differentiate SK 847 from the two early H. erectus crania (e. g., nasal breadth, frontal breadth, mastoid process size) have been considered to be relevant characters in the definition of that taxon. Just as the significant differences between SK 847 and the two early H. erectus crania make attribution of the Swartkrans specimen to that taxon unlikely, the linkage of SK 847 to KNM-ER 1813, and especially Stw 53, suggests that the Swartkrans cranium may have its closest affinity with H. habilis sensu lato. Differences from KNM-ER 1813, however, hint that the South African fossils may represent a species of early Homo that has not been sampled in the Plio-Pleistocene of eastern Africa. The similarity of SK 847 and Stw 53 may support faunal evidence which suggests that Sterkfontein Member 5 and Swartkrans Member 1 are of similar geochronological age. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in postcranial robusticity within the genus Homo are explored by comparing cross-sectional diaphyseal and articular properties of the femur, and to a more limited extent, the humerus, in samples of Recent and earlier Homo. Using both theoretical mechanical models and empirical observations within Recent humans, scaling relationships between structural properties and bone length are developed. The influence of body shape on these relationships is considered. These scaling factors are then used to standardize structural properties for comparisons with pre-Recent Homo (Homo sp. and H. erectus, archaic H. sapiens, and early modern H. sapiens). Results of the comparisons lead to the following conclusions: 1) There has been a consistent, exponentially increasing decline in diaphyseal robusticity within Homo that has continued from the early Pleistocene through living humans. Early modern H. sapiens are closer in shaft robusticity to archaic H. sapiens than they are to Recent humans. The increase in diaphyseal robusticity in earlier Homo is a result of both medullary contraction and periosteal expansion relative to Recent humans. 2) There has been no similar temporal decline in articular robusticity within Homo–relative femoral head size is similar in all groups and time periods. Thus, articular to shaft proportions are different in pre-Recent and Recent Homo. 3) These findings are most consistent with a mechanical explanation (declining mechanical loading of the postcranium), that acted primarily through developmental rather than genetic means. The environmental (behavioral) factors that brought about the decline in postcranial robusticity in Homo are ultimately linked to increases in brain size and cultural-technological advances, although changes in robusticity lag behind changes in cognitive capabilities. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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