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The 26 S proteasome comprises two multisubunit subcomplexes as follows: 20 S proteasome and PA700/19 S regulatory particle. The cellular mechanisms by which these subcomplexes assemble into 26 S proteasome and the molecular determinants that govern the assembly process are poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate the nonequivalent roles of the C termini of six AAA subunits (Rpt1-Rpt6) of PA700 in 26 S proteasome assembly in mammalian cells. The C-terminal HbYX motif (where Hb is a hydrophobic residue, Y is tyrosine, and X is any amino acid) of each of two subunits, Rpt3 and Rpt5, but not that of a third subunit Rpt2, was essential for assembly of 26 S proteasome. The C termini of none of the three non-HbYX motif Rpt subunits were essential for cellular 26 S proteasome assembly, although deletion of the last three residues of Rpt6 destabilized the 20 S-PA700 interaction. Rpt subunits defective for assembly into 26 S proteasome due to C-terminal truncations were incorporated into intact PA700. Moreover, intact PA700 accumulated as an isolated subcomplex when cellular 20 S proteasome content was reduced by RNAi. These results indicate that 20 S proteasome is not an obligatory template for assembly of PA700. Collectively, these results identify specific structural elements of two Rpt subunits required for 26 S proteasome assembly, demonstrate that PA700 can be assembled independently of the 20 S proteasome, and suggest that intact PA700 is a direct intermediate in the cellular pathway of 26 S proteasome assembly.  相似文献   

The diverse roles of ubiquitin and the 26S proteasome in the life of plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A tightly regulated and highly specific system for the degradation of individual proteins is essential for the survival of all organisms. In eukaryotes, this is achieved by the tagging of proteins with ubiquitin and their subsequent recognition and degradation by the 26S proteasome. In plants, genetic analysis has identified many genes that regulate developmental pathways. Subsequent analysis of these genes has implicated ubiquitin and the 26S proteasome in the control of diverse developmental processes, and indicates that proteolysis is a crucial regulatory step throughout the life cycle of plants.  相似文献   

The Rad51 recombinase polymerizes on ssDNA to yield a right-handed nucleoprotein filament, called the presynaptic filament, that can search for homology in duplex DNA and pair the recombining DNA molecules to form a DNA joint. ATP is needed for presynaptic filament assembly and homologous DNA pairing, but the roles of ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis in the overall reaction scheme have not yet been clearly defined. To address this issue, we have constructed two mutants of hRad51, hRad51 K133A and hRad51 K133R, expressed these mutant variants in Escherichia coli, and purified them to near homogeneity. Both hRad51 mutant variants are greatly attenuated for ATPase activity, but hRad51 K133R retains the ability to protect DNA from restriction enzyme digest and induce topological changes in duplex DNA in an ATP-dependent manner, whereas the hRad51 K133A variant is inactive. With biochemical means, we show that the presynaptic filament becomes greatly stabilized when ATP hydrolysis is prevented, leading to an enhanced ability of the presynaptic filament to catalyze homologous pairing. These results help form the basis for understanding the functions of ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis in hRad51-mediated recombination reactions.  相似文献   

Rpn13 is a novel mammalian proteasomal receptor that has recently been identified as an amplification target in ovarian cancer. It can interact with ubiquitin and activate the deubiquitinating enzyme Uch37 at the 26S proteasome. Since neither Rpn13 nor Uch37 is an integral proteasomal subunit, we explored whether either protein is essential for mammalian development and survival. Deletion of Uch37 resulted in prenatal lethality in mice associated with severe defect in embryonic brain development. In contrast, the majority of Rpn13-deficient mice survived to adulthood, although they were smaller at birth and fewer in number than wild-type littermates. Absence of Rpn13 produced tissue-specific effects on proteasomal function: increased proteasome activity in adrenal gland and lymphoid organs, and decreased activity in testes and brain. Adult Rpn13(-/-) mice reached normal body weight but had increased body fat content and were infertile due to defective gametogenesis. Additionally, Rpn13(-/-) mice showed increased T-cell numbers, resembling growth hormone-mediated effects. Indeed, serum growth hormone and follicular stimulating hormone levels were significantly increased in Rpn13(-/-) mice, while growth hormone receptor expression was reduced in the testes. In conclusion, this is the first report characterizing the physiological roles of Uch37 and Rpn13 in murine development and implicating a non-ATPase proteasomal protein, Rpn13, in the process of gametogenesis.  相似文献   

