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Genomic imprinting, a phenomenon referring to nonequivalent expression of alleles depending on their parental origins, has been widely observed in nature. It has been shown recently that the epigenetic modification of an imprinted gene can be detected through a genetic mapping approach. Such an approach is developed based on traditional quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping focusing on single trait analysis. Recent studies have shown that most imprinted genes in mammals play an important role in controlling embryonic growth and post-natal development. For a developmental character such as growth, current approach is less efficient in dissecting the dynamic genetic effect of imprinted genes during individual ontology.


Functional mapping has been emerging as a powerful framework for mapping quantitative trait loci underlying complex traits showing developmental characteristics. To understand the genetic architecture of dynamic imprinted traits, we propose a mapping strategy by integrating the functional mapping approach with genomic imprinting. We demonstrate the approach through mapping imprinted QTL controlling growth trajectories in an inbred F2 population. The statistical behavior of the approach is shown through simulation studies, in which the parameters can be estimated with reasonable precision under different simulation scenarios. The utility of the approach is illustrated through real data analysis in an F2 family derived from LG/J and SM/J mouse stains. Three maternally imprinted QTLs are identified as regulating the growth trajectory of mouse body weight.


The functional iQTL mapping approach developed here provides a quantitative and testable framework for assessing the interplay between imprinted genes and a developmental process, and will have important implications for elucidating the genetic architecture of imprinted traits.  相似文献   

Wu R  Ma CX  Lin M  Wang Z  Casella G 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):729-738
The incorporation of developmental control mechanisms of growth has proven to be a powerful tool in mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying growth trajectories. A theoretical framework for implementing a QTL mapping strategy with growth laws has been established. This framework can be generalized to an arbitrary number of time points, where growth is measured, and becomes computationally more tractable, when the assumption of variance stationarity is made. In practice, however, this assumption is likely to be violated for age-specific growth traits due to a scale effect. In this article, we present a new statistical model for mapping growth QTL, which also addresses the problem of variance stationarity, by using a transform-both-sides (TBS) model advocated by Carroll and Ruppert (1984, Journal of the American Statistical Association 79, 321-328). The TBS-based model for mapping growth QTL cannot only maintain the original biological properties of a growth model, but also can increase the accuracy and precision of parameter estimation and the power to detect a QTL responsible for growth differentiation. Using the TBS-based model, we successfully map a QTL governing growth trajectories to a linkage group in an example of forest trees. The statistical and biological properties of the estimates of this growth QTL position and effect are investigated using Monte Carlo simulation studies. The implications of our model for understanding the genetic architecture of growth are discussed.  相似文献   

A statistical framework for expression quantitative trait loci mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen M  Kendziorski C 《Genetics》2007,177(2):761-771

The development of an organism represents a complex dynamic process, which is controlled by a network of genes and multiple environmental factors. Programmed cell death (PCD), a physiological cell suicide process, occurs during the development of most organisms and is, typically, a complex dynamic trait. Understanding how genes control this complex developmental process has been a long-standing topic in PCD studies. In this article, we propose a nonparametric model, based on orthogonal Legendre polynomials, to map genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that govern the dynamic features of the PCD process. The model is built under the maximum likelihood-based functional mapping framework and is implemented with the EM algorithm. A general information criterion is proposed for selecting the optimal Legendre order that best fits the dynamic pattern of the PCD process. The consistency of the order selection criterion is established. A nonstationary structured antedependence model (SAD) is applied to model the covariance structure among the phenotypes measured at different time points. The developed model generates a number of hypothesis tests regarding the genetic control mechanism of the PCD process. Extensive simulation studies are conducted to investigate the statistical behavior of the model. Finally, we apply the model to a rice tiller number data set in which several QTLs are identified. The developed model provides a quantitative and testable framework for assessing the interplay between genes and the developmental PCD process, and will have great implications for elucidating the genetic architecture of the PCD process.  相似文献   

