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The plakin protein family serves to connect cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion molecules to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. Desmoplakin (DP) is an integral part of desmosomes, where it links desmosomal cadherins to the intermediate filaments. The 1056-amino-acid N-terminal region of DP contains a plakin domain common to members of the plakin family. Plakin domains contain multiple copies of spectrin repeats (SRs). We determined the crystal structure of a fragment of DP, residues 175-630, consisting of four SRs and an inserted SH3 domain. The four repeats form an elongated, rigid structure. The SH3 domain is present in a loop between two helices of an SR and interacts extensively with the preceding SR in a manner that appears to limit inter-repeat flexibility. The intimate intramolecular association of the SH3 domain with the preceding SR is also observed in plectin, another plakin protein, but not in α-spectrin, suggesting that the SH3 domain of plakins contributes to the stability and rigidity of this subfamily of SR-containing proteins.  相似文献   

The elementary building block of all intermediate filaments (IFs) is a dimer featuring a central α-helical rod domain flanked by the N- and C-terminal end domains. In nuclear IF proteins (lamins), the rod domain consists of two coiled-coil segments, coil1 and coil2, that are connected by a short non-helical linker. Coil1 and the C-terminal part of coil2 contain the two highly conserved IF consensus motifs involved in the longitudinal assembly of dimers. The previously solved crystal structure of a lamin A fragment (residues 305-387) corresponding to the second half of coil2 has yielded a parallel left-handed coiled coil. Here, we present the crystal structure and solution properties of another human lamin A fragment (residues 328-398), which is largely overlapping with fragment 305-387 but harbors a short segment of the tail domain. Unexpectedly, no parallel coiled coil forms within the crystal. Instead, the α-helices are arranged such that two anti-parallel coiled-coil interfaces are formed. The most significant interface has a right-handed geometry, which is accounted for by a characteristic 15-residue repeat pattern that overlays with the canonical heptad repeat pattern. The second interface is a left-handed anti-parallel coiled coil based on the predicted heptad repeat pattern. In solution, the fragment reveals only a weak dimerization propensity. We speculate that the C-terminus of coil2 might unzip, thereby allowing for a right-handed coiled-coil interface to form between two laterally aligned dimers. Such an interface might co-exist with a heterotetrameric left-handed coiled-coil assembly, which is expected to be responsible for the longitudinal ACN contact.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal regulatory domain of cardiac troponin C (cNTnC) plays an important role as the calcium sensor for the troponin complex. Calcium binding to cNTnC results in conformational changes that trigger a cascade of events that lead to cardiac muscle contraction. The cardiac N-terminal domain of TnC consists of two EF-hand calcium binding motifs, one of which is dysfunctional in binding calcium. Nevertheless, the defunct EF-hand still maintains a role in cNTnC function. For its structural analysis by X-ray crystallography, human cNTnC with the wild-type primary sequence was crystallized under a novel crystallization condition. The crystal structure was solved by the single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method and refined to 2.2 Å resolution. The structure displays several novel features. Firstly, both EF-hand motifs coordinate cadmium ions derived from the crystallization milieu. Secondly, the ion coordination in the defunct EF-hand motif accompanies unusual changes in the protein conformation. Thirdly, deoxycholic acid, also derived from the crystallization milieu, is bound in the central hydrophobic cavity. This is reminiscent of the interactions observed for cardiac calcium sensitizer drugs that bind to the same core region and maintain the “open” conformational state of calcium-bound cNTnC. The cadmium ion coordination in the defunct EF-hand indicates that this vestigial calcium binding site retains the structural and functional elements that allow it to coordinate a cadmium ion. However, it is a result of, or concomitant with, large and unusual structural changes in cNTnC.  相似文献   