ATP hydrolysis is required for degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the 26S proteasome but is thought to play no role in proteasomal stability during the catalytic cycle. In contrast to this view, we report that ATP hydrolysis triggers rapid dissociation of the 19S regulatory particles from immunopurified 26S complexes in a manner coincident with release of the bulk of proteasome-interacting proteins. Strikingly, this mechanism leads to quantitative disassembly of the 19S into subcomplexes and free Rpn10, the polyubiquitin binding subunit. Biochemical reconstitution with purified Sic1, a prototype substrate of the Cdc34/SCF ubiquitin ligase, suggests that substrate degradation is essential for triggering the ATP hydrolysis-dependent dissociation and disassembly of the 19S and that this mechanism leads to release of degradation products. This is the first demonstration that a controlled dissociation of the 19S regulatory particles from the 26S proteasome is part of the mechanism of protein degradation.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a member of the ABC (ATP binding cassette) transporter family, is a chloride channel whose activity is controlled by protein kinase-dependent phosphorylation. Opening and closing (gating) of the phosphorylated CFTR is coupled to ATP binding and hydrolysis at CFTR's two nucleotide binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2). Recent studies present evidence that the open channel conformation reflects a head-to-tail dimerization of CFTR's two NBDs as seen in the NBDs of other ABC transporters (Vergani et al., 2005). Whether these two ATP binding sites play an equivalent role in the dynamics of NBD dimerization, and thus in gating CFTR channels, remains unsettled. Based on the crystal structures of NBDs, sequence alignment, and homology modeling, we have identified two critical aromatic amino acids (W401 in NBD1 and Y1219 in NBD2) that coordinate the adenine ring of the bound ATP. Conversion of the W401 residue to glycine (W401G) has little effect on the sensitivity of the opening rate to [ATP], but the same mutation at the Y1219 residue dramatically lowers the apparent affinity for ATP by >50-fold, suggesting distinct roles of these two ATP binding sites in channel opening. The W401G mutation, however, shortens the open time constant. Energetic analysis of our data suggests that the free energy of ATP binding at NBD1, but not at NBD2, contributes significantly to the energetics of the open state. This kinetic and energetic asymmetry of CFTR's two NBDs suggests an asymmetric motion of the NBDs during channel gating. Opening of the channel is initiated by ATP binding at the NBD2 site, whereas separation of the NBD dimer at the NBD1 site constitutes the rate-limiting step in channel closing.  相似文献   

The archaeal ATPase complex PAN, the homolog of the eukaryotic 26S proteasome-regulatory ATPases, was shown to associate transiently with the 20S proteasome upon binding of ATP or ATPgammaS, but not ADP. By electron microscopy (EM), PAN appears as a two-ring structure, capping the 20S, and resembles two densities in the 19S complex. The N termini of the archaeal 20S alpha subunits were found to function as a gate that prevents entry of seven-residue peptides but allows entry of tetrapeptides. Upon association with the 20S particle, PAN stimulates gate opening. Although degradation of globular proteins requires ATP hydrolysis, the PAN-20S complex with ATPgammaS translocates and degrades unfolded and denatured proteins. Rabbit 26S proteasomes also degrade these unfolded proteins upon ATP binding, without hydrolysis. Thus, although unfolding requires energy from ATP hydrolysis, ATP binding alone supports ATPase-20S association, gate opening, and translocation of unfolded substrates into the proteasome, which can occur by facilitated diffusion through the ATPase.  相似文献   

RecA is essential for recombination, DNA repair and SOS induction in Escherichia coli . ATP hydrolysis is known to be important for RecA's roles in recombination and DNA repair. In vitro reactions modelling SOS induction minimally require ssDNA and non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues. This predicts that ATP hydrolysis will not be required for SOS induction in vivo . The requirement of ATP binding and hydrolysis for SOS induction in vivo is tested here through the study of recA4159 (K72A) and recA2201 (K72R). RecA4159 is thought to have reduced affinity for ATP. RecA2201 binds, but does not hydrolyse ATP. Neither mutant was able to induce SOS expression after UV irradiation. RecA2201, unlike RecA4159, could form filaments on DNA and storage structures as measured with RecA–GFP. RecA2201 was able to form hybrid filaments and storage structures and was either recessive or dominant to RecA+, depending on the ratio of the two proteins. RecA4159 was unable to enter RecA+ filaments on DNA or storage structures and was recessive to RecA+. It is concluded that ATP hydrolysis is essential for SOS induction. It is proposed that ATP binding is essential for storage structure formation and ability to interact with other RecA proteins in a filament.  相似文献   

Chen C  Huang C  Chen S  Liang J  Lin W  Ke G  Zhang H  Wang B  Huang J  Han Z  Ma L  Huo K  Yang X  Yang P  He F  Tao T 《Proteomics》2008,8(3):508-520
Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is mediated by the proteasome. To understand the structure and function of the human 26S proteasome, we cloned complete ORFs of 32 human proteasome subunits and conducted a yeast two-hybrid analysis of their interactions with each other. We observed that there are 114 interacting-pairs in the human 26S proteasome. About 10% (11/114) of these interacting-pairs was confirmed by the GST-pull down analysis. Among these observed interacting subunits, 58% (66/114) are novel and the rest 42% (48/114) has been reported previously in human or in other species. We observed new interactions between the 19S regulatory particle and the beta-rings of the 20S catalytic particle and therefore proposed a modified model of the 26S proteasome.  相似文献   