Several biologically significant parameters that are related to rice tillering are closely associated with rice grain yield. Although identification of the genes that control rice tillering and therefore influence crop yield would be valuable for rice production management and genetic improvement, these genes remain largely unidentified. In this study, we carried out functional mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for rice tillering in 129 doubled haploid lines, which were derived from a cross between IR64 and Azucena. We measured the average number of tillers in each plot at seven developmental stages and fit the growth trajectory of rice tillering with the Wang–Lan–Ding mathematical model. Four biologically meaningful parameters in this model––the potential maximum for tiller number (K), the optimum tiller time (t 0), and the increased rate (r), or the reduced rate (c) at the time of deviation from t 0––were our defined variables for multi-marker joint analysis under the framework of penalized maximum likelihood, as well as composite interval mapping. We detected a total of 27 QTLs that accounted for 2.49–8.54% of the total phenotypic variance. Nine common QTLs across multi-marker joint analysis and composite interval mapping showed high stability, while one QTL was environment-specific and three were epistatic. We also identified several genomic segments that are associated with multiple traits. Our results describe the genetic basis of rice tiller development, enable further marker-assisted selection in rice cultivar development, and provide useful information for rice production management.  相似文献   

W R Wu  W M Li  D Z Tang  H R Lu  A J Worland 《Genetics》1999,151(1):297-303
Using time-related phenotypic data, methods of composite interval mapping and multiple-trait composite interval mapping based on least squares were applied to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying the development of tiller number in rice. A recombinant inbred population and a corresponding saturated molecular marker linkage map were constructed for the study. Tiller number was recorded every 4 or 5 days for a total of seven times starting at 20 days after sowing. Five QTL were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, and 5. These QTL explained more than half of the genetic variance at the final observation. All the QTL displayed an S-shaped expression curve. Three QTL reached their highest expression rates during active tillering stage, while the other two QTL achieved this either before or after the active tillering stage.  相似文献   

C Chen  K Ritland 《Heredity》2013,111(2):106-113
We present an approach for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, termed as ‘lineage-specific QTL mapping'', for inferring allelic changes of QTL evolution along with branches in a phylogeny. We describe and analyze the simplest case: by adding a third taxon into the normal procedure of QTL mapping between pairs of taxa, such inferences can be made along lineages to a presumed common ancestor. Although comparisons of QTL maps among species can identify homology of QTLs by apparent co-location, lineage-specific mapping of QTL can classify homology into (1) orthology (shared origin of QTL) versus (2) paralogy (independent origin of QTL within resolution of map distance). In this light, we present a graphical method that identifies six modes of QTL evolution in a three taxon comparison. We then apply our model to map lineage-specific QTLs for inbreeding among three taxa of yellow monkey-flower: Mimulus guttatus and two inbreeders M. platycalyx and M. micranthus, but critically assuming outcrossing was the ancestral state. The two most common modes of homology across traits were orthologous (shared ancestry of mutation for QTL alleles). The outbreeder M. guttatus had the fewest lineage-specific QTL, in accordance with the presumed ancestry of outbreeding. Extensions of lineage-specific QTL mapping to other types of data and crosses, and to inference of ancestral QTL state, are discussed.  相似文献   

T Qi  B Jiang  Z Zhu  C Wei  Y Gao  S Zhu  H Xu  X Lou 《Heredity》2014,113(3):224-232
The crop seed is a complex organ that may be composed of the diploid embryo, the triploid endosperm and the diploid maternal tissues. According to the genetic features of seed characters, two genetic models for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of crop seed traits are proposed, with inclusion of maternal effects, embryo or endosperm effects of QTL, environmental effects and QTL-by-environment (QE) interactions. The mapping population can be generated either from double back-cross of immortalized F2 (IF2) to the two parents, from random-cross of IF2 or from selfing of IF2 population. Candidate marker intervals potentially harboring QTLs are first selected through one-dimensional scanning across the whole genome. The selected candidate marker intervals are then included in the model as cofactors to control background genetic effects on the putative QTL(s). Finally, a QTL full model is constructed and model selection is conducted to eliminate false positive QTLs. The genetic main effects of QTLs, QE interaction effects and the corresponding P-values are computed by Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for Gaussian mixed linear model via Gibbs sampling. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to investigate the reliability and efficiency of the proposed method. The simulation results showed that the proposed method had higher power to accurately detect simulated QTLs and properly estimated effect of these QTLs. To demonstrate the usefulness, the proposed method was used to identify the QTLs underlying fiber percentage in an upland cotton IF2 population. A computer software, QTLNetwork-Seed, was developed for QTL analysis of seed traits.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wu R  Casella G 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):30-39
Summary .  Functional mapping is a useful tool for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) that control dynamic traits. It incorporates mathematical aspects of biological processes into the mixture model-based likelihood setting for QTL mapping, thus increasing the power of QTL detection and the precision of parameter estimation. However, in many situations there is no obvious functional form and, in such cases, this strategy will not be optimal. Here we propose to use nonparametric function estimation, typically implemented with B-splines, to estimate the underlying functional form of phenotypic trajectories, and then construct a nonparametric test to find evidence of existing QTL. Using the representation of a nonparametric regression as a mixed model, the final test statistic is a likelihood ratio test. We consider two types of genetic maps: dense maps and general maps, and the power of nonparametric functional mapping is investigated through simulation studies and demonstrated by examples.  相似文献   