SnRK [SNF1 (sucrose non-fermenting-1)-related protein kinase] 2.6 [open stomata 1 (OST1)] is well characterized at molecular and physiological levels to control stomata closure in response to water-deficit stress. OST1 is a member of a family of 10 protein kinases from Arabidopsis thaliana (SnRK2) that integrates abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and ABA-independent signals to coordinate the cell response to osmotic stress. A subgroup of protein phosphatases type 2C binds OST1 and keeps the kinase dephosphorylated and inactive. Activation of OST1 relies on the ABA-dependent inhibition of the protein phosphatases type 2C and the subsequent self-phosphorylation of the kinase. The OST1 ABA-independent activation depends on a short sequence motif that is conserved among all the members of the SnRK2 family. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying this regulation. The crystallographic structure of OST1 shows that ABA-independent regulation motif stabilizes the conformation of the kinase catalytically essential α C helix, and it provides the basis of the ABA-independent regulation mechanism for the SnRK2 family of protein kinases.  相似文献   

Mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is a key multi-enzyme assembly that is responsible for glucose homeostasis maintenance and conversion of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA. It comprises a central pentagonal dodecahedral core consisting of two subunit types (E2 and E3BP) to which peripheral enzymes (E1 and E3) bind tightly but non-covalently. Currently, there are two conflicting models of PDC (E2 + E3BP) core organisation: the ‘addition’ model (60 + 12) and the ‘substitution’ model (48 + 12). Here we present the first ever low-resolution structures of human recombinant full-length PDC core (rE2/E3BP), truncated PDC core (tE2/E3BP) and native bovine heart PDC core (bE2/E3BP) obtained by small-angle X-ray scattering and small-angle neutron scattering. These structures, corroborated by negative-stain and cryo electron microscopy data, clearly reveal open pentagonal core faces, favouring the ‘substitution’ model of core organisation. The native and recombinant core structures are all similar to the truncated bacterial E2 core crystal structure obtained previously. Cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of rE2/E3BP and rE2/E3BP:E3 directly confirm that the core has open pentagonal faces, agree with scattering-derived models and show density extending outwards from their surfaces, which is much more structurally ordered in the presence of E3. Additionally, analytical ultracentrifugation characterisation of rE2/E3BP, rE2 (full-length recombinant E2-only) and tE2/E3BP supports the substitution model. Superimposition of the small-angle neutron scattering tE2/E3BP and truncated bacterial E2 crystal structures demonstrates conservation of the overall pentagonal dodecahedral morphology, despite evolutionary diversity. In addition, unfolding studies using circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy show that the rE2/E3BP is less stable than its rE2 counterpart, indicative of a role for E3BP in core destabilisation. The architectural complexity and lower stability of the E2/E3BP core may be of benefit to mammals, where sophisticated fine-tuning is required for cores with optimal catalytic and regulatory efficiencies.  相似文献   

We report the X-ray crystal structure of human potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing protein 5 (KCTD5), the first member of the family to be so characterized. Four findings were unexpected. First, the structure reveals assemblies of five subunits while tetramers were anticipated; pentameric stoichiometry is observed also in solution by scanning transmission electron microscopy mass analysis and analytical ultracentrifugation. Second, the same BTB (bric-a-brac, tramtrack, broad complex) domain surface mediates the assembly of five KCTD5 and four voltage-gated K + (Kv) channel subunits; four amino acid differences appear crucial. Third, KCTD5 complexes have well-defined N- and C-terminal modules separated by a flexible linker that swivels by ∼ 30o; the C-module shows a new fold and is required to bind Golgi reassembly stacking protein 55 with ∼ 1 μM affinity, as judged by surface plasmon resonance and ultracentrifugation. Fourth, despite the homology reflected in its name, KCTD5 does not impact the operation of Kv4.2, Kv3.4, Kv2.1, or Kv1.2 channels.  相似文献   