We determined composition and relative roles of deubiquitylating proteins associated with the 26S proteasome in mammalian cells. Three deubiquitylating activities were associated with the 26S proteasome: two from constituent subunits, Rpn11/S13 and Uch37, and one from a reversibly associated protein, Usp14. RNA interference (RNAi) of Rpn11/S13 inhibited cell growth, decreased cellular proteasome activity via disrupted 26S proteasome assembly, and inhibited cellular protein degradation. In contrast, RNAi of Uch37 or Usp14 had no detectable effect on cell growth, proteasome structure or proteolytic capacity, but accelerated cellular protein degradation. RNAi of both Uch37 and Usp14 also had no effect on proteasome structure or proteolytic capacity, but inhibited cellular protein degradation. Thus, proper proteasomal processing of ubiquitylated substrates requires Rpn11 plus either Uch37 or Usp14. Although the latter proteins feature redundant deubiquitylation functions, they also appear to exert noncatalyic effects on proteasome activity that are similar to but independent of one another. These results reveal unexpected functional relationships among multiple deubiquitylating proteins and suggest a model for mammalian 26S proteasome function whereby their concerted action governs proteasome function by linking deubiquitylation to substrate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Transferring substrates to the 26S proteasome   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation is not only involved in the recycling of amino acids from damaged or misfolded proteins but also represents an essential and deftly controlled mechanism for modulating the levels of key regulatory proteins. Chains of ubiquitin conjugated to a substrate protein specifically target it for degradation by the 26S proteasome, a huge multi-subunit protein complex found in all eukaryotic cells. Recent reports have clarified some of the molecular mechanisms involved in the transfer of ubiquitinated substrates from the ubiquitination machinery to the proteasome. This novel substrate transportation step in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway seems to occur either directly or indirectly via certain substrate-recruiting proteins and appears to involve chaperones.  相似文献   

Seybert A  Wigley DB 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(6):1360-1371
Circular clamps are utilised by replicative polymerases to enhance processivity. The topological problem of loading a toroidal clamp onto DNA is overcome by ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes. Different organisms use related protein machines to load clamps, but the mechanisms by which they utilise ATP are surprisingly different. Using mutant clamp loaders that are deficient in either ATP binding or hydrolysis in different subunits, we show how the different subunits of an archaeal clamp loader use ATP binding and hydrolysis in distinct ways at different steps in the loading process. Binding of nucleotide by the large subunit and three of the four small subunits is sufficient for clamp loading. However, ATP hydrolysis by the small subunits is required for release of PCNA to allow formation of the complex between PCNA and the polymerase, while hydrolysis by the large subunit is required for catalytic clamp loading.  相似文献   

Molecular model of the human 26S proteasome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Eukaryotic cells target proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome by attaching a ubiquitin chain. Using a rapid assay, we analyzed the initial binding of ubiquitinated proteins to purified 26S particles as an isolated process at 4°C. Subunits Rpn10 and Rpn13 contribute equally to the high-affinity binding of ubiquitin chains, but in their absence, ubiquitin conjugates bind to another site with 4-fold lower affinity. Conjugate binding is stimulated 2- to 4-fold by binding of ATP or the nonhydrolyzable analog, ATPγS (but not ADP), to the 19S ATPases. Following this initial, reversible association, ubiquitin conjugates at 37°C become more tightly bound through a step that requires ATP hydrolysis and a loosely folded domain on the protein, but appears independent of ubiquitin. Unfolded or loosely folded polypeptides can inhibit this tighter binding. This commitment step precedes substrate deubiquitination and allows for selection of ubiquitinated proteins capable of being unfolded and efficiently degraded.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome complex plays a major role in the non-lysosomal degradation of intracellular proteins. Purified 26S proteasomes give a pattern of more than 40 spots on 2D-PAGE gels. The positions of subunits have been identified by mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides and by immunoblotting with subunit-specific antipeptide antibodies. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteasomes immunoprecipitated from [32P]phosphate-labelled human embryo lung L-132 cells revealed the presence of at least three major phosphorylated polypeptides among the regulatory subunits as well as the C8 and C9 components of the core 20S proteasome. Comparison with the positions of the regulatory polypeptides revealed a minor phosphorylated form to be S7 (MSS1). Antibodies against S4, S6 (TBP7) and S12 (MOV34) all cross-reacted at the position of major phosphorylated polypeptides suggesting that several of the ATPase subunits may be phosphorylated. The phosphorylation of S4 was confirmed by double immunoprecipitation experiments in which 26S proteasomes were immunoprecipitated as above and dissociated and then S4 was immunoprecipitated with subunit-specific antibodies. Antibodies against the non-ATPase subunit S10, which has been suggested by others to be phosphorylated, did not coincide with the position of a phosphorylated polypeptide. Some differences were observed in the 2D-PAGE pattern of proteasomes immunoprecipitated from cultured cells compared to purified rat liver 26S proteasomes suggesting possible differences in subunit compositions of 26S proteasomes.  相似文献   

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