Fan R  Jung J  Jin L 《Genetics》2006,172(1):663-686
In this article, population-based regression models are proposed for high-resolution linkage disequilibrium mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL). Two regression models, the "genotype effect model" and the "additive effect model," are proposed to model the association between the markers and the trait locus. The marker can be either diallelic or multiallelic. If only one marker is used, the method is similar to a classical setting by Nielsen and Weir, and the additive effect model is equivalent to the haplotype trend regression (HTR) method by Zaykin et al. If two/multiple marker data with phase ambiguity are used in the analysis, the proposed models can be used to analyze the data directly. By analytical formulas, we show that the genotype effect model can be used to model the additive and dominance effects simultaneously; the additive effect model takes care of the additive effect only. On the basis of the two models, F-test statistics are proposed to test association between the QTL and markers. By a simulation study, we show that the two models have reasonable type I error rates for a data set of moderate sample size. The noncentrality parameter approximations of F-test statistics are derived to make power calculation and comparison. By a simulation study, it is found that the noncentrality parameter approximations of F-test statistics work very well. Using the noncentrality parameter approximations, we compare the power of the two models with that of the HTR. In addition, a simulation study is performed to make a comparison on the basis of the haplotype frequencies of 10 SNPs of angiotensin-1 converting enzyme (ACE) genes.  相似文献   

Yi N 《Genetics》2004,167(2):967-975
In this article, a unified Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) framework is proposed to identify multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) for complex traits in experimental designs, based on a composite space representation of the problem that has fixed dimension. The proposed unified approach includes the existing Bayesian QTL mapping methods using reversible jump MCMC algorithm as special cases. We also show that a variety of Bayesian variable selection methods using Gibbs sampling can be applied to the composite model space for mapping multiple QTL. The unified framework not only results in some new algorithms, but also gives useful insight into some of the important factors governing the performance of Gibbs sampling and reversible jump for mapping multiple QTL. Finally, we develop strategies to improve the performance of MCMC algorithms.  相似文献   

A simulation study was performed to see whether selection affected quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Populations under random selection, under selection among full-sib families, and under selection within a full-sib family were simulated each with heritability of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7. They were analyzed with the marker spacing of 10 cM and 20 cM. The accuracy for QTL detection decreased for the populations under selection within full-sib family. Estimates of QTL effects and positions differed (P < .05) from their input values. The problems could be ignored when mapping a QTL for the populations under selection among full-sib families. A large heritability helped reduction of such problems. When the animals were selected within a full-sib family, the QTL was detected for the populations with heritability of 0.5 or larger using the marker spacing of 10 cM, and with heritability of 0.7 using the marker spacing of 20 cM. This study implied that when selection was introduced, the accuracy for QTL detection decreased and the estimates of QTL effects were biased. A caution was warranted on the decision of data (including selected animals to be genotyped) for QTL mapping.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci underlying triploid endosperm traits   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Xu C  He X  Xu S 《Heredity》2003,90(3):228-235
Endosperm, which is derived from two polar nuclei fusing with one sperm, is a triploid tissue in cereals. Endosperm tissue determines the grain quality of cereals. Improving grain quality is one of the important breeding objectives in cereals. However, current statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) under diploid genetic control have not been effective for dealing with endosperm traits because of the complexity of their triploid inheritance. In this paper, we derive for the first time the conditional probabilities of F(3) endosperm QTL genotypes given different flanking marker genotypes in F(2) plants. Using these probabilities, we develop a multiple linear regression method implemented via the iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRWLS) algorithm and a maximum likelihood method (ML) implemented via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to map QTL underlying endosperm traits. We use the mean value of endosperm traits of F(3) seeds as the dependent variable and the expectations of genotypic indicators for additive and dominance effect of a putative QTL flanked by a pair of markers as independent variables for IRWLS mapping. However, if an endosperm trait is measured quantitatively using a single endosperm sample, the ML mapping method can be used to separate the two dominance effects. Efficiency of the methods is verified through extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies. Results of simulation show that the proposed methods provide accurate estimates of both the QTL effects and locations with very high statistical power. With these methods, we are now ready to map endosperm traits, as we can for regular quantitative trait under diploid control.  相似文献   