Lucy I. Crouch 《BBA》2010,1797(11):1812-1819
In purple photosynthetic bacteria the initial steps of light energy transduction take place in an RC-LH1 complex formed by the photochemical reaction centre (RC) and the LH1 light harvesting pigment-protein. In Rhodobacter sphaeroides, the RC-LH1 complex assembles in a dimeric form in which two RCs are surrounded by an S-shaped LH1 antenna. There is currently debate over the detailed architecture of this dimeric RC-LH1 complex, with particular emphasis on the location and precise function of a minor polypeptide component termed PufX. It has been hypothesised that the membrane-spanning helical region of PufX contains a GxxxG dimerisation motif that facilitates the formation of a dimer of PufX at the interface of the RC-LH1 dimer, and more specifically that the formation of this PufX dimer seeds assembly of the remaining RC-LH1 dimer (J. Busselez et al., 2007). In the present work this hypothesis was tested by site directed mutagenesis of the glycine residues proposed to form the GxxxG motif. Mutation of these glycines to leucine did not decrease the propensity of the RC-LH1 complex to assemble in a dimeric form, as would be expected from experimental studies of the effect of mutation on GxxxG motifs in other membrane proteins. Indeed increased yields of dimer were seen in two of the glycine-to-leucine mutants constructed. It is concluded that the PufX from Rhodobacter sphaeroides does not contain a genuine GxxxG helix dimerisation motif.  相似文献   

Flavin mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (FMNAT) catalyzes the formation of the essential flavocoenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and plays an important role in flavocoenzyme homeostasis regulation. By sequence comparison, bacterial and eukaryotic FMNAT enzymes belong to two different protein superfamilies and apparently utilize different sets of active-site residues to accomplish the same chemistry. Here we report the first structural characterization of a eukaryotic FMNAT from the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata. Four crystal structures of C. glabrata FMNAT in different complexed forms were determined at 1.20-1.95 Å resolutions, capturing the enzyme active-site states prior to and after catalysis. These structures reveal a novel flavin-binding mode and a unique enzyme-bound FAD conformation. Comparison of the bacterial and eukaryotic FMNATs provides a structural basis for understanding the convergent evolution of the same FMNAT activity from different protein ancestors. Structure-based investigation of the kinetic properties of FMNAT should offer insights into the regulatory mechanisms of FAD homeostasis by FMNAT in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Purine nucleoside phosphorylases (PNPs) and uridine phosphorylases (UPs) are closely related enzymes involved in purine and pyrimidine salvage, respectively, which catalyze the removal of the ribosyl moiety from nucleosides so that the nucleotide base may be recycled. Parasitic protozoa generally are incapable of de novo purine biosynthesis; hence, the purine salvage pathway is of potential therapeutic interest. Information about pyrimidine biosynthesis in these organisms is much more limited. Though all seem to carry at least a subset of enzymes from each pathway, the dependency on de novo pyrimidine synthesis versus salvage varies from organism to organism and even from one growth stage to another. We have structurally and biochemically characterized a putative nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) from the pathogenic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei and find that it is a homodimeric UP. This is the first characterization of a UP from a trypanosomal source despite this activity being observed decades ago. Although this gene was broadly annotated as a putative NP, it was widely inferred to be a purine nucleoside phosphorylase. Our characterization of this trypanosomal enzyme shows that it is possible to distinguish between PNP and UP activity at the sequence level based on the absence or presence of a characteristic UP-specificity insert. We suggest that this recognizable feature may aid in proper annotation of the substrate specificity of enzymes in the NP family.  相似文献   

Nucleotide-binding cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) domains serve as regulatory units in numerous proteins distributed in all kingdoms of life. However, the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain to be established. Recently, we described a subfamily of CBS domain-containing pyrophosphatases (PPases) within family II PPases. Here, we express a novel CBS-PPase from Clostridium perfringens (CPE2055) and show that the enzyme is inhibited by AMP and activated by a novel effector, diadenosine 5′,5-P1,P4-tetraphosphate (AP4A). The structures of the AMP and AP4A complexes of the regulatory region of C. perfringens PPase (cpCBS), comprising a pair of CBS domains interlinked by a DRTGG domain, were determined at 2.3 Å resolution using X-ray crystallography. The structures obtained are the first structures of a DRTGG domain as part of a larger protein structure. The AMP complex contains two AMP molecules per cpCBS dimer, each bound to a single monomer, whereas in the activator-bound complex, one AP4A molecule bridges two monomers. In the nucleotide-bound structures, activator binding induces significant opening of the CBS domain interface, compared with the inhibitor complex. These results provide structural insight into the mechanism of CBS-PPase regulation by nucleotides.  相似文献   

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