Phenotypes measured in counts are commonly observed in nature. Statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying count traits are documented in the literature. The majority of them assume that the count phenotype follows a Poisson distribution with appropriate techniques being applied to handle data dispersion. When a count trait has a genetic basis, “naturally occurring” zero status also reflects the underlying gene effects. Simply ignoring or miss-handling the zero data may lead to wrong QTL inference. In this article, we propose an interval mapping approach for mapping QTL underlying count phenotypes containing many zeros. The effects of QTLs on the zero-inflated count trait are modelled through the zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression mixture model, which can handle the zero inflation and Poisson dispersion in the same distribution. We implement the approach using the EM algorithm with the Newton-Raphson algorithm embedded in the M-step, and provide a genome-wide scan for testing and estimating the QTL effects. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through extensive simulation studies. Extensions to composite and multiple interval mapping are discussed. The utility of the developed approach is illustrated through a mouse F2 intercross data set. Significant QTLs are detected to control mouse cholesterol gallstone formation.  相似文献   

Bayesian LASSO for quantitative trait loci mapping   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2008,179(2):1045-1055
The mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) is to identify molecular markers or genomic loci that influence the variation of complex traits. The problem is complicated by the facts that QTL data usually contain a large number of markers across the entire genome and most of them have little or no effect on the phenotype. In this article, we propose several Bayesian hierarchical models for mapping multiple QTL that simultaneously fit and estimate all possible genetic effects associated with all markers. The proposed models use prior distributions for the genetic effects that are scale mixtures of normal distributions with mean zero and variances distributed to give each effect a high probability of being near zero. We consider two types of priors for the variances, exponential and scaled inverse-chi(2) distributions, which result in a Bayesian version of the popular least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) model and the well-known Student's t model, respectively. Unlike most applications where fixed values are preset for hyperparameters in the priors, we treat all hyperparameters as unknowns and estimate them along with other parameters. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are developed to simulate the parameters from the posteriors. The methods are illustrated using well-known barley data.  相似文献   

Otto SP  Jones CD 《Genetics》2000,156(4):2093-2107
Recent studies have begun to reveal the genes underlying quantitative trait differences between closely related populations. Not all quantitative trait loci (QTL) are, however, equally likely to be detected. QTL studies involve a limited number of crosses, individuals, and genetic markers and, as a result, often have little power to detect genetic factors of small to moderate effects. In this article, we develop an estimator for the total number of fixed genetic differences between two parental lines. Like the Castle-Wright estimator, which is based on the observed segregation variance in classical crossbreeding experiments, our QTL-based estimator requires that a distribution be specified for the expected effect sizes of the underlying loci. We use this expected distribution and the observed mean and minimum effect size of the detected QTL in a likelihood model to estimate the total number of loci underlying the trait difference. We then test the QTL-based estimator and the Castle-Wright estimator in Monte Carlo simulations. When the assumptions of the simulations match those of the model, both estimators perform well on average. The 95% confidence limits of the Castle-Wright estimator, however, often excluded the true number of underlying loci, while the confidence limits for the QTL-based estimator typically included the true value approximately 95% of the time. Furthermore, we found that the QTL-based estimator was less sensitive to dominance and to allelic effects of opposite sign than the Castle-Wright estimator. We therefore suggest that the QTL-based estimator be used to assess how many loci may have been missed in QTL studies.  相似文献   

A statistical framework for quantitative trait mapping   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Sen S  Churchill GA 《Genetics》2001,159(1):371-387
We describe a general statistical framework for the genetic analysis of quantitative trait data in inbred line crosses. Our main result is based on the observation that, by conditioning on the unobserved QTL genotypes, the problem can be split into two statistically independent and manageable parts. The first part involves only the relationship between the QTL and the phenotype. The second part involves only the location of the QTL in the genome. We developed a simple Monte Carlo algorithm to implement Bayesian QTL analysis. This algorithm simulates multiple versions of complete genotype information on a genomewide grid of locations using information in the marker genotype data. Weights are assigned to the simulated genotypes to capture information in the phenotype data. The weighted complete genotypes are used to approximate quantities needed for statistical inference of QTL locations and effect sizes. One advantage of this approach is that only the weights are recomputed as the analyst considers different candidate models. This device allows the analyst to focus on modeling and model comparisons. The proposed framework can accommodate multiple interacting QTL, nonnormal and multivariate phenotypes, covariates, missing genotype data, and genotyping errors in any type of inbred line cross. A software tool implementing this procedure is available. We demonstrate our approach to QTL analysis using data from a mouse backcross population that is segregating multiple interacting QTL associated with salt-induced hypertension.  相似文献   

Bayesian quantitative trait loci mapping for multiple traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Banerjee S  Yandell BS  Yi N 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2275-2289
Most quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping experiments typically collect phenotypic data on multiple correlated complex traits. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive genomewide mapping strategy for correlated traits in the literature. We develop Bayesian multiple-QTL mapping methods for correlated continuous traits using two multivariate models: one that assumes the same genetic model for all traits, the traditional multivariate model, and the other known as the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model that allows different genetic models for different traits. We develop computationally efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for performing joint analysis. We conduct extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of the proposed methods and to compare with the conventional single-trait model. Our methods have been implemented in the freely available package R/qtlbim (http://www.qtlbim.org), which greatly facilitates the general usage of the Bayesian methodology for unraveling the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

The power to separate the variance of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) from the polygenic variance is determined by the variability of genes identical by descent (IBD) at the QTL. This variability may increase with inbreeding. Selfing, the most extreme form of inbreeding, increases the variability of the IBD value shared by siblings, and thus has a higher efficiency for QTL mapping than random mating. In self-incompatible organisms, sib mating is the closest form of inbreeding. Similar to selfing, sib mating may also increase the power of QTL detection relative to random mating. In this study, we develop an IBD-based method under sib mating designs for QTL mapping. The efficiency of sib mating is then compared with random mating. Monte Carlo simulations show that sib mating designs notably increase the power for QTL detection. When power is intermediate, the power to detect a QTL using full-sib mating is, on average, 7% higher than under random mating. In addition, the IBD-based method proposed in this paper can be used to combine data from multiple families. As a result, the estimated QTL parameters can be applied to a wide statistical inference space relating to the entire reference population. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Multiple interval mapping for quantitative trait loci.   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
C H Kao  Z B Zeng  R D Teasdale 《Genetics》1999,152(3):1203-1216
A new statistical method for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL), called multiple interval mapping (MIM), is presented. It uses multiple marker intervals simultaneously to fit multiple putative QTL directly in the model for mapping QTL. The MIM model is based on Cockerham's model for interpreting genetic parameters and the method of maximum likelihood for estimating genetic parameters. With the MIM approach, the precision and power of QTL mapping could be improved. Also, epistasis between QTL, genotypic values of individuals, and heritabilities of quantitative traits can be readily estimated and analyzed. Using the MIM model, a stepwise selection procedure with likelihood ratio test statistic as a criterion is proposed to identify QTL. This MIM method was applied to a mapping data set of radiata pine on three traits: brown cone number, tree diameter, and branch quality scores. Based on the MIM result, seven, six, and five QTL were detected for the three traits, respectively. The detected QTL individually contributed from approximately 1 to 27% of the total genetic variation. Significant epistasis between four pairs of QTL in two traits was detected, and the four pairs of QTL contributed approximately 10.38 and 14.14% of the total genetic variation. The asymptotic variances of QTL positions and effects were also provided to construct the confidence intervals. The estimated heritabilities were 0.5606, 0.5226, and 0. 3630 for the three traits, respectively. With the estimated QTL effects and positions, the best strategy of marker-assisted selection for trait improvement for a specific purpose and requirement can be explored. The MIM FORTRAN program is available on the worldwide web (http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/chkao/).  相似文献   

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